A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 381 Respect for Strength

Xing Qingluo is the Taoist master. Although he is new, he is also extremely powerful.

She discovered that Yun Ye's secret was extremely special. It did not contain much spiritual power, but its power was extremely high in nature and could take effect across realms.

Practically speaking, this move has little effect on the mysterious realm, and she can ignore it herself.


What if it’s the legal realm?

This is a secret that can be used in the spiritual realm, but its power is so amazing that even a peerless person will fall victim to it.

No matter how you look at it, this is not something that the power of the spiritual realm can do.

The fusion of the three zodiac signs, she could only understand how Yun Ye completed the fusion, not the power... The three zodiac signs were inherently powerful and not incomprehensible.

And this mystery is purely incomprehensible.

The characteristics of the mere spiritual realm can actually interfere with the mysterious law to a certain extent?

This is just like an ant suddenly jumping up and punching a flying bird, which makes people confused.


Xing Qingluo activated his mysterious method and forcibly fought against the restrained ethereal method. The intersection of power continued to explode, and cracks in the space spread.

Even after countless amplified ethereal arts, they could not threaten Xing Qingluo. The gap between the two realms was too big, and Xing Qingluo was not a weakling. He was a top figure in the profound realm, reaching the pinnacle of mystical arts.

But Yun Ye did not intend to threaten Xing Qingluo with the ethereal method. A large number of jade talismans scattered, and pure black power surged into the sky, forming a cage.

Yun Ye is a user of the Void Spirit Technique, and the Void Spirit Technique itself is similar to Eternal Silence, and is a power that can complement each other.

In terms of attack power, Eternal Silence is actually far better than Ethereal Magic.

The calculation formula of the ethereal method is 10*10*10=1000, but the calculation formula of eternal silence is 100*100=10000.

The fusion of ordinary attributes is very different from the fusion of the only extremely spiritual attributes. Yun Ye throws the jade talisman of eternal silence, and the destructive power is increasing dramatically.

Especially - this is the Formation of Eternal Silence!


Yun Ye pointed a finger in the distance, and his power exploded, combining with the ethereal magic to form a strangulation formation that collapsed the space.


Everything is being swallowed up by the collapse of space.

Although supported by the rainbow light of the galaxy, the space where Xing Qingluo could stand was still shrinking rapidly and was about to be swallowed up by the collapsing space.

Immediately afterwards, Yun Ye slashed out with his sword to obliterate Xing Qingluo.

Yun Ye knew that it was almost impossible to kill the Taoist Master with the power of spiritual magic. They had countless abilities to counteract it. Only the Sword of Tomorrow killed both concept and authority at the same time. It was an indefensible killing force. .


The bell rings.

A bell-shaped Taoist weapon appeared above Xing Qingluo's head, and a large number of phantoms appeared. She used the Taoist tools of the eleven Taoist masters of the Yuntian Ling Sect to form a national-level Taoist tool!

The blue obliterating light was blocked by a large number of order chains and failed to take effect.

"It's really scary, but I won't fall here. The winner must be the Ling Sect."

Xing Qingluo smiled, and the feathers all over her body burst out with power. This power gathered on her arms. Then she raised her hand, and a ray of light suddenly shattered the eternal silence, and went straight to Yun Ye's body. Yun Ye's Hengjian resisted, and the power of her true name Continuously kill this power, but this power is endless, even the conceptual kill cannot be wiped out instantly.

Yun Ye realized that it was the Taoist artifact that suppressed Tomorrow's power.

"It turned out to be...a fusion of Taoist weapons?"

Tomorrow's voice rang out from Yun Ye's heart. What she was thinking about made Yun Ye suddenly turn her head. She saw in the distant direction of Tomorrow City, invincible rays of light falling down, like a giant throwing a spear, and the whole earth was instantly The space was blown away and destroyed.

Immediately afterwards, an even more terrifying aura revived, the world was shrouded in silver moon, and the merciless silver-haired goddess held the world up.

A full seven rays of light were shrouded and banned.



"Impossible, there is still an inheritor! How unfair is God? Why are inheritances that have not appeared for thousands of years born one after another in this new way!!!"

One of the Taoist masters was screaming, extremely unwilling.

Its strength is rapidly declining.

The six rays of light that are equal to him, each corresponding to a Taoist master, are also in the same situation, desperately bursting out their strength to fight against the silver-haired goddess.

However, they are completely invincible. This is a power that far exceeds the mysterious realm, and even surpasses the real person. They can persist because there are Tao tools that weaken their power.

"The second inheritor??"

Xing Qingluo stopped smiling and looked at Yun Ye silently. No wonder the core combat force was led away so easily.

Is this arrogant?

Feeling of coldness.

spread rapidly.

"It's not good! There are two real-person combat forces, one attacking and one defending. Instead, we have fallen into a trap. With so many Taoist masters dead, the fate of the two sects may be over!"

Xing Qingluo had already vaguely seen Tianming.

Although she was a little dissatisfied with this plan as she had undertaken the most dangerous task, she had to say that the feasibility of the plan was indeed the highest.

The so-called new way has only one super strong person. As long as she holds this strong person back, the other way masters can directly attack the main city, seize its inheritance, and destroy its lineage.

Although a lonely Taoist user will be very difficult to deal with in the future, as a sinner who steals the true immortal magic, everyone can punish him. Whether it is the Mengze Ling Sect or the Luo Sheng Clan's Pure World Holy Land, they will definitely take action with all their strength.

In the end, this person will definitely be killed!

And the reason why he must take action is also very simple.

In this world, power must be respected.

The True Immortal Law belongs to the Immortal Clan and has a curse power that covers the entire Red Heaven Realm. This curse power may not be able to kill powerful monks.

But a curse can become a sign, a sign that everyone can find and punish.

The immortals told everyone with a curse that this person must die.

As for what will happen if we don’t kill with all our strength...

What is the difference between the Luo Dynasty and the ants to the immortal clan?

If the news that someone has mastered the true immortal method spreads to the outside world and is heard by the immortal clan.

The three states will inevitably sink!

For the immortal clan, it is not important who has mastered the true immortal method. The most important thing is to erase this fact.

And what could be simpler than simply destroying everything?

Killing some ants by mistake is nothing to the immortals.

The Luo Dynasty once directly wiped out Baishi Town in order to eliminate the New Dao Theory. For the Immortal Clan, it was equally easy to directly wipe out the Three States.

Under such a deterrent force, if the Luo Dynasty puts the highest priority on survival, then it will have no choice but to frantically strangle the new Dao weapon users.

Xing Qingluo believed that the plan they implemented had the highest success rate. With the combined strength of the two sects, there was no reason to fail.

However, the reality is that it failed.

The second inheritor of the new way appeared, and he actually defeated seven of them with one against seven, suppressing them all with overwhelming force. This was an unexpected surprise that no one expected.

What's even more frightening is that these two great inheritors actually possess Tao tools and firmly believe in the existence of one.

They know the so-called Way of Tomorrow. Unlike their ruling Tao system, which is impossible to sacrifice for others, the Way of Tomorrow represents the determination to change the world even if they sacrifice. The two inheritors must work together to destroy their old ways. There will be no room for compromise!

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