A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 345 Another leader of Organization No. 2

On the roof of a teaching building in the Monk School.

A young man walked to the edge and looked down at the entire school. As the cold wind from the heavy snow blew by, his outer white robe blew up, revealing his smart blue combat attire.

His gaze swept across the entire school, and then stopped at a certain part of the teaching building. Where he looked, there were no windows, as if he could penetrate the wall.

At the same time, footsteps sounded behind him.

A woman in the same dress walked in, her gorgeous long red hair fluttering in the wind, and the robe she wore on the outside rustled in the wind, revealing the silver moon ring pattern tattooed on both sides of the inside and outside.

"Xiao Shun, how long do you want to hang out? Now is not the time for leisure."

The woman crossed her arms and spoke.

"Sister Huoyang, why are you in such a hurry? It's a good thing to see your students in advance, isn't it?"

The young man looked sideways.

He was very handsome and masculine. When he looked over, the yellow aura in his eyes dissipated, revealing a pitch-black color.

"It's just that you know them, but they still don't know you. If you do all this unnecessary work, why not leave some surprises for yourself. And if you're not Sister Huoyang, you should call me Auntie. No matter what, you should call me Captain."

Huoyang sighed.

"How could that be? That kind of name is too old. I still respect Sister Huoyang very much."

said the young man.

"Too old? This is a fact. I don't have much time to lead you. In another five years, I will leave Organization No. 2. Fortunately, I have achieved great results in these years, so I can leave it to you with peace of mind. "

Huo Yang shook his head, then popped up a flame and burned the snowflakes, "Human life is really fleeting. It only takes a blink of an eye, and it seems to be coming to an end."

"Where, it's obviously our incompetence. If it weren't for us, you could have continued to enforce justice, and things like Wu Cheng would not have happened." The young man said.

"Wu Cheng? When you have power and can ignore order to a certain extent, all kinds of problems will arise. The Taoist weapon we will meet tomorrow is not the Huangzhou type who betrays or dies immediately. If he just escapes and does not leak the knowledge, it will indeed It's possible to get away with it. Even if it's Wu Cheng, even if it's a number 2, it's human nature to be lucky." Huo Yang exhaled, not feeling much about it.

This was something that was expected and would definitely happen. The only thing that touched her was probably that Wu Cheng was so young.

"The wisdom of a monk does not depend on age, tomorrow will think so - therefore, a genius can break the rules, whether it is the time to enter the battlefield or the time to be promoted to the second rank, everything can be advanced."

"This is too smooth, Sister Huoyang, I can understand this kind of elation. When I became number 4 ten years ago, I also had the illusion that the world is at my fingertips. This illusion is poison, too deadly. If it hadn’t been for my father’s strict education, I wouldn’t have gotten along well with Wu Cheng.”

The young man shook his head.

"Indeed, Wu Cheng has no parents, and there is a lack of education. Even if Tomorrow Club notices the problem, it cannot educate him as a parent. Simple advice is completely ineffective... It seems that we need to pay attention to this flaw."

Huo Yang frowned.

"Hahaha, if I make a mistake or get carried away, my father will immediately beat me up and then tell a lot about his great achievements and difficulties in the past. This method is indeed effective, but unfortunately if it were not for my parents, it would only cause trouble. reaction."

The young man talked and laughed heartily.

"Let's go, Wang Shun, it's time for vacation. This time we must seize control of "Quming Town" and connect the positions together."

Huo Yang suddenly raised his hand, and a large amount of spiritual information came from his right wrist guard.

The young man nodded.

The netherworld fire burned blazingly, engulfing the two of them, and they disappeared into the monk school in an instant.

After they disappeared, a child suddenly looked up at the area where the young man was looking, revealing his ice-blue spiritual eyes.

"Did you give up your first-level position and go to the front line? Before you know it, you are already quite young."

"There is a world of immortality, but most people give up on it. This is the biggest contradiction. I will do this tomorrow..."

"It can't last."

To maintain this peace, all Tomorrow Club can do is to continuously defeat the enemy to obtain resources, thereby easing the conflict.

Otherwise, existences like Wu Cheng would appear one after another.


"It's so exhausting. It just took us two months to optimize a simple insect-killing curse! Now we understand how valuable the vast array of technologies in the library really are!"

"Silly, we spend most of our time studying. If we become real researchers, why would we need so much time?"

"That's right, Yang Yu, you have passed the exam and become a bachelor of mathematics in the sixth grade, right? How do you feel?"

The little girl played with Yang Yu's hair and tied it into a nice braid.


Yang Yu nodded his face and pondered for a moment, "I feel that everyone is very powerful, right? The use of spiritual consciousness, wood spirit method, water spirit method, and even physical method can only be studied after these levels are high. The efficiency and We are not in the same realm anymore.”

"Physical Techniques? Speaking of which, Physique Techniques seem to be very popular recently. Many laboratories require third-level life force control before joining. It seems that there is some new discovery." Tang Si said while playing with Yang Yu's hair.

"Well, because the physical method itself is the use of vitality, someone in the association proposed that we should study the physical method elixir that improves the physical fitness of ordinary people." Yang Yu has already joined the association. Although Liu Shu is just an ordinary member, it is indeed much easier for him to get in touch with new information than students.

With the divine consciousness to improve the efficiency of operation, it will not take long to make a book, and most of the time is for review.

Therefore, the knowledge in the library has a lag of a period of time, about a few months.

This number must be a fantasy on Earth, it is too fast, but the efficiency of individuals in the extraordinary world is extremely high, and a few months is very slow. The main thing is to ensure that there are no errors in what is recorded in the book.

Guarantee requires experimental verification, which is indeed time-consuming and laborious.

Because of this situation, when new knowledge appears, it is often spread throughout the circle, and it is impossible to wait for the spiritual method book to be published.

"Okay, it's sorted out. Do you want to review it again? Weiyang?"

Tian Jialun suddenly said.

"Let's go, let's go and verify it. There may be various errors in the actual effect."

Yun Ye nodded.

"Let's go, let's go, I've been looking forward to it for a long time!"

"I feel like I can take credit for this time to my parents, it's really not easy!"

Everyone laughed and went out in the heavy snow.

Don't look at it as a snowy day.

But in this world, many species are not afraid of the extremely cold or hot climate.


This is a creature that makes people feel very scary when they mention it, the winter mosquito!

Of course, in fact, there are not only mosquitoes and flies, but also insects like cockroaches and rove beetles.

Many similar creatures can be found in this world, and they are all enhanced versions of vitality.

"Uh, is the experimental site really a garbage dump?"

Tian Jialun covered his nose with some disgust.

After practicing physical skills, the senses are extremely strong. It is really torture to appear in such an area.

"Some of the smells are indeed too strong. I will use spiritual skills to isolate them so as not to affect your performance."

Yun Ye waved his hand and put on water skills for everyone.

Lan Yingying's mask covered her mouth and nose. This is a spiritual skill that can automatically filter harmful air, which is generally used to prevent poisoning.

"It's a bit shocking."

Tang Si said. It's really too dirty. Garbage piles up like a mountain and dirty water is everywhere. Is there no plan to deal with it?

"Don't be surprised. This is intentional. Recently, many students need to test the effects of magic. It's not good to let them waste time looking for a place, so they deliberately didn't deal with it. Under normal circumstances, these garbage will be burned with spiritual fire, leaving no residue."

Yun Ye said.

No matter from which aspect, the five elements spiritual method is too perfect. It is an omnipotent power.

"Is that so."

Everyone nodded. It was reasonable. It was easy to eliminate garbage with spiritual methods such as fire.

They began to arrange the magic ceremony and built a simple altar on the spot.

Tian Jialun also picked up the spiritual pen and drew the spell to strengthen the magic on the spiritual paper.

While waiting, Yongfa suddenly pointed to the distance: "Oh my, what a big bug!"

"How big can it be?" Tian Jialun shouted as soon as he finished speaking, "Stupid, this is not big, it's a group of bugs gathered together! Ah, disgusting, hurry up and kill them!"

A centipede about five meters high swam from the sky.

It is a body composed of densely packed black insects.

Although the number of such insects is terrifying, there is almost no demonic energy. They are not spiritual insects, so in terms of threat, they are not very threatening.

"It is a spiritual energy adapted insect. Just kill it with divine magic. It is just right to try the curse."

Yun Ye waved his hand, and the water shield separated the inside and outside, prohibiting all black insects from approaching.

These black insects hit the water shield frantically, trying to rush in, but the water is flowing, and they will be thrown out if they hit it. Some ordinary insects can't break through Yun Ye's power.

"It's disgusting, hurry up, Tian Jialun!"

Yongfa hurriedly urged after seeing the situation clearly.

"Do you think I don't want to hurry up? The talisman can't have any mistakes!"

Tian Jialun rolled his eyes, began to draw the talisman seriously, and quickly completed the talisman required for the ceremony.

"By the way, can this garbage dump support so many insects? Why is the number so outrageous, or did it come from outside?"

Wu Xianzhang suddenly asked.

"Let them reproduce naturally. Apart from those demon spirit insects, many ordinary insects will evolve a body that adapts to spiritual energy. This body can absorb spiritual energy and reduce food intake. Even if they eat very little, they will be the size of a finger or even a fist."

"If something unexpected happens, keep the body smaller, and it is possible to reproduce tens of millions of them in a few months. Well, the ceremony is almost over, so don't emit your breath to interfere with the effect of the ceremony."

Yang Yu said.

"I hope it will be good."

Yun Ye picked up the talisman he had just drawn, with high expectations.

The garbage created by humans is an excellent environment for feeding these insects.

For mortals, the lethality of insect plagues is higher than that of demon invasions, so there must be a Taoist artifact to protect and isolate large-scale insect plagues.

For the Tomorrow Club today, insect cleaning is no longer a small issue, involving the land use of many Taoist areas!

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