"The vitality is overflowing... This is the Great Adult Body Technique! No, you can't fight him, go find the teacher immediately!"

Yang Yu's face changed slightly, and his watch had automatically contacted the nearest teacher.

But this scene only made the blond boy look at it with disdain. The next second, the bright sun exploded, turning into a torrent and bombarding Yun Ye's gray spiritual power.

However, the gray spiritual power has not wavered at all. Yun Ye's talent in this life is even stronger, and his fourth-level spirituality is like a natural barrier that cannot be broken through by superior physical skills.

Yun Ye handed the sand tray to Wu Xianzhang and said, "Take it... It seems I have to reason with him."

"Wait, Weiyang, you don't need to risk fighting him. Just wait for the teacher to deal with it, otherwise you will be punished together." Yang Yu knew that this young man must have an unusual background. Even if Ming Weiyang is very strong, he must be punished. Conflict is not an option either.

"It doesn't matter." Yun Ye replied casually, and the gray spiritual power spread, destroying the life force as hot as the sun.

"Fighting with me? You don't know the heights of the world. You are just a group of domestic animals. Do you want to be compared with the lions who have fought hundreds of bloody battles?" The blond boy spoke with a sneer, and the burning life force rose up to compete with the silent spiritual power.

At this moment, he was getting more angry and wanted to take action and suppress Yun Ye directly.

I saw the pure white star ring suddenly appeared, and my vitality was stimulated to the extreme.

He showed a serious look: "I have given you a chance, but it is a pity that you did not grasp it. In this case, I will break all the bones in your body with my own hands."


Life force strengthens speed power far more than spiritual force. His figure seems to have traveled through space and instantly appeared in front of Yun Ye, creating a path through it.

"Are you just trying to stop me with the second-level spiritual magic of Ji Ling?" He was quite pretentious and looked down on the second-level spiritual magic of Ji Ling. He punched down to include all the children who were several heads shorter than him. Although his own fist He didn't touch anyone, but the terrifying force was suppressed. Even if he finally stopped, everyone would be seriously injured at least.

"Boom!" Yun Ye held down his hand, and the spiritual power of silence spread upward, destroying everything.

"What?" The blond boy did not expect this result. He activated his life force and circulated his life method. The star ring was emitting powerful secret power, trying to suppress the silent spiritual power, but it had no effect.

As the gray passes, all consciousness disappears. This is an overwhelming force that cannot be suppressed by the power he is using now!

"It seems like you are really a genius? No way...the more I see things like this from you, the angrier I get...I've wasted too much time!"

The blond boy exuded a strong smell of blood, as if he was suppressing something, and then suddenly the sun rose across the sky, emitting the ultimate light.

"What...what happened?"

"It's a vision!"

Yang Yu is the daughter of Yang An. She is very knowledgeable and her expression suddenly turns pale.

The entire classroom was covered in light, and they were pulled into a brand new world.

The vast and endless grassland.

as well as.

The scorching sun!

Because of the vision, the blond boy widened the spatial distance, and the black and white of his arms quickly faded, erased by the scorching power.

He stared at Yun Ye, with the coldness in his eyes that couldn't go away: "This is really a genius. He can reach this point at only three years old, haha!"

"However, provoking me is the mistake of your life. I will let you know what despair is!"

The sun shines brightly.

It gathered into a scorching fireball in his hand.

Compared with Yun Ye who has no time to develop more methods, countless researchers will provide practical training plans tomorrow.

He took the vision further and exerted even more power.

"I remember, he is the youngest second-level monk in the Tomorrow Society in history. He is only twelve years old and has a strength comparable to the peak of the spiritual realm..."

Yang Yu completely recognized this big sun phenomenon. She had seen it in many recorded videos. This was a very powerful genius.

But before she could finish her words, the vision suddenly faded away and the sun fell.

As soon as Yun Ye raised his hand, the world turned into gray.

A sculpture frozen in black and white.

Yang Yu opened his mouth wide and almost lost his voice as he spat out the last few words: "His name is Wu Cheng."

Wu Cheng, the combat power he will cultivate tomorrow, uses Xiangying's legacy to unlock physical visions. This power makes him invincible in the spiritual realm.

This is an amazing talent!

However, this kind of character seemed to be a joke in front of Ming Weiyang. He was no match at all and was killed instantly!

The most terrifying thing is that Yang Yu understood Yun Ye's thoughts.

Wu Cheng wants to launch a large-scale move, which is very troublesome to resist. Yun Ye will definitely be fine, but they may be injured.

In order to avoid trouble, Yun Yecai killed this person instantly with one move. To him, this kind of opponent was nothing more than an ant and could be easily suppressed.

"Weiyang, are you going to kill him? If he dies, you will be in big trouble. Tomorrow will be the most taboo about killing fellow sect members, so stop it!"

Thoughts were running around, and the next second, Yang Yu shouted.

No matter what, it is absolutely not okay to kill fellow sect members. They will be punished by the meeting tomorrow. There is a Taoist weapon flying across the sky, no matter how strong you are, it is meaningless!

Tian Jialun, Tang Si, and Wu Xianzhang also woke up and felt that something was wrong. According to the laws of the Tomorrow Society, killing a fellow disciple was the death penalty!

They all shouted, telling Yun Ye to keep his hands, which could be described as panic.

Only Yongfa hesitated for a moment and said, "Don't worry, this trash is still alive, but..."

"Just?" Everyone's worries, which had just been relieved, started to rise again.

"It's just broken bones." Yun Ye said.

Cracks appear everywhere in black and white space-time.

It exploded.

Wu Cheng inside broke away from the seal and regained consciousness. As if he didn't react, he fell directly to the ground.


What followed was intense pain that filled his whole body, causing him to scream miserably on the spot. He was squirming on the ground, unable to even lift a finger.

When he realized what had happened, murderous intent suddenly came to his head, and he roared crazily: "My bones, ahhh... I'm going to kill you!!!"

He activated his secret technique, and golden beams of light burst out all over his body. His bones were reorganizing and trying to recover.

The vision of the sun in the sky is originally the body of the sun. It has very strong vitality and can recover quickly from ordinary injuries. What's more, now he is supplemented by secret techniques?

He stood up again, with traces of light all over his body, like a torn and glued doll. He summoned more powerful power in his rage.

As a warrior who has entered the spiritual realm and killed countless enemies, Wu Cheng naturally cannot have such strength, but he simply has no time to show it.

If he takes action with all his strength, how can a little kid want to do it?

"Big Sun Fist!"

The Ultimate Life Body Technique, the Great Sun Fist, converts life force into the power of the Extreme Yang, which has the power to destroy all evil spirits and can also cause the target being attacked to spontaneously ignite directly, whether it is metal, stone, earth, wood, or flesh and blood.

The power of this punch is completely beyond the mortal realm. It is the power of the real spiritual realm. If it moves, an area of ​​100 meters will collapse.

But Wu Cheng was so angry that he didn't notice at all. The entire classroom was motionless and not damaged at all by his power.

You know, Tomorrow Society does not have the luxury of arranging formations in all areas for reinforcement. These buildings are made of ordinary materials and will be destroyed by a touch for spiritual realm monks.

At this time, he made many attacks, but did not cause damage to the classroom. It was obvious that the power of the protector was far greater than his.

So he failed miserably without any surprise. Yun Ye pinched his arm and waved it suddenly.


He was like a noodle, smashed directly into the ground, making a loud noise, and at some point, the ground was covered with black and white. Although he hit hard, it did not damage the ground at all.


Wu Cheng vomited blood and his consciousness was blurred at this moment. Only then did he realize that the child in front of him was a complete monster and he was no match at all.

"I have a dream. I hope to remove all obstacles and establish a peaceful and orderly country." Yun Ye said slowly.

"Haha... Hypocrisy. In the final analysis, you are just raising some domestic animals to realize your own interests! Kill me if you can. I want to see if Tomorrow Meeting, who is said to be selfless, will kill you and enforce justice!" Wu Cheng spit out a mouthful of blood and sneered.

"It seems that you are very self-aware. I hope you will not betray us in the future, otherwise it may not be as simple as a broken bone." Yun Ye obviously did not intend to talk about dreams with Wu Cheng, he just wanted to say it.

Those who obstruct will be killed without mercy.

But there is no need to say this.

"Wu Cheng! Stop!"

The teacher finally arrived and roared from a distance. When his consciousness swept away, he was stunned. Why was it that Wu Cheng was the one lying on the ground miserably?

"He attacked, we fought back, and he fell naturally." Yun Ye said.

"..." The teacher was stunned. Did he just say it?


Two figures flashed out and clasped Wu Cheng's hands directly. His life force aura was rapidly declining. It was some kind of sealing technique at work.

"We took the people away."

The two figures were extremely eye-catching in white uniforms. The teacher who came over blurted out: "Executor!"

"The evidence is conclusive. We will hand it over to the judicial authorities and we will definitely punish him severely." This word attracted the eyes of the two men in white uniforms. They nodded to the teacher and then disappeared with Wu Cheng.

"Teacher, who are they?" The children had never heard of the executors, but this sudden appearance and sudden disappearance was very cool and aroused their curiosity.

The teacher who came over was a strong man. He thought for a while, and then he suddenly realized when his eyes fell on Yun Ye: "So that's it."

"What's going on?" everyone asked.

"Nothing, I'm just curious why the Executor appeared so quickly."

Teacher Zhuanghan said, "The executor is the No. 8 agency of the Tomorrow City. Its responsibility is law enforcement and protection. All cases in Tomorrow City are solved by the executors. We can also seek help from the executors at any time."

"I didn't expect that Wu Cheng would make such a big mistake just after he came back. The most important thing is that he was caught on the spot by these executioners. It seems that this time it will not be easy..."

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