A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 374 Decisions of All Parties

Yuntian Lingzong.

In the mist-shrouded Twelve Heavenly Palaces, a Taoist master whispered calmly: "Did we occupy thirty spiritual towns while we were fighting? Tomorrow... people from the mere Demon Sect dare to be so rampant. When will the new Tao be launched? Can it become a climate?"

"This Demon Sect makes people feel uneasy just hearing its name. I'm afraid there is a cause and effect that can make the great power fall. In the past, we were blocked from perception, so that now we realize that we can no longer tolerate it. They gave birth to a hundred thousand echoes. Taoist weapons are already a huge threat to us," another Taoist master said.

The man in the first seat looked into the distance, and a flash of blood flashed across the hall, as if he was deducing something.

After a moment, the True Blood Dao Master said: "The efficiency of the new path in obtaining reverberations is thirty times that of ours. It is not surprising that it can reach 100,000 reverberations in a short time. After all, there are almost no powerful guards in the outside world. As long as there is a top great If you can, you can sweep it.”

"This means, who is supporting the Demon Sect?" A girl with colorful hair suddenly raised her head.

"Master Yanhong, there is no doubt about this. How can the Demon Sect, which has risen from the humble beginnings, master the perfect space teleportation technique? Is it a gift from God?" A Taoist master said with a smile.

Not to mention the rise of Wei Mo, even their Yuntian Spirit Sect needs the help of super spiritual veins to use large-scale space teleportation.

Ordinary forces without super spiritual veins, even if they want to get close to this level, need space technology that is several levels better than theirs.

Besides the Luo Dynasty or the Pure World Holy Land, who else has this technology?

A force outside the Luo Dynasty?

Or should we say, inheritance of relics?

The possibilities are too low!

Although there are quite a few powerful forces outside the Luo Dynasty, it is precisely because of this that the Luo Dynasty has no choice. At best, it is just temporarily preserving the Taoist tools for higher-level beings. No matter who wants to seize the Taoist tools of the Luo Dynasty , will eventually face these higher-level existences.

This is unwise and completely meaningless. The weak cannot challenge the order, and the strong only need to defeat the strong to accept everything.

The so-called strategy of cutting off party members and then attacking them in groups will not work in the Red Sky Realm.

This is a world where power is highly concentrated in the hands of one or a few people, and the rest are just resource providers and of no importance at all.

Therefore, the possibility of external forces is zero, it can only be local forces that know nothing.

As for the ruins...

All relics have extremely high requirements for talent. At most, only a few generations of power can breed heirs with unparalleled and invincible talents?

If they could do it, wouldn't their power, which has been inherited for thousands of years, become a joke?

Of course, Taoist Master Yanhong also knows this.

So she said nothing more and waited silently for the final result.

Although she succeeded the ancestor Yanhong Taoist Master in recent years and became the new Taoist master, she was too young and did not inherit the Taoist tools from her ancestors, so her power was far less authoritative than the Taoist masters of other Tao systems.

That is to say, Yanhong's lineage has a profound foundation. Otherwise, if they lose their Taoist masters and inherited Taoist tools continuously, the ranking will never fall to fourth place.

The Shuangshuang series fell directly to the twelfth place. If there were not a few peerless people to support the scene, I am afraid that they would have been eliminated from the Twelve Dao series.

Similarly, the Daxuan lineage whose Taoist master fell in the Dusk Valley battle also fell to seventh place.

These years of wars have completely changed the structure of Yuntian Lingzong.

"With one hundred thousand echoes, the one who captures it will become the master of the barren state. It is inevitable to take action against this demon sect. The key is how to take action." True Blood Taoist Master said.

"Indeed, Mengze Lingzong blocked it, and secretly..." Many Taoist masters nodded, indeed feeling that it was difficult to deal with.

They have simulated a rough future.

Both sides must send people frantically to kill the Demon Sect and capture the leader of the Demon Sect. In order to prevent the other party from taking the lead, no matter who encounters the Demon Sect first, they will definitely rob them. As a result, the strength of the two sects is once again depleted, and either the Luo Sheng Clan or the Pure World Holy Land will You can pick peaches whenever you go out.

"No matter how you deduce it, you can't win."

The True Blood Taoist told the truth.

This is obvious, because the Luo Sheng Clan and the Jingshi Holy Land are stronger than them. If they did not have the home field advantage, and the Luo Sheng Clan and the Jingshi Holy Land were afraid of each other, the two Great Wilderness sects would be the first to perish.

In this case, the Luo Sheng Clan and the Pure World Holy Land naturally have an overwhelming advantage, and the possibility of the two sects obtaining the new Taoist artifact is extremely slim.

"The only way to break the situation is to attract the Luo Sheng Clan and the Pure World Holy Land. They will check and balance each other. We still have a small chance. At the very least, we can avoid being overtaken by Mengze."

The Taoist Master of Hejian pondered for a while and then suggested.

"Indeed, it doesn't matter if the Luo Sheng Clan and Jingshi Holy Land get the Taoist artifact, but it is a big problem if Mengze gets it."

"In that case, inform the Luo Sheng Clan and Jingshi Holy Land and ask them to come and destroy the new way?"


Many Taoist masters agreed and decided to make a decision.

And this scene also happened in Mengze Lingzong.

Attracting the two major forces to come is actually the optimal solution.

Although the Luo Sheng Clan and Jingshi Holy Land, which are confronting each other, are far more powerful than the two sects, they cannot be crushed by the super formation at home. It is also difficult for a real person to fight against the super formation of an entire large state.

It doesn't matter if it's just one force. The key is to have an opponent. Once one's real person is dragged down, the enemy may take advantage of it.

This is a disadvantage visible to the naked eye, so neither the Luo Saint Clan nor the Pure World Holy Land will take action first. They can only suppress the two sects after the winner is determined.

Before the two major forces can decide the winner, it is good to let them fight dog to dog. There is a threat, but it is better than wasting the foundation and getting nothing.

Zhuo Qilian defeated the ten major spiritual towns in one night, greatly expanding the sphere of influence of the Tomorrow Society.

To be honest, it's not simple.

There are more than a hundred spiritual towns, which are basically the same as Baishi Town. They have formations that are enough to contain and even kill Xuanjing.

Although this profound realm is only the level of the first entry into the profound realm, it cannot be said to be simple. Zhuo Qilian defeated the ten major spiritual towns in one night solely because he mastered divine magic and could silently control the enemy. Daling Town has no resistance at all.

If it were replaced by the same peerless spiritual method, it would really be impossible to destroy ten spiritual towns in one night.

After she handed over the answer sheet, Yun Ye also sighed and accepted the apology.

In the final analysis, Zhuo Qilian only has the responsibility of being a researcher as the seventh seat, and she has no obligation to take action. Even if the constitution stipulates that residents must do everything possible to defend the Tomorrow Meeting, that is just a statement, and it does not expect non-soldier residents to abide by it.

The reason why Yun Ye was angry was because Zhuo Qilian clearly had power, but was unwilling to show it...

"Calm down. I should now gather all the power I can muster to change this world, instead of blaming a great monk who may be a helper."

Yun Ye thought this and calmed down his thoughts.

Zhuo Qilian was willing to contribute to tomorrow's meeting and win the top ten spiritual towns. He had nothing to say.

He himself also knew very well how unrealistic it would be to expect a great monk who could live for four hundred years to help Tomorrow without fear of life and death.

This is reality...

In order to forget these things, Yun Ye devoted himself to work wholeheartedly.

There are too many things in the Tomorrow Society that encountered a catastrophe. Fortunately, the monks of the Tomorrow Society have opened their spiritual consciousness, making communication extremely easy.

In just one day, Yun Ye stabilized the situation and re-established Tomorrow City in an area with good spiritual veins. A large number of buildings rose from the ground. All buildings and facilities were restored one to one, and were even stronger than the previous layout. .

This is the result of Zhuo Qilian's help. In addition to concealment, her divine magic can also turn falsehood into reality. After mastering the extremely spiritual magic, it is not a problem to manifest a city.

During this period, Yun Ye, as the chief, considered outstanding talents from various agencies from all aspects and began to prepare candidates to replace Yi Shu.

Since Tomorrow was used as a Taoist tool to record a large number of people's information, Yun Ye quickly identified candidates worthy of entrustment.

First of all, Liu Mian is the acting second-in-command. He is the younger brother of Liu Shanwei. They are all babies taken from the Liu family. However, he does not use the wind spirit method, but the thunder spirit method. Generally speaking, he is very powerful and can force Can succeed Liu Shanwei.

Secondly, Wang Shun, who was originally in the No. 2 agency, was transferred to the No. 1 agency and began to work with Ning Xiao to learn how to manage the Tomorrow Club.

Wang Shun was already being groomed as a candidate for heir, and Yun Ye didn't have much time to manage, so he could only leave it to Wang Shun.

Nowadays, the only Taoist envoys who can take on important responsibilities are Wang Shun and Yue Xin.

As for the remaining numbers, since he was not in a hurry, Yun Ye did not even appoint them, and directly let the person with the highest serial number among the two numbers in each agency act on his behalf.

In this way, Tomorrow New City quickly stabilized and began to digest a large amount of harvest.

And these, in fact, only took two days and one night. The night of the second day was not over yet, and it was at this time that the true heavenly instrument moved unexpectedly.

After careful observation, the observers’ expressions changed greatly, and the team leader reported:

"Chief, Zhentianyi has noticed a huge shift in destiny, and I'm afraid there will be monks from the Luo Dynasty's royal family coming next."


"They will appear in three days at most, and by then there will probably be people from the Pure World Holy Land taking action. After all, we have captured two of their Xuanjing monks who possess Taoist tools! Chief, what should we do?"

Yun Ye pondered, then raised his head after a moment and said: "The power of the Luo Dynasty far exceeds that of the two sects, but those who can be sent here cannot be too strong, and I can handle it. And there are two great masters who have lost contact in the Holy Land of the Pure World, as long as they are not If you are stupid, you will choose to take advantage of it and use our power to trick the Boluo Dynasty. We only need to wait for four days. After four days..."

"Four days later?" Zhuo Qilian looked up at him, with a hint of "You're not going to be the Riddler, are you?" in his eyes.

But Yun Ye didn't see this look. As he spoke, he activated the ethereal technique and disappeared through the air.

There was only one sentence left in the air.

"There is not much time left. I will take advantage of this opportunity to seize as many Taoist artifacts as possible. You continue to pay attention to Zhentianyi. If you have any questions, please contact me directly."


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