A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 383 Curse Killing and the Awakening of the Weak

The seven-star curse kills the straw man.

This is a rather special mysterious treasure. Through blood sacrifice, it can activate a curse that amplifies the curse. If there is no curse to amplify, it will amplify disease and misfortune.

The tactic of luring the king into the urn was a great success. Almost all high-level experts from the two sects rushed into the City of Tomorrow. This was exactly the effective range of the curse!

"The blood-stained straw serves as a guide, and I point my life with seven stars to curse the enemy to death!"

In New Tomorrow City, a full 20 million people cut their wrists and let the blood flow freely, flying into the sky and converging on the seven-star curse to kill the straw man.

Countless people knelt down and prayed.

Although it was only a few days, what Tomorrow Society did still captured people's hearts, and they sincerely prayed that Tomorrow Society would win this war.

They are just weak people who don't know what is right and wrong, but they will be allowed to live well tomorrow, but the other side will not allow it...

The only thing they can do is to pray for God to show up and let tomorrow's victory come.

On Earth, this kind of support has no weight. Even if hundreds of millions of people recognize the way of tomorrow, the status quo will not change as long as they do not stand up.

But this is the Red Sky Realm.

Always remember, there will be reverberations!

"I curse—the great monk!"

"I curse - the Immortal!"

"I curse - the one who is above!"

"I curse..."

A large number of monks from the Society of Tomorrow launched a carefully prepared ceremony.

This ritual, combined with an unprecedentedly huge wish, was compiled into a ritual curse, directly eroding the bodies of many Taoist masters and powerful beings.

If it were changed to the legal realm, this curse could directly kill the person with almost no exceptions.

However, compared to Tao Masters, the weight of twenty million people is too light. Tao Masters have almost no feeling, their movements and spirits are not stagnant, and they can dispel the curse directly by relying on their own energy.

The powerful ones are more or less affected. The powerful among them just vaguely feel that there is a weak force cursing them. They can be cleared by driving the force at will.

However, some powerful people who had not been in the Standing Mysterious Realm clearly felt the erosion, and they used great magic power to erase it while frowning, which only made their stability in controlling the formation drop a little.

"Disgusting! Get out!"

A Taoist master couldn't see it and scolded him. The curse was immediately forcibly controlled by Wei Li, and he actually went back the same way to curse his initiator.

However, this part of the power was intercepted by Yue Xin. This was something that had been foreseen in the plan and was not surprising.


In front of Yun Ye, there was already a sea of ​​blood gathering. The blood either came from mortals or monks, and was all swallowed up by the scarecrow at this moment.

As the blood disappears, the scarecrow's flesh and blood grows, growing into a complete body.

But unlike the curse on Yun Ye, this was a curse directed at dozens of powerful men. The scarecrow's head and body were split everywhere, and each part had a face, corresponding to each of the cursed monks.

"It's not over yet - destroy liberation, use all your strength!"

Yun Ye pointed at the scarecrow and used the power of freedom to force Xuan Bao into a state of destruction and liberation. Endless power emerged and covered the scarecrow.

This deformed scarecrow made of countless human faces suddenly staggered towards the City of Tomorrow, covering countless distances in a few steps. The black curse aura burst out, amplifying the curse of Tomorrow City at an extremely terrifying rate.

The black energy in the sky was already visible to the naked eye. Many powerful men raised their hands to dispel the cursed black energy. As a result, they suddenly screamed: "Evil beast! How dare you!"

The moment their palms came into contact with the darkness, their flesh and blood rotted away, falling continuously, and their palms turned into white bones.

And these white bones are still extending, eroding their whole bodies. Even using great magic power can only delay it, but cannot stop it at all!

"How could this happen? It's just a curse, why is it like this?!"

"This is not just a curse, but also the power of the Xuan Bao... No, is it the result of being amplified by the Silver Moon Spiritual Technique? The Xuan Bao alone is not enough to break through the super formation!"

"You are already powerful, but you still use this method? There is such a shameless person?"

The faces of the powerful men were gloomy and anxious.

Unlike the Taoist Master, they simply cannot sustain this curse for too long. If it continues, they will inevitably perish!

Even if there are immortals above us, that is still the future. Life and death in front of us is imminent!

Many Taoist masters activated divine magic to remove the curse.

However, all failed.

The power of the curse blessed by both the power of freedom and the mysterious treasure can only be broken using its weaknesses. Only the real person can do it if it wants to be forcibly destroyed.

"Suppress yourself!"

You Da Neng finally couldn't sit still after half of his body was eroded, and used the power of the super formation to suppress the curse.

And sure enough, the super formation was equivalent to a real person and could barely suppress the spread of the curse.

Seeing that it was effective, most of the profound realms used the power of the super formation to extend their lives.

For a while.

The power of the super formation plummeted by several percent.

Many Taoist masters looked at each other and saw the intention to retreat.

The power of the new way is beyond their imagination. If they continue to fight, even if they can win, they will probably die...

"Don't think too much. We can't win this battle. So what if we escape to the ends of the earth? Can we escape the immortal clan's sky patrol?"

The True Blood Taoist spoke.

"How to win?"

Most of the Taoist masters asked.

They really don't dare to escape when they try to save others by themselves, they just think about it in their minds.

"Ask the Luo Dynasty and Pure World Holy Land for assistance, and then..."


The True Blood Taoist Master said calmly.


As soon as these words came out, Taoist Master was okay, but the expressions of the powerful people present had changed.

Even if it is a sacrifice, the order must be from weak to strong.



Elder Meng, who is also the leader of the Meng Ze Ling Sect, the Sect Master Dameng, agreed and reached a unified opinion with the True Blood Taoist Master.

In Huangzhou, the two spiritual sects are the masters and can decide everything. No one can escape the judgment of the two spiritual sects.

Using their own methods to speculate, they can know that the existence of the Immortal Clan is definitely not something that a mere Xuantian-level sect can deceive.

Even if they escape to the ends of the earth, for these forces, it is no different than staying where they are.

Therefore, no matter what, this person must be killed!

At this moment, dozens of Taoist artifacts resonated and were talking to certain beings from the outside world.


They repeatedly asked the two major forces to take action, but the response was silence.

"You didn't even take action?"

Both sect leaders felt something was wrong. They recalled the information of the past few days countless times, trying to find the reason.

But there is no problem...

They also verified that the images shown to them by the Luo tribe's envoys were real fragments of the past and had not been tampered with. Multiple mysterious treasures confirmed this.

In the image, the spiritual energy is generated out of thin air, which is indeed an effect that cannot be achieved by conventional power, and can only be explained by the true immortal method.

Isn't this a true magic method?

So what is the curse that suddenly comes after using the method?

"Forget it, it doesn't matter. We just found a reason to join forces..."

The True Blood Taoist no longer thought about it and took action directly. A large number of spells were fired by him, and the super formation was destroyed and released, and the burst of power gathered in his hands.

After doing all this, the blood lines on the True Blood Dao Master's face became a little brighter, and he couldn't help but smile.

Ultimately, his goal is to become a real person and extend his lifespan again.

To do this, he must get rid of the people of the new way, gain repercussions, and then unify the barren state.

No matter what conspiracy the Luo Dynasty and the Holy Land of the Pure World have, he can only use troops to cover up the water and the earth. He has no other choice. The weak must have the consciousness of the weak and seize every opportunity!

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