A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 370 Tian Jing's Decision

Tian Jing has mastered the second level of the only spiritual method, matter decomposition, which is the manufacturing principle of Yang Star, which can decompose matter and completely release energy.

According to the mass-energy equation, one gram of matter can be converted into 90 megajoules of energy, so the power of this move has reached an unprecedented level.

Maybe the description of 90 megajoules is not obvious and there is no intuitive impression. If I have to give an example, the atomic bomb explosion on a certain island produced 54 megajoules of energy, with a direct killing radius of 1.7 kilometers, easily leveling a city, and one gram The energy released by matter is twice that of this atomic bomb.

The Yang Star made by Tian Jing and the others looks small in size, but its actual power can be compared to that of tens of thousands of nuclear bombs combined.

It's a pity that Yang Xing doesn't do much damage to the space. As long as Xuanjing doesn't forcefully use magic to resist, the threat is almost nonexistent.

Moreover, precisely because the destructive power is too great, it is actually difficult to output the maximum power when decomposing matter. If you are not careful, you will be blown up together with yourself.

Tian Jing took off, raising the height he could reach to the highest level, then released the decomposition of matter, and blasted all the power into the sky as much as possible.

The explosion of flames covering the entire sky was caused by this, but——


The big hand seal crushed everything, the flames were fleeting and failed to complete the task of stopping it.

This scene made Tian Jing's pupils shrink and he had to summon the Humane Red Cloud Sword.

Tian Jing knew that the other party was at least a figure in the mysterious realm, otherwise his spiritual method would not be completely ineffective.

Now, he can only rely on Dao tools!

"Humanity Red Cloud!"

Tian Jing fell into the sky and lost his extraordinary power, but then countless red clouds drawn with splashed ink appeared.

These red clouds are very unreal, but as the red clouds spread, the Mahamudra melted directly and was completely blocked in the Mahamudra.

Treat everyone equally, no extraordinary!


The man in golden cassock was surprised.

Only those with more than 100,000 echoes correspond to the mysterious realm, and can they be directly obliterated across different Taoist systems.

The man in front of me only has 50,000 echoes, but he can actually neutralize his power?


"Sky and Sky Technique!"

The man in golden cassock tore apart the space and reached out to grab Tian Jing, but as soon as the crack in the space appeared, he was immediately suppressed by Hong Yun.

Even if he increased his strength to maintain the sky and sky technique, it would still be ineffective!

At this time, the man in golden robe was completely incomprehensible: "Strange, very strange, what is the situation with your Taoist weapon that can directly invalidate my power? You have set a rule of not fighting? Even so, how can you do it? Does it work for me?"

As he spoke, a Taoist artifact appeared beside him, an ancient horn.

Although no one was playing, the trumpet sounded its own profound sound.

The phantom of the source Dao artifact appeared, and with the help of the horn, its Dao domain instantly spread from a hundred meters to hundreds of kilometers, covering the entire Tomorrow City.

The powerful power of rules is being activated, turning into countless chains, to directly obliterate the residents of Tomorrow City.

But it was useless. It was still blocked by the Red Cloud Sword of Humanity, and a large number of other Dao artifacts were launched into the air, jointly building a huge Dao realm.

The resentment and anger of countless residents of Tomorrow City towards the man in golden robes has intensified the power of these Taoist tools, and there is a faint tendency of counter-pressure.

"Don't delay, get it sorted."

The old man in blue robes said, and a Taoist weapon appeared. He also used the original Taoist tool, which completely suppressed the Tomorrow Club.

The man in golden robe nodded, gathered the magic power in his hand, and activated a very terrifying Xuanjing method. The whole world changed and shifted towards his method.

"The holy method of purifying the world: birth and death in one thought!"

Finally, a water lotus was born, small and delicate, spinning in the palm of the man's hand.

However, at this moment, everyone in Tian Jing was horrified. Although this water lotus was tiny, their entire Tomorrow City was already placed in the small water lotus.

If you don't do something, everything will be destroyed!

However, what power can the current Tomorrow Society have to resist this water lotus?

Even if this blow is blocked, what will happen next?

"You should retreat immediately. Retreat as many people as you can. I and the Taoist wielders will stop them... Unfortunately, we probably won't be able to stop them for long."

Tian Jing used his spiritual consciousness to inform all members of the Tomorrow Club to immediately use space teleportation to evacuate.

"Thanks to Ming Weiyang, the space teleportation technology has been improved a lot, and at least some of us can escape. As long as we leave all the Taoist tools behind..."

Liu Shanwei did not take any chances.

The opponent is too strong. If they take away the Taoist tools, they will all be wiped out tomorrow. Only by leaving the Taoist tools behind so that they can get what they want can they have a chance of retaining the fire.

"Strive with all your strength, and hold on for as long as you can. The rest can only be left to Ming Weiyang and the others."

Huoyang walked out, not afraid of life and death. Her Taoist weapon immediately burned at this moment and was submerged into the humane Red Cloud Sword.

The Tomorrow System is the power of gathering people. As long as you are completely willing, then another Taoist weapon can get all its echoes under the sacrifice.

Apart from anything else, since they can awaken the Taoist weapon of tomorrow, they are naturally not people who are greedy for life and afraid of death. As long as it is necessary, they will sacrifice whenever they want.

The red cloud spread in a blink of an eye and enveloped the entire Tomorrow City. Even if there were two major ruling tools to suppress it, the red cloud could still stand in a stalemate for a while and prevent the ruling tools from directly wiping out the people.

"Leave it to you."

Tian Jing nodded to Huo Yang and threw out the Human Red Cloud Sword. The Taoist weapon turned and was inserted into the ground.

Then a straight area without red clouds appeared. Tian Jing activated the fire in his heart to accelerate and instantly appeared outside the red cloud.

After advancing to the state realm Dao weapon, the Human Dao Red Cloud Sword can freely decide where to eliminate the extraordinary power, but as long as Tian Jing holds the sword, the Human Dao Red Cloud Sword will eliminate it together with Tian Jing's cultivation.

Now the Human Dao Red Cloud Sword needs to fight against two great Dao weapons, and the power of the true name belonging to the Human Dao Red Cloud Sword will be completely invalidated and cannot help him eliminate the enemy's power.

In other words, this water lotus can only be fought by him, otherwise everyone in the tomorrow meeting will have only one ending of annihilation.

As for him later...

"I hope Zhuo Qilian can help a little, and then it's up to you, Weiyang."

The spiritual root mark on Tian Jing's forehead spread all over his body, as if burning, forming an innate spiritual field, allowing his spiritual power to enter a peak state.

In this state, the only spiritual law, Yangxing, that he desperately activated, has a destructive power beyond the only weapon, Yangxing.

Cracks bloomed.

An extremely huge breath burst out.

Now only this method can stop the attack of Xuanjing.

In the final analysis, Yangxing is only a spiritual realm method, not even a legal realm method. No matter how many spiritual methods there are, Rendao Hongyun can wipe them out instantly.

But the Xuanjing's Xuanfa is different. It contains rules and can already faintly fight against Daoqi.

Normally, it is not impossible to suppress Xuanjing with the power of Tomorrow's Daoqi, but now there are two ruling Daoqi suppressing the Human Dao Hongyun Sword, and the balance is broken. At present, the power of the Human Dao Hongyun Sword is definitely not enough to completely wipe out the Xuanfa.

And the Xuanfa is so powerful that even if a little power is missed, it is enough to kill them dozens of times!

"This kind of power? It is too exaggerated for a spiritual realm to master this kind of power. What kind of ruins and secret realm is this power from?"

The man in the golden robe sensed the breath of the spiritual power running and bursting, showing a little moved.

He naturally noticed that the cultivators in Tomorrow City have strength far beyond the same realm. He has also captured people to investigate, but in the end they all failed, either because of the blocking of Daoqi rules or the interference of extraordinary divine methods.

After he actually attacked the Tomorrow Club, he completely confirmed this point. The Tomorrow Club did master many methods.

At least it was at the sutra level, and could cultivate the power of the extreme spirit!

And this leader-like man also mastered the power beyond the extreme spirit, and could burst out the power comparable to the peak of the law realm in the spirit realm.

Although this kind of power is not unavailable in the Pure World Holy Land, it is too difficult to master it, at least it is impossible for the talent of the man in front of him.

A secret realm inheritance with terrifying power and simple entry?

This is really invaluable!

"Kill all the Taoist weapon users and seize their inheritance!"

The man in the golden robe raised his hand, and a touch of joy flashed in his eyes. The lotus suddenly enveloped the entire Tomorrow City, and the power of the mysterious law that destroyed everything suddenly landed.

Countless people were horrified and could only wait for judgment.

But the Taoist weapon users all had red eyes, and there was endless resentment and anger in their hearts.

No one could stop this attack.

They could only rely on...


"Kill all the Dao weapon users? Don't say... it's so easy!!!"

Tian Jing raised his head suddenly, and red veins spread from his pupils. Every piece of his flesh and blood, every bone, turned into nutrients for Yangxing.

If he didn't do this, and didn't sacrifice everything, how could a mere spiritual realm...

fight against the person sitting in the sky?

"Ants, you want to look down on the world?"

The man in the golden robe smiled, and even had time to tell a joke to the old man beside him.

This is also natural. Although Tian Jing's power against him before was far beyond the spiritual realm, that was all. Even if that scale was magnified a hundred times, it would not be able to shake him at all.

And a mere spiritual realm must have used all its strength to use the spiritual method of the previous scale, how could it increase its power a hundred times again?

"Hahaha, looking down on the world? What we want is to pull the one who looks down from the sky, trample him into dust, and make the sky no longer have a throne!"

"The only great spiritual method!"

Tian Jing raised his head and laughed, and the amazing and unimaginable power continued to surge out. His laughter inspired everyone and also told the mysterious realm in the sky.

Not all new ways cherish their lives!


Tian Jing had unparalleled determination, and the terrifying power he had accumulated finally burst out in one breath.

This intensity far exceeded the expectations of the man in the golden robe.


The entire land was flattened, hundreds of miles turned into a sea of ​​fire, and the water lotus, as a mysterious method, was actually stretched open and failed to tear apart the city of tomorrow.

The terrifying shock wave directly evaporated the mountains and lakes into pieces, and only a rising sun rose up in the world.

This explosion lasted for dozens of seconds, as if someone was still insisting on releasing power and returning everything to heaven and earth.

In the end, the explosion subsided.

Red clouds lingered.

The Red Cloud Sword of Humanity was inserted into the ground, and its power lingered for a long time until it was pulled out by a Taoist weapon user, and its power surged again...

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