A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 336 The Perfection of the Nine-Life Divine Law

Yun Ye was a little surprised.

Although his power was almost completely suppressed by the sealing device, this child had not awakened the three great powers, so he could actually resist the power he inadvertently emitted?

"I am a genius who is destined to become the chief, and I will never give up my position to you. Of course, if you want to challenge me, I will definitely not hold back and let you know how powerful I am!"

The spiky-headed man named Yongfa yelled, very energetic.

"Chief? So that's the case, then I'm looking forward to it. I'm looking forward to everyone who chases their dreams."

"I hope you won't deceive me. If you are a person who talks but does not actually act, then let's use your fists to explain the problem as you said."

Yun Ye couldn't help but laugh. He was not emotional. There seemed to be many interesting children in the new generation——

Although they are children, their intelligence is not necessarily weak. Yun Ye will not underestimate them. The geniuses in this world cannot be deduced by common sense.

Because Yun Ye's attitude was actually kind, even though he had unusual eyes, Yongfa didn't feel that Yun Ye was a dangerous person, and continued to say carelessly: "It's really not straightforward, formal, just hit if you want, what fist can explain the problem , I will definitely become the strongest monk, no one can be my opponent!"

"Yongfa! Shut up, don't embarrass auntie!" His appearance made the little girl at the same table blush, and she suddenly pulled him to sit down.

"What do you know, I'm destined to..." Yongfa still wanted to mutter, but after the little girl exerted his strength, he suddenly grinned and gave up and continued to struggle.

"Okay, students, please sit down. During the actual training, you will have plenty of opportunities, but I hope you can understand that you are just using different methods to make friends, rather than having conflicts and venting your emotions." Yang While An was speaking, the magical magic to calm down the emotions was activated, and the emotions of the two people were calmed down silently.

However, he was surprised to find that Ming Weiyang had no emotions to resolve.

The other boy, who seemed to be hot-tempered, was only full of passion and had no ill intentions.

This actually made Yang An smile.

It seems that his students will be much easier to take care of this time.

The self-introductions continued.

A full hour passed after fifty children had completed their introductions. In this regard, Yang An did not feel that time was wasted.

Getting to know each other is a necessary step, and these self-introductions can quickly break down the barriers between strangers.

And if you express your interests and hobbies, you can find friends faster and grow and progress together.

A positive friend is actually as important as the influence of parents, and sometimes it can even determine the quality of life.

On the contrary, friends who are negative every day, even if they tell the truth, will destroy their fighting spirit and dissolve the meaning of hard work.

Tomorrow there will not be many resources to train those who are falling behind. Even though 3,000 people are enrolled in school, in fact most of the training efforts are concentrated on the first three classes, or even only one class... This is also an helpless fact. , Tomorrow Club is now in such a state of embarrassment.

"The first lesson is the art of nourishing Qi."

"The first step to becoming a monk is to accumulate life energy and awaken one's own potential - and we humans have three major potentials, and the order of awakening is spiritual consciousness, life force, and spiritual roots."

"The Tomorrow Qi Nourishing Technique taught in the school has been continuously optimized by a large number of bachelors and has reached its limit. It is much more effective than the Qi Nourishing Techniques from the outside world. If you don't slack off, you should be able to awaken your spiritual consciousness within a month or two. And with the help of the power of spiritual consciousness, he quickly mastered the art of perfect Qi nourishment.”

Yang An taught the students the art of nourishing Qi and asked them to practice on the spot while he corrected their mistakes.

This is also the reason why the monk school is so large.

No matter what kind of magic you practice, you need space to perform it, and being crowded together will definitely affect your efficiency.

As time passed and dusk arrived, the first day of classes came to an end.

There are four classes a day in the monastic school.

There are two classes in the morning and two classes in the afternoon, with one practice class and one general education class.

The training class is not only about nourishing Qi, but also about actual boxing skills.

Not to mention the general courses, which cover a range of knowledge in mathematics, physics, history, geography, and Chinese. In short, everything except spiritual law.

As for this part of the course, most of the children in Class 1 learned it extremely easily and made rapid progress.

There are only a few outliers who are not very good at this kind of thing. Although they are forcing themselves to learn, they seem to be completely unable to learn it.

For example, the boy with the hedgehog head is a typical hot-blooded and brainless person. However, this kind of hot-blooded and brainless person is not due to his personality, but more to the influence of his eyes.

Among the fifty children, Yongfa is considered the most special one. Those U-shaped spiritual eyes contain extraordinary potential, but their power seems to be accompanied by instability, which will make the child's emotions always in a state of excitement.

It's interesting that there is such a bloodline inheritance in the Tomorrow Society...

After class.

The little girl dragged Yongfa and ran over. The latter was reluctant, but she apologized to Yunye: "Well... Ming Weiyang, I'm sorry, Yongfa is just a bit silly. I don't hate you. Please be patient." Forgive him!"

"Hey, hey, hey, why do you say I'm a little stupid? I'm serious. I will definitely become the chief and rule the world." Yongfa whispered, seeming to be afraid of this little girl.

"Who are you?" Yun Ye said with a smile. He naturally remembered the girl's name, but there was no sense of ceremony.

"My name is Yang Yu, and I am his neighbor... I have known Yongfa since I was a child. He is really not bad, but he is a bit stupid. If it were him, fighting would be the easiest solution, but even if he loses, he will It's hard to give up, that's just his character, he's not trying to hold grudges against you," Yang Yu said seriously.

This is a preventive measure, I hope Yun Ye won't get bored.

"No, I really like spirited people, and my dreams also require strength, right? If someone inspires you, you can go further. Yong Fa, Yang Yu, if possible, I also hope to make friends with you. "Yun Ye stretched out his hand.

Both of them looked at Yun Ye in surprise.

This kind of initiative.

It’s too dazzling!

"Hmph, making friends is making friends, but it is impossible to lose in competition. My dominance will definitely lead to victory tomorrow!"

"Yongfa likes to read ancient stories very much. Some of them are too deep into the drama. I will ask him to get rid of this problem."


Screams echoed through the classroom.

Yongfa felt like his bones were about to break. Why is this stinky girl so strong?

"Ha ha."

Yun Ye couldn't help but laugh, Yang Yu... this child also has outstanding talents, and what's even more rare is that his character is also unexpectedly strong.

Now, he can check other people's talent panels at will. Among these children, Yong Fa and Yang Yu are also in the first echelon.

Is this fate?

Name: Yongfa

Area: Huangzhou·Tomorrow City

Lifespan: 3/49 (↓)

Fortune: D

Physique: C

Spiritual consciousness: C

Comprehension: D

Spiritual root: B

Taoist tools: 0

Strength: E-

Introduction: Possessing a pair of strange spiritual eyes and outstanding talent, he is the most successful product of Kirin genetic engineering.

Name: Yang Yu

Area: Huangzhou·Tomorrow City

Lifespan: 3/92

Fate: C+

Physique: C

Spirituality: D

Comprehension: C

Spiritual root: C

Taoist tools: 0

Strength: E-

Introduction: Yang An's daughter has good talents and character, and is trained as a leader of the new generation.

"Kirin genetic engineering..."

School is over.

Many children chose to stay in school, but Yun Ye left.

The school has various training facilities that ordinary families cannot have, and even research facilities, so it is indeed beneficial for ordinary children to stay, but Yun Ye is already preparing to practice the Silent Spiritual Technique, and a school with too low aura concentration is really not suitable.

go home.

As soon as the family finished eating, Ming Qi took Yun Ye to the training room.

"Weiyang, you have learned all the knowledge and fully understood the mystery of the spiritual method. From today on, you will start practicing the silent spiritual method!"

"The spirit gathering array set up here will continuously release the spiritual energy in the spirit stones. You can practice here every day and practice the Silent Spiritual Technique to perfection as soon as possible."

"At that time, you can appreciate the mystery of the spiritual method and truly embark on the path of spiritual practice!"

Yun Ye nodded: "Yes."

He sat down cross-legged and began to cast the silent spiritual meridians. The spiritual storm formed immediately and condensed into an entity in his body in the blink of an eye.

This exaggerated swallowing made Ming Qi take a few steps back, showing shock.

He realized that the Tomorrow Society had completely restricted Ming Weiyang's development. In a city where spiritual energy was divided among countless people, Yun Ye's growth was less than one percent of normal!

Tomorrow will be too poor. Even if a large amount of resources are allocated to Yun Ye, the converted spiritual energy will not even be as good as that of the Xiang Clan, let alone the Yuntian Spirit Sect with super spiritual veins.

However, Yun Ye didn't care. He had already broken away from the shackles of the basic realm. For him now, he could reach the first realm in a blink of an eye. If necessary, he could just enter the secret realm to extract a large amount of spiritual energy.

In the past three years, Yun Ye has been digesting a lot of basic knowledge of Tomorrow Society. After more than 20 years of development, whether it is formations, weapon refining, alchemy or other aspects, Tomorrow Society has made great progress. This kind of progress It is a different path from Yuntian Lingzong.

Even though Yun Ye has seen a lot in Yuntian Lingzong, he still gained a lot when digesting the knowledge of Tomorrow Society, and his abilities in all aspects are rapidly improving.

Especially when it comes to divine spells and formations, his level used to be about the same as that of a three-legged cat. But after learning the new logic that will be clearer tomorrow, whether he is using the newly learned divine spells or the nine-life divine spells, the effect is the same. The surge is completely different from the past.

If we were to give an example, it would probably be the difference between beginners and masters. The gap is immeasurably large.

"The natural nine-life divine method, as well as the additional talent of divine consciousness precision, make it much easier for me to understand the nine-life divine method."

Yun Ye opened his eyes, and a dark light flashed in his eyes.

After three years, he finally perfected the Nine Lives Magic and reached the edge of the road to heaven.

Put your hands together.

The nine-life divine method of perfect mortal realm is activated.

For a moment, Yun Ye seemed to have entered the long river of luck, all matter became illusory, and only the flow of various colors of luck was clearly visible.

Yun Ye could see that his luck was constantly being lost and replenished, and he could also see that tomorrow's luck would come from afar and then flow to a distant place.

To a certain extent, this luck is also a line of cause and effect, through which Yun Ye can see the ups and downs of his own future fortunes.

If it is dyed black, it means there is danger. If it is completely black, it means there is a certain death situation.

"It seems that Tomorrow City is still safe, and there is no trace of calamity at all."

"That's right. There are many practitioners of the Nine-Life Divine Technique, and there are True Heavenly Instruments, so I don't need to worry about it."

Yun Ye waved his hand to close the entrance to Yingyue Secret Realm and stopped the supply of magic medicine.

His ability to achieve perfection in three years of practice was naturally due to the magical elixir from the secret realm. Otherwise, with the difficulty of the Nine-Life Divine Art, it would have taken decades to achieve perfection.

As researchers, Mingqi and his wife would bring back things they wanted to study from time to time, and elixir seeds were one of them. Yunye had no shortage of elixir resources.

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