A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 344 Curse of the Divine Law and Great Victory


Everyone looked confused.

"Yes, curse."

Yun Ye said.

"But the curse can only target a single target, right? This is too far away from the purpose."

Tian Jialun said.

"Who said that curses can only target a single target? There is no ability that targets a single target. It is only specialized to enhance its power. At the level of a mosquito, even if we disperse the curse, we can kill a person. Blockbuster.”

Yun Ye said.

Everyone looked at each other and were shocked. How could the curse be explained in this way? Spread as much as you want?

"Weiyang, doesn't the curse require a medium to activate? How can we expand the scope of the curse?"

Tang Si took a very serious attitude towards academic issues and asked quickly.

"You haven't read any books on this. It's normal not to know. The target's birthday, flesh and blood, hair, and used items required for the curse are all to accurately lock the target and reduce the loss of the curse as much as possible."

"Actually, even without these, just remembering the person's name and breath, you can still activate the curse, but the power will be greatly weakened. But even so, if it is a magic realm that curses a mortal, even if there is no medium , it can also cause death instantly. The curse of the law is weakened by 99.99% and is a fatal poison for mortals. "

"Similarly, if we want to curse the entire mosquito group, we only need to relax the restrictions on the curse, and just curse it directly no matter what kind of mosquito it is. We can curse as many mosquitoes as we have power, or even just make some simple altars and put them on By drawing the curse spell and praying every day, the entire house will be free of mosquitoes, which will cause death immediately.”

Yun Ye said.

"Let me go, is it really that powerful?"

Yongfa couldn't help but said.

So wouldn't he soon not have to worry about these disgusting things?

This bug really disgusted him. Others have various abilities to ensure that they are not harassed by mosquitoes, but he can't do it due to his birth defects. Not to mention how uncomfortable it is.

For this reason, his tone was much lower, for fear that Yun Ye would say: But, I refuse.

Since Yun Ye proposed it, he naturally wanted to complete it and nodded: "I think it can be done. As long as it is completed, it will be done once and for all. It's just a curse on some mosquitoes. Even if there are some spiritual insects among them, it is not the same as the curse that so many people gathered in the city." Biye is no different than dust."

They are mosquitoes in the first place, but they are not comparable to ants.

Ant finally withdrew from the weakest ranks with honor.

"It feels like it's okay."

"It seems that I have to check many, many, many books next..."


Everyone looked up to the sky and sighed.

In this year, they have come to know Wei Yang's erudition. If they want to keep up with this monster, they can only work a hundred times harder. This encourages them to grow at a speed far beyond normal.

But, there is hell ahead!

"You should be happy! This is a curse. Wouldn't it be better to kill these mosquitoes? Look at those issues, how many of them choose to expel them?!"

Yongfa yelled.

"The lesson begins!"

Yun Ye laughed, he also chose to curse for this reason.

Spiritualists have energy that far exceeds that of ordinary people.

Moreover, after the vitality is awakened, the body's growth will also accelerate. Whether it is physical or mental strength, it is not comparable to the ordinary body.

Age really doesn't matter to practitioners. Although the six people in the Three-Day Club are all real four-year-old children except Yun Ye, their execution, wisdom, and various abilities are actually far beyond those of adults. .

With the six people working together, even if Yun Ye has completely lost his development ability, the progress is very fast.

Speaking of which, in his second life, Yun Ye created the Extreme Spiritual Technique and the Imagination Technique. It seemed that his low understanding did not affect his creation.

But in reality, it has nothing to do with groundbreaking.

Ji Lingfa, Yun Ye is just an ordinary use of modern knowledge.

As for the imagination method, Yun Ye only thought a little more about the principles of Qi nourishing than others, so it was natural to develop the imagination method.

The subsequent deepening is the real difficulty of Qi nourishing technique. The further you go, the more difficult it becomes to improve.

Tomorrow will be able to improve to the current level, but Yun Yelai will not be able to do that.


Yun Ye's current pioneering work is only at the level of ordinary people. It is easy to learn from ready-made things, but it is difficult to study something on your own.

The five children in the Three-Day Club were all stronger than him. All they lacked was experience.

But with such a thing as spiritual consciousness, even four-year-old children can actually read far more books and learn knowledge than ordinary people who have studied hard for ten years.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with saying that they are senior scholars.

However, even so, the study lasted too long.

From October to November.

In a whole month, everyone only completed half of the divine method, but not completely.

"woo woo woo woo……"

It's snowing heavily.

The entire school was covered with a thick layer of snow, and the weather was getting colder. However, there were almost no holidays at the Friar School, and there were always people at the school.

While many children were sealing their powers and using their mortal bodies to make snowball fights and build snowmen outside, the children occupied part of the space in various ways in the three-day club activity room. Something.

Yongfa was almost dizzy. He dropped his pen and fell to the ground: "Despair... I'm not good at it to begin with, but this thing is so difficult. Just let me die!"

Although he is more talented than Yun Ye, he is the least efficient among the six due to the interference of his spiritual eyes.

Others are constantly striving to improve their insecticide projects, but he has reached the point where he can't even understand it. The only thing he can do now is to use his spiritual eyes to see clearer experimental results.

This embarrassing situation made Yongfa a little uncomfortable. Even if he knew that he was not suitable for this, it was still a pity.

Who doesn’t want to be an almighty person?

"There is no way. Yong Faqian is just not good at this. There is no need to get into trouble. Didn't you help us complete this month's share?"

"Yeah, try to defeat a few more societies and let them know how powerful the 17th generation is."

Everyone said without raising their heads.

"So what if I know, it's just school..."

Yongfa sighed.

The 17th generation is the children who entered school in the 17th year after the school was established.

In monastic schools, students may not have graduated even before they were teenagers, so they are divided according to the school year they entered.

As a class of students from the 17th generation, they are considered the most talented group, and naturally they have to show the light of their generation.

Yongfa is one of the outstanding performers. Most of the subjects this year were combat, and then he really achieved results and became a well-known figure in the school. He can even be said to be a leader. There are only a few people in Class 1 and Class 2. In terms of fame, he can have a chance to compete with Yongfa.

This is indeed an achievement that Yongfa has always been proud of.

But that was after ignoring Weiyang.

Yongfa knew very well that he was no match for Yun Ye now. Even if he mobilized all his strength to risk his life, he might not be able to defeat this monster.

In this case, all his combat achievements were too pale, and it was difficult to feel happy.

"Hey, let's go. I'll challenge those seniors again. Xiaoyu, isn't your assessment over yet? Do you want to go and have a look?"

Yongfa jumped up like a carp.

"Well, you can go on your own. I'm almost finished. I will help them modify the curse and complete the magic within this month."

Yang Yu refused and continued his studies.

"Okay, then I'm leaving."

Yongfa opened the door and left.

As soon as he walked out of the corridor, the sound insulation effect of the room disappeared. Yongfa suddenly heard a lot of discussion downstairs. He listened carefully and couldn't help but look shocked. After confirming that it was correct, he suddenly pushed open the activity room. door.

"Uh? What's wrong?"

Everyone looked up.

"Great news! Great news!"

Yongfa shouted excitedly.

"What, what happened?"

Yun Ye asked after calculating the things on hand.

"Haha, the second master of Mengze Lingzong just fell, and we finally conquered the fifth guarding sect. The whole city is spreading rumors that we will rise up tomorrow! Next, some of us will It can be transferred to a better spiritual vein to reduce the pressure on Tomorrow City!"

Yongfa's eyes were filled with excitement.

This is a benefit that is visible to the naked eye, and both ordinary people and monks will get a lot of benefits.

Geniuses like them, even more so!

The most important thing is that he feels that he has a chance to join Organization No. 2!

Only by becoming a genuine No. 2 serial battle monk can he realize his dream!

He is a child born for the battlefield. The meaning of his birth is fighting, which is completely different from other geniuses!

He can't grow if he stays in school!

"Real or false?"

"The second master of Mengze Lingzong has fallen!"

"Moreover, we are going to establish an external base? This is too sudden!"

The children exclaimed one after another.

Yang Yu waved his hand and opened the window, and all kinds of comments suddenly spread to their ears.

The materials in the school are completely soundproof. This is purely because the monks' ears are too strong. Without soundproofing, it will be greatly affected.

Likewise, because of his strong ears, he can easily hear speeches hundreds of meters away.

——It is naturally impossible for divine consciousness to scan other people casually.

"It's true, everyone looks like they're going to explode!"

Outside there was a roar of cheers like a tsunami.

They are all monks, and if their emotions are a little agitated, the commotion will be huge.

"Another Taoist master has fallen..."

Yun Ye was silent.

The death of the second master is a character that can directly determine the balance. If the timing of his death is wrong, it will be harmful to tomorrow.

Everyone also noticed Yun Ye's abnormality: "Weiyang, what's wrong? I'm worried, is there anything fishy here?"

"It's not weird, well, more than 90% of it is because I'm overthinking..." Yun Ye shook his head. He had no specific information and couldn't make a judgment now.

If the Yuntian Ling Sect is the weak side, the death of the second master of the Meng Ze Ling Sect is tantamount to a return to balance, which is indeed worthy of a special celebration.

But on the contrary, Yuntian Lingzong is the stronger side. This is tantamount to further expanding the advantage, and tomorrow's meeting will be dangerous.

Yun Ye shook his head. Tian Jing and the others were not fools. They couldn't tell what situation would be beneficial for tomorrow. The news spread so quickly this time, so something good should really happen.

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