"Tomorrow I will kill the Quan Dao Sword!"

Zhuo Qilian spoke with astonishment in her eyes... She didn't expect that after thirty years, she would see this strange Taoist weapon again!

There is absolutely nothing wrong, this is the Taoist weapon that can liberate the form!

The original Taoist tool of tomorrow!

"A Tao domain of this size is second only to Tian Jing. This is the result of many years of silence. If it had been passed down to Tomorrow Meeting earlier, I am afraid it would have reached another level by now. The original Tao tools are indeed extraordinary and have immortal properties. , can be passed on directly through the air.”

Zhuo Qilian nodded slightly.

If you put it this way, it is no wonder that once the new way is born, the old way will be killed at all costs. Is it the accumulation of repercussions?

If you don't cull it, it will become a climate sooner or later, and you will gain great power as soon as you wake up.

Although this power is still very fragile compared to the old way, it is still a trouble.


Yun Ye opened his eyes, the flames and water flow compressed and disappeared, and he also held the Taoist weapon of tomorrow.

"Oops, I woke up again tomorrow, and this time it doesn't seem like much time has passed?"

In the flames, the girl in red stretched her body and emerged, with a look of relaxation and joy on her delicate face. Then, before Yun Ye could say anything, she flew up, floated into the sky, and then directly picked off the sky. A Taoist artifact.

"Oops? Oops? What a thrilling feeling, a powerful comrade suddenly appeared!"

Tomorrow brushed the Hongyun Taoist artifact with his little hand, feeling the abundant faith in it, and couldn't help but look happy.

She looked everywhere, and there was more than just a Taoist artifact here.

The intertwining power of a large number of Taoist tools created an extremely warm and comfortable environment for Tomorrow, and she couldn't help but float in the air with a look of enjoyment.

And this scene was all watched by more than a dozen Taoist wielders.

Maybe some of the Taoist tools made the figure blurry, but they were all clearly visible. I saw a girl in red grabbing the Taoist tools.

Immediately afterwards, the owner ignored Tian Jing and observed.

"It's difficult to control. That's probably the authority of the original Taoist weapon... Now, I can only take back the Taoist tool forcibly, otherwise I can only be in a state of being controlled."

Tian Jing felt many eyes, he shook his head slowly and stared at the figure in the sky.

In the past, his understanding of the way of tomorrow was far from enough to see this figure clearly, but today, what he saw was no longer an afterimage, but a real little girl in red, wearing a red feathered coat, blazing. A girl with black hair and red eyes.


Tian Jing still remembers what the master called this little girl. This is a symbol of the way of tomorrow, a wise collection of ideas.

Is this little girl the Taoist spirit from before?

"Yeah, I still remember you."

"Tian Jing, right?"

Tomorrow landed on the ground and looked at Tian Jing seriously. This was the man with the most powerful Taoist weapon present. A lot of her wisdom came from this man.

"It seems that no verification is needed. You are still the spirit of the master's Taoist weapon...but, your body?"

Tian Jing can't recall what happened thirty years ago. He clearly remembers that she was just a young girl tomorrow. Why does she look like eight or nine years old now?

"Ah, this, you have grown up, haven't you? I am the will that represents the way of tomorrow, so I know everything you do, and I understand everything you do. This is reflected back on me, which is age. growth.”

Tomorrow smiled.

This sentence revealed something that even Yunye had heard for the first time.

In other words, for the original Taoist instrument, it doesn't matter where the echo is.

The power will fluctuate depending on the number of reverberations, but the personality directly measures the number of reverberations in the entire Tao system.

If she wants to become a national-level Taoist weapon, she only needs to have one million echoes of all tomorrow's Taoist tools, and she does not need to collect them herself.

(This is good news. Only those who have reached the same level can be crushed by the power of power-killing...)

As soon as Yun Ye had this thought, a gentle force guided him to fly up and brought him to the high platform.

"Ming Weiyang, it seems that you are destined to become our hope... Tomorrow's Dao Weapon, you have awakened Tomorrow's Dao Weapon. This is the Founder's Dao Weapon and the source of all our Dao Weapons." Tian Jing held down Yun Ye shoulder, looking seriously, "Can you bear this weight?"


Yun Ye did not hesitate. With the ability to reincarnate, he had ten thousand ways to reach the top, but he just had to take the most difficult road. If he was not fearless, why would he be so stupid?

"Ming Weiyang, I thought it would be enough to awaken the merit system, but I didn't expect that you actually awakened the tomorrow's power-killing weapon... After today, you will be taught directly by me, and those playing tricks are not something you should continue."

Yue Xin spoke with a very serious tone.

She no longer knew what to say or what expression to show. This was really...

What a joy!

All the Taoist tools smiled, and their eyes looking at Yun Ye were full of joy. Tomorrow, the Taoist tools will come again, which is enough to prove that they have not taken the wrong path!

Everything is changing for the better!

Suddenly, Zhuo Qilian stood up and walked towards Yun Ye with a smile. At this moment, all the Taoist wielders moved and silently stopped in front of Zhuo Qilian.

——Zhuo Qilian is not a Taoist weapon user. No one knows what she is thinking.

Even if she suddenly kills the Son of Tomorrow, that is still possible. Perhaps Zhuo Qilian will be punished by Taoist weapons in the future, but before that, Tomorrow Society has already suffered unbearable losses.

No matter what, the original Daoqi users must not fail, even at the cost of their lives.

This scene made the atmosphere freeze for a moment.

Zhuo Qilian smiled faintly, but did not get angry. He just said: "Why be so vigilant? I did not awaken the Daoqi, which means that my selfishness for life is greater than the ideal of saving others. How could I put myself to death for a junior I don't know?"

She was upright and said it sincerely, which was very touching.

However, the mood of all Daoqi users did not fluctuate. Tian Jing also said sincerely: "Tomorrow's Club has no secrets in front of you, and even its survival depends on your thoughts. In this case, Ming Weiyang, you should not contact us. We must always guarantee something."


Yun Ye was happy to see this scene. He did not doubt the possibility of Zhuo Qilian's rage. This scene was too embarrassing.

Even if Zhuo Qilian was just an ordinary Dharma Realm, he would definitely be promoted to the peerless Dharma Realm after mastering the knowledge of Tomorrow's Club.

Moreover, Zhuo Qilian was originally a strong man in the realm of law, and he had a very special magic that could isolate existence, which even the realm of law of the Luo Dynasty could not detect.

Facing such an existence at close range, the only way for the Tomorrow Club was to perish together.

In this case, the top leaders of the Tomorrow Club did not hesitate to stand up to stop Zhuo Qilian. It must be said that the Daoqi Master is indeed powerful in implementing his own will.

"You are too vigilant. There is no need. I just want to ask a few questions. You should also want to know these questions."

Zhuo Qilian spoke, her demeanor was extraordinary, even in the face of this situation, she was only slightly stunned, and her tone did not change because of this.

"I see, then please speak."

Tian Jing stood in front of Yun Ye and gave Zhuo Qilian a step.

Huo Yang and the others silently blocked in front of Tian Jing and Yun Ye. All of them, the Daoqi Masters, mastered the magic. At this moment, they had quietly formed a large formation, isolating the inside and the outside, and hindering the possible explosion of the magic power of Zhuo Qilian.

If it is a question that can be asked, they will pass it on. If it is the opposite...

Then there is no need to say more.

"The first question is, does the spirit of the Dao weapon remember its first owner?" Zhuo Qilian glanced at everyone and asked directly, not caring too much about superficial questions. She never gets angry with people. This is the absolute calmness of her state of mind, and it is also the path she takes to gradually cultivate into the realm of law, which is not transferred by her will. Now, even if she wants to be furious, her body and soul will not allow it. After hearing the first question. Tian Jing and the others were silent for a while, and felt a deep chill for a while. This woman... Can she read their memories? Zhuo Qilian is not a Dao weapon user, and can't see the spirit of the Dao weapon at all. She can only understand the situation in a short time by reading the fluctuations of their thoughts and seeing Mingri through their perspective. They don't need to ask this question. "Of course I remember that my first owner was Yang Shi." Mingri gave the answer herself. Yun Ye and her mind are connected, and she will naturally understand what Yun Ye wants to do. "So, do you know why Yang Shi is so powerful? Is it really just because of his strong talent that he created the Extreme Spiritual Method?"

Zhuo Qilian directly talked to Mingri. She can indeed directly read the thoughts of the weaker ones, and she is much stronger than imagined.

If it is Tian Jing and others, although they cannot read directly, they can only read it with some effort. The difference in strength is immeasurable.

This is too normal. Yun Ye can defeat the Dharma Realm with the perfection of the Mortal Realm (entry to the Spiritual Realm), which is enough to show how exaggerated the Extreme Spiritual Method is.

And this is just the period of single spiritual root!

In the period of double spiritual roots, the power level that the Extreme Spiritual Secondary Zodiac can cross is even more terrifying.

It can be said that no matter who it is, as long as they obtain the knowledge of the Tomorrow Society, the essence of their power will undergo a leap-forward evolution.

The manipulation of memory and the use of divine methods are naturally included!

"The first generation master was unable to defeat the realm of law, and only took advantage of the information gap to launch a sneak attack. After being discovered, he had no chance. If you mean this, it is indeed the factor of the extreme spiritual law. Without the extreme spiritual law, the master's reaction speed is too poor, and there is no chance to keep up with the battle rhythm of the realm of law, let alone launch a sneak attack." Mingri said. "So the extreme spiritual law was really created by Yang Shi? Is this really possible?" Zhuo Qilian got the answer she wanted. She just wanted to verify the source of the extreme spiritual law from the side, not to find out the reason why Yang Shi was so powerful. She couldn't understand why Yang Shi, who came from the bottom of the society, could create this method. This is completely different from the mainstream method. It bypasses the complex empiricism and directly studies the essence. If you want to summarize and rank them, this method should be understood as "Dao Dian". According to her knowledge, even the Grand Dian is just mastering a kind of extreme spiritual law, far from mastering the essence and developing all extreme spiritual laws at will. Yang Shi, a mortal, a mortal with almost zero knowledge, how did he find a new way to discover these essences? "Mingri Daoling, please stop talking." Tian Jing and the others ended the conversation and let Mingri answer. This might allow Zhuo Qilian to get some things he shouldn't know. Although it might not pose a threat to Mingri, it's better to prevent it in advance.

"It doesn't matter. Although some people cannot awaken the Taoist weapon, they just don't have the determination and are willing to contribute until the last moment. The Tao of Tomorrow also has an understanding of human nature. How can we criticize too much? "

Tomorrow said.


Tian Jing and the others nodded silently, but still stopped in front of Zhuo Qilian. They understood, despised, and distrusted.

"It's time for everyone to wake up."

Zhuo Qilian said suddenly.


"It has ended?"

"Hey, I didn't wake up the merit system!"

As one resident after another opened their eyes, the entire ceremony venue resumed its hustle and bustle, and the original tense atmosphere on the stage disappeared in an instant.

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