A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 350 Spiritual Card Game (1)

Taoist weapon awakening ceremony.

This is a ceremony imitating the liberation of the form of Asuka Sword: Asuka Asuka, artificially recreating the scenery of the dojo.

Tomorrow will take six days to prepare for the ceremony, and then launch it on the seventh day to achieve the effect of awakening the Taoist tools on a large scale. During this period, it will be a grand event for the whole city.

Yun Ye and the others had only scratched the surface of their practice, and Yang An soon called the whole class to organize activities.

Various expressive and entertaining activities are written on the blackboard.

Such as deduction games.

Another example is some spiritual card games.

Plans are constantly being proposed, slowly enriching every day.

"Then let's get started and see who is the final winner today! Do you know the rules? If not, I'll tell you!"

Yang Yu held down the card and showed a wanton smile.

"I play a card, the spiritual magic card, the water card and the fire card are combined to trigger the character's dual spiritual magic effect - all things are silent! Forcibly freeze the opponent's target for one round, I want to freeze your main character!"

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh, freezing for one round at this time!!!"

"Hahahaha, this is my victory! Suffer death!"

Yun Ye laughed sinisterly and knocked out the last drop of Tian Jialun's blood.

"I'll go, this depends too much on luck. I almost won, but in the end the magic cards never came!"

Tian Jialun looked desperate.

"Haha, luck is also a kind of strength. Next time, I will take off without saying anything."

Yun Ye patted Tian Jialun's shoulder.

"It's amazing if I can have another time. I'm just short of the last payment!"

Tian Jialun was speechless.

"Indeed, losing six games in a row is weird. It seems like you really don't know how to play games."

Tang Si made another note to Tian Jialun at this time.

No points are counted for winning, and one point is counted for losing. Among all the people, Tian Jialun loses the most, which has already reached six points.

According to the rules, after seven points are recorded, it will be considered a complete victory. The loser will have to buy snacks for everyone, and the scores will not be reset.

After playing for a day, everyone should take a turn.

"Okay, in that case, let's move on to the next stage, a battle between all members! One-on-one does depend on luck, but when it comes to many-on-many, it's different. The randomness will be even greater. Come again!"

Yang Yu put the tables together to create enough space for six people.

"With team members, that means you can use stronger cards, right? It looks very interesting!"

Wu Xianzhang occupied the right corner of the two tables and wanted to sit alone.

"The True Spirit's true body magical power, right? There are also some combined attack methods, but I saw on the card that special conditions need to be met, which seems quite complicated."

Yun Ye sat opposite him.

"Complexity is what makes it interesting. There are many decisive moves. Finding the direction you like is the charm of this game!"

Yang Yu hummed, sitting in a row with Tang Si, opposite Yongfa and Tian Jialun.

"Well, many of the moves are indeed very interesting. We have also added many of our own. If we are lucky, it will be very dramatic."

Tang Si echoed.

Everyone started drawing cards.

The game is divided into: character cards, divine magic cards, physical magic cards, and spiritual magic cards.

Character cards are drawn separately, there are three in total, one can be revealed immediately, the other two are covered and cannot be viewed by the owner.

"Draw character cards first. Didn't Weiyang win just now? Let's start with Weiyang."

Yang Yu said.

No one had any objections, and everyone completed the card draw one by one.

"Hehehe...hahahahaha! What is the Son of Destiny? I have drawn the strongest card! Seven Seats, Zhuo Qilian!"

As soon as he finished drawing the character cards, Yongfa shouted and unfolded the first card.

"I'll go, it's okay if it's a divine card right from the start."

"Okay, that's good luck."

Everyone was speechless.

This card is indeed the strongest character card in each stage, but it is only the strongest in the first stage. If you can draw it in the first stage, it will be considered your destiny.

If it were any other time period, it would be just a very weak card.

"Seven Seats·Zhuo Qilian: A top researcher, the founder of many unique methods, and the completer of standard spiritual patterns. In the Zhuo Qilian character card stage, you can activate any dual spiritual methods, but you need to consume additional spiritual methods. Card. 』

Everyone also showed their cards, and they were all familiar names from tomorrow's meeting. There was even Wu Cheng in the past, but now Wu Cheng's cards are no longer for sale. Although everyone has them, they hate this person very much, so they also Draw it out without adding it to the card pool.

Immediately afterwards, everyone drew two more character cards to cover them, and then drew five more three-magic cards.

"Is it divine water, water, gold or gold?"

Yun Ye pulled out the only magic card and checked the effect.

"Divine Magic Card·Divine Consciousness: Check a target's hand card. 』

Divine magic cards have various special effects, and physical magic cards can restore life, add status, or change venues.

Spiritual magic cards can be used for attack and defense.

In the game, players do not have specific teammates or identities. They can fight at will. The player who survives to the end wins. If you use special magic cards to form an alliance, multiple people can win together. However, the trusted magic cards are the rarest magic cards. It is difficult to draw if you are not lucky enough.

"Weiyang takes the first move, play your cards quickly."

Wu Xianzhang knocked on his character card and couldn't wait for his turn.

"Come on, come on... Divine Magic Card·Divine Consciousness, Yongfa, take out your card and take a look."

Yun Ye smiled and pushed the magic card in front of Yongfa.

"I'll go and you'll target me right from the start?"

Yongfa reluctantly showed the cards to Yun Ye. During this period, the others were shrouded in hazy fog and could not see. They did not disperse until the haze ended.

"Bi Jin Jin Jin Shui."

『Physique Card·Life: Restore a drop of blood. 』

"Oh my god, it seems that God won't help you. You can hit even one zodiac sign, so I can only apologize."

Yun Ye took action decisively and played a water card.

Yongfa has no counter cards, so this guy needs to be eliminated first, otherwise the character who can use the dual spiritual method at will will be too perverted.

"No defensive cards, reduce one drop of blood."

Tang Si smiled and said, knocking on the table, the five drops of blood on Zhuo Qilian's character card turned into four drops.

Each character card has five drops of blood. After the deduction is completed, the second character card is opened.


Yongfa Sima's face, all his trump cards have been read, and it is obvious whether he has any defensive cards.

This game operates according to the mutual reinforcement and restraint of the five elements.

For water cards, you must use earth cards to defend. He only has gold and water cards.

"Continue my turn, sacrifice two spiritual magic cards to extract spiritual energy, obtain a water magic card, and use two water cards to trigger the character's spiritual magic effect-Misty Water Array!"

Yun Ye activated his character skills.

"White Teacher Yang An: The 3rd Mathematician of Organization No. 4 was severely damaged due to the failure of research on human hydration. He had to be shrouded in a white robe to maintain stability, but he still gained something. In the Yang An character card stage , you can consume two water cards to activate the spiritual magic and mist water array, turn yourself into half water, avoid attacks, and last for one round. 』

"Fuck you, you are so lucky. You have two spiritual cards that match your zodiac sign at the beginning, which is just enough to make you invincible in one round!"

Tian Jialun was shocked.

It was ridiculously fun to sit on the sidelines for the entire round!

In this case, you need to play additional cards to see through the foggy water formation in order to launch an attack. The possibility of being attacked is obviously reduced too much!

"My character is not strong, so there is no need to keep an eye on me. It is more suitable to kill Yongfa now. His character card is too strong, and he might be able to kill him instantly."

Yun Ye simply kept a low profile and drew away the hatred.

"That's right. Why don't you eliminate Yongfa first?"

Yang Yu also encouraged.

Everyone immediately looked at Yongfa with bad intentions, and Yongfa looked unhappy and said: "What are you looking at? I'll fight five of them one by one, and all of them will be defeated in a while!"

"Okay, very impressive!" Wu Xianzhang clapped his hands, and then said, "Weiyang, is it over yet? Do you still have the magic cards?"

"No more, no more."

"The round is over, Tian Jialun, it's your turn."

Yun Ye didn't have a single card left in his hand, so he had no choice but to end it.

"Consume a wooden card to activate the character's spiritual magic, rice tree!"

Tian Jialun first used character special effects.

"Tian Jian's Physician Tian Yu: A second-numbered physician, number 92. He has cultivated various spiritual plants as a researcher and has made great contributions. The high-yield rice that will survive the first difficult days tomorrow was also accomplished by her assistance to the third generation chief. Now she is a doctor who saves lives and heals the wounded, and has changed her direction. In the Tianyu character card stage, you can consume a wooden card to activate the spiritual method Rice Tree to create a golden rice tree, which will restore a drop of blood after two rounds, and then the rice tree will wither. 』

"When the rice tree exists, the character will not die if his blood volume reaches zero. He will just skip the current round until the countdown of the rice tree's round ends, and a little blood volume will be restored until the blood volume is not negative. If all the rice trees disappear, the character's health will If the amount is still negative, the character will die. 』

"Then - wooden sign, attack Yongfa!"

Tian Jialun smiled, he must let one person be eliminated first this time, so that he will not be the last.


"Wow hahaha, I can defend myself!"

Yongfa slapped the gold medal and threw it out. Although it was counterintuitive, gold was the zodiac sign of restrained wood, not fire.

The wood zodiac sign represents vigorous vitality. Living plants and trees are full of water and are difficult to burn. Fire is only weak against the wood zodiac sign.

In this game, this kind of weak rule does not exist and has been simplified.

"Oh, you are happy too early, Yongfa!"

"Physical Magic Card·The body generates electric current!"

Tian Jialun laughed and threw out another card.

『Physique Card·Body Generating Electricity: Super-speed physical technique, pre-emptive strike! When the attack is defended, this card can be activated to make another judgment. The opponent needs to defend once more, otherwise he will lose a point of health. 』

In other words, Yongfa needs to produce another gold medal to offset it, otherwise he will still lose blood.

However, the possibility of gathering two identical cards at the beginning was still relatively low. Tian Jialun felt that he had a chance...


"Weak chicken, what a coincidence, I still have it!"

Yongfa took another picture of the gold medal with a look of disdain on his face.

He has three gold medals, and there is no problem if he can do it again. He is just a weakling, but he wants to shake his victory? !

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