A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 386: Founding of a Nation

After a big victory, it was natural for Yun Ye and Yue Xin to declare with great momentum that the situation was settled, so that everyone could feel at ease.

Therefore, Yun Ye and Yue Xin did not descend to the ground immediately, but used their great power to give speeches.

"The two sect masters, all the Tao masters and powerful men have been killed by us. At this moment, there is no obstacle to Huangzhou! This is our victory, the victory of the Tao of tomorrow! After this, no matter what happens, No matter how difficult it is, we will definitely..."

During the speech, Yuexin activated the power of freedom and directly healed everyone in the city.

This triggered waves of mountain and tsunami waves.

During the speech, Yun Ye suddenly felt something. He looked at the sky and clearly felt the change in his destiny through the Nine Lives Divine Technique.

After a quick calculation, he found that he had been promoted to the Peerless Ranking.

He suddenly smiled.

Peerless status is something that can only be obtained after taking the lead in Huangzhou. If he has not defeated two sects, no matter how talented he is, he will not be able to get the peerless status.

Even for the Qilin seat, you need to become famous around the Great Wilderness Lingze and gain enough luck before you can enter the list.

It is impossible to remain anonymous and still be on the Qilin List.

If this is the case, Dahuang Lingze doesn't have to compete for the rankings. They can hide at home and automatically get a seat.

The Qilin List and the Peerless List require geniuses to compete and express themselves in this world, otherwise they will not be selected no matter how talented they are.

On this basis, if a peerless genius was born on the border, it would be impossible for him to be selected for the Qilin List, let alone the Peerless List.

"It seems that the elements to advance to the legal realm are about to be assembled."

Yun Ye and Yue Xin landed on the ground, and a large number of Tomorrow Club members came up and cheered excitedly to welcome the heroes!

Yun Ye could understand this kind of atmosphere, but he quickly got into work mode: "Everyone, please wait until later. There are still many things to deal with, especially the survival needs of 20 million people and the follow-up strategy. Let’s discuss it and let’s celebrate it seriously after doing this!”

"Chief, don't worry. Everyone in the No. 9 Agency has completed the planning and will expand the city as soon as possible to meet the needs of the 20 million residents! After the two cases have been cleared, we will discuss the plan to relocate to Dahuang Lingze!" Wang Shun saluted and put away his smile. Return seriously.

"Okay! Arrange everything as soon as possible. Now I'll leave it to everyone at Organization No. 9!" Yun Ye said.

Everyone nodded and walked towards the government building. They would be busy for a while.

As for Yun Ye and Yue Xin, they need to clean up the mess.

Although the two sects were defeated, there were still many remaining forces. The wilderness was so vast that it was unimaginable. A thorough cleanup was needed, otherwise these remaining forces would turn from bright to dark and become a big trouble.

It was left to Yun Ye to do this. He led his troops into the Great Wilderness Lingze, and relying on the large amount of intelligence obtained during his Xiangying period, he began to sweep across the Great Wilderness Lingze and seize control of Lingze.

In this kind of battlefield, Zhuo Qilian can play a great role. Wherever he passes, the divine magic directly invades the barrier, allowing them to open the door and surrender.

Without Taoist masters and powerful constraints, these barriers and facilities are nothing more than paper tigers.

half year later.

Tomorrow will completely control the Great Wilderness Lingze and seize control of the two spiritual veins.

During this period, the Luo Dynasty and Jingshi Holy Land took action many times, trying to take away the resources of Dahuang Lingze and take the opportunity to severely damage the Tomorrow Society.

But they were all stopped by Yue Xin.

At the beginning, Yue Xin tried her best to intercept and prevent all intruders from entering, but soon Yue Xin discovered that this approach was too much of a waste of power. If it continued, once the power of inheritance was exhausted, it would be destroyed tomorrow.

Therefore, except for the two core areas, Yuexin was only allowed to be plundered and even destroyed by the Luo Dynasty and the Pure World Holy Land. This cruel fact made many people's hearts bleed, but they were too weak and relied entirely on the power of inheritance. , but that’s all it can do.

After clearing out the remaining forces of the two sects, everyone immediately moved into the Great Wilderness Lingze and began to rebuild the super formation.

"The situation is very serious, Chief! The final liberation of the super formation caused heavy damage to the spiritual veins. The average spiritual power concentration dropped to 40%, and it will take at least a thousand years to recover! Moreover, the super formation originally had the function of regulating the spiritual veins. It can improve the quality of spiritual energy. Now, due to the devastating extraction of the super formation, the quality of spiritual energy has greatly deteriorated, and it is far weaker than before. "

"Moreover, the various methods preserved by the two sects were severely damaged by the resisters. We have no way of knowing the original appearance of the super formation. We can only deduce it through some residual formations and start over from scratch. This may take decades. research can be completed!”

"The Luo Dynasty and Jingshi Holy Land also carried out large-scale damage to the Great Wilderness Lingze. Many facilities that originally produced a large amount of resources were destroyed, and we were unable to repair them. That is the core secret technology of the two sects. Even if we have the technology, We don’t have the resources or manpower to repair it..."

"Chief, many powerful souls escaped from the decisive battle that day. They took away the remnants of the two sects and lurked in various places. Recently, many resource points have been attacked, and it is necessary to deploy the True Heavenly Instrument for control."

Yun Ye sat in the first seat, with his hands folded in front of him, receiving countless information all the time.

The current Tomorrow Party can be described in four words: bad news one after another.

Defeating the two sects is just the beginning, and subsequent development is the problem. With the two major forces watching eagerly, the situation tomorrow will be too difficult.

Yun Ye dealt with various problems one by one. In the extraordinary world, spiritual consciousness did speed up the processing of problems, but there were also more problems.

His thinking speed sometimes cannot keep up with the increase in problems, and he needs to use divine magic to speed up.

After half a year, Wang Shun and other top officials gradually became familiar with government affairs, and Yun Ye was liberated.

But thinking about how to better develop Tomorrow Club still made Yun Ye's time pass very quickly, and he didn't feel that he had much time.

However, Yun Ye also knew that strength was the foundation of everything, so even though he was leading troops in battle and handling government affairs for half a year, he did not slack off in his cultivation at all.

In the past six months, he has been in an environment rich in spiritual energy like the Great Wilderness Lingze. He has perfected his spiritual skills, and the time has come to advance to the realm of magic.

Now you just need to find the entrusted treasure and the corresponding top-level magic medicine.

Yun Ye knew very well that it was meaningless to advance in a hurry. It was not a perfect advancement. Even if he reached the Dharma realm, the level of power sublimation would not be enough.

As soon as he left Huangzhou and lost the power of inheritance, he had to reveal his true colors.

According to the Nine-Life Divine Law Ceremony, in the final seventh realm, one can create a fourth day to cover the Red Sky Realm to establish supreme power.

The Silver Moon Sky of Yingyue Tianmen... to be precise, it should be said to be Yingyue Sky.

Although Yingyuetian is also the fourth day created by itself, it has not reached the point of covering the world, so some people say that this is not the fourth day of the Supreme Emperor, but a certain peerless person who has approached this supreme power.

After ten thousand years of decline, this nearly supreme power has completely degraded to its original form.

Today's Yingyuetian can only cover Huangzhou.

In other words, as the inheritor, Yun Ye can only exert his own power in Huangzhou. Once he leaves, this power cannot be used.

According to Yin Yuekong, the true Zi Zi Tian Men spiritual method has long been corrupted. If Ying Yue Tian had not forcibly offset the three-day deflection, using the Zi Zi Tian Men spiritual method would be the same as committing suicide.

Without the Zizui Tianmen spiritual method, Yun Ye could only rely on his own strength if he wanted to defend himself from foreign enemies outside the country.

Therefore, even if there are dangers today and tomorrow, he must advance perfectly.

Rushing forward may be effective for the time being, but it will inevitably ruin the future.

After Yun Ye finished handling the matter, he contacted the institute again.

He wants to know how things are going.

Zhuo Qilian is the leader of the institute. She packaged the current situation into a consciousness group and passed it directly to Yun Ye.

This consciousness package probably contained millions of words of information, and Yun Ye understood the situation in just a few seconds.

He even had time to marvel at the mystery of Zhuo Qilian's methods...

This is naturally not an ordinary method. Even if all the principles are told, ordinary divine magic monks cannot do it at all. It is a manifestation of Zhuo Qilian's extremely high attainments in divine magic.

Ordinary monks simply cannot transmit millions of words of information in an instant, and their own spiritual calculation power cannot do such a thing.

Moreover, even if it can be transmitted, there is a high probability that it will be "lost" during "unpacking" - after all, everyone's understanding ability is limited, and the influx of countless information in an instant will only cause the brain to shut down, or simply ignore it. This is "Information is lost".

Zhuo Qilian can transmit to each person and use different algorithms to enhance the other person's understanding. This allows Yun Ye to read millions of words of information in an instant, clearly presenting the current situation of the institute. If this thing can be promoted on a large scale …

Well, the main god strengthens?

This is something that greatly shortens the learning time and can once again allow civilization to evolve explosively.

"The only weapon of Zhuan Yin Yongji has been "tried", but the efficiency is low. If it is to be made into a portable only weapon for the Chief, it needs to be replaced with higher-level materials. The materials are as follows... But even if it is replaced, it is only possible to complete it. , it is not absolutely complete, and there are still a lot of technologies that have not yet been conquered.”

"Due to harvesting a large amount of magic medicine, the research on magic medicine has made breakthrough progress, but only in terms of use. There is no clue how to cultivate the magic medicine of the sky. Forcibly cultivating it is just some ordinary magic medicine, even high-level magic medicine. No. We are trying to break through the basic principles of medicinal herbs. This is research led by Qi Xi, but it will be difficult to achieve results within ten years..."

The information contains reports from a large number of researchers, and is not the personal opinion of Zhuo Qilian.

However, in addition to studying the basic principles of magic medicine, Zhuo Qilian also innovated a large number of other technologies. This was a by-product of her research on how to advance to the mysterious realm.

With a lot of knowledge from Yuntian Lingzong, she has quickly explored the path to the Mysterious Realm and started to practice it. The first person in the Mystical Realm tomorrow will be Zhuo Qilian.

This is good news.

Zhuo Qilian is also a formation master. She has advanced to the profound realm, and the reconstruction of the super formation will be accelerated visibly.


The bell rings.

The news spread throughout the Great Wilderness of Tomorrow City.

Countless people gathered in the core area of ​​Tomorrow City, where a clock tower stands out, surrounded by palaces. The red walls of the palace are towering, and the sun and moon are hung, rotating all the time, providing power for the entire Tomorrow City barrier. This place is called by the people At the Sun and Moon Gate, there are full-length portraits of chiefs hanging, some smiling, some serious, or clenching their fists and turning their backs to everyone.

The tower on the city wall of the Sun and Moon Gate is made of transparent jade. There is a long corridor directly connected to the government building. Ordinary people can also see the figures inside directly through the jade.

Yun Ye put on the chief's cloak, stood up and walked out of the conference room. Thousands of people in the entire government building had been waiting for a long time, following the young chief onto the Sun and Moon Tower step by step.

The sound of footsteps was extremely clear. The entire Sun Moon Gate Square accommodated 20 million people, but there was only the sound of breathing and footsteps.


The peerless young man stepped onto the tower and faced everyone. He opened his arms, his cloak flew, and the bright sunshine shone on the young man's face.

As if congratulating themselves, almost everyone held their breath at this moment.

The young man said:

"The ideal of our tomorrow's association is a world of great harmony, a world where everyone can pursue freedom and a future. This is a beautiful world. However, those with vested interests will not agree. They will only fight for their own interests and just want to continue. Aloft, he harvests all the people to feed himself.”

"We and them have fundamental differences and are incompatible. If anyone must give in, it must be these vested interests. Because of this, they will never allow new ways to sprout and will use all means to strangle them. If If there is no strangulation, then there must be some ulterior motive.”

"The reason why we are able to reach this point is due to the intertwining of luck and coincidence, as well as the sacrifices of countless predecessors. If it weren't for the inheritance power obtained by Yingyue Secret Realm, which made them misjudge our strength, there would be no If we are eliminated in advance, it will take us countless years to break the monopoly of the Lingfa Family and the Luo Dynasty."

"However, there are no ifs. We succeeded, defeated two sects, and mastered the super spiritual veins, leaving both the Luo Dynasty and the Holy Land of the Pure World helpless. In the future, we must go on firmly and continue to fight against these rulers. This requires everyone’s help and recognition, and a sign to guide everyone.”

"So today, it's time for tomorrow to rise!"

"I declare that the Land of Tomorrow——"

"Officially established!"

"For tomorrow, for the future, for ourselves, let us fight for it all!"

Yun Ye raised his fist to the sky and roared.

Everyone's passion boils in every word.

It was obviously just a few simple words, but it only took a few minutes to say them.


Everyone raised their fists and pointed them toward the sky.

"Ahhhhhh! Long live the Land of Tomorrow! Long live the Chief!"

Their faces were all red, their veins were bulging, and their excited roars suddenly resounded through the sky and stayed with them all night long!

Yun Ye looked at all this, with countless passion and blood boiling in his heart.

The people around him who were usually calm and capable were counting one to two, but at this moment they were indescribably excited, and they all started yelling.

Even Yue Xin, the ice beauty, seemed slightly drunk at this moment. She was clutching the wall, her face was blushing, and her chest was rising and falling.

"Finally... finally done..."


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