A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 371: Life and death are the normal conditions of human beings


Several Taoist envoys looked at the wielder.

The red-haired woman looked calmly and said: "Tomorrow, the Taoist tools will all have the power to make sacrifices. Today, I will take the lead... The weight of one Taoist tool user should be equivalent to hundreds of people, which is enough to maintain a stalemate for a while."

In other words, not only the Taoist artifacts were sacrificed, but also her life was sacrificed in one go.

But was rejected without surprise.

"After the chief, it's me, Huo Yang, you are no longer number one, and now you have lost your Taoist weapon."

Liu Shanwei's Taoist weapon rose into the air, then suddenly disintegrated, turned into countless streams of light falling from the sky, and poured into the Humanity Red Cloud Sword. He raised his hand and snatched the Humanity Red Cloud Sword from Huo Yang's hand.

"I have seen all kinds of life, and I have no regrets. I am very satisfied with my life. It is my honor to grow up tomorrow."

Liu Shanwei turned his back to everyone and raised the Red Cloud Sword of Humanity. Without any hesitation, he burned his life. The red cloud suddenly spread, overwhelming the two great weapons again.

The two Xuanjing figures also reappeared, and they looked at the land that had been completely reduced to ruins with some surprise.

"Could this power belong to a third-level sect..."

"A person in the spiritual realm can actually use spiritual methods comparable to super forbidden weapons?"

Their worldview has been overturned. This is too outrageous. Why should they be in a spiritual realm?


Even if the spiritual power of this spiritual realm were multiplied by one million, such an outrageous situation would not be possible!

However, reality happened. Someone used such an outrageous spiritual method. Even if they died together, it was enough to shock them.

"We must get it. If the Holy Son masters this kind of spiritual method, he will definitely stop the God of Killing and ascend to the position of true dragon!"

"The value of this spiritual method has exceeded 100,000 reverberation tools! Hahahaha, good thing, really a great thing, it just so happens that we share the credit equally!"

The two looked at each other, and even more terrifying power emerged from their extremely small bodies compared to the world.

They won't let anyone go.

The user of the forbidden spiritual method is dead. They can only search the souls of everyone. Otherwise, if they miss it, they will really regret it for the rest of their lives!

"Space blockade!"

Very easily, the two powerful figures of the Pure World Holy Land sealed the space, cutting off any hope of escaping tomorrow.

In just a few dozen seconds, less than a few hundred members of the Tomorrow Society were evacuated.

The current Tomorrow Club cannot yet achieve large-scale transmission.

And these hundreds of people were also located in the fleeing area by the two powerful figures in the blink of an eye. They didn't care about some ants running a few steps first.

The man in golden cassock casually pointed his finger, and a breath traveled through the space and landed thousands of miles away, directly stopping the hundreds of people who were evacuating.

These members of the Tomorrow Society all showed signs of despair. The power gap was so great that even the ultimate spiritual method was meaningless. They couldn't even resist.

However, in order to search for souls, the man in golden robe only imprisoned everyone and did not kill anyone. This was a blessing among misfortunes.

"Let's deal with these Taoist envoys as soon as possible."

The two powerful men looked at each other, stopped trying to catch fish, and exploded with mysterious magic, directly killing the Tomorrow Club Daoist who blocked them with all their strength.

They got serious and wanted to deal with the Taoist users blocking the road in front of them, and it didn't take them even a few breaths! ——They think so.

However, the reality was different from what they thought. Each Taoist user did not hesitate to sacrifice his own Taoist tools and lives, and forcibly used the Human Red Cloud Sword to fight against their mysterious magic and Taoist tools. For a moment, they were really unable to do so. Take it.

"The space here has been blocked. Do you still want to resist?"

The man in golden cassock had a headache and couldn't understand what the ant was thinking. Why did he do such useless work?

It is obvious that he will die sooner or later, so why not just die neatly?


When everyone heard this tomorrow, they just looked at it indifferently.

They are even more unable to understand an inhuman monster. It has been in the sky for such a long time that it doesn’t even understand the most basic human desire for survival?

Perhaps those who have not awakened will numbly let him kill him, but there is no way that the Taoist users of the Tomorrow Society will not resist!

They are guideposts and symbols of tomorrow's society, adhering to their own way!

"Is that the end?"

Zhuo Qilian walked out of the laboratory and looked up at the sky.

There was just one powerful person in the Xuan Realm, even if it was someone from the Holy Land and the Holy Clan, she had hope of competing against it, but two people...

There was a chance of winning, but it was too risky.

She was still hesitating whether to take action.

"You are too ignorant..."

The man in the golden cassock shook his head slightly, wanting to say something more, but during this gap, great terror suddenly appeared in his heart, and a feeling that time was not waiting for me arose spontaneously. He and the old man in the blue cassock screamed in horror at the same time.


They wanted to ask for help, so they opened their mouths with prayers, hoping that the real person from the Holy Land of Purity would send their power through the air and block the enemy that suddenly caused great terror in their hearts.

But before they could fully roar, a hand suddenly filled all their sights. This hand was as white as jade, entwined with silvery light. In terms of size, it was just the hand of a young man, and it was very delicate.

The moment these hands appeared, the entire world's focus was shifted. The two of them stared at these hands until the hands pressed down on their heads.


The two men screamed and woke up. Powerful magic burst out from their heads, frantically resisting the crushing force of the silver hand.

But it was ineffective, their strength evaporated little by little, and the fingers pierced into their heads little by little.

Fear permeated my body.

Even if they were killed directly, they wouldn't feel the pain anyway, but now it was complete torture. They were struggling between life and death, full of uncontrollable terror. They hadn't lived enough, how could they die like this? ?

"what happened?"

The entire Tomorrow City was at a loss.

But soon, a figure walked out through the crack in space. He held two people in his hands and pulled them down from the sky.

The two terrifying figures that were originally watching the City of Tomorrow collapsed in an instant.

As people from the Pure World Holy Land, they are not directly based in reality. Their bodies are always in the turbulence of space. This way, they can leave no traces. I am afraid that it will be difficult for real people to find them.

"Inherited mark? Not a real person? - Stop! I told you to stop! Do you want to be an enemy of my Pure World Holy Land? With the power of a real person, so what if you inherit the power, this power will be consumed one day It’s all over! You’ll regret it then!”

The man in golden cassock roared.


The silver-haired figure stared at him, with a cold and dead look in his eyes. His barking failed to cause any movement in the silver-haired figure.

The old man in blue cassock beside him was more sensible and realized the possibility of a narrow escape. He racked his brains and thought crazily about the current situation.

Eventually, he concluded...

If they don't escape, the young man in front of them will make their lives worse than death no matter what!

Although he didn't know why the young man in front of him had such shocking anger, he knew very well that when he had this kind of anger, no one could stop him. He wanted to break his body into pieces, humiliate and torture countless people to relieve his anger.

They may not die, but the prerequisite for not dying must be that life is worse than death!

"Tian Jing...Liu Shanwei...and many others..."

Yun Ye knew that he was late. Although it had not even been a minute from the beginning to now, he was already at the extreme. If he were on Earth, no one could say that it was not timely.

However, this is the Red Sky Realm.

A few seconds directly determines the direction of life and death, let alone one minute?

Without absolute power, everything cannot go as planned. This is the reality of the Red Sky Realm. If he hesitates in the secret realm for a few more seconds.

It really only takes a few seconds. When he comes again, everything here will be a real ruin.

This is the thought.

The violent aura in Yun Ye's eyes could not be stopped no matter what, and he used force in his hands to forcefully pierce his fingers into the skulls of the two people and claw into their brains.

The terrifying pain caused the two of them to struggle wildly. At the same time, they used countless methods to break free.

But Yin Yuekong is absolutely right. If you want to be free, power is everything.

Even if he only activated a very small part of the power of freedom now, it would still be enough to suppress these two profound realms. All their methods collapsed and had no effect.

"You deserve the whole hell."

Yun Ye stared at the two of them emotionlessly, already thinking about their ending. The silver texture spread at this moment, covering their bodies.

The struggle between the two gradually disappeared, but their eyes were still moving, revealing infinite fear.

They had already guessed what would greet them next.

Eternal soul burning?

All kinds of torture?

Various behaviors that destroy their personal dignity and insult everything about them?

There is infinite fear in their hearts, fear of the future. The other party has not erased their consciousness. What else is possible other than torturing them?


The two screamed in agony, their souls emerging from the intense pain.

Gradually, they turned into another kind of creature.

"It turned out to be Ming Weiyang..."

A figure walked out. Zhuo Qilian looked at the god-like young man in the sky and realized that something was wrong.

From now on, she may have no freedom at all.

This boy's power has completely surpassed hers, and there is no way she can escape from the Tomorrow Club under this boy's gaze.

It seemed that she had to pay for the crime of not taking action for just a minute, otherwise this young man would have no reason to forgive her.

As soon as this thought crossed her mind, the clouds in the sky fell down with two dead dogs.

In a literal sense, the two of them were transformed into dog forms by Yun Ye, sticking out their tongues and barking, and became completely prisoners.

As it fell from the sky, the inner ring of the silver ring mark on Yun Ye's left hand rotated, gradually returning from one-sixth of a circle to zero. The huge power it released was therefore suppressed, and the silver glow covering Yun Ye's body gradually faded.

However, this power left permanent changes. Both his hair and pupils turned silver completely, and his physique changed.

"Weiyang, what are you doing?"

Many Taoist envoys asked questions, and their hearts were shocked. Was the problem suddenly solved?

Two terrifying mysterious realms were subdued like this?

It has only been a few days, why did Ming Weiyang undergo such an astonishing change? What does the inheritance mark mentioned by these two Xuanjing people mean?

"The power inherited from the Yingyue Secret Realm, I'm sorry... I'm late."

Yun Ye looked not far away.

The girl with long red hair closed her eyes and leaned on a metal sword with fire patterns that seemed a bit old.

This sword is stuck in the earth, and unreal red clouds are wrapped around it, floating to the sky.

A strong wind blew.

The girl's long red hair turned pale and swayed in the wind. She sat sideways and leaned on the Red Cloud Sword of Humanity, and died with a smile on her face.

In a daze, Yun Ye seemed to return to decades ago.

That kid Tian Jing was laughing heartily at him and talking loudly about his ideals.

I also saw Huo Yang teaching the children seriously, sitting under the tree and educating Yue Xin with him.

"Very good...you did a good job..."

For a moment, Yun Ye couldn't hold back his tears.

He stepped forward, held the Humanity Hongyun Sword, and supported Huo Yang to let her lie down quietly.

At this moment, the Tomorrow Sword also appeared spontaneously, and the flames turned into the girl's clothes. She stepped forward and grabbed Yun Ye, her expression a little uncomfortable. She was the only one who knew how important these two people were to Yun Ye, "Master... …”

"Farewell in life and death is the normal state of human beings... All things must be separated eventually... I'll be fine tomorrow."

Yun Ye raised his head.

Above the sky, fire clouds continued, as if the sky had been burned away, and there was no trace of the past.

In this world, not only humans are fragile, but the world is as well.

He held the Humanity Hongyun Sword tightly.

This is not the first time.

This feeling of powerlessness really made him feel tortured no matter how many times he experienced it. The next time...

Will there be a next time?

Not allowed!

Never allow it to happen again!

The murderous aura in Yun Ye's eyes has materialized.

The Holy Land of Pure World, the two spiritual sects, and the Luo Dynasty, these four forces are always in front of him, preventing him from pursuing a prosperous age and pursuing order. They are his absolute enemies!

He couldn't imagine that next time, he would have no choice but to clean up everywhere!


The red cloud swords of humanity contended, turned into countless streams of light, and spontaneously poured into the sword of tomorrow.

At this moment, the Sword of Tomorrow broke through one hundred thousand reverberations, and a trace of Dao began to spread from the hilt of the sword until it stopped in the middle of the sword body.

This pattern is like a fire cloud, full of beauty and history, as if to remember this time and great achievements forever.

Yun Ye turned the sword and illuminated the sky, as if there were flames burning in his eyes.

He will carry the will of all like-minded people...

Go all the way!

Take this sword as proof!

Xiaofa made a wave of knives... and then officially entered the founding chapter.

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