A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 356 The Song of Dao Instruments, the Original Dao Instruments of Tomorrow

Silver scales.

An ancient sword.

Red streamers.

A dozen Taoist artifacts from Ling Ling Zongzong were launched into the sky, interweaving a fused Tao domain in the sky, covering the entire Tomorrow City in an instant.

"Humanity Red Cloud!"


More than a dozen Taoist envoys activated the power of their true names at the same time.

If it is not the original Taoist weapon, it will not be able to enter the second stage of liberation, let alone awaken the Taoist tool on a large scale like Yun Ye.

However, with more than a dozen Taoist envoys as the cornerstone, combined with the formation, they also built similar power.

The Tao domain covers the school scenery.

The red cloth that was originally hanging everywhere began to look like life, moving automatically without wind and full of spirituality.

Immediately afterwards, everyone closed their eyes and entered the Taoist awakening stage.

Taoist envoys’ mental image mapping ceremony.

Countless pasts emerge.

That is the memory from all Taoist users, and also from the memory of countless members of the Tomorrow Society over the past 35 years.

From birth to end, scenes from the past emerge vividly.

This is 35 years of sacrifice and struggle, filled with their will and life.

Tian Jing and the others had not completed the formation to awaken the common memory during the last Taoist weapon awakening ceremony, so the awakening effect was not perfect and relied entirely on their own willpower and belief.

But this time, looking back on the past 35 years, the results are much better than five years ago.

Only by going down the river and truly experiencing the path they have traveled can we understand how hard-won today's tomorrow will be.

Cherish what you have at the moment.

"Hmm... Not bad. It seems that the direction is good. The emotions are being mobilized on a large scale, and the thoughts are condensed into one point."

Zhuo Qilian did not have a Taoist weapon, but he was still immersed in it. After experiencing this feast of memories, he showed a relaxed look.

This story is indeed touching, and she likes it very much.

"In the final analysis, Taoist tools are the power to unite people's hearts. The so-called will can only be used as a carrier. It is the followers who truly achieve Taoist tools."

Huoyang looked up at the shining Taoist weapon in the sky.

Over the years, it is not uncommon for geniuses to have willpower tomorrow, but Dao tools have never been able to enter the stage of large-scale explosions.

They can only think of one explanation: the number of Taoist artifacts depends on the strength of the residents.

In other words, awakening the Taoist weapon does not require reaching the will and belief, but also requires leaving a "vacancy".

Tian Jing, Huo Yang, and Yun Ye have already occupied a large number of echoes in the Tomorrow Meeting, gathering the faith of most residents. Many people are unable to awaken the Taoist tools. In fact, there are not many vacancies, and it has nothing to do with faith...

Similarly, Yuntian Lingzong is in a similar situation. Not everyone is worthy of awakening Taoist tools, which will squeeze out the quota.

Continuously cultivating Dao Weapon users and then devouring Dao Weapons, this situation does happen in Yuntian Lingzong, but the purpose is not to reverberate, but to get a quota.

Taoist wielders who lose in the competition will have their Taoist tools devoured and cut off from their path, thereby reducing the burden of quotas.

Of course, it also means to kill them all. People whose Taoist tools have collapsed can no longer wake them up. This is true according to the records of Yuntian Lingzong. Therefore, in addition to killing, the way to kill competitors is to devour the Taoist tools.

Without the Taoist weapon, it is impossible to get support. On his own, he cannot compete with Linkong's Taoist tool, let alone go against the general trend.

"This time, it would be nice if more people awakened the merit system."

Huoyang said.

Awakening the merit system under such circumstances means that one has a will close to that of a Taoist envoy, and is also a candidate worth cultivating.

Wu Cheng did indeed have faith at the beginning, but they did not expect that Wu Cheng would deteriorate so quickly. This is a situation that rarely occurs among the top leaders of the Tomorrow Society. Even rookies with the blood of aristocratic families have never had this problem. , who would have known that Wu Cheng, who was born and raised here, would actually plan to defect.

"Speaking of which, when Xiangying fell, the merit system underwent another major evolution and gained more power. The development speed of Tomorrow Society in the past five or six years has far exceeded that of the past twenty years... This is really disappointing. Puzzled."

"Did Xiangying awaken the Taoist weapon and kill the Taoist master? Moreover, the awakened Taoist weapon was the Tomorrow Cutting Quan Sword?"

Liu Shanwei suddenly spoke.

The Taoist users present fell silent. This question has been lingering in everyone's minds. They thought of many possibilities, but they could not confirm them.

"Chief Yang Shi once said that his successor would return with the same Taoist weapon as him to lead us, so 'Rice' appeared."

"Dao also said that if it is completely consistent with Chief Yang Shi's philosophy, the Tomorrow Zhan Quan Sword will be born."

"For so many years, no one of us has given birth to the same Tomorrow Zhanquan Dao Sword... In the final analysis, can people's thoughts really be completely consistent? Even the same person will have changes in their thoughts, which will lead to changes in the form of the Dao weapon. Bar?"

Huoyang looked at her own scale. Compared with the dazzling scales in the past, the scales today were a little thicker, and there were even more invisible substances coming from the sky, pressing on both ends of the scales... That was what she had Years of persistence and faith cannot be abandoned and have become part of the balance.

"Indeed. We still can't explain why the Taoist weapon will not fall from the place of Taoist tools after the death of the user of Tomorrow's Zhanquan Sword. From the death of the master to the present, the Tomorrow's Zhanquan Sword has been hanging in the sky and continues to serve us. Providing power...it's like it's been waiting for the user to wake up!"

Tian Jing also spoke.

"Perhaps, the Tomorrow Quan-Zhan Dao Sword is the same from beginning to end, but the user is changing. If we want to prove it... the Yingyue Baohuan, which is obviously not a Dao weapon, is the most direct evidence."

Huo Yang said.

Huo Yang had already expressed this confusion when chatting with Wang Shun before.

She felt that the rise of the Tomorrow Society was too miraculous and unreal.

The direct reason is also related to these two Taoist envoys.

They left a very deep impression on Huo Yang.

They have the same Taoist weapon, the same power, and both have special care for her... Although both of them are hiding this emotion, Huoyang, as the person involved, can feel the subtle differences.

"Are they really not the same person who took away his body and reincarnated?"

Huoyang raised questions.

"There is a possibility that although body snatching will pollute the soul, it is only once or twice, and there should be no problems. Many monks rely on body snatching to extend their lives and survive for hundreds of years."

Zhuo Qilian is also very interested in this topic, but he is only interested and does not believe it.

Because even if you can seize the body, death will intensify your own decay. If you accumulate too much, there will be no possibility of moving forward.

A real old monster will definitely not waste the opportunity to seize the body by establishing a small tomorrow's meeting.

"It's not reasonable. If it's reincarnation, how can we awaken tomorrow's Taoist weapon?"

"Chief Yang Shi and Master should have inherited the same Taoist weapon. This is most likely a characteristic of the original Taoist tool. It is immortal and can be transferred."

Tian Jing said.

Everyone nodded silently.

Many aspects of the theory of reincarnation cannot be explained. Only the fact that the same Taoist weapon is inherited is convincing.

That Xiang Ying should have also inherited the Taoist weapon of Tomorrow's Zhanquan, and killed the Taoist master in the troubled world and devoured his Taoist tool.

Otherwise, it would be impossible to explain the sudden and explosive increase in the power of the Taoist weapon, which has brought it to a height that it should not have originally.

"How it goes depends on how the Taoist instrument is awakened this time. I hope the result of Zhentianyi is correct..."

Everyone looked at the residents in the ceremony venue with complicated expressions.

They are expecting a miracle!

As the ceremony continued, rays of light gradually rose.

Children and adults all closed their eyes and fell into a long road of memory, struggling, excited or in pain.

Many special lights are lighting up, composed of inexplicable symbols and words, and one member after another awakens the merit panel.

"Sure enough, the number is far higher than before, and the military profession still has a lot of potential that has not been released!"



The Taoist envoys all looked surprised.

There are currently only 721 military officers. Will this increase by one-tenth?

You must know that the current military positions have been accumulated for thirty years, and there are only 721 people.

This improvement is too great.

Today's military profession has a level limit of 100, and 1,100 skill points can be obtained, which is enough to support the perfection of spiritual techniques of Yongji's level many times.

Every additional military position is a huge foundation for the Tomorrow Society. Seventy people are enough for the Tomorrow Society to span a long time and directly reach the next era.

"In the previous graduation screening, more than ten people have obtained military positions. These seventy people are a complete surprise. This is the meaning of the Taoist ritual. Even if there is no Taoist user, it is enough..."

Tian Jing was extremely pleased, and as soon as he finished speaking, he suddenly looked towards the sky.

Invariably, all the Taoist envoys looked towards the sky.

"This is……"

Huo Yang's eyes were filled with disbelief.

"This voice?"

Tian Jing's expression changed, and countless memories came one after another. He took a few steps and scanned all the people present, looking for the source of the sound.


Inexplicable singing...

It's ringing!

Although it was the first time for all of them to hear it, the song conveyed a strong message that only their future Taoist tools could understand——

This is the Taoist song of the original weapon!

"it is true!"

"Tomorrow's Quan-Zhan Sword really awakened on this day! There's absolutely no mistake. This song is resonating with the Taoist tools. If it weren't for the original Taoist tools, it would have been impossible to do such a thing!"


Water and fire suddenly rolled out among the crowd, like a waterfall.

Everyone's expressions changed, and they immediately wanted to put it out, but the next moment they discovered something was wrong. This water-fire waterfall seemed not to be real fire and water at all. Although it spread like a storm, it did not hurt anyone!

"This is... Taoist weapon awakening!"

"Tomorrow's user of the Taoist weapon is actually him!?"

"You are so young, and you have such a will? You are better than everyone else?"

Many people looked surprised.

The eyes of all those who were awake fell on the center of the water and fire, where stood a delicate child, with a Tao sword floating in front of him that reflected the sky and the earth.

This sword has water and fire ribbons wrapped around the hilt, and the sword grid is surrounded by a ring as crystal clear as moonlight. This iconic feature has almost firmly nailed everyone's gaze, and they can't look away for a long time.

"Tomorrow I will kill the Quan Dao Sword!"

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