A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 354 Hidden dangers of tomorrow’s meeting

Under the gaze of 100,000 people.

Many top performers came on stage, all of them dazzling.

Not to mention Yue Xin and Zhuo Qilian, two beauties who are already known for their charm, all the male figures also have their own charms, and their outstanding appearance and demeanor are not worth mentioning in the face of their actual achievements.

Standing here one by one is the Dinghai Shenzhen, which makes people feel peaceful.

“There’s always tomorrow!”

“Created by everyone!”

"Today, we can finally say this - the door to a new road will be pushed open by us, and tomorrow will last forever!"

Tian Jing's opening words instantly ignited the atmosphere at the scene. Countless people burst into tears and shouted loudly.

"For tomorrow!"

“There’s always tomorrow!”

The cry was loud.

The shouting person's blood boiled all over, and it even made people wonder if he was under the influence of divine magic.

Tian Jing's light blue cloak fluttered, revealing the silver moon engraved on the inside. He spread his arms, and his bronze face was filled with determination and a smile: "Everyone, maybe many of you have not seen the multi-digit 1s present. More Don’t understand why they are No. 1, but they are great people.”

"Our lives are closely related to these heroes who have quietly made great contributions to tomorrow. Before the ceremony begins, I will solemnly introduce these heroes to you!"

"First place, our second seat, Liu Shanwei!"

Everyone looked at Tian Jing and the man on his right in silence.

In fact, most of them know about the Nine Seats. The Nine Seats are so important in Tomorrow City. They are the anchor of the entire Tomorrow Society. Every move is watched. Only children do not understand the weight of these names.

However, this is a necessary procedure for every Dao weapon awakening ceremony. All incoming numbers 1 and 2 will be solemnly introduced by the chief.

This is close to the highest honor in the entire Tomorrow Society, second only to being chief and honoring others.

"Liu Shanwei, the user of the Extreme Spiritual Wind, is one of the first twenty rookies of our Tomorrow Society. He was either adopted or rescued from a noble family. He has shown amazing talent since he was young. He soon obtained a military position and killed people everywhere. The demon grew up rapidly, awakening the Taoist weapon at the age of fourteen, becoming the second in command at the age of sixteen, and gaining unique power."

"And this power has provided support for the hidden barrier for nearly ten years. In the past, there were still problems with demons breaking into Tomorrow City from time to time, but with the efforts of the Second Chief, the chance of such incidents has been reduced to the past. 1%, even if a special demon breaks in, it will be detected immediately, giving the executioners plenty of time to kill them. "

"In the past ten years, there have been only three incidents of residents being injured or killed by demons, and all of them occurred in the first few years. Compared with the situation ten years ago, when there were at least seven or eight incidents of casualties due to demons every year, there has been a qualitative change."

"Second seat, what do you want to say to everyone?"

Speaking of which.

Tian Jing looked at Liu Shanwei with a smile, indicating that it was his turn to perform.

"...I hope you all will succeed. Only by being strong can you control your destiny. That's all I want to say."

Liu Shanwei shook his head, took a step forward and said.

He is a man with wind-tangled hair, a cold face and an extraordinary temperament. He only has one piece of advice and nothing else.

Failure to act will always be a part of being trampled on, even if it happens tomorrow.

Perhaps the policies of the Tomorrow Society have made ordinary people's situation far better than the outside world, but this is only to maintain the balance under the Tomorrow Society.

Beyond the boundaries of Tomorrow City, ordinary people are still pigs and sheep.

As for tomorrow's meeting, we still don't have the ability to confront the two sects head-on.

Sweet dreams…

May break at any time.

"Three seats, Ji Shuliang, is a man who has completely revolutionized the laws of the Tomorrow Society and made it consistent with the current situation of the Tomorrow Society. Maybe everyone disagrees and cannot understand the value of it, but as Taoist envoys, we know very well how important a law is that conforms to the current situation. With a complete legal basis, as long as you are a user of tomorrow's Taoist tools, you can directly use it to initiate judgments. Even the most vicious demons must be afraid and give up breaking the laws. "

"This is the third seat, a man who has far more persistence in rules than ordinary people, and has almost perfect use of Taoist tools. Among the nine number 1s, only three seats are the busiest and have almost never appeared. If it hadn't been for this ceremony, The stakes are high, maybe the three seats are still studying the code at this moment.”

Tian Jing introduced the second digit 1.

Then, he gave time to the three seats.

Ji Shuliang nodded to Tian Guang and stepped forward. He was very young, even younger than Liu Shanwei. He took a deep breath and said loudly: "Everyone, please do your best so that you will have no regrets! As the third seat, I only have one piece of advice. , it will be too late if you regret it when things come to an end!”

Ji Shuliang's tone was not depressing. He did not imply anything, but he sincerely hoped that people would do their best.

For themselves and for the Tomorrow Society, personal struggle is indispensable.

After saying this, Ji Shuliang returned to his original position under the gaze of many figures.

"It's very sincere, but it's a pity..."

Many digits shook their heads.

Tomorrow Society is actually very comfortable now. Ordinary people can have enough to eat as long as they work hard. However, under the control of spiritual energy, personal practice is difficult, which has caused many ordinary people to feel resentful and lose their motivation to move forward.

Different from the past environment where people had to work hard under pressure, today's Tomorrow City is too comfortable and unable to mobilize most enthusiasm.

This sounds like a fallacy. What does it mean to have too little pressure to mobilize enthusiasm?

Doesn’t the Tomorrow Society exist just to make people live well? This is just a personal choice. Why does the Tomorrow Society reveal a desire to forcibly intervene?

If it was a peaceful and prosperous age, this idea would naturally be reasonable. In the past, fighting desperately was for the sake of peace and prosperity after victory.

But the problem is, tomorrow is full of dangers now!

Sixty years.

If the transformation cannot be completed within sixty years and the strength is enough to destroy two sects and occupy the barren state and become an independent king, then the city of tomorrow will definitely be destroyed!

It has become a climate of tomorrow's meeting, and all three parties will try their best to strangle it. There is no way to survive.

Many people in the Tomorrow Society think that to settle down under such circumstances is to think too highly of oneself and to be arrogant.

If it continues, it will be impossible to defeat the two sects and compete with the Luo Sheng Clan and Jingshi Holy Land.

This makes sense without a doubt.

But the current policy is led by Tian Jing. Even after many discussions, Tian Jing, as the chief, cannot make a decision... If he changes the policy and implements the part of Tomorrow Theory that explores the greed of human nature and further squeezes ordinary people, then Is this kind of meeting tomorrow really what he expected?

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