A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 369 The Crisis of Tomorrow City’s Destruction

"You haven't even reached the extreme spiritual realm, and you want to get involved in it for three days? It's too early, junior."

Yin Yuekong said.


Yun Ye was silent for a while, countless thoughts flashed by, but then all the thoughts converged into one. He raised his head and looked at the silver moon sky: "It's not too early. No matter what, I firmly believe that I will definitely embark on the third journey." God, carry out the way of tomorrow. You should say that you are worthy of letting me ask questions in just three days?"

"Your knowledge is too shallow, and you are simply crazy. You, who live in a remote corner, cannot understand the weight of the times, let alone what the moment of reincarnation is."

"If any Amao Agou can travel for three days, the moment of reincarnation will be once a thousand years, instead of once every ten thousand or even tens of thousands of years now!"

Yin Yuekong couldn't help but laugh, full of inexplicable meaning.

"You will stop in the mysterious realm. This is inevitable. Each era has its mission. If you want to change the general trend, even the two emperors cannot do it."

"Not to mention you?"

Yun Ye didn't know the reason why Yin Yuekong said this, but she did see all of Yun Ye's trump cards except reincarnation.

In other words, she calculated based on Yun Ye's current situation, and still came to the conclusion after taking into account all factors including the Nine Life Divine Law and the Extreme Spiritual Law:

Yun Yehui will stop at the mysterious realm.

Even if it's just a few words, Yun Ye can feel the weight of it. Three days are the last three realms of human beings, with amazing obstacles.

Even if Yun Ye does find a way to break the situation later, it will definitely be extremely difficult.

It's so daunting...


Yun Ye's belief still hasn't wavered: "Really? So what? My life must be to pursue the ultimate and the strongest, and strength is the foundation of all ideals. Without this belief, I'd better go home and sleep early, and still be relaxed some!"

"Ha..." Yin Yuekong said nothing more, "The way of tomorrow? Do you want to take the holy path? Ming Weiyang, I have to say, you are so courageous."

"But you are right about one thing. Power is the foundation of everything. Without power, everything you have is delusion!"

"Then, let's start inheriting the power. The 'Power of Freedom' is the basis for solving problems!"

Yin Yuekong gave Yun Ye no room to refuse.

She has said too much.

If she hadn't been thinking about it at this time, not the deity, and didn't have a self like the deity, Yun Ye's consciousness would have been rewritten by her when she asked the first sentence.

A mortal who is lighter than dust is not worth the time of a noble like her.


The tasks she assigned did not require rewriting consciousness to force people to execute them.

When the seal is lifted, the situation will come naturally. Without her urging, this person will naturally complete it with all his strength. What he said before was all nonsense she wanted to say.

Ten thousand years, too long, before she was relieved, she wanted to have a conversation - unfortunately, the interlocutor was too boring, and she quickly got tired of this meaningless thing.


The silver light pillar fell, completely covering Yun Ye.

The terrifyingly huge power was poured directly into Yun Ye's body. It condensed into a ring shape on his left hand, and there was a ring inside that was slowly being born.

All the power was sealed on this ring. Although Yun Ye was completely involuntary, he did sense the power in an instant and was able to control it freely immediately. It was like...

Additional spiritual roots are implanted!

"The power of freedom. My Yingyue Tianmen's unique spiritual power is a power that is free, carefree, and free-spirited. The person who obtains it can do anything. Stop time, open up space, turn the earth, and rewrite consciousness. Although it is a spiritual method, it is There is freedom comparable to divine law.”

"This is a four-fold attribute fusion spiritual method, and it must be one of the most powerful forces in this era! Unfortunately, you only inherited the power after all, not the Zizai Tianmen spiritual method. This power will eventually be used up, and then you will You can only rely on your own strength.”

As the silver-haired woman spoke, her figure faded away, becoming hazy like a shadow.

She truly gave all her power to Yun Ye.

And this power inheritance ceremony.

It lasted for three full days without ending. The cloudy night was shrouded in silver light, and it suddenly looked into the distance, reflecting a certain future.

"Yin Yuekong, how long will this inheritance last!" Yun Ye sounded anxious.

"Six days." Yin Yuekong said.

Nine days.

The inheritance can be complete, forming a double-ringed full moon.

"No, I don't have time anymore, I want to leave immediately!"

The future that Yun Ye saw would not allow him to continue to pass on his power. Yin Yuekong was right, the third day would be when the disaster would come!

This is not the earth. There is a strategic depth, and the power of an individual crushes everything. By the ninth day, not even the ruins of Tomorrow City will be left!

"Don't sacrifice the basics. When you inherit the power of freedom, an organization of this level can be established easily. But if you don't inherit the power of freedom, so what if you survive this crisis? In subsequent reincarnations, this weak person will still be destroyed engulfed by the organization.”

Yin Yuekong shook his head and refused.

Although she had seen Yun Ye's memories, she did not understand or agree with the way of tomorrow.

She is very aware of the evil of human nature, and the so-called way of tomorrow is simply not feasible. In the end, it is nothing more than one person suppressing everything and forming a peaceful era, which is no different from the ancient holy kings.

"You don't need to understand, this is my philosophy."

A Taoist weapon appeared in Yun Ye's hand.

Tomorrow appeared beside him and nodded heavily.

The way of tomorrow is the way of gathering people. If you abandon the people at will and treat them as cannon fodder, you will never be able to truly practice this way.

Since he is holding the original Taoist weapon, Yun Ye himself does not have this idea. His nature cannot tolerate complete utilitarianism.

"I won't choose the so-called best, but I won't choose the worst either. At this time..."

"I still have a choice."

The ring mark on the back of Yun Ye's hand rotated, blooming with soft silver light, and he released part of the power of the power of freedom.

The next second.

The silver light beam reversed and returned to the sky.

Before Yin Yuekong could say anything, a silver beam of light suddenly descended and enveloped her.


Yun Ye mercilessly wiped out Yin Yuekong. The latter looked at him deeply, but he was indeed unable to resist this power and disappeared into thin air.

Then, the woman covered by her appeared. It was Yuexin with her eyes closed and her body curled up. She was trembling and in great pain.

Of course, if you undergo the ritual of an ancient venerable, even if it has no intention of harming the carrier, its essence will still continue to erode it.

As Yuexin was enveloped by the silver beam of light, his expression gradually transitioned from pain and uneasiness to peace of mind and comfort.

Yun Ye nodded, waved his hand, and opened the door to the secret realm.

When he arrived outside the secret realm and waved again, Wang Shun and others appeared in front of him instantly. They were still surprised and didn't understand what happened.

"Are you...Ming Weiyang? What's wrong with you?!"

Wang Shun shouted.

At this time, Yun Ye was indeed completely different from before. His hair, eyebrows, and pupils were all dyed silver. Even he himself was shrouded in silver light, as if a god had come to the world. No matter his temperament or anything else, he was completely different from before.

Yun Ye didn't speak, and the divine magic was activated, conveying a massive amount of information.

When Wang Shun and others showed understanding and shock at the same time, Yun Ye tore open the space with his hand and disappeared from the spot.

The two held green lanterns and shuttled through the turbulent flow of space, covering long distances in one breath.

One of the old men in blue cassocks suddenly said: "One hundred thousand echoes is a good number, just in time to congratulate the Holy Son."

"I'm sure I won't raise them any more. There aren't many opportunities to plunder the Taoist weapons of the Luo Dynasty. There are more than a hundred spiritual towns, and the new Taoism will not devour them as much as we do." Another man in golden robes said.

"It's enough for us to give you a gift. If we delay it any longer, the Luo Dynasty will notice something is wrong. It's really inappropriate." The old man in blue robe said.

"That's fine," said the man in golden cassock.

"I'll set up the barrier. You go and collect the Taoist tools. Don't let them destroy the Taoist tools." The old man in blue robe shook the green lantern, and the invisible barrier spread.

The scenery of the world is also directly replaced from the dark space turbulence to the mountains.

The eyes of the man in golden cassock shone with light, and he saw through all the illusions in this land. He was able to find the city hidden somewhere in a matter of seconds.

The next moment, the man tore through the wind barrier and appeared outside Tomorrow City.

"Is there an invasion?"

Liu Shanwei suddenly raised his head, and at some point an existence comparable to the sun appeared in the sky, with a spiritual aura as deep as a god or a demon.

This person didn't talk nonsense. He raised his hand and made a big handprint that covered the sky and the sun.

He wouldn't be able to get the Taoist weapon to ascend to heaven, so he would naturally kill them all in one go.

When the owner dies, the Taoist artifact will fall from the place where it was placed.

As soon as this handprint came out, even across the barrier, all the monks were frightened, and ordinary people vomited blood in batches and were directly wiped out by the breath.

"What happened? Intruder?"

"Tomorrow City has been exposed. How could this happen? With our current strength, how can we fight this person?"

"This aura is so terrifying. Is it the Taoist master of the two sects?"

"Ah ah ah, dad! Mom!"

"I don't care who you are, I want you to pay with your life!"

Countless people were shocked, angry, and crazy.

However, none of this can stop the big handprint from falling. Although the barrier will be opened tomorrow and I want to block it, it will completely break at the touch of a touch.

All the bachelors who participated in the construction of the barrier were in despair at this moment. What a joke, the barrier of Tomorrow Meeting can block the bombardment of the mysterious realm!

The barrier was broken with just one blow. The opponent was at least at the peak of the Xuan Realm, and maybe even a genius and peerless person in the Xuan Realm!

Too bad!

The battle takes place in the City of Tomorrow. Even if they have the destructive power to threaten the Mysterious Realm, once activated, everyone in the City of Tomorrow will be buried with them!

"you dare?!"

Angry voices erupted from within Tomorrow City, and a figure suddenly took action.

If the intruder has an aura like the sun, then this figure drags the sun to attack, and the endless fire suddenly overturns the sky and collides with the big handprint.


After the deafening explosion, the air swept across the ground and flattened the building. The air expanded and spread rapidly, but in the blink of an eye, another barrier was established, and the air was directly guided to disperse and disappear.

"Chief, this person is also a Taoist weapon user. Once the source of power is borrowed, the power of the Taoist tool will immediately soar. Be careful!"

Liu Shanwei shouted while holding on to the barrier.

"Be careful..."

Tian Jing holds the Red Cloud Sword in his hand.

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