A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 380 Yanhong Taoist·Xing Qingluo

Jin Hu waved his tiger palm and slapped the ground. The entire spiritual node collapsed, and a large amount of resources poured out from the collapsed building and was pocketed.

As a golden tiger, the great power of the Luo tribe has no expression, only his eyes are filled with anger, and he is very unwilling to do anything for mortals.

But he still carried out the task faithfully and used all his wisdom and strength.

"A high-level medicinal plant?"

During the collection process, Jin Hu found a special fruit tree in the core area, which seemed to stabilize the space. He immediately used great magic power to collect and preserve it, reducing its loss to zero.

Tomorrow they will invade Yuntian Lingzong. In addition to declaring war, the most important thing is actually to search for resources.

There are basically not many wild magic medicines outside the Great Wilderness Lingze, let alone top-level magic medicines that can be perfectly advanced. Yun Ye has been unable to advance to the magic realm because he can't find the right magic medicine.

Although Tomorrow Society has excellent research capabilities, it cannot complete the cultivation of medicinal herbs from scratch in just a few decades.

For this reason, if Yun Ye wants to advance perfectly, he can only grab two sects, and then optimize and debug based on the two sects, and finally advance to the legal realm.

Jin Hu obtained a magical medicine with space capabilities at the first spiritual vein node, which was a very good sign.

"The next spiritual vein!"

Jin Hu set out alone, without any accompanying people, because they were really unnecessary and would be a burden.

Next, Jin Hu broke through multiple spiritual nodes and took away a large amount of resources, and then he was finally caught up by Yuntian Spirit Sect.

A Taoist master appeared holding a Taoist weapon and almost threatened Jin Hu.

After being controlled, Jin Hu's own Taoist tools cannot be awakened. Under the threat of the Yuntian Lingzong Taoist tools, even if Jinhu is a Taoist master, he will be killed.

Fortunately, the True Heavenly Instrument of the Tomorrow Meeting was very powerful and had noticed the fluctuations long ago and withdrew in advance. The Taoist master was unable to leave the golden tiger behind.

And after this blow, a full-scale war will begin tomorrow.

"Celestial volley!"

Extreme spirit weapons erupted in batches, bombarding the barriers of spiritual vein nodes, consuming spiritual energy reserves with astonishing efficiency.

The extremely spiritual weapon made by Nether Fire has the power to strike from a distance. It consumes a lot of spiritual power and can even reach a distance of thousands of miles.

In this case, unless the Dharma Realm genius or the Mysterious Realm powerful person, there is no way to judge where the attack is coming from, making Yuntian Lingzong very passive.

The entire Tomorrow City is also making every effort to cultivate the new population of 20 million, providing a large amount of excellent food and knowledge unconditionally, allowing them to participate in this arms race.

A large number of monks formed teams and hunted demons crazily. They used the demon bones as raw materials to make various types of extremely spiritual weapons.

Yun Ye also made a large number of Eternal Silence Talisman Seals in one go, plus formations and magic weapons, allowing him to fight the Taoist Master with his own strength.

Yuntian Lingzong.

The Tao masters of the twelve Tao systems all returned to their seats and sat on the jade throne of the Tao palace.

And a figure passed through the clouds and mist and arrived at the center of the twelve great formations of Yuntian, where it was looked down upon by twelve Taoist masters.

This figure stood proudly and without restraint. He said loudly: "Fellow Taoist masters of Yuntian Lingzong, do you know the purpose of my visit?"


The twelve Taoist masters were all silent, looking at this person indifferently or calmly.

"Since you don't know, let me explain."

This person was not embarrassed. He raised the corners of his mouth, waved his hand, and forcibly recreated a certain scene.

It was a scene of a boy with blue hair and blue eyes, wielding a sword to fight against the mighty power of the Luo tribe.

This clip truly represents what happened.

Including Yun Ye using the True Immortal Technique.

It's just that this section is intermittent, as if it was disturbed by something, and it is difficult to completely reproduce it.

After this person threw a special mysterious treasure, the scene stabilized, allowing the twelve Taoist masters to see the spiritual energy being born out of thin air and Yun Ye being cursed.

"Messenger of the Luo Clan, what do you want? True Immortal Technique? If you just want to seize the True Immortal Technique, I'm afraid you don't need to come here."

The True Blood Taoist spoke. He didn't understand the meaning of the messenger's reappearance of this past.

He even brought a mysterious treasure?

Not afraid of being taken away by Yuntian Lingzong?

You must know that the Luo Sheng clan is undoubtedly the enemy of the Yuntian Lingzong. If they wander around with heavy treasures in their territory, the Luo Sheng clan's reputation may not necessarily be useful.

"It seems that you don't understand the meaning of the True Immortal Technique. To seize the True Immortal Technique? This is not a joke..."

The messenger shook his head.

He opened his mouth and told the reason, and the more he told it, the darker the expressions of the twelve Tao masters became.

Soon, the envoy finished speaking and said goodbye after saluting without saying anything else. He seemed not to worry about Yuntian Lingzong not believing him at all.

"Guys, what do you think?"

The True Blood Taoist Master was silent for a long time after the messenger left, and then asked.

He is also considering this issue carefully.

"We can't afford the gamble."

The girl with colorful hair lay on her side on the jade throne, propped up her face, and said five short words.

Many Taoist masters present closed their eyes.

This statement is not false!

In this world, order is determined by strength. If they bet wrong, they will be completely wiped out. It is better not to bet.


The sky above the entire Yuntian Lingzong was filled with clouds.

The clouds dispersed.

Twelve palaces are revealed, some are magnificent, some are simple and thick, and some are as ethereal as fairy palaces.

The bells were ringing throughout the Yuntian Ling Sect, and a large number of monks raised their heads with confused expressions. What was happening?


Countless astonishing auras erupted and landed in the core area of ​​Yuntian Lingzong. The terrifying figures made the monks of Yuntian Lingzong tremble and almost want to kneel down to worship.

"Supreme Taoist Masters..."

"I'm waiting to welcome you!"

The world is divided into two, and the heavy atmosphere makes people crazy.

Unprecedentedly, a full twenty Taoist masters appeared in the world.

The strongest forces of the two sects converged at this moment.

The third day of the declaration of war.


There was an explosion in the sky, and suddenly a Taoist master tore through the space and rushed to Tomorrow City.

Thousands of miles of clouds were cleared, and colorful stars poured in.

The overwhelming power bursts out!

"Galaxy Rainbow Light?"

Yun Ye walked out of Tomorrow City and saw the source of this move. His pair of rainbow pupils looked through the galaxy and saw the girl standing in the sky.

This is a beautiful girl with colorful hair, wearing a feather fabric, like a fairy, spreading rainbows to the world.

But this rainbow has the power to collapse the earth and wash away the surface.

The stars are clear!

Although she looks like a girl, she is actually a three-hundred-year-old monster. She is second only to the Yanhong Taoist Master in the Yanhong Taoist system...

Is this taking over the position of Taoist Master?

Also, although he is three hundred years old, he is too young compared to other Taoist masters and does not have the corresponding power to shock everything.

Otherwise, how could she be responsible for such a dangerous mission?

Facing the extremely strange new way, it is too dangerous to test it, and there is a possibility of death.


Yun Ye slashed out with his sword, destroying the Tao Tao Hongguang, and soared up to kill Xing Qingluo. He had long heard of the reputation of the great masters of Yun Tian Ling Sect. In this life, it was he who killed the Taoist master with his sword and swept across the wilderness. day!

The cold Tomorrow follows Yun Ye and rushes all the way to the sky. Water ribbons appear all over his body and merge with Yun Ye, showing the strongest state of the Tomorrow Sword.

"Two points of power - liberation of form!"

With blue hair flying, Yun Ye jumped up and instantly arrived in front of Xing Qingluo. He slashed out with his sword, leaving no room for him to dodge.

But at this moment, the galaxy turned upside down, and Xing Qingluo's figure suddenly appeared at the end of the galaxy. Yun Ye's sword just destroyed the galaxy.

"The Taoist weapon that kills the concept is terrifying. What's even more terrifying is that a mere spiritual realm can actually keep up with my speed."

Xing Qingluo has a pair of starry blue eyes, and now she is full of surprise. It turns out that apart from the monster-like Xiang Ying, there is also a spiritual realm that can reach the height it is now?

Moreover, she was even better than Xiang Ying, keeping up with the speed of her Xuan realm with her spirit realm body.


Yun Yehong absorbs the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, and the endless spiritual power bless his body.

In Tomorrow City, he unsurprisingly gained the strongest field advantage and did not need to use the first providence to increase his spiritual power.

The massive amount of spiritual energy turned into the power of the Yin-turning Spiritual Technique and the Speed ​​of Flowing Light, greatly accelerating Yun Ye's time, and his movement speed completely exceeded the limit.

At this moment, a cloud was trampled under his feet, commanding it like an arm, and it could toss hundreds of miles away, requiring the Tao Master to tear apart the space to keep up.

He holds the sword of tomorrow and kills Xing Qingluo.

Xing Qingluo flicked his fingers, and endless galactic rainbow light suddenly fell along the way. There was no space left in all directions. It was a pure killing blow.

She herself was riding the flow of the galaxy, as if she were crossing space, covering hundreds of miles in the blink of an eye, and even Yun Ye's strongest speed could not keep up.

Yun Ye was not anxious, silently calculating everything and preparing for the decisive moment.

A net has been formed with the activation of Yun Ye's ethereal magic.

"Yingtianxujie! Get up!"

Yun Ye completed the move, and time and space were sealed by a dark barrier. The speed of Xing Qing Luo's galaxy was immediately curbed and slowed down to a certain extent.

"The triple zodiac sign transforming Yin spirit method can even interfere with the power of the galaxy... The inheritance you have received is really incredible. No wonder it can frighten away the real people of the Luo Dynasty and the monks of the Xuan Realm. I am afraid they can't do anything to you. !”

The girl's face was moved, her star-like eyes deducing a lot of information.

Although she already knew how perverted this person was, she still couldn't stop shaking her head after actually seeing him, which completely shattered her knowledge.

She has been practicing for three hundred years and has gone through countless tribulations. However, this person is only eleven years old and has gained such power through ordinary practice.

When could the power of turning mountains and seas come so easily?

"If that's the case, that would be great——"

"The Taoist master of Yuntian Lingzong!"

Yun Ye shouted loudly, and the entire space shrank, forcibly suppressing Xing Qingluo's range of activities. His power was burning crazily, and the two major spiritual patterns on his body blended with the divine magic covering, forming a dark ethereal root texture!

At this moment, Yun Ye was like a demon. With a loud shout, the world was shaken and the stars fell.

At this moment, he simultaneously activated the secret of water and fire: Annihilation, which silenced the spread of all power fluctuations and interfered with the clear fall of stars to a certain extent.

"Is this... a secret?"

Xing Qingluo's consciousness was very powerful and she had sensed the power of the secret in advance. She saw in it a power beyond common sense.

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