A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 359: Ethereal Magic - Obtaining a Military Position

"Yes, spiritual power is used in the mortal realm, but the human body cannot bear it, so the ancient monks evolved spiritual bodies and stepped into the spiritual realm."

"After the spiritual realm, spiritual power is developed to the extreme and there is no way forward, so someone develops magic power. This is more advanced than spiritual power. It condenses the power of spiritual power and is so powerful that even the spiritual body cannot bear it."

"Although I don't know what happened in history, it is obvious that in order to solve this problem, someone developed the Nine Transformations of Dafa, which separated the energy system from the human body and formed a system that does not affect the physical body, so that the extremely powerful power of mana It can explode indefinitely.”

"And this independent system is developed by magic weapons and magic medicines, so the higher the quality, the stronger the power you can obtain, and the higher the realm you can reach."

"The Yin Transformation and Eternal Silence involves three attributes, and it is the only spiritual method, the Yin Transformation Spiritual Method. This power has completely exceeded the limit, and is no longer controllable by the spiritual realm."

"You must give up turning to eternal silence. It is meaningless to study this spiritual method before you reach spiritual perfection and even the Dharma realm."

The heart of the moon announced that it would give up and turn into eternal silence.

Yun Ye was a little unwilling and wanted to buy more time, but Yue Xin preempted Yun Ye's thoughts and said: "No need to say more, this is not a matter that can be controlled by personal will. If I want to help you complete your practice, you need to maintain it at all times. The resources invested in the anti-god formation will be massive, and tomorrow we will not be able to support it materially, rather than we don’t want to support it.”

After hearing this, Yun Ye also sighed and said nothing more.

Indeed, the current Tomorrow Society is too poor. There are many monks, but there are no matching resources. It is completely using the lives of most people to accumulate results.

Under such circumstances, it is indeed too bad to invest a large amount of resources for one person that is destined to be unrewarded. It is not necessary to transform into Yin and Eternal Silence. At the moment when Yang Star is already used as a strategic weapon, developing a weapon that can only be used by Yun Ye The moves don't make much sense.

Although Yuexin gave up on turning to eternal silence, she had a new direction.

"The reason why Zhuan Yin Eternal Silence cannot be used is because it is too powerful. If it is downgraded to an extremely spiritual method or even an ordinary method, it may be possible to realize this power. Even if it is an ordinary method, as the third level spiritual method of Zhuan Yin, its power is It is far from comparable to the second level spiritual method."

Yue Xin said.

Ordinary law, extremely spiritual law, and unique law, these are three areas, and the difficulty increases in order.

Yun Ye challenged the three attributes of the only method from the beginning. The difficulty was too high, and even he was unable to master it due to his physical limitations.

"In that case, let's start with the third level spiritual method of turning to yin. I am already familiar with the fusion of water and fire gods."


With just such a sentence, the five-year practice began.

It is more difficult than imagined to complete the three zodiac signs.

The Extreme Spiritual Method is a method of distributing spirituality. Once you are proficient in it, you can perfectly distribute spirituality. If you use it in ordinary methods, you can directly reach the perfect state of proficiency.

Yun Ye, who can perfectly distribute spirituality, obviously has a huge advantage in spiritual integration, but it took him five years to complete the downgraded triple zodiac sign of Yin.

Spiritual magic testing ground.

Ten-year-old Yun Ye has grown a lot and has reached the size of a teenager. He stands in the center of the field and withstands shots from all directions.

Beams of light shot out, mercilessly penetrating the air, leaving a red trail, while Yun Ye dodged them in a dazzling manner.

Even in the full-coverage form, Yun Ye can shuttle freely, and seems to have dodge skills that are completely contrary to common sense.

However, if you observe carefully, you will find that Yun Ye did not avoid some of the rays, but the rays penetrated him the moment they hit him.

"——Open the door."

Yun Ye activated some kind of spiritual technique, and like his body passing through ripples, the world became blurry for a moment, and then became clear the next moment.

Under the ripples, all attacks penetrated through, and he was unscathed. It was as if he had escaped from this space and was completely independent from the world.

After doing this hundreds of times in a row, the test finally stopped.

"Pah, pah, pah..."

Yue Xin walked out and clapped her hands continuously. She smiled and said: "Perfect, very perfect. You have engraved "open the door" into your bones and made it instinctive. You can actually compress the activation time to a level that is difficult to sense. I now officially announce , the three-level zodiac spiritual method and the ethereal method are officially completed, Weiyang, you can start your training!"

"Leaving the army?" Yun Ye looked questioning.

"Keep going, you have no way to grow, you need to experience." Yue Xin put down her hand and pointed at the figure gradually approaching not far away, "Next, you will enter the No. 2 Organization and become a six-digit martial artist. member."

"The military profession takes killing demons as your duty, and using this achievement to evolve yourself, this is the only way for you to continue to grow. The brave champion of the three armies, Wang Shun, will be your captain in the next few years. You should also I have heard of his name. Among the new generation, Wang Shun is considered to be the best. Although his strength cannot help, life is not just about strength. He can teach you a lot. "

Yun Ye thanked Yue Xin, then turned to look at Wang Yao's son who was striding towards him.

Wang Shun's appearance is much more upright than his father. While inheriting Wang Yao's tall physique, he is also very handsome and masculine. His first impression is that he is not so much a monk as a warrior who is not afraid of anything.

"I am Wang Shun, and I will be your captain in the next few years. You can ask me about all kinds of things, and I will definitely know everything."

Wang Shun was wearing a white robe with a pattern of a moon-reflecting treasure ring on the inside and outside. When he spoke, he stretched out his hand hidden in the robe and patted Yun Ye's shoulder, which was very kind.

"Wang Yao has profound knowledge in these three aspects: archery, spiritual arts, and fighting skills. You can ask him for advice." Yue Xin left these words and left. As time goes by, we will capture the enemy tomorrow. There are more and more spiritual towns, and the number of people is also increasing rapidly, so she becomes busier and busier.

The number of students enrolled in Friar College is reaching new highs every year. As the principal, she really needs to spend a lot of time on it.

"Captain Wang Shun, our mission is to kill demons? Starting today?"

Yun Ye retracted his gaze from Yue Xin.

"A monster... This can only be considered the main task. Sometimes I will attack Lingzhen, fight with aristocratic families, or hunt down some fleeing aristocratic family members. There are still many things that need to be done."

"But today is just to get acquainted. There are no tasks for the time being. When you take care of things, we will meet at the entrance of the barrier at noon tomorrow."

"We have conquered another spiritual town in the past few months. There should be a lot of tasks that need to be dealt with. It will be very hard then."

Wang Shun smiled.


Yun Ye nodded silently, it was time for him to shine.

In the past five years, the number of spiritual towns that Tomorrow Club has conquered has reached ten. This is a very exaggerated number. There are only 125 towns in the entire Huangzhou. Tomorrow Club can secretly occupy a full twelfth of them. In fact, Somewhat too unusual.

Maybe someone is deliberately indulging?

Tomorrow-type Taoist tools can get 100% response if they devour Domination-type Taoist tools, but if Domination-type Taoist tools devour each other, they can only get one-third.

This huge gap is enough for the ruling Dao system to indulge to a certain extent. They are fully capable of suppressing the new Dao, and there is no reason to waste two-thirds of the response...

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