A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 385 Victory and National Taoist Weapons

A liberation, ordinary use of power.

The second liberation fully revives the power of the magic weapon and changes the shape of the magic weapon.

Destruction Liberation, all the power is exploded at once, it is so violent that it will cause the magic weapon to be damaged.

Magical weapons actually only have these three stages in total, and there is no other way to increase their power.

But only limited to magic weapons.

Spiritual weapons, magical weapons, magical weapons, these are all categories of magical weapons.

However, the treasures and mysterious treasures above the magic weapons are already out of this range. The spiritual magic weapons at this stage will not be destroyed even if they are damaged and released. As time goes by, they will automatically repair and return to a perfect state. ——The premise is that there is enough spiritual energy.

In response to this situation, someone has developed a method that can make the most of spiritual weapons. Even treasures and mysterious treasures can be completely drained and there is no possibility of repair.

This is, the ultimate liberation!

Since treasures and mysterious treasures are difficult to destroy, even if the destruction and liberation is activated, the power cannot be fully released, so let's make them destructible!

"Full array blood sacrifice!"

The True Blood Dao Master wiped the corner of his mouth, and his fingers dripped blood that weighed heavily on the mountain. This blood was richer than the power of his mysterious method, and it completely transformed the blood-colored mysterious method.

Countless monks were stabbed into blood lines through the air, their eyes were wide open, almost bulging to the point of falling, it was extremely terrifying.

Immediately afterwards, their blood and souls burned and poured directly into the ground beneath their feet.

There are countless formation nodes buried beneath the entire Great Wilderness Lingze...

These formation nodes constitute a super formation.

But now, countless people's blood and souls dripped, infecting all nodes and even some spiritual veins.

"It's really unbelievable. The combined power of the two sects has actually made it to this point... It's just a piece of cake. Gaining the power of inheritance and reaching the sky in one step?"

The leader of the Dameng Sect whispered, and his old body exploded with power, and a snake-like demon with light wings floating behind him was summoned.

And, began to activate the magical powers belonging to the demons in troubled times.

Inexplicable power emerged from the blood and spirit, and a mysterious contract was gradually reached. Many monks felt it, and they established a connection with the world.

It seemed that their consciousness was spreading across the entire earth, allowing them to perceive immeasurable information, and they felt a sense of sublimation.

Generally speaking, if you want to do this kind of thing, you must go through a careful ceremony and swear an oath in the name of a true immortal, so that you can gradually transform the treasures and mysterious treasures into your own destiny. However, among the Taoist masters present, there are The leader of the Mengze Ling Sect, Dameng.

It is not that he has mastered the art of the Great Dream, but he possesses a terrifying demon in troubled times named "Meng Ji Ling". This is a great demon that controls dreams. It is not difficult for the Master of the Great Dream to deceive reality for a short period of time.

As a result, the ceremony was skipped, and all the monks forcibly established contact with the formation.


Yue Xin saw the problem and completely smashed Yin Yue, not wanting to give the True Blood Taoist any chance.

"Hahahaha, it is the power of inheritance after all, you can't stop me!"

The True Blood Taoist laughed and burned his lifespan, turning all the great energy into firewood and pouring it into the super formation.


"True blood!"

"Dameng, you will not die well!"

All the great powers were roaring, and they summoned Taoist weapons to resist the control of True Blood.

However, in the past, they enjoyed the power of Dao tools so much, but now they feel so much pain and torture.

This is the order. They are too far apart to disobey the two sect masters!

In the end, their Taoist tools were shattered and they could only accept reality...

Or, just blow yourself up!


There were self-destructions one after another, which turned into infinite spiritual power and expanded, destroying the super formation from the inside.

They knew very well that they were doomed.

There are ways to destroy Xuan Bao.

As long as a blood contract of life and death is reached, the owner can use the mysterious treasure to self-destruct together.

Life evaporates together with the objects. This is the ultimate liberation.

This is a trick that can only be used by spiritual weapons of treasure or above!

The True Blood Dao mainly sacrifices all the monks of the two sects to launch the final liberation. It is impossible for them to survive under the volley of Dao weapons!

In this case, it is better to give up on Taoism and start all over again. At least there is a small chance of survival!

"Boom boom boom!"

Self-destruction followed one after another. Although most of the self-destruction was absorbed by the formation and converted into power, compared with the living power, this absorption efficiency is too low and is a huge loss!

True blood Taoist masters are not good at divine magic, and cannot control their consciousness and body like frost. They can only see Taoist masters self-destructing one after another, and then separate their souls to escape.

If they were allowed to seize the body, they would still have a chance to be resurrected, but their power would definitely not be what it is now.

"Che...Mengshi! Stop them!!"

"Chai Huo, it's better to accept the reality and don't make me work hard."

The Great Dream Sect Master's eyes were cold, and he activated mystical magic, intertwined with the demons in troubled times to create a terrifying dream, and controlled all the powerful people present.

The qualitative difference in strength allowed him to control the general profound realm in a short time, but that would not be possible if he was a Taoist master.

All Taoist masters, as well as some particularly powerful powers, were not interfered with, and they all watched with cold eyes.

As long as you have a powerful Taoist weapon, you will not be judged simply.

It's not that it's impossible, it's just that in a battle situation, this will cause the Taoist weapon to become weaker. Don't let the Silver Moon Spiritual Technique block it, but they can't block the Taoist weapon from the other party.

For the time being, these Taoist masters are worry-free, and there is no possibility of sacrificing them.

"Full blood sacrifice! Final liberation!"

The True Blood Taoist smiled, and his voice shook the wilderness, causing the super formation to explode with all its power.

Countless light veins spread across the earth, and even the thousands of miles of mountains were shaken by the light veins, and their vitality and aura were disappearing.

The entire Great Wilderness Lingze turned into a formation!

If you look down from the sky, the north side of the Great Wilderness Lingze has turned into twelve formations, and the south side has turned into a light-winged ouroboros. The two super formations are echoing and the power is blending.

Between the boom.

The formations of the entire Great Wilderness Lingze were withdrawn, trying their best to squeeze the power of the spiritual veins. Large areas of the spiritual veins were collapsing, forming an astonishing shadow with the sky.

Through the erosion of blood sacrifice, the monks established a symbiotic relationship with the spiritual veins, and then they burned the spiritual veins and died together with the earth's spiritual veins.

The power of their sacrifices was fully utilized by the True Blood Dao Master, turning into two real and huge phantoms that rushed into the sky, forcibly resisting the fall of the Silver Moon.

This is the last light of the super formation. A giant snake opens its mouth and wants to bite the silver moon in one bite, and then——


Such a sound echoed.

The last chance of True Blood Dao Master and Dameng Sect Master was also lost.

The huge Meng Ji Ling phantom collapsed, failing to cause any harm to Silver Moon, and Silver Moon's downward trend could not be stopped.

Another phantom is twelve light pillars, which wrap the silver moon. The twelve light pillars pierce the silver moon, trying to force the silver moon to stop.

But similarly, the twelve light pillars could not withstand such terrifying power, and soon exploded one after another.


Yue Xin said.

This time, the two sects are completely hopeless. Even if they burn all their lives, they cannot be stronger than the super formation. The overall situation is decided.


Everything turned into ashes and annihilated.


The true blood Taoist master was crazy, burning everything in his roar, trying to reverse the decline, but the unrivaled power still annihilated him inch by inch.

Yun Ye took action at this moment, captured many Taoist masters, and made them into puppets, gathering a total of eight of them.

He also tried his best to capture the rest of the powerful Taoist masters.

However, due to the limited power of liberation, he only barely completed the basic goal in the end, without even one more Taoist puppet, let alone a living Taoist.

As everything calmed down, the silver energy covering the center of the moon gradually faded away, the earth and the world returned to normal, and the world that had been completely destroyed also returned to its original appearance.

In the Silver Moon Sky, everything annihilated will not affect the outside world. This is the reason why the Moon Heart expands its domain.

Violent spiritual storms surged up one after another. This was a strange sight that could only be formed when great powers fell one after another.

"We win, the two cases...are finally solved!"

Yue Xin was a little tired, but also very happy. She looked up at this wonderful scene and felt it was extremely beautiful.

"The next thing is, Jianguo!"

Yun Ye and Yue Xin looked at each other and smiled. In the changing spiritual storm, a large number of Taoist tools lost their light and floated in the sky.

As Yun Ye swung his sword, all the Taoist tools exploded, turning into endless reverberations and pouring into the Tomorrow Sword.

The texture spreads across the Asuka sword, and eventually, the transparent sword body is completely filled.

The sun and moon are shown above, and the mountains and rivers are shown below.

The sword body and hilt surround the shadows of all the people, evolving in an orderly manner like a kingdom.

After four lifetimes, Tomorrow Sword has finally entered the national realm!

Tomorrow appeared naturally on the side. She turned lightly, full of joy, turned in a circle in the sky and fell, just like a mermaid jumping out of the water. Water and fire enveloped her. As she fell, the flames and water faded away, and a new The form also appeared.

"Absorb the Taoist tools of Yuntian Lingzong and obtain 1,720,000 regional echoes..."

"Absorb the Mengze Lingzong Taoist artifact and obtain 1,500,000 regional echoes..."

"We have exceeded one million reverberations and will enter the next stage of growth tomorrow."

"The evaluation of Taoist tools has been raised to EX level. 』

"The reverberation exceeded one million, and the scope of the Taoist weapon changed: Huangzhou → Luo Dynasty. 』

"Dao Ling·Tomorrow: Growth period → Maturity period. 』

In front of her, the girl had just opened her sky-blue eyes, and the water lotus on her right hair was in full bloom, braiding many water lines around her long black hair.

This is a cold girl, about fifteen or sixteen years old, with perfect body proportions, but her breasts are still very flat. Her former childishness has faded a lot, and she is now a very attractive woman.

At least Yun Ye felt pretty good about it, and he watched it for a long time.

Very strange, take another look.


Blue Tomorrow will not complain, but just looks at Yun Ye with questioning eyes.

Yun Ye looked away as if nothing had happened and said, "Tomorrow, you will grow again, which is very good. It seems that I will have much less pressure in the future."

"Well, I will do my best to assist the master." Tomorrow said calmly.

Yue Xin on the side is also looking at the future after growing up.

She can only be described as stunning.

Tomorrow is a Taoist weapon, a completely pure "spirit". Although she has transformed into a girl form after evolution, she still retains that extreme purity.

Just looking at this girl, you can feel your soul being cleansed, and before you know it, countless truths are emerging in your mind.

The Tomorrow Cutting Quan Dao Sword has evolved again. The power of "Two-point Cutting Quan" is more powerful, while "Tomorrow Resumes Tomorrow" has evolved from strengthening faith to comprehending faith and truth.

"Ding-ding-ding! Ding-ding-ding!"

As I walked around tomorrow, there was a clear sound of bells ringing in my ankles.

This is a sound that can only be heard by Taoist envoys. People cannot hear it, but their hearts are constantly being cleansed and they understand the truth without knowing it.

With a wave of his hand tomorrow, the sword of tomorrow rotates, exercising power instead of Yun Ye, and splits the sky with one sword!

The vision of the Taoist masters' fall was completely wiped out.

At this moment, the members of Tomorrow City finally saw the light of day again and could see the world clearly.

The last ones standing in the sky were the silver-haired woman and the boy.

This is their leader!

It is the hope of tomorrow!

There is no more breathtaking atmosphere in the entire sky, and the ending of those terrible powers can be imagined.

After a long silence, someone murmured:

"Win? We won?"

"Yeah... we won!"

“There’s always tomorrow!!!”

"There's always tomorrow! Tomorrow will win! Oh oh oh oh!"

Carnival broke out in an instant.

Countless people hugged and cried, trying their best to release their emotions, regardless of excessive blood loss.

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