A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 382 Two sects came out in force

"Yuntian Twelve Palaces Formation - the time to return has arrived!"

"Dream Interpretation Comes True Super Formation—The World of One Hundred Gods Unfolds!"


The sky is torn, the black cavity is opened, and the two forces divide the world. The True Blood Taoist Master and the Dream Sect Master arrive with invincible formations to forcibly suppress the silver-haired goddess.

The two spiritual sects indeed worked together and used their strongest power. The super formation was launched hundreds of thousands of miles apart at any cost.

The boiling power bloomed with a brilliance that was difficult to see, and a large number of light pillars fell, guiding the Taoist masters who were suppressed by the silver-haired goddess.

The formation must be presided over by a Taoist master, otherwise its power will be greatly reduced.

"The sect master has taken action!"

"It's not over yet. Even a real person can suppress the super formation. Why be afraid of a inheritor of rootless water!"

The seven Taoist masters showed joy and tried their best to explode their strength and connect with the formation.

However, something horrifying happened, and the silver-haired goddess' power also increased rapidly.

"Haha, have they all come? It's quite simple. Either you will be defeated today and everything will be in ruins; or you will be victorious and you will live forever tomorrow!"

"——Let them all perish!"

The real silver moon has arrived.

The entire world is covered by abnormal space.

This is a third-level inheritance, which naturally involves three days. The power of freedom can turn one of the three days into its own domain and create a world unique to the power of freedom. It is a powerful force that is close to creating the world and can dominate the domain. The life and death of all life within.

Yuexin turned her back to Yinyue, staring coldly at the two major sect masters and more than a dozen Taoist masters, and followed her with fists.


The fluctuations of sound and power all came to a standstill. With the silver-haired goddess at the center, everything slowed down countless times.

"This kind of power? No...good..."

When the silver moon comes, the true blood Taoist has already activated the mysterious method with all his strength.

He used a super formation to increase the energy, causing the blood-red tide to fill the sky, forming an astonishing phenomenon. He wanted to use this to fight against the changes in the world.

"not enough!"

The true blood sect leader was trying his best, but he also realized at this moment that this little power was simply not enough to resist this Silver Moon mutation!

Time and space are freezing!

The Great Dream Sect Master also connected countless forces to fight against the freezing of time and space, including demons in troubled times, Taoists, and powerful beings. He gathered all the forces that could be assembled and bombarded them all to fight against the spreading freezing of time and space.

But it was terrible, their power was destroyed like a torrent.

Not enough at all!

"Super Formation - Destruction and Liberation!"

The two sect masters became fierce at this moment and roared wildly, directly burning the core power of their own inheritance.

Using two super sect formations to destroy and liberate them, this burst of power was not just a little bit, it almost exhausted the foundation of the strongest sect in Huangzhou.

——Although, only the formation is burning, and the super spiritual vein itself has not been fully mobilized, this power is undoubtedly groundbreaking.

Just born and not yet used, the entire City of Tomorrow trembled under the protection of the power of freedom.

Zhuo Qilian, Shu Zhu, Tian Jialun, Yong Fa, Yang Yu, Tang Si...

Each monk raised his head.

They all saw the power of birth in the sky.

The Silver Moon Realm enveloped this land, but as the super formation was destroyed and liberated, cracks spread from both sides of the silver sky, allowing sunlight from the outside to shine in.

"It takes the life of the super formation to defeat the four seats... What is this situation? Why do the two sects work together so much?"

"Moreover, have the two sects actually discussed it long ago? The Twelve Cloud Sky Formation serves as an anchor point to create a crack. The Dream Interpretation Formation covers the crack and expands their domain. Although it is small, it is indeed forcibly opened up. A glimmer of life came out."

"It's such a pity. If the only weapon of Zhuan Yin Yongji is developed at this moment and given to the four seats of Yue Xin for use..."

"To what extent has the power of the Four Moon Heart Seats been exerted? How long can it last?"

"It has been expanded to 50%. This inherited power is not evenly distributed, but 30% corresponds to a realm... With the current output, it will be no problem even if it continues to be used for decades, but every time it increases by one percentage point, the power usage time will It will shrink drastically! According to Zhen Tianyi’s calculations, if it reaches 100%, it will only take ten seconds to run out of power!”

"Where's the chief? With the same power, if used by two people, the battle should be able to end at a smaller cost!"

"Still in the battle with the Taoist master of Yuntian Lingzong... I am at a disadvantage and do not have the power to liberate myself!"

"Inform the chief!"


Zhuo Qilian looked in another direction and frowned.

On the battlefield over there, the stars are shining brightly, and they still have not faded.

Liberating the Power of Freedom is not just a matter of depleting the reserves... Both the body and the soul will change in an unknown direction. This is the reason why the Power of Freedom cannot be used for a long time!

"I didn't expect it to be a fusion of Taoist weapons... all the great powers came."

Yun Ye looked at Xing Qingluo again.

The fusion of Taoist tools can only be used when the Taoist realms merge. In other words, Xing Qingluo can use the national Taoist tools because the other Taoist masters are here.

If it were a normal situation, he would probably fall into despair, because with all his methods, he couldn't do anything to a new Taoist master.

There is a qualitative difference in strength.

It's just his own strength. The Tomorrow Society will indeed end here and is destined to perish.

What Yin Yuekong said is absolutely correct. If the new way wants to challenge the old way, it is too difficult. It is almost impossible to succeed. Chance, the right time, the right place, and the right people are all indispensable.

"The power of freedom - unblocked!"

Yun Ye no longer hid the power of freedom, and his long hair and pupils turned into silver for a moment, making him look cold, like a god in the sky.

But the priority of the Tomorrow Sword was too high, and it was soon covered with aqua blue again. This form gave people a cold feeling, and also gave people a feeling of being open to all rivers.

The sublimation of his aura naturally alarmed Xing Qingluo. Without any hesitation, she directly used the mysterious treasure entrusted to her by Yuntian Lingzong to its fullest extent.

"Tianyi - destroy liberation!"

She was not blind. She saw the two super formations being suppressed in the distance and knew that if she didn't fight hard, she would definitely die.

At this moment, in addition to the burning power of Xuan Bao, she also activated countless secret techniques and entered the strongest state.

The star-blue spiritual root mark on her forehead lit up and spread throughout her body. This was the secret technique of spiritual root sublimation.

And as the spiritual root sublimates to its peak, the spiritual pattern boils and spreads into space, forming a unique field - this is the innate spiritual field, the secret technique of spiritual root burning!

As a monk in the fourth realm, the spiritual root secret technique has actually entered a new realm. When the innate spiritual field was completed, the innate spiritual field suddenly shrank and reorganized, as if countless runes were flowing, forming a complex texture behind the girl. Galaxy light wheel.

This galaxy light wheel is as tall as a person. It rotates, shatters the atmosphere, and draws out huge power.

The power of the Xuan Realm is to destroy the heaven and the earth with every move.

At this moment, Xing Qinghe has pushed the power of the Xuan Realm to its peak. Just standing in the sky has turned this area into a restricted area. The earth is swept by the airflow, destroying everything. Starlight falls from the sky, is woven into silk threads, and wraps around the galaxy. Nimbus.

"Secret Technique of Spiritual Roots·True Appearance!"

"Wheel of the Galaxy!"


Xing Qingluo launched his strongest move, pouring the power of the heavenly clothes and the power of the mysterious law into the wheel of the galaxy at the same time, making the power of the wheel of the galaxy continue to sublimate.

When she pointed at the cloudy night, the world seemed to be cut open, and a white line across the sky appeared unknowingly, destroying everything in front of it.

Yun Ye was naturally among them - but when he waved the Tomorrow Sword, the rays of light gathered, and an astonishing heat emerged to counteract the wheel of the galaxy. The power of the Tomorrow Sword's true name was also quickly erasing this blow.

As the mark on Yun Ye's left hand continued to be released, his power began to gradually overwhelm the wheel of the galaxy.


The Galaxy Wheel exploded and was smashed by Yun Ye's punch.

As the galaxy collapsed, Xing Qingluo appeared with a pale face. The corners of her mouth moved, but she couldn't say anything...

The overall situation is decided!


The Tomorrow Sword penetrated the girl's chest and nailed the fairy-like Taoist Master to death in the air.

She screamed and struggled, and in pain, her life was wiped out bit by bit by the power of the Tomorrow Sword, and her soul and life force were rapidly dissipating.

Eventually, her star-blue pupils lost their luster, completely perished, and lost all sound.

Three hundred years of Taoism can be lost in just a short moment.

In this world, no one is always aloof, even true immortals have been sealed, let alone the Taoist master of the barren state?

After the death of its master, the bell-shaped Taoist weapon in the sky lost its light and was destroyed by Yun Ye's sword. It turned into tens of thousands of echoes and disappeared into the Sword of Tomorrow.

Immediately afterwards, endless spiritual energy was released from Xing Qingluo's wound, forming a vision of the fall as brilliant as a galaxy.

However, a few seconds before the falling phenomenon appeared, a large number of white silk threads had already been pierced into the girl's body, forcibly fixing her power and transforming her into a puppet.

The vision was the result of the release of powerful physical energy. Yun Ye fixed the power and the vision immediately disappeared.

None of the powerful Mystic Realm masters that Yun Ye had dealt with before were dead, and they were directly controlled by consciousness.

This kind of power is achieved with the power of freedom, which cannot be achieved by taking the frost spirit method.

Characters who want to invade the Mysterious Realm level need to be also in the Mysterious Realm.

With Yun Ye alone, he could not extract the power crystal even from the Xuan realm where he lost his resistance. After all, the spirit realm could not reach Xuantian at all.

This time Yun Ye deliberately used the power of freedom to contact Xuantian and turned Xing Qingluo into a puppet.

He believed that Xing Qingluo's power was very powerful. Next time he burned Xing Qingluo's power, he would be able to fight the Taoist Master without having to release the power of freedom.

Yun Ye put away the puppets and threw out a scarecrow: "The plan is completed, it's time to close the net..."

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