A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 375 Eight Hundred Thousand Echoes

Yun Ye embarked on the journey alone.

In order to stabilize the Tomorrow Meeting, he wasted too much time and missed the best opportunity, but with his power, it is not too late from now on.

There are a total of more than 120 spiritual towns in the entire wilderness. In other words, there are more than 120 Taoist artifacts.

There is no doubt that most of these Taoist tools have been passed down for thousands of years and have accumulated over ten thousand echoes. They are Taoist tools of the family level.

If he captures them all, Yun Ye can obtain the national Taoist weapon in one fell swoop.

With the national Taoist artifact in hand, even if he loses the power of freedom, he can still be on an equal footing with the Luo Dynasty and the Pure World Holy Land.

From this point of view, it seems that Yuntian and Mengze's response through brutal fighting is not as simple as targeting these spiritual towns.

However, at the beginning of the establishment of the Luo Dynasty, the order of the ruling artifacts was established. All the Dao artifacts in Lingzhen belong to the Luo Dynasty. If other forces compete for it, the power level will be lowered. Even if there are Dao artifacts of the same level as the Luo Sheng clan, they will not be able to rule. will be at a disadvantage.

Forces like the two sects, which are already one level lower, can even be directly obliterated with Taoist weapons.

It can be said that the Luo Sheng Clan is eager for the two sects to invade Lingzhen, so that they can fully accept the super spiritual veins and thousand-year foundation of the two sects.

And this is just one of the reasons.

There is another reason.

When the scope of Lingzhen was first demarcated, due to the large number of demons, most of the Taoist tools of the founder of Lingzhen were borrowed to formulate isolation rules, and the debts needed to be repaid ten times.

Yun Ye is a Taoist weapon user of the Path of Tomorrow, so after killing him, he can get the full response. However, if he is absorbed by a Taoist tool user of the same path, he can only get one-tenth of the response, and it will be subtracted further. Two-thirds of the loss.

In the end, one million responses will be directly reduced to about 30,000. For the two cases, this is a completely thankless number.

More than a hundred spiritual towns are not idiots. Once they are invaded on a large scale, they will definitely join forces and eventually hold back most of the sect's power.

If another one takes action at this time, it will be obvious what the outcome will be.

And all of this is no problem for the new way. If the rules governing the Taoist tools are to be effective for the new way, they must be one level stronger than the new way. And if it is a Taoist tool with the true name of the Tao of Tomorrow, I want it to be effective. Obliteration requires two levels higher. There are more than a hundred spiritual towns, which are completely nourishment. If you kill them, you will kill them.

Xindao is surrounded by enemies on all sides. Killing each one makes a profit. In order to gain more response, the enemy may even have to help.

"Strengthen the killing of Quan's true name, tomorrow!"


The cloudy night descended on a spiritual town shrouded in a volcano. The heat here was astonishingly high, making it impossible for ordinary people to survive.

However, the spiritual energy was also surprisingly rich. At a glance, Yun Ye saw that the residents of Ling Town were all spiritual practitioners.

The family that controls this spiritual town has more than a dozen Dharma Realm masters, and even one has a Half-step Xuan Realm master.

After thousands of years of accumulation, do you want to jump to the Xuantian level family?

Unfortunately, that's the end of it.


"Two points of power - liberation of form!"

The black-haired little girl walked out, the flames turned into water, the water lotus on her right hair rotated, and her blue pupils were cold and cold. The moment she appeared, a large amount of blue floated around Yun Ye's arms, and then spread all over her body.

Yun Ye's long silver hair turned into blue, and his pupils also changed from silver to blue again, covered by the power of form liberation.

He held the sword and locked all the magic realms in Huoshan Spirit Town.

At this moment, all the Dharma realms were frightened and lifted into the sky. They wanted to escape and felt great terror.

But the next moment, blue light flashed past, the barrier could not be blocked, the space was ignored, and a sword directly cut off the life. All the figures in the Dharma realm stopped and turned into meteors and fell, and countless spiritual energy began to overflow.

But then Yun Ye waved his hand, and a large number of white silk threads connected the corpses, controlling all the corpses and fixing their power in life.

"You are so bold that you dare to invade my clan and kill my clan members. After this battle, the Yuntian Ling Sect will be hunted by powerful men from thousands of miles away. There is no way you can escape!"

The Half-Step Profound Realm of Huoshan Lingzhen took action. He sacrificed his Taoist weapon, faced the Tomorrow Zhan Quan Sword, and then turned around and ran away.

He was very decisive and used many secret techniques and methods to escape.

But for such a person as Yun Ye, he didn't even raise his eyelids. A pair of rainbow eyes saw through everything, and a sword crossed the space to end his life.


The Half-step Profound Realm man struggled for a moment, but the deathly silence soon spread. He died unwillingly and was made into a puppet by Yun Ye.

Yun Ye waved his hand and put it into the treasure environment secret realm.

At a startling glance, there were hundreds of legal realm puppets and hundreds of spiritual realm puppets listed.

At this moment, if he could obtain the frost-taking formation technique, he might really be a god blocking the killing god. But he remembers how amazing the frost-taking formation technique is!

Only seven of the eight people were gathered together, and they were already so powerful that it was shocking!

According to Yun Ye's estimation, I'm afraid it was the ultimate formation that Qishuang obtained after spending his whole life calculating with the Nine Life Divine Technique...

At least in this Luo Dynasty, it is a genuine ultimate formation!


The most powerful weapon in Huoshan Spirit Town was destroyed, and a large amount of echoes turned into streams of light and were swallowed up by the Sword of Tomorrow.

Tomorrow covered her mouth with satisfaction, and her figure faintly grew a little.

"Three hundred thousand echoed..."

Yun Ye glanced at Tomorrow's sword, which had two more lines on its texture, and then looked at Tomorrow again.

Tomorrow's body has also undergone corresponding changes. Her long black hair is tied up with a water cloud headdress at the end, giving people a very virtuous feeling. There are also blue water rings on her ankles, making her more sacred.

There are more and more responses, and Tomorrow continues to grow!

Originally, The Way of Tomorrow was supposed to be a story about running a country and finally getting repercussions. But in this world, there are too many enemies. Killing enemies to gain repercussions and liberating the millennia of resentment of ordinary people only collects repercussions faster.

Yun Ye did not stop. After assigning the echo to each rule, he traveled through space again and headed to the next spiritual town.

His efficiency is much higher than that of Tomorrow Club. He kills almost indiscriminately and can destroy all resistance with just one encounter.

This kind of operation lasted for a full day and ended after Yun Ye solved thirty spiritual towns.

The terrifying destruction efficiency spreads panic.

Even the most confident Lingfa family did not dare to stay there and wait for death, and fled to the two sects to seek shelter.

Because of this, Yun Ye's actions ended here.

The final response he received was as many as 800,000, most of which came from Taoist tools, and the rest came from the resentment accumulated by people over the past thousands of years-that is, the tribulation energy!

Yun Ye's echo of this outrageous scale has also caused the rules of all Taoist tools to expand unprecedentedly, and their effectiveness has completely evolved by leaps and bounds.

He is most concerned about the "merit system". After the echo increases to 200,000, the level limit has exceeded 200, and he can obtain an additional 3,100 skill points, which is enough to further deduce the power of Yin Yongji.

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