A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 337 Clubs and Deduction Games

A month flies by.

Yun Ye was even more amazed at the Monk School, because he found that there were really many interesting things here.

Moreover, the children with outstanding talents far exceeded his imagination. At least five children could keep up with his thinking.

Although he could only understand his words without much self-awareness, it was enough to amaze him, and he was only a three-year-old child.

What about those that have grown up?

Perhaps, the development of the Tomorrow Society is far better than he imagined. In this extraordinary world, individual talents surpass the earth too much.

One day at noon, Yun Ye and three children were eating in the cafeteria when someone suddenly mentioned a topic.


Yun Ye showed a surprised expression.

"Yes, the club, I heard it mentioned by the seniors, but it seems that the club can only be joined or established after the spiritual root is revived."

The boy named Tian Jialun said.

"Interesting, tell me in detail!"

Yun Ye said.

"Weiyang, I just heard it from hearsay. Why don't we ask Teacher Yang?"

Tian Jialun is only three years old. Perhaps because of his talent, he is far more mature than normal people, but he is not yet infallible.

"Then just finish eating and ask the teacher. It's boring to just spin around in the playground every time."

Yun Ye has nothing to do, so it would be nice to unlock new things in school.

"I know this. My brother told me this and told me to establish a club."

A girl suddenly spoke. Her name was Tang Si. She was also one of the friends Yun Ye had made these days. She was a child with a very peaceful personality.

"Oh, that's just right, tell me."

Yun Ye put down his chopsticks. Since someone knew, he wasn't in a hurry to finish eating.

"Well... the monk's school is very big and has enough classrooms. In order to bring like-minded children together to grow up, we set up a club."

Tang Si nodded and explained the mechanism of the society to everyone.

Unlike most school clubs seen in novels, the monks' school clubs have fixed resources and will not increase their share due to the number of people.

For this reason, most clubs have less than ten people in order to avoid insufficient resources for activities.

"Clubs can use a lot of extra things, such as the use of equipment, additional resources, etc. However, although club resources are fixed, if you want to obtain them, you still have to complete the tasks designated by the school."

Tang Si emphasized this point, which means that fishing is useless, and there is no way to get activity funds and the like.

"Amazing...interesting...can you still do this?"

Yun Ye nodded.

This feeling is a bit like going on a group adventure when you were a kid.

Once you meet the right person, you'll have fun all day long.

By replacing exploring the city with several major branches of the monastic school, the monastic academy can actually do a lot more than expected.

The four major side doors: talismans, formations, alchemy, and weapon refining.

The three heavenly paths: spiritual method, divine method, and physical method.

And other branches such as tactics, Gu magic, and beast control.

With so many categories, there's always something of interest.

Forming a team in this way stimulates creativity. Regardless of whether there are results or not, it will definitely lead to personal growth.

Even if you do it with a playful attitude, it is better than doing nothing.

The most important thing is that since it can be set up by yourself and a few friends, the threshold is zero, which can stimulate children's action.

This mechanism is obviously not for cultivating warriors.

"What are the specific tasks assigned by the school?"

Another child was also a little curious. His name was Wu Xianzhang. It seemed that because of his tutoring, he recognized Yun Ye's ideals very much, so he approached Yun Ye on the first day. After some exchanges, he gradually became familiar with him, and he was inseparable in school. .

"Some topics, or competitions. My brother has participated in the spirit insect research competition. It seems that some powerful spirit insects are cultivated and then scored. The higher the ranking, the more resources you will get - even if you fail, you can still do it a few more times. Get all the month’s share.”

Tang Si thought for a while and said.

Everyone was thoughtful, the combination of cultivation and beast control sounded quite interesting.

"How far have you reached in your cultivation? You must revive your spiritual roots before you can join a club or form a club." She asked everyone.

"Spiritual consciousness awakens." Tian Jialun said.

"The consciousness is awakened," Wu Xianzhang said.

Tang Si looked at Yun Ye: "I practiced before going to school. It was my life force that awakened me. What about you, Weiyang?"

"Spiritual root awakening. It seems that you have to work hard and strive to complete the awakening of the three methods within two months." Yun Ye said.

"Weiyang, have you already completed the spiritual root resuscitation..." The three children present showed unexpected expressions.

It's been a month, and they have never seen Yun Ye practice Qi-nurturing techniques. There is only one reason for this situation - Yun Ye has no need to practice.

"But it's natural. After all, you are the famous Wei Young. Now that someone has awakened the spiritual root, we can actually prepare in advance. The club's tasks are not only done after joining the club." Tang Si said.

"If you have a clear goal, you can get twice the result with half the effort? That's fine." Yun Ye nodded.

The four of them finished their meal quickly.

Then he went straight to the teachers' offices and found Yang An.

When I found Yang An, there were older students playing chess with Yang An. They were playing some kind of game on a sandbox just like chess.

"President Weiyang, do you have anything to do with the teacher?" Although his hands were kept on the sand table to input spiritual power, Yang An still had the energy to talk.

The young man sitting opposite him was not so at ease. His face was already dripping with sweat, and he was staring at the sand table, as if there was something terrible on it eating away at his spirit.

"Teacher, it's about establishing a club. What are the requirements for establishing a club?" Yun Ye said.

"Huh? A club? Apart from you, no one else has yet reached the stage of awakening their spiritual roots. It takes at least two people to establish a club." Yang An said.

"Well, actually we want to know the mission topic so that we can have a clear goal to work towards." Yun Ye said.

"Is it a subject?"

Yang An couldn't help but raise his head and let go of his right hand that was inputting spiritual power.

The student opposite him also let go at the same time, stood up and bowed: "I lost, Teacher Yang, take your leave."

"Keep working hard next time. This time you will make more progress than last time. I will mark your scores." Yang An said with a smile.

The student saluted again and exited the classroom. He glanced at the four of them at Yun Ye at the end, especially Yun Ye. He looked at them without leaving any trace for a moment and recognized them.

"Ming Weiyang..."

With a murmur, the student disappeared from everyone's sight.

They looked away and looked at Yang An: "Teacher, is he here?"

"His purpose is the same as yours. It's for the project. This thing is called a deduction game. Have you heard of it?" Yang An tapped the edge of the sand table.

"Deduction game?" Everyone chewed on these four words for a moment, but no one had any impression, so they shook their heads.

"Haha, it's normal. This is a game I made. It is a test of spiritual precision. In order to improve this game, I specially assigned tasks to all clubs. If you can play against me and win, it can be regarded as completed. Half a month's share, even if you fail, you will get at least one day's share - but there is only one challenge opportunity per week, after all, I don't have time all the time," Yang Andao.

Everyone was slightly startled: "Teacher Yang, are all the topics assigned by the teachers?"

"Not only teachers, but also students can get recognition. However, most of the students' projects are competitions, and it is still difficult to get recognition for other projects."

Yang An recommended, "If you want to prepare for the game in advance, you can try playing against me. The higher your proficiency, the higher your score will be."

"How about it, are you interested?"

The four children looked at each other. At this stage, it is impossible for them to say that they are afraid of failure, but this is a game that can only be played by awakening the spiritual roots, right?

"Although you can't play chess after awakening your spiritual consciousness, you can watch the battle. After that, the chessboard can also be given to you for practice. I believe you will be able to complete the recovery of your spiritual roots soon." Yang An saw everyone's thoughts and said.

"Okay, let's watch a game first. Teacher, since it is a game, there must be rules, right? Please tell me the rules of the game." Yun Ye said.

"Actually, there are no rules for the game. You just need to control the internal simulated virtual image to fight and win. What determines the outcome is computing power and spiritual control." Yang An smiled.

Computational power and spiritual control?

A flash of surprise flashed in Yun Ye's eyes. It seemed that this game was more than just a game.

"Input spiritual power - completed!"

"Game perspective - start!"

Yun Ye and Yang An input spiritual power at the same time, and then the original sand table suddenly enlarged, showing a forest battlefield.

From the game perspective, only a quarter of one's side can be seen, and the rest is completely dark.

It is also marked on the map that two-quarters of the middle part is the neutral zone.

The remaining quarter is enemy territory.

"Weiyang, each side has nine simulated virtual images that can be used. The meaning of the simulation game is to use the virtual images as perfectly as possible, and kill all nine of the opponent's virtual images with strategy or hard power. There is also a time limit. When the time is up, the remaining virtual images will be used. The more side wins outright.”

"It will be difficult to control the virtual image at the beginning. You can try to operate it first. I will not move within a minute."

Yang An only gave Yun Ye one minute.

After all, this is the famous genius, and one minute is enough.

Yun Ye began to control the virtual image.

The spiritual power flows, connecting the virtual image. As it overflows and fills up, the virtual image also moves, but the movement is extremely slow and slow.

Yun Ye was thoughtful, and immediately accelerated the flow of spiritual power, and the virtual image moved at a high speed as expected.

This is a simulated virtual image, which is essentially a group of spiritual power. Naturally, the virtual image moves as fast as the spiritual power input by Yun Ye flows.


"Don't put out the fire."

Black flames were born from the hands of the virtual image, covering the body and burning around, causing violent destruction.

Various spiritual techniques can be reproduced here.

The higher the quality of the spiritual power, the stronger the spiritual control, and the stronger the power of the virtual image. This is indeed a game of competing for one's own strength. In essence, it just makes the battle of spiritual power safer.

"Huh? Is the battle safe?"

Yun Ye's pupils dilated for a moment. This kind of game was too familiar.

Yang An is thinking...

Recreate the invincible trial?

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