A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 358: Cultivation and Transformation into Eternal Silence

The large-scale awakening of the people directly led to the elimination of the tense atmosphere.

Everyone's eyes were then cast on the awakening platform.

"A new Taoist user is born!"

"I didn't expect it to be him..."

"Ming Weiyang!"

There is and is only one new Taoist envoy standing on the high platform. He is a child who makes many people feel familiar. Although he has never appeared in public, as long as he is in Tomorrow City, he has more or less heard of his name as a child prodigy.

I just didn't expect that the first time the Taoist weapon was awakened, Ming Weiyang actually surpassed everyone and became the only one to awaken the Taoist tool.

Yongfa scratched his hair, looked at the panel in front of him and sighed...

Without awakening the Taoist artifact, he was one step behind Ming Weiyang. When could he catch up with this monster?

As a classmate and member of the same club, he really understands the importance of the word "prodigy", which is really too exaggerated.


There was nothing in front of Wu Xianzhang's eyes, and there was no merit panel. When he looked up at the cloudy night above the high platform, he felt only a strong sense of bitterness.

The gap in talent, the gap in consciousness.

Is he incomparable to none?

"Wu Xianzhang, Ming Weiyang's talent is innate. We can't expect it. We can only do our own things with all our strength. I also failed. I didn't even get the merit system, but I believe that as long as I keep going, there will be opportunities in the future. , at least we can’t let the gap widen!”

Tian Jialun patted Wu Xianzhang on the shoulder and comforted him.

"I know……"

Wu Xiangzhang nodded, but this kind of loss and unwillingness could not be relieved with just a few words. He smiled and said: "It's time to use Wei Young's comforting tricks at this time."

"If a person loses his competitive spirit, his possibilities will end here and there will be no chance to move forward, so..."

"We must not lose this spirit of unwillingness. We should be unwilling to give up as much as possible and pursue the future with this spirit!"

The two said in unison, they looked at each other and smiled.

My mood couldn't help but relax between this smile.

This is what Yun Ye often mentions. He is too strong and is very likely to frustrate his pursuers. In order to avoid this, he will give him some chicken soup.

But this is also Yun Ye's true perception. He is a salty fish in modern times. He mainly lives in his comfort zone and has no intention of jumping out.

It feels like a fish trapped in a pond. It's good to be content with the status quo and enjoy yourself by blowing bubbles.

This is certainly a way of life, but the premise is that there is no ambition at all.

If you half-believe that you are a piece of beautiful jade and are unwilling to be mediocre and associated with rubble, then being willing to be mediocre is just torture and a joke, and it is not following your true heart at all.

Yun Ye looked back at his past self and saw only a dian within a dian.

I am afraid that I am not a beautiful jade, so I don’t want to work hard to carve it; I also half-believe that I am a piece of beautiful jade, so I don’t want to get along with the rubble and sink completely.

As someone who has experienced this, Yun Ye believes that he lacks some unwillingness in modern times. Strong desire is the driving force for people to move forward. In the past, he did not have such a thing at all, and naturally he could not move.

"Everyone, please come on stage. You deserve to be blessed by everyone and will definitely become a pillar of talent!"

More than seventy merit panel holders came to the stage excitedly.

Yongfa is the youngest among them.

When Yun Ye saw him coming, he was filled with unspeakable wonder.

Yongfa can awaken the merit panel, which means that his willpower is at least among the top 100 among these 100,000 people. Is this the so-called hidden secret?

Judging from his daily behavior, it is really hard to imagine that Yongfa has such a firm belief.

Yongfa also saw Yun Ye, but he immediately turned his head with a disdainful expression.

Then, he saw Zhuo Qilian standing not far away and quickly corrected his posture.

This moment, with a flash of light, was recorded forever.

In the photo, several people are standing at the back, with a weak sense of presence, while more than 70 people, young and old, are standing together. The central perspective in the photo is the boy with the Tao sword floating in front of him, and the There was a man holding his hair and smiling. Next to the man, another boy was in a hurry, trying to stand up.

As this scene solidified, everyone knew that the era for the children of tomorrow had arrived!

"The principle of eternal silence is to use the only inextinguishable fire to burn the space, and to use the only way to spread the attack range along the current, forming a space vibration that engulfs everything."

"However, this is just a simulation at best, and cannot be called the real destruction of space at all. If you want to achieve a deeper level of eternal silence, you need to add divine law and interfere with space with divine law to form a true sense of space burning, space destruction, and space Destructive spread."

"This is turning Yin into eternal silence. It has the power of sole, turning Yin, and triple attributes at the same time. Once completed, it will have the power to destroy everything."

After the awakening ceremony ended, Yun Ye was taken away directly by Yue Xin.

As Yun Ye is the successor of the original Taoist weapon, Yue Xin has no reason to hide her secrets. She imparts her decades of research to others.

From the principles to the details, everything is described in extreme detail, helping Yun Ye master this power.

"Then, let's get started."

Yuexin activates the formation to build an independent space that is enough to suppress the power of eternal silence. "The anti-god formation can destroy the stability of the divine method or the Yin spirit method, in order to achieve the purpose of invalidating the divine method and the Yin spirit method. "

"This is a formation that every combat member must master. As long as you control the scale within a certain range, the anti-god formation can suppress it."

Yun Ye glanced at the large number of people around him who were in charge of the formation, and nodded.

Although they all used similar formations as those who came to see him before, the scale and realm were completely different.

Yue Xin's formation skills are extremely high, and he has a large number of people to assist him. It cannot be compared to the anti-god formation launched by one person.

Yun Ye stood in the center of the barrier, letting the power of the formation wrap around his body, then stretched out his hand, and the three forces intertwined and collided in the palm of his hand.

The precise spiritual pattern constructed the model of the only spiritual method: Transforming the Yin into Eternal Silence, instantly turning the three qualities of power into one.

Dark cracks spread in the palm of my hand.

Extremely tiny.


Yun Ye disappeared without even trying to control it.

He was stunned and still didn't understand what was going on. However, Yue Xin, who had been monitoring the situation with the True Heavenly Instrument, said: "I used extremely precise spiritual patterns to control Yongji, and its stability has evolved by leaps and bounds, but Therefore, it has become a force that needs to be "scaled up" to be activated. "

"Scale?" Yun Ye was confused.

"Yes, scale. Just like a seesaw, it requires a certain amount of weight to push down before the other end can be thrown away. Eternal Silence, whose stability has been greatly improved, needs a certain scale to start. Otherwise, although the power will not disappear completely, But just like a seesaw that fails to fly, its power decays very quickly." Yue Xin gave a vivid example.

If it has a large scale, it can throw "Eternal Silence" away hard, causing the effect of a trebuchet.

Without scale, it would be a seesaw. At most, "Eternal Silence" would roll down from the other end.

"Continue to increase the scale, what about this formation?" Yun Ye understood.

"The minimum number is floating. There will be no problems in this range, and there will be measures to protect the bottom line. Don't worry." Yue Xin said.

Yun Ye nodded and started experimenting again.

He continues to increase the scale, approaching the smallest scale where eternal silence takes shape.

So, starting from the ethereal tiny cracks, the cracks continued to spread, and finally a pure black ball appeared at the core.

It's not a ball to be precise, it's just a hole, and there is no material in this area.

But after the smallest space black hole appeared, the experiment did not succeed, because Yun Ye lost control the moment the black hole appeared, and the destruction of space began to spread, destroying everything - and then was enveloped by countless chains and forcibly extinguished. .

The anti-god formation is indeed very effective and can forcibly suppress the transformation of Yin into eternal silence.

"The destructive power of the Eternal Silence is too strong. At the moment of birth, even if there is interference from the spiritual pattern I set, the time it can be used is only an instant. If you cannot use the Eternal Silence at this moment, this move will actually hurt you. At this moment, it is almost close to the frequency of space, and it is impossible for humans to perceive it..."

"It is worthy of being the only third-level spiritual method of turning yin. This is really a desperate condition."

At the end of this experiment, after a full month of continuous calculations and repeated experiments, Yue Xin found the problem, and the conclusion was very bad.

"Si Xi, are you saying that this move is not feasible?"

Yun Ye was extremely surprised.

Although he found it extremely difficult to execute the Transformation to Yin Eternal Silence by himself, it was not completely unfeasible. Why could it not be used in actual combat after the Moon Heart was optimized?

"As far as the conclusion is concerned, yes. The human body cannot bear the transformation of the Yin and Eternal Silence. At least it can only be done in the Dharma realm. You are currently creating the Transformation of the Yin and Eternal Silence outside the body. The real spiritual method... but it is completed in the body. Once you lose control, you will self-destruct!”

Yue Xin said lightly.


Yun Ye suddenly broke into a cold sweat.

If the spiritual method is to be implemented into actual combat, it is indeed necessary to complete the spiritual integration in the body. If there is a mistake during this period, it will be doomed!

He has merged the three attributes many times, and he can't even limit the power outside his body, let alone control it inside his body?

If you try to use it, your physical body will probably be shattered, and the anti-god formation will be too late.

"There are spiritual roots and energy meridians in the body to increase the power and improve stability. The success rate of spiritual methods is higher than outside the body, so any spiritual method is directly activated inside the body."

"However, although the spiritual method activated in the body is faster, stronger and more accurate, the tolerable risk is zero. Even the spiritual body cannot withstand the energy exploded inside. If the spiritual method is used in the body, it should be perfectly safe. A magical method that can never go wrong.”

"There is only one spatial frequency of time to control the transition to eternal silence. Even if you can really control it, there will be no time to flow out of the body, unless..."

"It's the Dharma Realm!"

Yun Ye's eyes were bright.

He also thought that the Nine Transformations of Dafa in the Dharma Realm stage could solve this problem!

The ninth Dafa transfers "Dharma" out of the body independently, and the power can be violently sublimated without any worries!

In addition to having magical power, the Dharma Realm is more essentially the Nine Transformations of Dafa!

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