A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 363 1100 skill points


Quietly, a large number of monsters were separated from their heads and died without warning. Even if there were lives that could regenerate, this cutting completely inhibited their regeneration. This was a spiritual method that directly cut off their concept of space and made their bodies incomplete. , regeneration is also ineffective, it can only remain immortal, but cannot recover.

As Yun Ye clenched his fists.

The next moment, the entire space barrier suddenly shrank, and all the demons within a hundred miles radius were compressed into a small square in front of him.

The size of a fist, it emits soft black light. Normal human vision cannot see clearly what is inside the black light, and the same is true for ordinary spiritual eyes and celestial eyes.

After doing all this, Yun Ye's power faded, and the cube expanded crazily after losing control, and countless corpses immediately piled up into mountains.

"Get 10,000 experience..."

"Level up."

"Get 10,000 experience..."

"Level up."

Yun Ye opened the merit panel. He was at level 2 when he left the city, at level 22 when he arrived at Wang Yu Town, and now it has skyrocketed to level 45.

"Merit Panel"

"Name: Ming Weiyang (Yun Ye). 』

"Virtue: Level 45/Level 100. 』

"Merit: 5532/100000 (ordinary monsters can provide at least 1 point of merit). 』

"Spiritual method: spiritual realm·mid-level fourth level, mortal realm·ethereal method (realm: perfection/achievement: perfection), spiritual realm·ethereal method (realm: entry/achievement: entry). 』

『Physical Technique: Life Realm·Late Third Stage. 』

"Divine Laws: Divine Realm·Late Third Stage, Mortal Realm·Nine-Life Divine Law (Realm: Perfect/Achievement: Proficient), Spiritual Realm·Nine-Life Divine Law (Realm: Perfect/Achievement: Proficient). 』

『Spells: Empty Spiritual Technique·Opening the Door (Perfect), Dakyong Great Spiritual Technique·Reflecting the Sky and the Void World (Proficient), Imagination Technique (Perfect), Silence of All Things (Perfect), Eternal Silence (Proficient), Turning to Yin and Eternal Silence (Unfinished) Introduction), The Mystery of Fire·Disorder (Dacheng), The Mystery of Water·Softness (Dacheng), The Mystery of Water and Fire·Nirvana (Xiaocheng), The Divine Law of Nine Lives (Three Lives Perfection)...』

"Source Method: Silent Spirit Body Source Method·Yellow Level High Grade (Realm: Uninitiated/Achievement: Perfect), Empty Spirit Body Source Method·Yellow Level Low Grade (Realm: Perfect/Achievement: Proficient), Nine-Life Divine Body Source Method·Xuan Level Low grade (realm: perfection/achievement: perfection)...』

"The number of merit points: 250 (20+40+60+80+50). 』

"250 skill points."

Yun Ye murmured to himself.

This scale is enough to evolve into Yin Eternal Silence once. It can directly help him eliminate wrong options. The effect is similar to...

sky Road?

Seeing this, he added additional rules for information storage. Only in this way can this ability be brought into full play!

"Zhentianyi has come to a conclusion after countless calculations... Weiyang, you are suitable to protect the existence of Tomorrow Society and eliminate all dangers that may destroy Tomorrow Society."

"Your abilities and talents are all based on the accumulation of power. In this case, your path to practice is to obtain absolute power."

"You have five directions of practice: divine method, physical method, water method, fire method, and earth method. It is theoretically possible to complete the fusion of the five attributes... However, so far we have not found a method to integrate yin and yang, let alone yin and yang. In the case of fusion, it combines the other three zodiac signs.”

"Whether it is the yin or yang zodiac sign, it is too difficult to integrate the three spiritual methods and can only be used as a means to die together. In this case, there is no need to hesitate. Once you obtain enough creation points, you can directly upgrade the transformation Yin is eternally silent!”

"Based on the current rules of Taoist tools, you should be able to upgrade Zhuan Yin Yongji at least twice to reach the proficiency level! You may be limited by your body and cannot use it immediately, but once the conditions are met, you can gain the real power to calm the world in one leap. This is when you truly create tomorrow!”

Yue Xin once said this to Yun Ye.

Her concept is very clear. As long as you have strong enough power, all problems are actually small problems and will always be solved by using wisdom.

But without strength, in the face of an overwhelming existence, what does it matter no matter how strong your wisdom is?

Once the opponent's magic is activated, all your past and future will emerge, and all your plans will become a joke and meaningless.

"Improve the three-level unique spiritual method: Turning the Yin to Eternal Silence. You can choose the consumption range. The more merit points you consume, the stronger the deduction effect will be..."

"Two hundred and fifty merit creation points are consumed."

"Confirm the deduction!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the entire panel exploded, as if countless universes were born and destroyed, extreme darkness was born, and a huge flow of information continued to impact the brain.

Knowledge is constantly emerging!

The correct structure, development direction, and necessary auxiliary items of Zhuan Yin Eternal Silence are all available. At the same time, the "uninitiated" on Zhuan Yin Eternal Silence has also been wiped away and turned into "initiated".

"Entry-level Transformation of Yin and Eternal Silence: Through the construction of complex spiritual patterns, supplemented by a large number of magic weapons, it greatly stabilizes the power and completes the possibility of activating power. With a body in the spiritual realm, even if all conditions are met, fourth-level spiritual control and fourth-level divine control are required. 』


Yun Ye stared at the fourth-level divinity for a long time, and only saw the word "cannibal" between the words.

Although he has reached the middle stage of fourth-level spiritual practice, what is the prerequisite for that?

Many catastrophes have occurred!

The core medicinal aura of the entire Rain World Secret Realm was absorbed by him!

Battled with the Dharma Realm Prodigy many times!

He even faced the mysterious realm directly!

In the fourth life, he had too many resources to grow up and was uniquely blessed by nature.

In the fifth life, he was completely protected in the City of Tomorrow. He had just come out. Unless there were another series of adventures, it would take at least fifty years to complete the fourth level of divinity.

Divine cultivation is far more difficult than spirituality. Even if Yun Ye has entered the fourth level realm, he still has no clue to master the fourth level of divinity. This is a different realm!

While Yun Ye was staying, the two monks guarding the city wall finally came to their senses. With their loud roars, the whole Wang Yu Town erupted.

A large number of monks returned and rushed to the east. When many ordinary people were confused, they all arrived at the scene.

Then, no matter who it was, no matter who they were mentally prepared for, when they actually saw the piles of monster corpses, they couldn't help but lose their voices. They were so shocked by the scene before them that they couldn't accept it.

"Impossible! Absolutely impossible!"

"How can there be such a powerful force? In just a short time, it has already piled up into a mountain of 100 meters. How many demons have been killed?!"

"Thousands of people? Are you trying to catch all the demons from all directions? There is even enough energy left to fish out the corpses from the air..."

They are all monks who have practiced the extremely spiritual method.

As long as the talent is not too bad, the mortal realm can often match the spiritual realm. Some who master dual spiritual techniques and have the assistance of formations can even reach the spiritual realm.

The same is true for the spiritual realm. A powerful person can even fight with the legal realm and kill it.

Wang Shun once killed many catastrophes that even the Dharma Realm could not defeat with one arrow. This was all because of the terrifying power of the Extreme Spirit Dharma and the Only Dharma.

But even so, it is impossible to kill demons within a hundred miles radius in an instant. Whether it is scale, accuracy or speed, they are all beyond their imagination.

There is a gap of hundreds of times between the mortal realm and the spiritual realm.

The gap between the spiritual realm and the legal realm is hundreds of times indescribable. The combined power of some evil three-law practitioners is even more terrifying to think about.

But now, the gap between them and Yun Ye is not just that mortals have crossed over to the Dharma Realm, it is clearly that mortals cannot even imagine facing great power.

They have no idea what they have to do to rival Yunye in terms of scale, accuracy, and speed.

There is no possibility for them to do any of it——

It’s this hopeless gap that can’t be traced!

It wasn't until everyone gathered and watched this scene that they understood why the concept of the Son of Tomorrow had spread throughout Tomorrow City since Ming Weiyang was born. It seemed that the top management had never doubted its potential.

This is also natural.

The three major spiritual roots are all 100% complete, have top-notch spiritual energy control, are born with nine-life magic, are born with seven-wisdom heart, and are born with a silent spiritual body!

The combination of these elements, what kind of treasure is it for an organization like the Tomorrow Society that masters the ultimate spiritual method?

Just using numbers to calculate, they can also come to a conclusion - Ming Weiyang is the sun, the son of tomorrow, and all things cannot compete with it!

Only ordinary people who do not understand the power of zodiac signs and cannot predict how far a genius can go will be confused by the concept of the son of tomorrow, and even wonder whether this title is too exaggerated.

"No matter how many times I watch it, it still feels exaggerated. This is 'Children of Tomorrow'."

Wang Shun sighed.

"Yes...this is the son of tomorrow."

Qi Xin's eyes were complicated, showing a complicated struggle, and then she gave up.

They do think too much. "Bite" is right. Ming Weiyang is a complete monster and cannot be controlled by them.

With the emergence of Ming Weiyang, the Tomorrow Society is bound to change suddenly. Their group cannot sustain this change and will definitely fall apart.

Wu Cheng is dead...

That is death.

The general trend will continue for decades or even hundreds of years.

Suddenly, Qi Xin saw the young man looking over and giving her an inexplicable smile, and she felt horrified... She knew that the young man saw it.

"Ming Weiyang" is so powerful, but she is born with nine lives of divine magic, and her attainments in divine magic are also quite terrifying. It is easy to read her emotional fluctuations, and she may even be able to read her mind!

Yun Ye became completely famous in this battle, and his achievements directly allowed him to be promoted to the fifth level the next day.

Moreover, the Tomorrow Club then issued a special task, asking Wang Shun's team to expand the cleaning area and raise the level of Yun Ye's merit panel to the full level as soon as possible.

The battle between the two sects is getting more and more intense, and the fallen big man has reached his limit. The decisive battle may start at any time. Yun Ye needs to become stronger as soon as possible.

Yun Ye naturally had no reason to refuse. He and Wang Shun's team traveled through the ten major spiritual towns, hunting demons crazily, and the panel level increased every day.

And one year has gone by so fleetingly.

With Yun Ye's power and Wang Shun's experience, it took them a full year to reach the full level of the merit panel and obtain all skill points.

This level becomes more difficult to improve the further you go.

However, 1100 points, excluding the 250 points that have been used, the total is 850 points, which is indeed worth the hard work.

In today's era, knowledge has been accumulated for decades, and most skills only require 1 point to advance to a level.

As for the power of Zhuan Yin Yongji, which is so powerful, the points required to get started are only 250 points...

The remaining 850 skill points are a real huge sum of money!

"I don't know how far these 850 skill points can elevate the transformation of Yin to Eternal Silence. This is currently the strongest power..."

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