A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 351 Spiritual Card Game (2)

凸(艹皿艹)? ? ?

This is too arrogant!

Tian Jialun was angry.

"Ah hey, I was about to let you go, but I didn't expect you to be so arrogant. I don't believe you have a third gold card!"

Tian Jialun took out another card.

『Divine Card·Foresight: See the attack in advance. If the opponent launches an attack, you can use this card to dodge the attack. You can also use this card to make a judgment again when the attack is dodged by the opponent. 』

He was really lucky this time. He drew two special cards in a row. Tian Jialun wanted to keep them for defense, but he didn't expect Yongfa to be so annoying. He couldn't hide it anymore and had to fight Yongfa. Anyway, even if he lost, he would just buy some snacks, so he could rush!

Moreover, how small is the chance of getting three cards in a row?

Then, Yongfa twisted his mouth: "Sorry, I really have a third card!"


The golden card came into view.

Tian Jialun was petrified instantly. 凸(艹皿艹), grass, a plant, what the hell is this!

He could even run into this?

If he had dodged it with the magic card, it would be fine, but he could actually get three consecutive gold cards?

"Ah this... Tian Jialun, your luck is amazing!"

"It seems that you need some luck rituals to change your luck. You are so unlucky in playing cards!"

Everyone couldn't help laughing.

"I give up!"

"End of the round."

Tian Jialun accepted the reality with a sigh. He could run into three consecutive cards. What else can he say?

In this spiritual card game, one person can only play one five-element card for attack in one round, and the five-element card must be consistent with the spiritual root of the character card, otherwise it can only be used for defense and cannot attack.

In theory, it is definitely unlucky to draw three waste cards in a row.

But unfortunately, luck is relative...

His attack card happens to be able to use these three cards for defense, which is absolutely amazing.

His bad luck sets off Yongfa's luck.

"My turn! Recover one drop of blood first, then end the turn directly!"

Yongfa threw out the physical card to restore full blood, leaving the last water card in his hand.

Although he defended against the attack, he could not launch any powerful attacks with only one card. It is better to stay and wait for the next round. If someone attacks with a fire card, he can also defend against it.

"Finally, it's my turn!"

Wu Xianzhang said excitedly. His hand was "Water, Wood, Fire, and Earth". He drew two cards, "Sacrifice, draw a gold spirit card!"

You can only use spiritual energy to draw once in a round, and it can only be the spirit root zodiac sign of the character card.

In the current stage, if you want to draw a designated spirit card, you need to sacrifice two cards, which are generally used to gather the spirit cards required for the second level of spiritual magic.

Don't think that it seems to be a good deal to exchange two cards for one, but in fact, in this game, even non-character card zodiac spirit cards are very useful.

Because the game requires everyone to draw cards once per round, the five cards that Yun Ye and his friends drew at the beginning are the cards for the first round.

In this case, although the first move has an advantage, it also means that most of the cards in hand are consumed, and the subsequent resistance will be very weak.

For example, Yongfa only has one card in hand!

If too many cards are wasted, it will become like Yongfa, with a wide open door and almost no possibility of defending the next attack---

Although Yongfa has no other choice, he will lose blood if he does not defend.

"I will concentrate all my strength into one attack!"

Wu Xianzhang read the lines of the character card.

『Brave and Brave·Wang Shun: One of the nine 2 numbers in the 2nd sequence, numbered 22, one of the youngest Taoist weapon users, once shot through the head of the disaster with an arrow, and defeated the young generation of invincible hands. In the Wang Shun character card stage, you can consume a gold card and a fire card to activate the double spiritual method·Metal Overload, causing two points of damage. 』

"Use fire cards and gold cards to activate the character's dual spiritual magic - Metal Overload! Target Yongfa!"

"If you want to defend, take out the water card and the fire card."

"Haha, you don't have so many cards in your hand, and you still want to fight five people, you can't defend with your head!"

Wu Xianzhang couldn't help laughing.


Yongfa waved his hands with a frown on his face. He couldn't defend.

Tang Si recorded that the character card Zhuo Qilian's health dropped to three drops.

If you want to defend against the double zodiac, you must have spiritual cards that restrain the two zodiacs respectively. If you have one less, you can't avoid damage.

Yongfa has a water card, but no fire card.

"Sure enough, I can't defend, then-"

"Wood card!"

"Do you have a fourth gold card?"

Wu Xianzhang was merciless.

"Two drops of blood."

Tang Si recorded.

"You wait!"

Yongfa glared at everyone.

This experience is gone, and he will be a mad dog next!

Even if you kill him first in this game, it will only let him quickly enter the second stage, and there is still a chance to turn the tables!

"Haha, pass."

Wu Xianzhang laughed secretly, not caring at all.

"It's my turn."

Yang Yu flicked her hair and threw out three cards, "Physical card·Smoke and Rainy Day, activate the spiritual card·Water and the spiritual card·Wood at the same time, attack Tian Jialun."

"Physical card·Smoke and Rainy Day: You can launch the vision of Smoke and Rainy Day, and you can use the water spiritual card to attack once more. 』

"Oh my god, how can you attack me!" Tian Jialun was shocked, and he threw out the only earth card in his hand to offset an attack.

He was in a more dangerous situation. Yongfa still had one card in his hand, and he had none left.

If someone could knock off five drops of his blood in one breath next, he would still die even if Daoshu recovered one drop of blood.

"Of course you can't just focus on one person, otherwise how will you weaken the other opponents. Yongfa, how about we work together to kill Tian Jialun?"

Yang Yu smiled.

"Stain, okay, okay."

Yongfa was unhappy. Just now, this woman was still making trouble, and now she was opportunistic. However, if she wanted to take revenge, she really had to agree.

"Good. Round over."

Yang Yu held down the character card and did not activate the character's special effects.

"Wind Messenger Liu Shanwei: The second seat, number 2, stirs up strong winds, destroying everything like a hurricane, the maintainer of the hidden barrier of Tomorrow City, and the strongest monk besides the chief. In Liu Shanwei's character card stage, you can consume water and fire cards to activate the dual spiritual method·Hurricane Passage, causing one person to be knocked back (repelled: interrupting the target's current state, or allowing it to skip the current round). 』

The passage of a hurricane can interrupt Yun Ye's invincibility.

But immediately after Tang Si came Yun Ye, and the invincibility effect was about to be lifted. This kind of interruption was meaningless, it just made enemies for nothing.

"Are there two left..."

Tang Si didn't think that Yang Yu happened to be the water and fire card and could activate the dual spiritual method. He should just hide it.

God wood fire fire.

"Divine Magic Card·Command: Use divine magic to control the opponent's consciousness. If the opponent has no counter cards to resist, you can draw away a card from the opponent. 』

"Divine Magic Card·Target Replacement: When being attacked, you can use divine magic to replace the attack target, and designate one person to bear the damage. It will not take effect on those who are invincible, uncontrollable, or dead. 』

I'll go back tomorrow and resume the 6,000-word update then.

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