A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 379 Declaring War on Two Sects

After Tomorrow City rebuilt the city, everything was on track. As the powerful Luo clan was killed and the real person retreated, the entire Tomorrow City was filled with joy.

Tomorrow will finally have enough strength to protect itself!

Although it cannot be said that one can sit back and relax, it is indeed much stronger than the previous fear. The intimidating power of the strongest is far easier to understand than strategic weapons!

the following few days.

Excellent talents from all parties gathered together and held discussions throughout the night.

With the physical quality of a spiritual practitioner, it is not a problem to go several days and nights without rest. Zhuo Qilian has provided continuous support to Zhen Tianyi for decades. The mortal and spiritual realms are not so abnormal, but stopping to rest for ten days is still OK.

Thanks to this, everything was settled quickly.

There are currently three main things tomorrow.

The first point: Get a response and advance to the national Taoist weapon.

The second point: Develop the Yin-Transforming Eternal Silence magic weapon so that Tomorrow Society can create weapons that pose a threat to the Xuan Realm.

Point 3: Solve two sects to obtain super spiritual veins.

It is best to follow the three items step by step in order, but if there is an emergency, it does not hurt to change the order.

Time passes day by day.

There was no movement from Yun Tian Ling Sect and Meng Ze Ling Sect. They seemed to be frightened by Yun Ye's power to control the powerful master and scare away the real person.

Day six.

Yun Ye was sitting in the living room, constantly exerting his strength to make talismans and seals. There was already a thick pile of jade talismans piled up around him, at least hundreds of them.

He is only in the spiritual realm, so the materials for making talismans are not too scarce. With the support of the secret realm, they can basically be consumed at will.

In the past few days, he has been basically making talisman seals, sealing his own power of eternal silence into the talisman seals, and using them as a kind of talisman array.

The talisman formation is similar to the formation, but with talisman and seal as the core. This is the power that Yun Ye has stored in the past. If accumulated and exploded in an instant, it can form unimaginable destructive power.

Arrays, talismans, weapons, and elixirs are all things that can drastically increase your strength. It just depends on whether you have the resources to smash them.

Yun Ye spent all his sleep and food making the talisman seals, and the time arrived in the early morning before he knew it.


A silver moon came from the sky and covered the entire New Tomorrow City. Everyone couldn't help but look up. Even if there were houses and walls blocking them, they all saw the coming one!

That's the goddess!

The beautiful silver-haired goddess has arrived, changing the world with every move she makes. The entire Tomorrow City residents feel unimaginable tranquility, as if they have been pulled into a fairyland and are experiencing some kind of sublimation.

Yun Ye stopped making talismans and walked out of the room. Looking at Yuexin falling from the sky, he couldn't help but smile.

His voice and consciousness spread throughout Tomorrow City.

sounded together with it.

And Yue Xin’s voice.

"From now on, tomorrow will declare war on the two sects! The day the two sects are destroyed will be the time when the country of tomorrow is established!"

"Destiny is tomorrow!"

After a brief period of tranquility.

The dark night was instantly filled with boiling mountains and tsunami.

Yun Ye stood with his hands behind his hands, looking into the distance with a pair of rainbow eyes, seeming to have met the eyes of many Taoist masters.

He was waiting for the Yuexin inheritance to end, with one person defending and the other attacking, and directly declared war.

What are the two sects waiting for?

The Lingfa family fled Lingzhen, taking away all the resources, but leaving only the mortals behind.

They don't think mortals have any value, so they don't even think about destroying them.

Since the establishment of New Tomorrow City, the Tomorrow Society has been continuously attracting people from all over the country and bringing them to a safe area.

The assistants were the two great mystical realms of the Pure World Holy Land. Their movement speed was so fast that it didn't take much time to travel across the deserted state.

Everyone gave names to these two profound realms for easy reference.

They are: Heavenly Dog and Earthly Dog.

These two people are in the mysterious realm, and their appearance does not affect the performance of their power. They possess supreme power and can solve various experiments and projects.

Moreover, fighting in the Mysterious Realm consumes a lot of energy, and requires one or more spiritual veins to replenish the energy consumed.

But Tomorrow will not have any place that requires fighting in the Xuan Realm. It will just build or lead some ordinary people through dangerous places. Their power can be said to be inexhaustible. In just six days, the people of more than a hundred spiritual towns They have all gathered in the new city.

After Yun Ye made statistics, he found that the total population was only 22 million people. Considering the area of ​​Huangzhou, this number was undoubtedly too small.

But that's based on the earth's world view. This world is too dangerous. Except for the refuge of Taoist weapons, there is no room for mortals to survive.

The Taoist tools of protection are also the Taoist tools of domination. Mortals have no human rights, the living environment is extremely harsh, and there is not enough land to support the population. Twenty-two million people are already too many, and Yun Ye is very satisfied with this.

Tomorrow City used to have a population of only 100,000, but now it has a population of 20 million. How terrifying is the demographic dividend?

For immortal cultivation forces like Yun Ye, the resources that mortals need are easily available and do not pose any burden at all.

However, the energy that these people gathered and exploded was far beyond what some food and teacher resources could compare to.

There are only two points that need to be paid attention to in the future, that is, a safe and peaceful environment, and a relatively fair order.

By doing this, even if it fails, the development speed will definitely far exceed that of other forces in the Luo Dynasty.

In order to obtain a safe development environment, the two cases are obviously insurmountable thresholds.

Therefore, as soon as Yue Xin returned, Yun Ye immediately declared war on the two sects tomorrow, officially starting the decisive battle for the hegemony of Huangzhou.

——It was said to be a declaration of war, but in fact it was a surprise attack.


The profound realm of the Luo Sheng Clan was shaped into a tiger by Yun Ye, named Golden Tiger. Its roar opened the first shot of the Tomorrow Meeting.

The first target is an important spiritual vein node of Yuntian Lingzong. This area stores a large amount of spiritual stone resources and is the node of the space teleportation array. If it is cut off, some areas of Yuntian Lingzong will not be able to use space teleportation. , which is a key guard position.

However, few people know this news. If Yun Ye hadn't been Xiangying in his previous life, he wouldn't have put his first target here.

The power of Golden Tiger was completely beyond the calculations of Yuntian Lingzong, and there was no powerful person to guard it in advance, so after a loud roar, the barrier of the spiritual vein node was directly destroyed, and all the life inside exploded immediately.

"——Boundary Breaking Technique."

There is countless resentment in Jin Hu's eyes. He uses the secret technique of the Luo Sheng clan, which can break the low-level enchantment. For a powerful person like him, the enchantment of Yuntian Lingzong is naturally a low-level enchantment. He If you take action in person, it will definitely be broken at the first touch.

However, he did not want to "help the tyrants do harm" and contribute to the beasts like Xindao. Unfortunately, he could not help himself. Although his consciousness was intact, he would fully implement the orders of the people of Xindao - even, as long as he got the permission of the new Taoist envoy, Even an ordinary person can order him at will.

What humiliation and torture is this. How can such a powerful person like him endure such humiliation?

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