A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 338 The game of training spiritual power and... the evil guest

The meaning of the unparalleled and invincible trial can be understood once you have done it.

It was a perfect training ground where one could fully demonstrate their strength and engage in life-and-death battles without having to worry about any trauma. It was a miracle that allowed people to grow rapidly.

Although the deduction game in front of us is rough, it is indeed evolving in this direction.

"Tap! Tread! Tread!"

Under Yun Ye's control, the virtual image took heavy steps through his own area and entered the neutral forest.

The field of view is not God's perspective, it is obtained through the eyes of the virtual image, which is very narrow.

The rest of the area is not completely dark due to spiritual consciousness, but it is much blurry than the direction in which the eyes are looking.

Generally speaking, manipulating virtual images will divert most of the energy, making it impossible to use too sophisticated spiritual consciousness.

In this case, detecting the enemy in advance will be a great advantage.

Yun Ye did not use magic eyes, ground wave detection or other techniques, but directly broke into the enemy area.

"Because this is the first game, do you want to fight head-on? It's too reckless. There is no chance for trial and error on the battlefield. If you make one wrong move, you will lose the game."

Yang An's voice sounded.

"Teacher, the nine virtual images are listed in the formation. They should be attackable, right?"

Yun Ye's virtual image raised his hand, and the earth-yellow spiritual power gathered vigorously. He didn't wait for Yang An to answer, and pressed it directly into the ground - boom!

The entire earth cracked and spread crazily towards Yang An's position.


But there was no response.

Yun Ye walked in and took a look and found that all the virtual images had disappeared.

"A dual-purpose user can control multiple virtual images at the same time, but the virtual images that have been controlled cannot be removed, otherwise they will dissipate directly."

Although Yang An said there are no rules, in fact the limitation of personal ability is the biggest rule.

An expert can control nine virtual images at once, but a beginner can only control one. The difference is that even if the spiritual power is much stronger, he will still lose.

"Weiyang, go back quickly, the teacher's virtual image has already invaded your position!"

Tian Jialun and the others quickly reminded.

as expected.

There were multiple figures rushing into the position, but at a glance, there were only four people, not nine.

"Although I can maintain nine people, if it is a precise battle, I can only control four people at most. So... Weiyang, do you want to give up a virtual image and come back directly?"

Yang An smiled and said without any hesitation, the overwhelming rain poured down, locking the positions of Yun Ye's remaining eight virtual images.

Immediately afterwards, a large number of water dragons rose into the sky and fell like meteorites, trying to crush everything.

"I'm about to lose. The teacher was too merciless and just used all his strength. How can there be any familiar effect here?"

Tian Jialun said speechlessly.

"It would be better to say...the teacher attaches great importance to Weiyang, otherwise why would he use his full strength?"

Wu Xianzhang said.

"Indeed, Weiyang should be able to control a few more virtual images. I don't know how long it can last."

Tang Si nodded.

She didn't believe that Ming Weiyang could be defeated so easily.

Perhaps ordinary people need time to get familiar with it, and it is difficult to control multiple virtual images at once, but Ming Weiyang is definitely not in this category!


The virtual image in Yang An's position was directly cut off by Yun Ye and disappeared into the air.

The eight virtual images in Yunye's position immediately started to move.


The transparent virtual images were filled with color, and multiple virtual images revived, trying to resist Yang An's attack with all their strength.

"It's too late, you have no time to adjust."

Yang An said.

The four water dragons bit it down completely and smashed the entire simulated earth, creating a large crater hundreds of meters high.

This kind of destructive power can only be caused by the extremely spiritual water method. Even if there is defense, if it is not at full strength, the only result will be crushing.

However, as soon as he finished speaking, Yang An let out a sigh——

He failed and couldn't deal with Yun Ye in one go.

"Teacher, it was very thrilling, just a little bit close."

Yun Ye's voice sounded.

Each virtual image, as the violent spiritual power rises, the dust is gathered, condensed into a strange rock gun that gathers, disperses, and separates.

"The second level of Ji Ling's spiritual method - body destruction."

The rock gun shot out.

It suddenly penetrated into a virtual image of Yang An, and the four virtual images of Yang An immediately formed a formation, forming an indestructible defensive barrier. Even the fusion of water and earth, the spiritual method that can destroy all forms could not work, and was completely offset by the huge spiritual power.

But then, another virtual image waved its hand, and the gray spread, freezing everything.

The attack between two forces, with the advantage of the formation, can indeed resist for a moment.

But that's about it.

As the formation collapsed, the four virtual images were immediately obliterated, making it almost impossible to fight back.

"I originally thought I could suppress it with experience, but I didn't expect that I lost the first game. You are indeed a unique genius."

Yang An shrugged. He knew this result when he saw that the virtual image was not defeated immediately, and he was not surprised.

Ming Weiyang possesses the three spiritual roots of water, fire and earth at the same time, and the completeness of the spiritual roots and the ability to control spiritual energy are ridiculously high. In terms of individual strength, it is impossible for him to win with only ordinary water spiritual roots.

And for games set up to simulate real battles, it is impossible to limit innate conditions. Once you have overwhelming power, no matter how exquisite technology and experience are, it is empty talk.

Otherwise, the Tomorrow Society would not choose to guide the vast majority of people to the research side and only train a few monks to participate in combat. This is the battle law of monks. The more valuable you are, the more valuable you are.

"Thank you, teacher. Everyone has different talents. This kind of simulated combat is the teacher's talent. If it can be more realistic, it will only consume some spiritual power to train us into warriors who can fight a hundred battles."

Yun Ye said.

"It's too difficult. If it's not completely true, it won't be beneficial to a life-and-death battle."

Yang An shook his head.

The Tomorrow Society also stopped research because of this and could not find a feasible way.

In other words, the cost is too high for the entire Tomorrow Society to bear.

"It's also good to familiarize yourself with the battle in advance. It will have some effect. No matter how bad it is, it is also a prop that can exercise spiritual control."

Yun Ye said.

"In terms of training spiritual power, this deduction game is really good. It allows people to devote themselves to training without feeling boring. It still makes sense for me to improve it."

Yang An only agreed with this point.

For real combat experience, this sandbox is of little use and even has flaws, because the sandbox will not die, but reality will. If you train with this kind of thing for a long time, you may not be able to distinguish between real and false. Using it in reality will lead to death. Tactics.


Yun Ye and the others left the office holding the sand tray.

Yang An specially gave them permission to use an activity room in advance.

It's okay for a genius who can easily defeat him to get this preferential treatment.

"Weiyang, you have mastered a variety of dual-level spiritual techniques. This is so powerful. We haven't even awakened our spiritual roots yet."

"It is said that even among the third-level monks, there are still many who cannot master the second-level spiritual method of Jiling."

Along the way, the three of them sighed. Ming Weiyang won too quickly and too devastatingly.

It really opened their eyes to the fact that genius can reach such heights.

This kind of power is an understatement to say it makes people despair. If it were an ordinary person, I would probably not want to catch up at all, right?

"Hey, what are you moving? Isn't it interesting? Why don't you show me this?"

When Yun Ye and the others walked through the corridor, they bumped into the hedgehog head, and Yong Fa immediately came over shouting.

This is how he expresses his emotions, probably similar to when he was a kid and saw his friends buying snacks.

The kind that wanted to eat so much, but was embarrassed, so he went up and started it off with "Holy shit, don't you want some of this?"

But it's different from ordinary children.

Yongfa is always surrounded by his enviable childhood sweetheart. As soon as Yongfa opens his mouth, she directly pushes him to the ground.

"You'd better stop talking, idiot."

——The life force was awakened, and Yang Yu's strength became much stronger.

"You guy..."

Yongfa, whose face hit the ground, was twitching like a frozen corpse and couldn't get up for a long time.

"We are about to move the sand table props for the deduction game to the activity room. If you want to know, just go over and have a sit."

Yun Ye invited.

"Club? Weiyang, have you already established a club?"

Yang Yu brought up Yongfa, who was like a dead fish, and followed the team.

"I got the activity room first, and the future tasks will be half easier - Weiyang is too strong and can easily complete the tasks assigned by Teacher Yang."

Tang Si and Yang Yu walked side by side, and the relationship between girls was better.

Everyone quickly arrived at the activity room.

how to say.

Very spacious.

The lighting is also good.

The only problem is that this activity room is already occupied.

It was a young man with brilliant blond hair, his whole body filled with burning vitality. He was looking up at the sun by the window.

After hearing someone pushing the door open, he didn't even turn his head and spoke very coldly:

"If I were you, I would exit this room immediately."

Everyone looked at each other.

Is this the wrong place?

Yun Ye shook his head. They did not go wrong. This was indeed the activity room Yang An mentioned.

"Is there already a club here? We are..."


The hot breath exploded.

The heat wave swept through the air and directly hit everyone. The expressions of the six people present changed. Yongfa suddenly woke up, and a pair of spiritual eyes bloomed.


The gray spiritual power lay in front of him, offsetting all the heat waves. It was Yun Ye who took action to isolate everything.

He frowned and looked at the young man.

They were all monks. He didn't believe that this young man couldn't see that they were just three-year-old children, and they would carry out such a heavy attack without any warning?

"Who are you to be so arrogant and attack us directly in school? If this matter is reported, you will be severely punished!"

Yang Yu yelled loudly after being distracted for a moment.

She has never encountered such a thing. If Yun Ye hadn't stopped him, they would have been seriously injured. This is too bad!


The blond boy didn't speak to them at all. He shook his sleeves, and cold murderous aura burst out, as if a big sun exploded, and the ultimate yang energy blasted towards everyone.

It seems that this person doesn't care about the school's rules at all. Since there is someone behind him, he feels unruly and wants to be lawless.

"Am I the target?"

Yun Ye felt that he was being targeted. Previously, this person had no purpose and just wanted to get rid of them, but now he was targeted.

His eyes were full of displeasure, as if he couldn't bear the existence of an equally powerful genius.

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