A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 362: New Tenth-Level Heavenly Road and Demon Clearance

After entering Ling Town and settling in, Wang Shun gave Yun Ye a guide and ran away.

Yun Ye flipped through it casually and found that it recorded the locations of various facilities and government offices in Lingzhen, including Master Yan's refining room.

However, Yun Ye has no intention of refining the smoke and cloud tools through other people's hands. His knowledge of weapon refining is not low, so it is still possible to complete the prohibition implantation.

After some simple refining, Yun Ye completely turned the smoke and cloud tool into a flying magic weapon that could only be controlled by him.

The magic weapon can extract external spiritual energy on its own. When the speed is not fast, the smoke and cloud tool does not consume the owner's spiritual power at all. It is a magical tool for traveling.

Unfortunately, all magical instruments have a service life. The more intense the use, the faster they will be damaged. It is unlikely that they will be popularized in a short time.

Yun Ye has no intention of wandering around. He is too well-known. Even in the Tenth Spirit Town, many people may know about him. Going out will cause a lot of noise.

Sitting cross-legged in the spirit gathering room, Yun Ye began to practice.

Although there will be a shortage of resources tomorrow, Yun Ye actually has no shortage of spiritual energy with the secret realm of Yingyue Treasure Environment in hand, so he has already cultivated a spiritual body and advanced to the spiritual realm.

And this time he did not practice the spiritual body, but directly opened the heavenly path and deduced the ethereal body.

The power of the ethereal method far exceeds that of the silent method, and because it is not extremely spiritual or unique, its controllability is also far greater than that of the silent method. It can be used to become extremely spiritual or unique in the future, just like the fire root can develop into a heart fire. , just like the non-extinguishing fire, the ethereal method can also be used to turn Yin into eternal silence.

After taking a step around, the difficulty is greatly reduced.

If the empty spirit body reaches the level of the silent spirit body, it will no longer be difficult to master the transformation of Yin into eternal silence.

Unfortunately, in five years, although Yun Ye has reached the tenth level of the Heavenly Road, the life essence of the ethereal body has only doubled, and he can only barely complete the original method.

This abnormal situation is not only due to the high difficulty of the three-level original method, but also to Yun Ye's lack of foundation in divine magic.

As for the two parts of water and fire, Yun Ye has gained a lot of experience in his previous life and summed up some rules, but not the divine method.

The Tianlu deduction is based on existing information, so the progress will be delayed until the shortcomings of the divine method are made up.

However, even so, the power of the ethereal body surprised Yun Ye.

He had just perfected his ethereal body a month ago, and before he could practice his spiritual meridians, his power had completely surpassed Xiangying's peak period.

In other words, Yun Ye has now been promoted to the realm of peerless magic. If he wields a Taoist weapon, he can even cut through the profound realm.

At this stage, only Zhuo Qilian in the entire Tomorrow Society can surpass Yun Ye in terms of strength, but Zhuo Qilian has no Taoist weapons and poses no threat to Yun Ye.

This is the difference in mentality. Tian Jing and the others do not have equal power, so it is inevitable that they will be wary of Zhuo Qilian, but Yun Ye is too strong. In his eyes, Zhuo Qilian is not much different from other monks, so naturally there is not much difference between them. Fearful thoughts will arise.

There are too many threats in this world, and Yun Ye has no spare energy to be afraid of this or that. These years, Yun Ye is more concerned about what he sees and hears on the road to heaven.

Climbing the tenth step of the Heavenly Road again, Yun Ye got to know many ancient sages, beings who were engraved in history and made outstanding contributions.

The history of the three major laws is constantly being improved.

Yun Ye discovered that even for the same thing, there may not be only one person involved. Many key nodes were mostly completed by predecessors and then completed in later generations.

Some coincidence, even father, son and brother took over.

It is in line with Hongtianjie’s view of family history.

Moreover, he finally confirmed one thing this time, that is, the birth of the Divine Consciousness Method and the Spiritual Root Method were indeed caused by the annihilation of the Physical Body Method.

It may sound a bit abstract.


The human world has been destroyed.

This was no joke. Apart from the destruction of the human world, Yun Ye could not find any reason to explain what he saw.

The Physique Technique was first born, and a master like Hong Tian appeared. It can be said that it has reached its extreme and has unparalleled power.

Theoretically, even if a rising star emerges, it is impossible for the Physique Technique to disappear without a trace.

But the fact is that in the era when the divine consciousness method and the spiritual root method were born, there was no shadow of the physical method at all, let alone the shadow of the other party.

That is to say, in every era of the embryonic form of law, there is only one law, just like a period of history repeated three times, but the subject has changed.

If the human world was not suddenly destroyed and all inheritance disappeared, Yun Ye could not explain why the original Dharma did not penetrate history.

Originally, Yun Ye had doubts and wanted to ask the Queen Mother about the true immortal.

She must know why.

But it is a pity that Yun Ye did not meet the Queen Mother True Immortal at the first level and had to wait for the eleventh level.

This is a level that records bloodline and magic. The power of Yun Ye’s spiritual eyes is not perfect yet, so he will not enter the eleventh level of heaven for the time being.


The day passed by in an instant, and Yun Ye exhaled, with a look of embarrassment in his eyes.

The process of creating an ethereal body was very difficult. It took five years to complete. Unexpectedly, the difficulty of spiritualizing the meridians would further increase.

With such a terrifying method, one wrong step would lead to death. In just one night, he had been saved several times by the warning of the nine-life divine method.

Some methods are really not something that can be practiced casually, and they can make people look up at them from the very beginning.

Of course, the rewards are also staggering.

"Open the door!"

Ripples appeared and Yun Ye disappeared into the room.

Office No. 2.

In a rather serious area, many monks were inspecting magical weapons and robes in preparation for the upcoming hunting and cleaning.

In the core area, Wang Shun and Qi Xin were discussing something. Suddenly they looked to one side, and a figure suddenly stepped out.

The handsome young man with outstanding temperament arrived and naturally attracted all the attention.

"Ming Weiyang, you are really elusive, but you came just in time! You should know the hunting and cleaning plan, right?"

Wang Shun said.

"I know. After capturing Lingzhen, we will clean up the demons within a hundred miles radius until most of the demons no longer dare to approach."

Yun Ye nodded.

"Our task is to clean up and put away the poison treasure... Speaking of which, it is also related to the topic you studied five years ago, the curse insect manifests itself. This move is indeed very versatile. As long as With this arrangement, insect pests can be completely eliminated.”

"The guild improved it on the same principle and turned the curse into a large-scale expulsion spell. As long as a demon comes close, it will be haunted by this power. The effect is not strong, but it is very annoying. Most demons will give up invading this area. , which greatly reduces our pressure.”

"Now we are taking the initiative instead of running on the edge."

Wang Shun smiled.

"What do I want next?"

Yun Ye asked.

"It's very simple. There are four directions: east, west, north and south, of which the east and south are left to you. With your strength, you should be able to face it alone."

As soon as Wang Shun said this, everyone in the audience was shocked.

"Are you kidding me?"

"One person is responsible for both parties? Is this like being able to transform into tens of millions?"

"Although he is the original Taoist user, this is too exaggerated. Ming Weiyang is still too young. Even if he has the corresponding power, if something goes wrong, it will be a big problem! Whether he fails or he encounters a crisis, It’s a disaster for us!”

Many people don't want to take risks and want to take it step by step and be more secure.

Wang Shun didn't care and nodded: "Okay, it won't take long to solve anyway. Ming Weiyang, you solve the east first, and then solve the south if you have time. Before you finish solving, the other three parties can do their normal tasks. "

"Everyone should be okay with this, right?"

Everyone was stunned, naturally they were unwilling, but they had already refused once, so they couldn't say anything more, so the battle plan was simply settled.

However, they still didn't want any accidents, and sent two monks to guard the east, ready to rescue at any time and make up for Yun Ye's mistakes.

"Activate the concealment formation!"


As Wang Shun finished speaking.

The veil fell from the sky, covering a hundred miles in radius, cutting off the cause and effect between the inside and the outside world.

Dozens of monks set out to kill in all directions.

The merit panel in front of Yun Ye unfolded. For a moment, his figure was enveloped in ripples and disappeared from the spot.

When he appeared again, he had already crossed ten miles and arrived outside the city.

The divine consciousness unfolded mightily, spreading to cover a radius of one hundred kilometers, encompassing the entire battlefield.

Yun Ye was born with the nine-life divine method and created the nine-life divine body. The detection range of his divine consciousness far exceeds the 25 kilometers of the normal spiritual realm.

And as the divinity reaches the late third level, the detection range and detection accuracy of the divine consciousness are further improved. He only needs to use this power for now, and the limit is not one hundred kilometers.

With this level of consciousness, everything within a hundred miles of Wang Yuzhen was under his observation, every detail.

"Then, let's get started..."

Yun Ye closed his hands, and the three spiritual patterns of water, fire, and earth on his forehead glowed, and a massive amount of spiritual energy surged in as his spiritual roots revived.

Immediately afterwards, three textures spread across the body, making Yun Ye appear inhuman and godlike.

The spiritual roots are sublimated!

"The Great Spiritual Method of Dakini Reflecting the Sky and the Void Realm!"

The phase of the world is controlled by Yun Ye, and an indescribably vast space barrier spreads. Wherever it passes, all living beings suddenly feel great terror, as if they have fallen from the sky and entered a lost hell, unable to control their life or death...

"What does it feel like?"

"Are you kidding me...what kind of monster is targeting us with this kind of aura?"

"I can't move!!!"

Many of the monks who had just begun the battle raised their heads in horror and looked to the sky.

They can't even move, let alone resist, under this kind of terror. This is the difference between different dimensions!

But they can't see anything.

They just felt that something was watching them, and with the gaze, the space was reversed, and their perceptions were confused.

This is unimaginable pain, the world is turned upside down, the perception is blurred and confused, it is almost not myself, and I can't even think.

The other party doesn't even need to take action, as long as they maintain this state, they will all die!


Yun Ye's eyes were intertwined with red, blue and black, forming rainbow pupils looking directly into the space. All lives shrouded in the space barrier were watched.

He also noticed that his power reversed space, and a life living in the third dimension simply could not bear this kind of chaos.

He slid his fingers with difficulty to end this as quickly as possible.

Note: In the past, the three methods could reach heaven separately. Now this setting has been deleted. The three methods share the same path to heaven. Fellow practitioners of the three methods can only rely on family inheritance.

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