A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 387 The True Dragon of Traveling Clouds

The founding of a nation was a great morale booster.

Even though Tomorrow will already be the same as Jianguo, it is very different whether this kind of status is established or not.

In the first seven days of the founding of the People's Republic of China, the entire Tomorrow City was filled with joy and celebrated all night long. Yun Ye also put down his work and practice for the first time in a long time and seriously celebrated the founding of the People's Republic of China.

As soon as the seven-day celebration was over, everyone immediately got to work.

They know very well that if they want to maintain this beautiful tomorrow's society, they must become stronger. Even without the power of inheritance, they are enough to compete with the strength of the two major forces!

The eighth day of the founding of the People's Republic of China.

Yun Ye invited the top two people from Organization No. 4 for discussion.

When they first met, Yun Ye was a little surprised because he was a rare old man among the senior leaders of the Tomorrow Society. He had half-white hair and looked at least as old as an ordinary person in his sixties or seventies. He had joined the Tomorrow Society thirty or fifty years ago. The veteran?

"Chief, I am Dong Baicao, the main person who researches the only armed force of Yin Yongji."

The old man was not in very good spirits and spoke with an air of twilight. After saluting Yun Ye, he took out a list and got straight to the point, "Chief, making the only weapon and materials is the most important problem at the moment. If you want to continue to advance the research, you can only Please go and collect the materials yourself.”

"Others can't do it?" Yun Ye picked up the list, scanned it with his consciousness, and suddenly realized that at this scale, other people really couldn't do it.

"The main high-level materials come from demons in troubled times. Currently, only Four Seats, Seven Seats and you three monks can hunt them in the entire country. Both Four Seats and Seventh Seats need to be researched and it is inconvenient to get away. Therefore, the only way to obtain the materials is from the Chief. I took action myself," Dong Baicao said.

"I will hunt for those that have been identified so far. You can continue to investigate." Yun Ye nodded.

After reading the documents, he already knew the locations of many troubled demons and precious spiritual materials. Since he already had a clear target, there was no harm in him going to retrieve them.

But what he is more concerned about now is the condition of the old man in front of him. He said: "You seem to be in bad health. Don't you want to receive treatment?"

"Cure? Spiritual magic is indeed a perfect power. All diseases can be eliminated, and even aging can be delayed." The old man paused for a moment and smiled: "However, this cannot make my brain clearer, and it can even prevent me from thinking clearly. Experience the preciousness of life.”

"How valuable is life? Aging only makes people scared and makes it difficult to feel at ease, right?" Yun Ye said after pondering for a moment.

After his life on earth was stable and smooth, every time he thought about his own mortality, he would feel indescribable fear. There were too many beautiful things that he had not enjoyed, and he did not want to lose consciousness and return to nothingness.

He can understand very well the feeling of ordinary people being afraid of death.

But he could also understand the old man.

People have different stages. When he was young, he would always want to die simply because he wanted to escape some minor hardships. But after his life became stable and his mind matured, he became afraid of death because his future was visible to the naked eye. Beautiful, I don’t want to die, I want to experience these beautiful things forever.

Perhaps, at a certain stage, some people are not afraid of death, but want to experience death. ——Yun Ye understands this old man so well.

But the old man said: "What I need is fear. It is precisely because I have always experienced this fear that I can understand the preciousness of life and do everything I can to protect it. It is indeed wonderful to go higher and higher and be free from all diseases, but It’s impossible to make this country better.”

"Because of this fear, do you want to drag this old body until death?" Yun Ye asked.

"If I change my mind, it only means that my will is not as strong as I imagined. I am still just a mortal who is afraid of death and suffering. I can't even say that I have betrayed the way of tomorrow." The old man cut it off calmly. retreat.

External constraints are also extremely important.

When he says something like this, it is difficult to overturn it. Sometimes, face is more important than life, and he is not willing to abandon it no matter how much suffering he goes through.

"Admire." Yun Ye only had these two words.

The Kingdom of Tomorrow is supported by many such people and is full of hope. Even though Yun Ye knew the horror of this world, he was unknowingly infected and believed that with the support of these people, the Kingdom of Tomorrow must have success. Achievements.

"That's ridiculous. The Chief is the one who is truly determined to the extreme. Awakening the Taoist weapon at the age of five is a miracle... Although I admire the Tao of Tomorrow, I only completed the awakening when I was fifty years old. I have already awakened it. After more than twenty years, I am not as good as you," the old man said.

Yun Ye did not answer him, but walked to the window and looked at the dazzling sun at noon.

Are you strong-willed?

This is natural. If after four lifetimes and many separations and deaths, his will is still not firm, then he would be a loser.

In his life on Earth, he was still very afraid of death, but with the increase in reincarnations, his desire for immortality has faded. Now he hopes to realize his ambition and rewrite this dark world.

Then, live the next life in an upright and upright manner!

For all this splendor.

He will raise the Sword of Tomorrow, climb life after life, and kill all obstacles!

White clouds crossed the sky without leaving any trace, and landed on a mountain shrouded in mist.

The mountain is so high that it is surrounded by clouds and full of fairy spirit.

Although the mountain is not high, there will be immortality, but if it is astonishingly high, similar to getting the first or second place on the ranking list, it will be very eye-catching.

From this high mountain, Yun Ye can overlook the earth, and he can see how many miles away it is. It is very majestic, as if the world is already within his eyes.

At the end of the line of sight, a huge pillar stood across the end, also penetrating the clouds and reaching the same height as the mountain.

This giant pillar is some kind of creature with scales.

Although each piece is surprisingly large, from a distance, it does look like scales, reflecting the light and arranged closely.

When Yun Ye was in Baishi Town, he had always wondered what it was and what its overall appearance was. But today, he finally saw through its true appearance with his own pair of rainbow pupils.

This is a ridiculously large real dragon. It lies on the clouds and sleeps, but its tail hangs down, forming a giant pillar.

The clouds continued to move with the wind, and the real dragon and its tail moved together.

This is a demon that is on the verge of annihilating the country. To be honest, it can definitely be called an extraordinary demon in troubled times. Its demonic power is so huge that it is unbelievable.

Perhaps it is precisely because this land cannot support such a true dragon that it has been sleeping, but in its dormancy it continuously draws spiritual energy from the atmosphere and the earth, almost draining the spiritual energy from the border.

"Xingyun Zhenlong..."

Yun Ye read out the clan name of this extraordinary troubled times monster. It was a troubled times monster recorded by the Yun Tian Ling Sect. Its haunts were in forbidden areas. It was a top-notch monster that must not be disturbed. It was comparable to the sunset at dusk and the morning light.

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