A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 343 The issue of insecticide

A year flies by.

The children are all four years old and have all awakened to the three methods and begun to practice various methods.

Yun Ye also established a club with Tian Jialun and the others, named it "Three Days Club", and started various projects.

After Wu Cheng's incident, Yun Ye's significance to the society became much clearer. It was a mechanism for cultivating bachelors and had nothing to do with combat.

Most people in monastic schools have to devote themselves to research and cannot become monks, so creativity is extremely important, and the society cultivates this.

This year, Yun Ye's spiritual cultivation has been progressing slowly. No matter how talented he is, there is nothing he can do without spiritual energy.

Therefore, Yun Ye's overall practice direction turned to divine methods, and he gained a lot in one year.

Not only can the cultivation of divine methods enhance the cultivation of spiritual methods, but there are also grand ceremony-level divine methods such as the Nine-Life Divine Method, which require a long time to study.

The more profound the divine method is, the higher the accuracy. If you don't practice it, you will always be half-baked, which is not in line with Yun Ye's style. As a reincarnation, he must strive for excellence.

"Is it so complicated to only have three lives? With my current talent, it actually took me two or three years..."

Yun Ye could clearly feel that the further back he went, the harder it became.

The Nine Lives Divine Law is divided into nine stages, from one life to nine lives.

The more fates that can be demarcated, the higher the difficulty. Even each stage has a corresponding proficiency, but it is meaningless to just barely use it.

One life is to deduce the trajectory of a person's actions, and nine lives is to deduce the trajectory of the entire country and the entire world.

The increase in the amount of calculation is not as simple as tenfold.

If Yun Ye hadn't been extremely talented in this life and could carve calculation formulas into his instincts in a blink of an eye, it would have taken at least twenty years for him to learn three lives.

It's no wonder that Tomorrow will use great efforts to optimize it. Ordinary people can't learn this thing without optimization, and even the one-life threshold is hopelessly high.

Probably only a genius of Yun Ye's level could hope to become self-taught in his lifetime.

Activity Room.

Mosquitoes are flying around.

"Ahhhhh, these things and I are at odds with each other, I'm so annoyed!"

Yongfaqi culled wildly, but after each culling, the next day was full of mosquitoes. He was doing a completely useless job.

"Just use divine and physical methods to isolate them. Do you think we have troubles?"

Yang Yu, who was reading, looked up.

"It's just some mortal insects, it shouldn't be that big of a deal, right?"

Tian Jialun waved his hand, and all the mosquitoes were gathered together by the power of the five elements and crushed into a black spot.

"I'm different from you. I'm not born with the ability to practice divine and physical techniques. Even the golden and spiritual techniques I can't use are very unstable. These bugs are really annoying!"

Yongfa was so angry that if he activated the Golden Spirit Technique, he could indeed keep away the mosquitoes, but it would probably hurt others. He couldn't just rely on his mood.

As far as erasing tiny objects is concerned, the spiritual method is not as convenient as the divine method of directly squeezing the mosquitoes to death in the air, nor can the physical method directly scare the mosquitoes to death by leaking their aura.

Annoying, this is what annoys him the most every day.


The door was pushed open, and Yun Ye and Wu Xianzhang walked in. They heard Yongfa's complaints from a distance. Yun Ye suggested: "In this case, you might as well try to overcome your shortcomings. You are not completely unable to use divine magic, right?" ?”

"That's easy to say. Will you complete my daily homework for me?" Yongfa refused without thinking. It was very difficult for him to just practice spiritual methods.

"Without effort, there is naturally no gain. If you don't want to delay your spiritual practice, you can also improve your own Golden Spirit Technique." Yun Ye said.

"I've already been perfecting it." Yongfa bent forward in frustration and didn't want to speak anymore.

Apparently, his efforts were ineffective.

The influence of those spiritual eyes was so great that he could not learn anything except themselves. In other words, it was extremely difficult, and the effort and reward were not proportional.

"Mosquitoes? Recently, the club happened to have a project to explore how to kill mosquitoes efficiently. This thing is also a scourge for Tomorrow City and has never been eradicated. We can try this project."

Tang Si walked out from behind Yun Ye and the others, pulled out a chair and sat down. She also held a book in her hand and sat with Yang Yu.

"Is it true that some insects can also become a disaster?"

Everyone was surprised.

"Of course. Some bugs are spirit bugs and are highly poisonous. Every year there are cases of people being bitten by spirit bugs and being poisoned and hospitalized. Some people even died from it this year. That's why we released the topic and worked together. Maybe our research will be completed. There’s still this subject.”

"You don't know it at all, do you?"

Tang Si said in surprise.

Everyone was sweating. They were all spiritual practitioners. Some small spiritual insects were crushed to death casually. How could they pay attention to these.


Everyone was startled. Yun Ye didn't know when he sat down. He hit the table with his fist and said seriously: "Speaking of it, it is indeed like this. I also feel that mosquitoes are a big harm. Even if they are not bitten, just seeing them It’s also frustrating. This topic is of great research value! ”

"Although it is indeed a useful subject, Weiyang...you don't have to be so excited, right? Why do you deliberately act like this?" Yang Yu saw the whole process.

It's so artificial. It's not enough to speak directly, but you have to sit on the front seat and hammer the table to express your importance in this way.

"Yang Yu, you don't understand this. I am very eager to contribute to everyone. First of all, I must be serious!"

Yun Ye spoke righteously.

It was only in the summer that he suddenly remembered that he had been extremely annoyed by mosquitoes in the past, and he always wondered if there was any way to kill them.

Even when he first awakened the Taoist instrument, he had the idea of ​​writing in the rule that "mosquitoes will die if they enter the house."

Although it was only a fleeting moment, one could see how much he was annoyed by these bugs.

When we were ordinary people, it really left a deep impression.

So as soon as this topic came out, his interest immediately came up, even more actively than Yongfa.


Yun Ye raised his hand.

"Hurry up!"

Yongfa was the second to raise his hand.

"Can we do a task that adults can't complete? Sisi, have you ever understood it?"

Tian Jialun had a headache.

"I feel okay."

"As Wei Yang often says, how do you know if you don't try? Even if we can't do it, it's just an attempt, and the teachers don't expect us to complete it."

Tang Si said calmly and raised his hand.

Everyone looked at the last two people.

Yang Yu and Wu Xianzhang.

"I want to read a book. I don't have much time recently."

Yang Yu shook his head.

Wu Xianzhang scratched his messy hair, "I don't care, but how do I get it? Insect-killing poison?"

"4 to 2, passed! Tian Jialun, it's an honor for your talisman skills to come in handy!"

Yongfa instantly appeared behind Tian Jialun, laughing and hugging Tian Jialun.

"Um, okay, okay, it seems that I have to deal with mosquitoes for a while. How should I start with poison?"

Tian Jialun opened Yongfa's hand and said helplessly.

"Speaking of poisons, Wood Spirit Technique is better at this. Even the weakest Wood Spirit Technique can easily poison ordinary mosquitoes. This is indeed a feasible method."

Tang Si raised his hand, and a little bit of green light bloomed into a flower.

"If it's the Extreme Spiritual Wood Technique, or the Only Wood Technique, the effect should be amazing."

Yun Ye was thoughtful, he knew all the five elements' extremely spiritual methods, and the wood spiritual method could easily enhance the effect of poisoning and killing mosquitoes.

If it is the only method, it will not even poison all life except selected mosquitoes.

Using spiritual methods to kill insects is really more effective than any other technology. Nowadays, many farmers use wood spiritual methods to remove pests and eggs.

"Range is the key. The concentration of spiritual energy in Tomorrow City is not high. If the mortal realm is maintained at most a few hundred meters, the spiritual realm can spread out for several kilometers."

"Spiritual realm cultivation is enough, but they are all fighting monks. It would be meaningless if they were asked to take action."

Tang Si's spiritual consciousness spread out, connected with everyone, and presented a large number of pictures.

She showed everyone the achievements of many societies.

The wood spirit method kills insects.

Spell expulsion.

The evil thing scares.

Automatic technique, search and erase.

There are too many students in the monk school, and they are used in basically every aspect imaginable.

Lots of tricks.

Looking for ways to kill insects, a small number of them chose to expel them.

"This has various shortcomings. The cost of expulsion of spells is very high, and the shock of evil objects will make us spiritual magicians feel uncomfortable. The automatic spells are very dynamic and require monks to maintain them around the clock."

"As far as the plans are concerned, they are all feasible. Some areas are already being cleared of mosquitoes. However, the efficiency can be improved. Insect removal is only a small matter and cannot take up too many resources. Only students like us are suitable for this."

Tang Si said.

"In other words, what is needed is a method that can kill mosquitoes on a large scale. It is best not to need monks to maintain it. It can be solved in one go and will not affect other people. The cost should be lower and the movement should be smaller?"

Everyone was listed in turn, with weird expressions. Can they really have both of these?

"This is so whimsical. At most, you can achieve perfection in one aspect. How can you take care of so many aspects at the same time!"

Tian Jialun said with a headache.

They are only four years old and it is too difficult for them to take on this kind of subject.

"List everything that can be achieved and eliminate it. How many points can be taken into consideration?"

Yun Ye said.

"If you really want to say that, I feel that the Wood Spirit Method is the most suitable for this. The poisonous mist released at one time can last for a long time, the range is large enough, and it does not affect other people. The only disadvantage is that the cost is high and it requires a lot of Monk, if we can find a more perfect unique spiritual method, maybe we can reduce the cost, why not study the wood spirit method."

Wu Xianzhang suggested.

"Not many of us have wood spirit roots. If we want to study them, we can only start with the spirit patterns. Have you learned enough?"

Yun Ye said.

"...It seems I'd better change it to another one."

Wu Xianzhang said decisively.

For a moment, the scene fell into silence. Is there any good way?

If this matter is not resolved, Yongfa will find it annoying to fight with mosquitoes every day. The most important thing is that when he gets angry, he will inevitably curse.

Even though scolding won't kill you, you still can't help but vent your emotions in this way, and it's unavoidable.



Yun Ye suddenly thought of inspiration: "Speaking of which, what do you think of the curse?"

I don’t know if I’ve mentioned it to you before, but the inspiration for Taoist tools actually comes from mosquitoes.

When I live in my hometown in the countryside in the summer, there are so many mosquitoes and flies that I really want to spread insecticides all over the place to kill all the bugs.

But I couldn't do it, so I was thinking why God couldn't make a rule so that these bugs would die directly as soon as they entered human settlements.

Is it reasonable for a mosquito as big as a fingernail to live in the house?

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