A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 384 Full Blood Sacrifice—Final Liberation

The freeze of time and space was destroyed by the two super formations, but even so, the freeze of time and space was spreading, but it was only slowed down.

The two sects want to break the situation, but this power is not enough. They must sacrifice their power and show stronger power.

Several powerful men screamed in vain.

They were inserted into countless spiritual energy pillars by the formation, lost their freedom, and became living transit.

Amid the shrill screams, a massive amount of power poured into their bodies, burning their lifespans to reveal some mysterious power.


has arrived.

The dark sky covers the silver moon world and erodes the realm of the moon center.

The strongest power in the Xuan Realm is to descend into Xuantian and form Xuantian visions.

In the two sects, no monk can fully support Xuantian with his own strength. Even the masters of the two sects will lose their life span rapidly.

However, it's not a big problem.

As long as the weak are sacrificed, there will be no problem.

Even if your strength is weakened, you can still open a way forward!


The true blood Taoist clasped his hands together, and his power spread completely with Xuantian, forming a barrier inside and outside at the same time!

"The mantis' arm is like a chariot."

Yue Xin frowned, she raised her hand, and finally made the next move. The silver moon in the sky shook suddenly, and the indescribable terrifying power swept across hundreds of thousands of miles...

The sky clouds in the entire Huangzhou were scattered by this invisible wave, and even spread to Shuizhou and Luozhou, causing countless mortals to kneel down and worship, shouting that the gods would appear.

The monks knew how much power this required, and they were even more horrified than ordinary people. They looked at the deserted state and could not imagine what kind of battle was happening there.

Luo Dynasty.


There was a young man sitting high in the main hall of the Heavenly Palace. He saw the silver moon setting in the distance and couldn't help laughing: "Haha, is this ancient inheritance? It's amazing, it's amazing. Although I don't know what it is, but... this isn't it. Three days, right? Xuantian, Qingtian, Hongtian, which one does this Silver Moon Heaven belong to?"

"Lord Luo, this is the power inherited by Yingyue Tianmen. The history has been completely destroyed. We can only see part of the original appearance from the side. This Yingyue Tianmen has never had a Supreme Emperor. It should be a certain peer who is close. This supreme realm creates the fourth day." A middle-aged man wearing a spotless white robe answered respectfully.

"In ancient times, there were really countless talented people, but it seems that they can't catch up in ten thousand years. The new way has become the climate, and adventures have come one after another. They even got the ancient inheritance. Next, as long as they are in Huangzhou, who can There is nothing we can do against them. After all, the ancestral land of Yingyue Tianmen is Huangzhou. With this power, a real person can only do this. Haha, I am really looking forward to it!" The young man's smile did not disappear.

The middle-aged man beside him could only bow with great respect, and even closed his eyes, not daring to look directly at the king.

After a long time, the middle-aged man raised his head and opened his eyes. The boy had disappeared without a trace.

The middle-aged man standing there had extremely mysterious eyes and countless powers intertwined with him.

If Yun Ye were here, he would definitely be able to recognize him——

This is the real person who intercepted him.

The Pure Land is located at the intersection of hundreds of rivers and is a paradise for water zodiac monks.

However, Yuntian Lingzong is like a fairyland, but the Pure World Holy Land is completely different.

The dangers here are visible to the naked eye.

Not to mention the countless demons that were dormant in the water and stirred up the waves, but just a real dragon that spanned a hundred miles and held down a big city with its claws, this place was extremely dangerous.

There was fighting everywhere, demons were being destroyed, or monks were dying.

The blood spreads everywhere, but this place is very abnormal. The spirituality and power in the blood will be quickly drained, and death will be complete without leaving a trace in a few minutes.

This is the Holy Land of Purification.

A simple stone monument stands in the center where hundreds of rivers meet, with two lines of words establishing the laws of this area.

"Purify the world and eliminate filth, leaving only perfect people!"

The stone monument goes down dozens of miles.

The Holy Palace of the Pure World Holy Land sank underwater, occupying the seven dragon spiritual veins that determine the fate of Shuizhou. A large number of monks went underwater and passed countless interceptions, just to worship the Pure World Holy Land and obtain the supreme honor and future. .

And in the Jingshi Holy Palace, a mermaid suddenly ran out.

This is an extremely beautiful girl with a bun decorated with pearls. She has smooth blue hair with a gradient like the ocean. Her lower body is a fish tail. Fine but crystal clear scales are arranged and emit a faint shimmer, which is really eye-catching.

The upper body of the girl was no different from that of ordinary people. It was covered with shells and had no other clothes. If I had to say it, she was wearing clothes made of pearls. However, the clothes were very fragmentary. They were just pearl strands hanging down, which could not cover anything.

The mermaid girl swims in the hundreds of rivers in the Holy Land. Countless demons ignore her. Finally, the mermaid girl jumps out of the water. In the splash of water, her fish tail fades away, turns into a human form, and jumps onto the stone monument of the Holy Land.

After she transformed into a human form, the pearl chain faded into gauze, covering her whole body, giving people a hazy vision.

The girl put one hand on her hips and stepped on a bulge of the stone tablet with one foot. She also saw the silver moon in the desert state far away. She tilted her head: "Is this the successor of the desert state? I feel that it is better than the Holy Master. How many? Xiao Chun’s men were killed by this inheritor before?”

She seemed to be asking someone, but only Baichuan fluctuated.

"No! No!"

Baichuan was shocked and answered the girl, the person who killed the pure water saint son was not the user of this silver moon.

"Haha, interesting. I feel like Xiaochun is going to be hit. I hope he doesn't come to my place to cry."

"Saint Maiden Shuiyue, hurry to the Holy Palace, the Holy Lord summons you!"

"Ha, what does this have to do with me?"

After hearing the sound, the girl immediately jumped into the water and disappeared from the area in an instant, ignoring the call of the incoming call.

The visitor looked at the rippling water with an expressionless face, then turned and left.

Multiple spiritual thoughts intertwined.

In conversation.

"Leave this matter to the Holy Son. The Holy Girl's power is already weaker than that of the Holy Son. If it were the Holy Son, he should be able to exhaust the power of inheritance faster."

"Do you really want to ignore Yuntian and Mengze's siege? The real immortal method has appeared in the world, and the immortal clan may come."

"Ignore it for now. It's time for us to show up after the war."

"The people of the New Way have killed the historical traces, and the immortal magic curse has temporarily disappeared. It is impossible for the people of the New Way to use the real immortal magic anymore. Otherwise, even if his Taoist weapon can kill the historical traces, he will definitely die."

"Also, if traces of immortal magic appear for the first time and then disappear, the immortal clan may think that the user is dead and will not pay too much attention to it. But if it happens for the second time, it is simply seeking death."

Even the real person couldn't completely deceive the traces of killing, and naturally it was impossible to hide it from the immortal clan, but no immortal clan paid attention to it.

Huangzhou, New Tomorrow City.


Two simple words, but they are the ultimate expression of Yin Yuekong's thousands of years of practice in the Tianmen spiritual method. This move will destroy all enemies with absolute crushing power.

When the silver moon arrives, the space in the entire area is being crushed, and the power of the two super formations is simply not enough to compete with the power of the falling moon.

However, they could offer sacrifices, and the ten great powers burned up and contributed all their strength to summon Xuantian and strengthen the super formation.

Under the suppression of the Taoist weapon, these great powers were powerless to resist. The Taoist weapon was absorbed and their power was burned. Countless light beams wrapped around the phantom pattern and pointed toward the sky, trying to slow down the fall of Silver Moon.

The moon has really slowed down.

Yuexin only released 50% of her power and was in the realm of real people.

The two sects seemed to be free of charge. Sacrifice of ten powerful evolution super formations could indeed temporarily hinder the formation, but the cost was that Huangzhou's aura concentration dropped crazily.

Yun Ye crossed a long distance and appeared in Tomorrow City. The light in his left hand sublimated and he held Yue Xin's shoulders to help her launch this move.

However, Yue Xin shook her head slightly, and the gentle but irresistible power shook Yun Ye away: "Weiyang, your path is the ethereal method, not the power of freedom. Using this method is too erosive for you."

"The power of freedom, liberation!"

Yue Xin could not allow Huangzhou's aura to continue to decrease, so she raised her power to the strongest stage of the real person realm.

Although as an inheritor, her method of using power is extremely crude and does not possess one percent of the power of the Power of Freedom.

However, the power of freedom is the fusion of the four attributes. Even if she simply accumulates numbers, she can exert a power that surpasses the super formation.

At this moment, Yue Xin, who had raised her power of freedom to 60% of the liberated state, her power soared again. The silver texture was carved into her flesh and blood, buried deep in her internal organs, and even in the sea of ​​​​consciousness in her brain.

With a body in the spiritual realm, using the power of freedom, even if the power of freedom does not use her as a carrier, the slight overflow of power is enough to make her reborn and evolve into another form...

Unknowingly, Yue Xin surpassed the spiritual realm and reached perfection, and forcibly entered the Dharma realm. The spiritual methods and spiritual body she had practiced in the past completely disappeared and were assimilated by the power of freedom.


The result of this price was that the two sect formations collapsed, countless cracks spread from the sects of Yuntian Ling Sect and Meng Ze Ling Sect, and the spiritual energy that lost control of the formation began to become violent.

"Is this... the formation about to disintegrate?"

"We failed?"

"Sect Master! Don't lose!!"

Countless monks were yelling, their blood boiling and they could not accept this result.

They know very well how superior the environment of Yuntian Lingzong is. Without Yuntian Lingzong squeezing the resources of the entire Huangzhou, they would never have reached the point where they are now. The destruction of Yuntian Lingzong would be cutting off their path of cultivation!

How is this acceptable?

When they think that their way forward is cut off and they can only wait helplessly until their life span ends, they are extremely frightened. For this reason, they never want Yuntian Lingzong to lose!

But what can they do?

With their meager strength, it is impossible for them to participate in such a terrible battle.

Most of the monks are immersed in despair, and they want to change this outcome. ——The two great masters will naturally not abandon them.

"Full formation blood sacrifice - entering the final liberation!"

The True Blood Taoist opened his mouth, his blood-colored teeth exposed, and the power of red mysterious magic overflowed from his body, passing through the super formation and spreading to the entire Great Wilderness Lingze.

They haven't lost yet!

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