A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 378 Nine hundred and fifty thousand echoes!

The inner moon of the double moon mark on the left hand rotates and shines with silver light.

The overflowing power spread from the left hand to the whole body, covering Yun Ye in silver brilliance, but this power could not cover up the power of the Taoist weapon.

Therefore, Yun Ye's image is still blue hair and blue eyes, but there is a lot of silver power around him.

In order to deal with the power of the mysterious realm, Yun Ye opened the inheritance mark to one-tenth.

Haoran was so powerful that Yun Ye was almost assimilated.

The invincible power that descended from the red sky was truly under his control. At this moment, Yun Ye was almost omnipotent, and he waved his hand with difficulty.

"Stop it!"

Silver runes appeared densely in the sky, and the same was true around the great power of the Luo clan.

The powerful man calmly used his magic power to erase it.

However, mana cannot touch these silver runes at all and has no impact at all.

An ominous premonition arose in the heart of the powerful Luo tribe, and he shifted his power, madly pouring in the seven-star curse to kill the straw man, and directly detonated the power of the mysterious treasure in advance.

The black power spread, targeting Yun Ye, but the power stopped halfway, and so did the power of the Luo clan, which completely froze.

The silver rune stopped time at this moment, freezing even the power of the mysterious treasure.


Yun Ye vomited blood, and the black threads started from the inside, directly infecting his flesh, and even began to show on the surface of the skin.

He immediately realized that although time was stopped, part of the power of the Seven-Star Curse Killer still took effect, amplifying a certain power in his body and causing his condition to deteriorate rapidly!


"Well, let me try!"

Little Loli took the Tomorrow Zhanquan Sword and stabbed it directly into Yun Ye's chest.

The power of the Tao sword burst out.

Erasing the concept of curse.

Visible to the naked eye, a large number of curses were annihilated and Yun Ye's condition quickly improved.

As the Tomorrow Sword can kill according to the rules, it is naturally easy to remove some curses, but before Yun Ye was happy for a few seconds, the curse was born again...

"A super curse that takes effect continuously? Isn't it possible that the curse can be killed just by using the True Immortal Technique?"

Tomorrow looked at the world in surprise. She could see the rules directly, so she saw some kind of power being activated in the air.

The condition is indeed "use the true immortal method and not be the heir of the immortal clan".

Yun Ye thought of the 'Curse Insect Thousand Resentments Revealed', which was too similar. As long as the judgment conditions were met, the continuous curse would take effect directly.

He was never cursed when he used the True Immortal Technique in his fourth life. Why was he cursed in his fifth life?

"Didn't you get that person's permission?"

Yun Ye and Ming Ri looked at each other and both thought of this reason.


If there is any difference from the previous life, it is that Yun Ye used the True Immortal Technique directly from memory and did not get the True Immortal's permission from the Queen Mother.

"Trouble, tomorrow, even if I use your power to remove the curse all the time, it will only guarantee my immortality, and I will no longer be able to practice. Any interference from the curse will be enough for me to die without a burial place!"

Yun Ye frowned.

"Master, just kill the traces of using the True Immortal Technique."

Tomorrow swung his sword again and struck Yun Ye directly.

Although the sword struck Yun Ye, it did not affect his body and passed directly by, only killing a certain cause and effect of Yun Ye's existence.

Yun Ye clearly felt that his previous memory was beginning to disappear rapidly, and any trace of his use of the True Immortal Technique would be killed together with his memory.

The book of reincarnation is turned over, and the memory is revived, but this is no longer detectable by ordinary power.

After the killing marks were removed, there was no more curse in Yun Ye's body.

After looking inside for a few breaths and finding that there was no problem, Yun Ye's eyes fell on the powerful Luo clan again: "Let's solve it as soon as possible. The power of freedom doesn't let me waste too much room!"

"Consciousness rewriting!"

Yun Ye activated the power of freedom to directly cut off the soul of the powerful Luo clan, turning him into a puppet who could only obey orders while retaining his consciousness.

"Crash, lala, lala -"

A large number of chains spread out from the body of the powerful Luo clan, and he was protected by divine magic to avoid being controlled by the enemy.

"You want to control me, how arrogant..."

The great power of the Luo clan regained consciousness and immediately cursed.

However, is the power of freedom from Yingyue Tianmen such an inconvenience?

After the chain appeared, Yun Ye erased it in one thought!

Mighty Luo Clan:? ? ?

He couldn't say any more nonsense. The silver light soaked into his body and effectively controlled his body, turning it into a puppet.

He was filled with bitterness, watching as he was deprived of control of his body and his soul was imprisoned in his body. The overwhelming power prevented him from even committing suicide...

Are you kidding? After thousands of years, this inheritance can still have such power. Could it be a third-level inheritance?

The master was controlled, the brilliance of the Taoist weapon disappeared, and it fell from the sky.

Yun Ye took over the Ming Ri Zhan Quan Sword and slashed out with one sword to destroy the weapon.

However, countless runes burst out from the surface of the Taoist artifact, and the entire Taoist artifact began to become hazy. This triggered the Luo Sheng clan's backhand to forcefully escape.

At the same time, a pair of cold eyes appeared, showing the power of changing colors.

Some kind of supernatural power is coming from the sky!

Real person? !

"With the power of inheritance, no wonder you dare to be so rampant, but how long can your power be effective?"

His cold eyes were turbulent, and he was about to destroy Yun Ye from the distance.

But Yun Ye used the power of freedom to directly offset this power, and then he swung his sword at the speed of thunder to kill the concept of the art of space.

Yun Ye moved forward indomitably, with the power of freedom blessing himself, and all aspects of his strength were sublimating.

He deliberately spent hundreds of skill points to deduce the flow speed and completely exhausted the stored skill points, just to keep up with the battle rhythm of the Xuan Realm.

And with this foundation, it takes less time to increase the power of freedom.


Yun Ye slashed out with his sword, countless thoughts flashed through his mind, and someone seemed to shout loudly, shaking Xuantian to the point of falling!

However, the owner of the cold eyes inspired strength, and the power fell from the sky!

In the end, Tomorrow's Dao Weapon was in a stalemate with this power and was unable to kill it instantly. However, the Luo Clan's Dao Weapon was also wrapped up in the chaotic space force and could not escape.

"New Way Fanatic!"

The real person was furious and wanted to take action, but as if something had occurred to him, the real person finally retreated.

"...You actually retreated? Are you afraid of the Pure Land?"

Yun Ye was just about to explode his power, but when he saw this person retreating, he stopped increasing his power any further.


The Jade Seal Taoist Tool was torn into pieces and was destroyed by Yun Ye. Suddenly, the Jade Seal Taoist Vessel turned into a large amount of reverberation and poured into the Mingri Zhanquan Sword.

Nine hundred and fifty thousand responses!

We are only one step away from the national Taoist artifact!

After doing all this, Yun Ye looked at the mighty Luo clan who had completely turned into a puppet. The silver moon mark in his hand converged and sealed off his power.

However, he still maintained his streaming speed. The difference in realm was too great. If he didn't maintain his streaming speed, he might be killed instantly without even noticing.

Standing in the air, Yun Ye looked at the earth.

Yujing Tiantai Town, which has survived for thousands of years, has been destroyed to ashes, without leaving any trace. There is no grass growing within a hundred miles, and it has been turned into a desert...

This is only the fourth realm, and it can interfere with such a large-scale environment. The sense of existence of mortals is too weak.

Mortals who want to play a role in this order can only take the path of research, but if they want to have a stable research environment, they need time to develop.

In a world where great power exists, how can a monk who feels threatened give mortals time to develop?

In this world, the foundation of tomorrow's existence is too weak.

The Way of Tomorrow on Earth still has a mass base, and it is possible to change destiny against the will of heaven.

But in this world, this is purely against the laws of the world.

Merely relying on the characteristics of Tomorrow's anti-level weapons is not enough to reverse the decline.

If he had not obtained the power of inheritance this time, the two profound realms of the Pure World Holy Land would have been enough to completely wipe out the Tomorrow Society, and he would not be able to stop them.

In order to perfectly advance to the Dharma Realm, he has been cultivating magic medicine. With only the power of the Spiritual Realm, it is impossible for him to fight against the two Xuan Realms of the Pure World Holy Land. These two are also strong men, far from being comparable to ordinary Xuan Realms. If not for Yun Ye has unleashed a lot of freedom, so he won't win so easily.

Yun Ye couldn't help but say: "Tomorrow, it seems that we will have to walk together for a long time. Going against the general trend is really heart-breaking."

Although Yun Ye believes that the way of tomorrow is correct, the general trend has always been on the side of the strong. The road is long and long, and I will pursue it high and low!

"Stab it!"

The space was torn apart, and the powerful puppet of the Luo tribe opened up a path in space, leading directly to the New Tomorrow City. The efficiency was far faster than Yun Ye's ethereal method.

The crushing of the two realms, coupled with the extremely strong bloodline and inheritance of the Luo Sheng Clan, it is not surprising that this situation occurs.

To fight Yun Ye, he must have the speed to keep up with the rhythm, and the Tomorrow Sword that can cut off all concepts and authority.

The rest of the power can only be effective by turning to Yin Yongji, but the result is only the death of Yun Ye and the great injury of the Luo clan. It has not yet reached the final conclusion.

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