"Let's hold a funeral, everyone. Almost all the Taoist users died in the battle, and a large number of civilians were affected and died..."

"We must keep this hatred firmly in our hearts and we will not give up until we achieve our goal!"

Yun Ye hugged Huo Yang and said to everyone who was still alive.

His smile was very forced, and everyone could see that this big change had hit this super genius hard.

"Huh...yes, Ming Weiyang counts 2, I'll leave it to you next. The chief has appointed you to be the successor, and we have no objections!"

"Only you, who can defeat powerful enemies, can continue to lead us!"

Everyone also responded to Yun Ye while holding back their grief.

"Well, everyone please... come and see me off."

Yun Ye hugged Huo Yang.

The cold air spreads, forming an ice coffin covering the center of the fire, freezing it forever until this moment.

He used his spiritual power to hold up the ice coffin, and instead of opening the door to space, he took Huo Yang to the cemetery step by step, letting everyone see this scene.

As victims, Huoyang and the Taoist envoys should let everyone know their achievements, and they deserve to be respected by everyone.

So Yun Ye didn't leave directly, but called everyone together.

Then, with this as the center, they began to sing songs vigorously and walked towards the cemetery.

The two Taoist masters behind him opened their mouths, but in the end said nothing. Like Yun Ye, they stood guard by the ice coffin and sang a soul-soothing song.

They were newly promoted Taoist envoys in recent years. When they wanted to offer sacrifices, they were stopped by Huoyang.

To them, it was just a matter of seconds of late death, so there was no excuse.

But just this difference in thought allowed them to survive, and they were the last two surviving Taoist users in Tomorrow City.

They felt guilty that if they had not obeyed the order, the senator would not have died.

Master Huoyang Mingming has been fighting for the Tomorrow Society for decades, creating a great situation for the Tomorrow Society, but in the end he didn't even have a happy ending...

If they could, they would die in the senator's stead.

This is what they think.

They didn't know the relationship between Huo Yang and Yun Ye. From beginning to end, the starting point was the merits of this veteran.

They respected Huo Yang and did not want her to die here, and this feeling was truly conveyed to Yun Ye.

This happens.

It's obviously not their fault.


With the first support from the whole city's residents, Yun Ye and others arrived at Tomorrow Cemetery, which is a cemetery dedicated to burying soldiers. Most of them are cenotaphs.

The situation tomorrow will be too dangerous, and it is difficult for the dead to have any remains.

The sacrifice of the Taoist weapon this time was the same. It was directly annihilated by flying ashes. Only Huoyang sacrificed at the end. This time he just died and did not disappear completely.

Every year, a large number of people come to pay homage to the Tomorrow Cemetery. Yun Ye also came here to pay homage to the classmates and comrades of Ming Qi and his wife.

Every time he came, Yun Ye could feel the heaviness.

When a loved one dies, even if it is a good death, you will feel sad, let alone if you sacrifice for tomorrow and die young?

But although people can empathize with each other, they cannot remember it forever. Even if Yun Ye feels heavy, he can usually forget it.

But this time, he couldn't break free and felt the anger and pain firsthand.

In the past five years, he has been under Yue Xin's guidance, and because of Yue Xin, he gradually got to know all the numbers and all Taoist tools.

In this life, he can visit Tian Jing's family as a disciple of Yue Xin, and visit Yang Shu as the son of tomorrow.

This is very happy. Although the environment is full of crises, everyone is far happier than before.

As long as he keeps working hard, he can have a happy ending - or so he thought.

It is precisely because of this that after everything was destroyed, Yun Ye did not show it on the surface, but he was really raging with countless emotions in his heart, so much so that until now he has not said a word to Zhuo Qilian... He was worried that he could not hold back his emotions. , took action to kill Zhuo Qilian.

This not only loses Zhuo Qilian and once again erodes the strength of the Tomorrow Club, but also further disintegrates the already precarious Tomorrow Club.

In the cemetery, when Yun Ye was about to be put into the coffin, a young man suddenly broke in and shouted sadly: "It's not good, it's not good! Chief Yang Shu, he... he may not be able to survive... Someone come quickly..." Lord Weiyang, please save the chief!”

"What?" Yun Ye suddenly raised his head, and his consciousness spread, directly covering the entire Tomorrow City, and he found the poplar tree in an instant.

This is a quaint courtyard, very similar to the residence where Yangshu once lived in Baishi Town, but now the courtyard is in a mess. It seems that the aftermath of some power has shaken here, but it was finally blocked by Yangshu and his wife.

Yang Shu was lying on the lounge chair, his hair turned completely white, his complexion was sluggish, and he was quietly watching the fire clouds in the sky collide with the inexplicable force.

That was the aftermath of Tian Jing's self-destruction. No one could stop it, and it was enough to kill most of the people in the city. From the end of the incident, it was Yun Ye who held up the barrier to resist this huge change in the sky.

Shu Zhu held Yang Shu's hand, his face showed a touch of sadness, but he also felt relieved. Everyone is mortal, so who is not necessary to say goodbye?

The two old men looked at the sky quietly, watching the new generation of strong men fight against this celestial phenomenon with their own strength.

Yang Shu said: "It's really powerful...even more powerful than Xiaoshi...with him here, I feel relieved. - Weiyang, did you hear it too?"

"I heard... Chief Yang Shu." Yun Ye was silent for a while before speaking.

"Haha, it's good to hear it. From now on... from now on..." Yang Shu smiled, "Our ideal... will be left to you!"

Open the door——

Space ripples appeared in front of Yun Ye. He slowly took a step and walked to Yang Shu. At this moment, he thought of a lot.

He really wanted to kneel directly in front of Yang Shu and Shu Zhu and tell them that he was their son and that he was very sorry for them. He couldn't even protect them and let them live in peace and security. He wanted to apologize.

However, Yun Ye knows that he cannot do this. This is a world with true immortals. He has left too many traces. He must not admit that he is a reincarnation...

Yun Ye was kneeling on the side of the Yangshu lounger in the middle of the night, with red eyes and a hoarse voice: "Chief Yangshu, I'm sorry, I can't save you!"

Even if he had the power of freedom, he couldn't save Yang Shu.

This is the law of this world. This is unchangeable and a privilege that only belongs to him. Even he cannot share it with others.

"I understand. My life is gone. Even if I change my body, I can't survive for even one second. Just like that little girl Yue Xin said, this is the rule of the world. Mortals can only live for a hundred years. Every time I break through one realm, you can live twice as long.”

"I am weak, and I have never awakened the Taoist device. I am not a good seeker... I burned out my life just to protect my wife. I'm sorry... I have no ability to save them... The only thing I can do Yes, I am just protecting my wife, maybe you will look down on me...but I feel it is worth it, this life is really worth it..."

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