A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 352 Spiritual Card Game (3)

"Divine Magic Card·Command, target Yang Yu."

"Ah this..."

One of Yang Yu's two cards was drawn away.

Tang Si turned over the card. It was a "Physical Magic Card·Life", which could restore a drop of blood. It was a pretty good card.

"Eternal law, fire card."

Tang Si then changed her target and attacked Yong Fa. If she could kill one person in advance, she would kill one person. And now that all the hatred had been taken away, the possibility of her being attacked was very low.

"Water sign."

Yongfa's last card just blocked it.


Tang Si used the fire card simply because he could only use the fire card. Unexpectedly, he happened to be able to defend himself.

She put her hand on the character card and crossed over the introduction.

"The Balance of Good and Evil·Huoyang: One of the nine 2-digit numbers in the 2 order, number 21, the founder of the Tomorrow Society when it was founded, and the core of the foundation of the Tomorrow Society's laws. In the Fire Center character card stage, you can consume a fire card to launch aerial fire and launch an attack on two adjacent people. 』

Huoyang, number 1 in the past, but she gave up her status, abdicated to others, and went to the front line. This is a great person and Tang Si's idol.

She was actually quite surprised to be able to draw this card. Thinking about it, Tang Si laughed:

"Yongfa, your mother is one of the few women who can compare with Captain Huoyang, but I will not show mercy...activate the character's spiritual method: Aerial Fire!"

"Targets, Tian Jialun and Yongfa."

Tian Jialun’s blood volume: 4→3.

Yongfa’s blood volume: 2→1.

Yang Yu couldn't help but clapped her hands: "Well done!"

Although a card was stolen, Yongfa and Tian Jialun consumed a drop of blood at the same time, which was worth it.

"Haha, I'm still far from death. You two will be finished next round!"

Tian Jialun was unhappy.

"Do you think Yongfa will let you go?"

Tang Si covered her mouth and smiled, "The round is over, it's your turn, Weiyang."

"Start drawing cards in the second round."

Each person drew one card, and soon five were drawn.

Yun Ye's hand unfolded.

The divine body is fire and earth.

(I mistakenly wrote six cards in my hand before, and the soil cards have been deleted, so now Yun Ye only has five cards in my hand)

"Divine Magic Card·Command: Use divine magic to control the opponent's consciousness. If the opponent has no counter cards to resist, you can draw away a card from the opponent. 』

『Physical Magic Card·Hou Tu Tian: You can unfold the vision of Hou Tu Tian, ​​consume an Earth Elemental Magic Card, and resist a little damage. 』

(The rule that only specific spiritual roots can use visions has been deleted. Now any character card can use visions)

"Vision·Thick earth and sky."

Only one Vision can be equipped.

"God's magic card, command, eternal magic?"

Yun Ye came to trick Yong Fa again.

But this time, Yongfa got the counter card: "Divine Consciousness Blockade!"

"Divine Magic Card·Divinity Blockade: Invalidate the effect of Divine Magic Card. 』

"Looks like you're out of luck. The round is over."

Yun Ye covered the cards.

"I'm coming Yongfa! Vision, Mingjintian! Consume one gold medal, and the next card's damage will be increased by one!"

"Die to me, Mupai!"

"Gold medal, defense."


"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha……"

There was a burst of laughter.

Veins popped up on Tian Jialun's forehead, and he threw out two cards speechlessly: "The two cards were transformed into a wooden card, and Tian Yu's spiritual method "Rice Tree" was activated. The round is over."

"Don't glare at me. It's not an accident. I still have a gold medal - and you're done!" Yongfa showed his card.

This is the eighth gold medal.

There are one hundred basic cards in the whole deck, and there are only ten cards for each of the five elements. Yongfa has drawn half of them. This is a very small chance.

"Gold + water and consume an additional spiritual magic card to activate the double spiritual magic·Rolling Thunder!"

"Rolling Thunder: Lock on one person and release thunder, causing two points of damage and lasting for three rounds. 』

If it cannot be counteracted, this will be the most powerful dual spirit spell in the entire game, causing a total of six points of damage.

"Fire and earth..."

Tian Jialun's mouth twitched. If he hadn't consumed two cards to draw a card, he might still be able to resist now, but now he only has one card left!

Moreover, it is not a magical card that can invalidate attacks!

Tian Jialun’s blood volume: 3→1.

"No, Tian Jialun, you are going to be the first to die again..."

Wu Xianzhang was stunned.

"I think so! If these three don't hit me together, what's the point?"

Tian Jialun almost vomited blood.

His poker experience was ridiculously bad.

"It's not a big problem. In the next round, you can directly use the body wood, and it will be full instantly."

Yun Ye smiled.

"He has another round?"

"Fire card."

Yongfa attacks Tian Jialun again.


"Without the water card, the life returns to zero, because the rice tree only skips the next turn before resurrecting and does not enter a complete death state."

Tang Si judged.

Tian Jialun looks miserable, but the two rice trees can forcefully delay him for two rounds. The chance of drawing physical cards that restore health in the two rounds is very high, and he still has a high survival rate.

"Restore a little life and the round ends."

Yongfa Tao.

Blood volume: 1→2.

Hand: 0.


Wu Xianzhang attacked Yongfa one after another and forcibly killed Yongfa. When no one came to rescue him, the first player to die was Yongfa.

"The character card dies and enters a solid state before the start of the next round."

"After the start of the next round, Yongfa enters the second character card stage, and the consumption of spiritual card conversion is reduced from two to one."

Time turns.

The psychic card game cannot be said to be balanced. There is absolutely a way to kill a character card in one set.

But this is a holiday, so you should have fun.

Soon, the second and third rounds were over, and most people's character cards were already disabled or even dead.

As the third round ends and the fourth round begins, all the second character cards have not yet been revealed, entering the second stage.

There are only one hundred cards in a set. If you are playing with six people, you can only draw cards for three rounds, so every three rounds is a character turn, and you can reveal the second character card.

Each character card has five drops of blood and can be used at the same time as the previous character card. A special mechanism will also be activated after the second character card is available.

For example, it used to cost two to convert a spiritual card with a specified attribute, but now only one is needed.

For another example, you can use combined attack moves.

In the alliance state, both parties can each play some spiritual cards, and the combined attack can create more interesting effects.

Or, if you have two character cards and four matching spiritual cards, you can also activate the combined attack technique alone.

There were some strange combination effects, and he became the most handsome guy on the scene, which was very effective.

"Let me go, Weiyang, you actually got the chief's card, or is it the first-generation chief?"

Everyone suddenly said.

"Founder Yang Shi: The founder of the Tomorrow Society, after entrusting the responsibility of continuing the Tomorrow Society to two trustworthy members, he fell in a battle with the Dharma Realm of Baishi Town. The extremely spiritual law system he created turned the Tomorrow Society around. The gap between strength and weakness spans hundreds of thousands of years of family heritage. In the Yangshi character card stage, you can consume a fire card to activate Heart Fire and attack a target twice. 』

"Someone has to open the way forward."

Yang Yu slowly read out Yang Shi's lines, and the image of the indomitable sage appeared on the page.

"The founder of the Supreme Spiritual Method and the Theory of Tomorrow, this is the sage!"

Tang Si was in awe.

Although she admires women like Huo Yang and Zhuo Qilian very much, if she wants to mention the chiefs of past dynasties, she will only give a thumbs up.

Even the unknown second-generation chief Yang Shu has the deeds of abdicating his position to the third-generation chief rice without hesitation, which is admirable!

If Yang Shu had not given way, the Tomorrow Society might not have developed in the first place, let alone the harmony it has today!

No matter what kind of evil deeds have a precedent, they spread on a large scale. What Yang Shu did is indeed admirable. As the father of the founder, he has the same flame in his heart.

"I will also become the chief, surpass all the chiefs in the past, and lead tomorrow's society to its true peak!"

Yongfa suddenly said seriously.

"Don't you want to rule the world? Don't you want to be the king?"

Wu Xianzhang said immediately.

The leader of the Luo Dynasty.

The concept of emperor in this world is relatively vague. There are individual emperors, but not together. The leader of the unified immortal dynasty is called "Human Emperor", "Supreme", and "Great Emperor", not the emperor together.

Yongfa glanced at him and said seriously: "That's the next step. If you don't be overbearing, you won't be able to save Tomorrow Club."

"Hahaha, okay, okay, you know better than the adults." Wu Xianzhang did not argue with Yongfa. He had tried it in the past two years, but ideas cannot be changed before being beaten.

However, Yun Ye glanced at Yong Fa inexplicably.

After two years of school, he also knew that Yongfa was Zhuo Qilian's adopted son. It can be said that Yongfa's ideas were deeply influenced by Zhuo Qilian...


What does Zhuo Qilian want to do?

Could it be that it's not just because of those eyes, but also because of what he actually wants to do?

Yun Ye suppressed the question in his heart and interrupted: "Yongfa, there are many hurdles that need to be passed to become the chief. Not to mention that the current chief Tian Jing is powerful and has a long lifespan, and it is far from the time to cultivate a successor. Even at this time, it is impossible to become the leader of the Tomorrow Club without awakening the Taoist weapon."

"Really, Yongfa awakened the Taoist weapon? This is not a good joke." Everyone nodded.

Yongfa twitched his mouth: "You..."

"Too narrow-minded."

The Way of Tomorrow is never an absolute justice. Expounding the nature of people and society is its core. What can be developed depends on the user!

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