A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 373 Farewell to the Old Era

"This life is really worth it... Xiaoshi... Dao... and Tian Jing... have witnessed so many stories..."

Yang Shu spoke softly, his pupils gradually becoming cloudy, his breath weakened in these words, and the flames that were not strong enough were no longer visible.

Shu Zhu on the side closed his eyes and just held her husband's hand tightly.

She has long passed the age of caring about other people's opinions and has no energy to refute or explain.

That's it, don't worry about anything else.

"No, you are wrong. No one will look down on you. You are undoubtedly great and have guided the direction of tomorrow's meeting, and..."

However, the two old men no longer cared, but the young man did. He told the old man categorically, "It's really good to try your best to protect your wife! If it were me, I would feel sincerely proud, happy, and lucky. This is absolutely nothing." bad thing!"

The two old men were stunned.

For the magic monks, as long as the other party does not deliberately block it, they can feel the other party's intentions!

This kid is not telling lies...

Yang Shu smiled at the end, yes.

There is no need to tell lies to these two old people who don't have much time left.

really good.

His performance doesn't seem that bad?

Maybe future generations will no longer call him worthless, but will more or less become an example of love?

However, as Yang Shu said, he was actually satisfied. Even without what Yun Ye said, he was still satisfied.


Just like that, leaving the last two words, Yang Shu closed his eyes and fell asleep forever.

Everyone is mortal. Even in a world where immortals can become immortals, only a few people can achieve immortality, and the rest are dust.

at this moment.

Yun Ye felt it deeply.

I am saying goodbye to the past.

Everything in the past is disappearing under the torrent of time, and it can even be said that it is invisible in the blink of an eye.

This is the sorrow of the eternal.

In this world, there is a fundamental reason why immortals ignore mortals. These are two lives, two lives that are not on the same time scale.

If people cannot understand each other, how can they understand each other?


Yun Ye has never been a sentimental person, or in other words, he is a person who avoids sentimentality. No matter how painful he is, he will suppress it in his heart and is unwilling to express it in front of others.

So, in deep thought, he half-knelt in front of the recliner in a daze. For a long time, until someone reminded him that it was time to hold a funeral, he suddenly woke up and returned to normal.

The next step is to seal Yang Shu, put him in the coffin, and then hold a soul-suppressing ceremony together.

During the soul-crushing ceremony, Yun Ye met many people who had lost their loved ones. They had increasingly depressed emotions in their hearts, which had accumulated to the extreme and could explode at any time.

Humans are not machines. They do not issue orders and then follow them step by step.

Looking at these people with mixed emotions such as sadness, anger, and fear, Yun Ye could only sigh.

No wonder.

The invasion of powerful people from the mysterious realm killed too many ordinary people with just their breath at the beginning, which gave them too much fear.

They did not practice spiritual methods, and their bodies were too fragile when their spiritual roots were not revived. They died without time to react. This catastrophe made these ordinary people deeply realize that if they do not master the power, their destiny cannot be controlled. In his own hand, at any time, due to an insignificant breath, it could explode directly and turn into minced meat.

It was so unsettling and the emotions were piling up like never before.

In the world of spiritual practice, the power gap is so huge that no matter how many times Yun Ye mentions it, it is difficult to describe how desperate ordinary people with no future are. Yun Ye himself can hardly imagine it, but he knows that it must be solved. .


Yun Ye tried his best to inspire people. Although he was not good at it, he could only do his best.

He took a deep breath and said:

"Everyone, I have a dream, a dream to build a kingdom of heaven on earth! I hope to remove all obstacles and build a fair, free and suffering-free country, where people can pursue their dreams and live a happy life, and no enemies will suddenly come to let them down. We are separated from our loved ones by Yin and Yang, and there will be no demons intruding, snatching away children, or destroying houses.”

"I want to build such an ideal country, but I also know that all this requires strength. We must study spiritual methods and gain strength so that today's things will not happen. After that, we will pursue our heaven on earth! "

"For this, I need everyone's help! This is to make myself stronger and to eradicate all enemies!"

"I, Ming Weiyang, will definitely fight for this goal! Fight to the death!"

"Oh oh oh oh oh!!"

"For tomorrow! Heaven on earth! Eradicate all enemies!"

After a short silence in the audience, the roar of the mountains and the tsunami sounded, and everyone's anger, unwillingness and fear exploded at this moment.

In the corner of the cemetery, a strong man looked at the radiant young man at the front desk, and couldn't help but turn his eyes to the mask in his hand.

This is a golden mask. The face is very peaceful, not scary or ferocious, but it has its mouth open as if it is saying something.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

As he watched, the cracks in the mask spread and eventually turned into ashes in the man's hands.

"Bite! Do you want to quit?!"

"We have no choice but to quit. That boy, not Tian Jing, will not give us another chance." The man did not raise his head, "I am no longer a biter. From now on, call me... Mian, Liu Mian."

"Although it is impossible to take over Brother Shanwei's position without a Taoist weapon, someone must act as his agent. I am the best choice now."

"Oh, even if Ming Weiyang succeeds Tian Jing as the chief, the second place will be Wang Shun, how could it be you!"

"So, we'll see."

After the funeral, the entire Tomorrow City was moved.

Tian Jing's explosive power has completely turned hundreds of miles into a restricted area, making it uninhabitable.

Tomorrow City is not a place with abundant spiritual energy in the first place, so there is no need to hesitate for this transfer and head directly towards the nearest spiritual town.

This Lingzhen is not the Lingzhen that Tomorrow will control, but at this point, it is already a certainty that it will be exposed tomorrow. Yun Ye no longer hesitates, and directly takes action personally, leading the team to invade Lingzhen in a short time, and seize took ownership.

But what is different from the past is that this time Yun Ye left behind all the magic and spiritual realms and made them into frost-taking puppets.

Tomorrow will require more strength.

At this point, there is no need to reserve.

What surprised everyone was that the Seven Seats actually took action and personally captured ten spiritual towns for the Tomorrow Society overnight.

For a time, the Tomorrow Society had occupied nearly one-sixth of the Ling Town outside the Great Wilderness Lingze, to the point where the two major Ling Sects had to pay attention.

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