Six days in a row.

The whole city is releasing five years of built-up stress, something that even the New Year cannot do.

Yun Ye participated in various activities and experienced all kinds of fun. Unfortunately, most people cannot experience these things and move them.

Busy setting up scenes, earning overtime pay, silently watching other people having fun...

This is the norm.

The operating rules of human society are to exploit some people and support some people. This problem cannot be solved until the ultimate stage of the Way of Tomorrow.

Perhaps, the tyranny Yongfa refers to is something more cruel, a possibility hidden by Yun Ye at the bottom of Tomorrow's Way.

As the seventh day came, the 35th anniversary senior list spread throughout the school, causing countless people to be surprised.

"Almost, everyone participates?"

"Even the second-generation chief will appear? This... this is too grand!"

This is quite amazing.

There are a lot of affairs within the Tomorrow Society, some of which are not as simple as correcting documents. Like Mingqi and his wife, they need to guard a certain place. Even if it is a grand ceremony every five years, there are quite a few parts that they cannot return to!

Almost everyone was present this time. How much do they attach importance to this ceremony?

"Everyone in the class, line up, don't make any noise, and follow the teacher!"

Yang An led the male and female groups of children to the ceremony location.

Everyone came to a large open-air square. A round platform had been built in the center, and there were seats all around. There was a large amount of red cloth covering the venue like waves. Above everyone's heads, every vertical seat had a red cloth from the round platform. It extends out and then spreads to various teaching buildings, which is very festive.

In this summer, this red cloth also plays a certain role in shading, preventing direct sunlight.

This is the poverty of Tomorrow Society. If it were a place like Wenyun Town, it wouldn't matter if it was in the open air. It would be naturally cooler if the barrier was opened.

There will not be so much spiritual energy flowing out tomorrow, and formations or barriers that consume a lot of spiritual energy will not be used unless necessary.

Under the guidance of Yang An, everyone took their seats, boys in a row and girls in a row, neatly.

Children who have practiced Buddhism are not particularly pleasing to the eye, but at least they are not particularly ugly.

As children, they have the privilege of being closer to the front and having difficulty seeing the venue clearly from behind, not to mention that they even have to stand.

All the residents of the city came to this ceremony. As long as they were within the scope of the Taoist weapon awakening ceremony, everyone had the opportunity to awaken the Taoist weapon.

Awakening a Taoist weapon does not necessarily mean you have outstanding abilities, but at least it means you are trustworthy and can be entrusted with important tasks.

Moreover, each Dao Weapon user represents a Dao beacon, which actually has nothing to do with combat effectiveness.

As long as it exists, it can form a Tao realm and allow the monks enveloped in it to obtain merit panels. This alone is of infinite value.

In the current era of shortage of Taoist masters, any Taoist master will represent a step to the sky.

after all--

This is an individual who is willing to sacrifice himself for the path of tomorrow, with an indestructible will.

"I'm going... I'm a little... too excited... All members of the 1st Division will be there... and countless heroes... I'm going, I'm going, I'm going!"

Wu Xianzhang was sitting on the left side of Yun Ye. His arms were trembling, he was completely restless, and he was constantly checking the situation everywhere.

"No, why are you shaking for such a trivial matter...getting up..."

Tian Jialun sat next to Wu Xianzhang and paused for a moment mid-sentence, but he concealed it without changing his expression.

Wu Xianzhang had no time to pay attention to him. He took a deep breath and adjusted his condition, but the effect was worrying.

On the other hand, Yongfa's psychological quality is much higher. He is only excited and has no pressure at all.

This is something quite outrageous.

After all, they are just five years old. No matter how much knowledge they have, no matter how many battles they have experienced, their psychological quality is something that can only become stronger after they have a true understanding of the world and no fear of the future. It cannot be grown by chewing books. of.

They have always heard his story about the 1st and 2nd numbers tomorrow. It is too difficult not to be excited, even for Tian Jialun.

Meeting relatives on such occasions is completely different from meeting them on ordinary days.

The grand occasion gave him endless pressure.

This is a ceremony that the entire Tomorrow Party and all residents of Tomorrow City are looking forward to. It bears countless expectations and is so heavy that it is almost impossible to breathe.

People who are not outstanding enough will never be able to step onto this high platform and become the banner and beacon that leads the society of tomorrow.

Will he really be able to stand on this stage in the future?

With his efforts, can he overcome all difficulties and become the chief, the beacon that convinces everyone?

Tian Jialun was not convinced.

Therefore, he felt heavy pressure, heavier than any problem he had ever experienced before, making it difficult for him to breathe.

This cannot be overcome by just pretending, the emotions will continue to accumulate until he is completely unable to control it.

Yun Ye glanced at Tian Jialun. He was born with the Nine Life Divine Law, and many of his abilities were passive. He knew very well that the emotions accumulated in Tian Jialun's heart were actually far beyond Wu Xianzhang's.

Although Tian Jialun rarely mentioned his ideals, there was no doubt that he also wanted to become the chief.

As Tian Jing's parent and son, he bears far more pressure than others. He restrains himself and does not allow himself to relax at all.

For him, failure is too terrible...

Yun Ye didn't use any magic to calm his emotions. This was due to the pressure that existed all the time, and it would quickly rise up once he was calmed down.

Therefore, Yun Ye just chatted with everyone and distracted his attention. Although it still had little effect, it was better than doing nothing.

During the discussion, an uproar suddenly sounded from one side.

Everyone stood up immediately and looked toward the end of the passage.

At some point, a man wearing a light blue cloak and a yellow background with red fire patterns was already standing at the entrance of the venue.

The Yingyue cloak is the symbol of the chief...

The man walked into the venue with his head raised, raised his hand, and greeted everyone.

"Chief Tian Jing!!!"

Everyone was chanting, and the deafening shouts echoed throughout the center of the ceremony. You can only imagine how much he was loved.

"Oh oh oh oh! Chief!"

Tian Jialun also shouted loudly, very excited.

Is this his father?

How dazzling! !

Even Yun Ye was infected and showed a smile... The boy he was back then is now upright and has become everyone's protective umbrella.

This is really joyful, touching, and exciting!

Is this Tian Jing's era?

Tian Jing responded to everything with a smile, and even though it was a chaotic venue, he still saw his child at a glance and smiled at Tian Jialun. This micro-expression made Tian Jialun's blood boil and all the pressure evaporated. .

"I also want to become the chief!!!"

At this moment.

Tian Jialun has the courage to fear anything, and strength is constantly rising from the bottom of his heart.

"Second seat! Liu Shanwei!"

"Three seats! Ji Shuliang!"

"Four seats! Yue Xin!!"

The second, third, and even more number 1s also entered the venue, and countless cheers rang out.

Each of them has legendary deeds, and now that they have come to the stage, they will naturally touch the heartstrings of countless people.

However, not everyone knows them. Most people may have heard of their deeds, but it is difficult to see the true appearance of these figures.

If they didn't all have corresponding character cards, it would be difficult for Yun Ye to recognize them all. Perhaps the spiritual card game was made for this purpose.

If a Taoist envoy is not recognized, then recognition cannot be established, and it will be difficult for the Taoist to grow.

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