A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 388 The Country of Taoist Rules

The Yin Eternal Silence Arms requires three top zodiac materials: water, fire, and god.

According to the basic principles of weapon refining, the more powerful the spiritual power is, the more advanced materials are required.

When the Yang Star was first made, it was made from materials collected from Tomorrow's Hunting Catastrophe, and because it was a disposable item, the materials were downgraded.

According to the basic idea, even if a catastrophic level spiritual material is used to make a Yang star, it still needs to have extremely spiritual attributes. Otherwise, it can only be upgraded to a higher level. It requires the bones and flesh of a high-level catastrophe or even an exceptional level catastrophe to carry the Yang star.

It can be seen from the materials required for the second-level unique zodiac sign that although the unique weapon is powerful, the requirements are also quite high. The cost of Yangxing is low, but it is only compared to the strategic forbidden weapons of Yuntian Lingzong.

And not all unique weapons are suitable for one-time consumables. At least the material specifications cannot be reduced by turning to Yin Yongji, and the minimum requirement is also Chaos Age grade materials.

Of course, if you can find the spiritual material corresponding to the "Zhuan Yin Eternal Silence Zodiac Sign", you can also downgrade it to the catastrophic level.

Unfortunately, the Tomorrow Society has gone through the records and conducted numerous deductions using the True Heavenly Instrument, but still cannot find it. It is too rare, so the target is still on the troubled world.

In the records of Yuntian Lingzong, the Xingyun True Dragon is defined as having the zodiac sign of water, and possesses the magical power of wandering the void, and can harvest both water and divine materials in one go.

But if I want to defeat a troubled world of this magnitude...

He looked at the Yingyue mark in his hand.

Some of the silver patterns on the Yingyue mark have spread to the wrist. This silver pattern has a very abnormal aura. If you look at it for a long time, your spirit will suddenly fail. This kind of means that the immortality of this part of Yun Ye's body has been severed.

The power of freedom is a completely invalid spiritual method. It has fallen from three days and can no longer be practiced.

Perhaps in the past, it was a good thing for the power of freedom to infect the body, and one could directly obtain a top-level physique, but things are different now. Obtaining a free spirit body would only end one's future.

A body infected by the power of freedom cannot practice the free spirit method, nor can it practice the ethereal method, which is equivalent to permanently losing the spiritual method bonus of this part of the body.

If it's just the current scale, it's okay and the impact won't be big, but if it continues to expand, it will be greatly weakened for Yun Ye.

In fact, Yun Ye may not be able to continue practicing.

It's not a life and death battle, so he can no longer use the power of freedom.

If Asuka couldn't defeat him, he would just retreat. There was no need to force it.

From the water and fire, a girl like ice and snow stepped out.

"~~A big enemy?"

Tomorrow stretched out her body, her long black hair flowing, and asked Yun Ye in a normal way, like a cold goddess.

"Tomorrow, you will not return to red? Are you dealing with the demon?"

Yun Ye said in surprise.

"After the founding of the country, the master represents the entire Kingdom of Tomorrow. I will only be in the strongest state within the wilderness area. There is no difference between monsters and humans. I can even fight in my current form."

Tomorrow said calmly.

"The current form?"

Yun Ye suddenly noticed that this time Ming Ming appeared without the Ming Ri Zhanquan Dao Sword!

This is?

"I can completely replace the Taoist weapon and activate the power of my true name on my own."

Tomorrow confirmed Yun Ye's suspicion.

She waved her hand, and the sea of ​​clouds was immediately torn apart by blue light and could not heal for a long time.


Yun Ye didn't expect that after he advanced to the national Taoist weapon, Tomorrow would have such an astonishing evolution. Doesn't this mean that once anyone violates Tomorrow's way, Tomorrow can use the power of his true name to obliterate him at any time?

"If it is within the scope permitted by the laws of the Land of Tomorrow, it is indeed possible."

"If a non-citizen invades the Land of Tomorrow without consent, he can be punished with the crime of invasion, and in serious cases, he can be directly sentenced to death."

"Millions of echoes have been invested in the rules of true name enhancement. If the form is in a state of liberation, a real person can be killed."

Tomorrow doesn't care about a mere demon of troubled times.

The levels of national Taoist artifacts are already different.

The more people represented by the Way of Tomorrow, the stronger the power of Dichotomy will be.

The demon in the troubled times is a country of tomorrow that can fight against a population of 20 million by itself. Maybe under normal circumstances it can kill these two thousand people with one hand, but after they are gathered into a Taoist weapon, the weight will be different. Tomorrow can easily kill them. kill.

"Then if there is no form liberation, how far can today's rules go?"

Yun Ye asked.

It had only been eight days since the founding of the country, and the first seven days had been full of celebrations. He didn't have time to understand the new power of the Taoist tools.

"According to the laws established today, the effectiveness will be reduced from high to low. Treason and invasion by foreign enemies will have the highest effectiveness and can be directly obliterated. Death penalty crimes such as murder and drug trafficking can be obliterated as long as the cultivation level is below the Xuanjing. Xuanjing can be obliterated. It takes time, and the real person needs you to release the Taoist weapon form. If you are a monk who owns the Taoist tool, that is another matter. "

"As for stealing, fighting, etc., they will only be marked and will not directly trigger Taoist penalties."

Tomorrow answered, and then she added, "It is worth mentioning that as long as it is written into the law, it can get my support, so even if it is a small problem, it will be recorded and will not be transcended." With real power, no one can hide their actions in the Land of Tomorrow.”

In other words, a country emerged that could fully implement the legal provisions and even the ruler could not violate them.

For serious crimes, the death penalty will be directly pronounced by Tomorrow Daoqi.

Minor crimes will also be recorded and announced to the political body.

The minor crimes here are not theft, but also include corrupt officials who take advantage of their position...

Corrupt officials are undoubtedly very hated by people, but they are not to the point of directly using Taoist tools to obliterate them, so they are recorded together with thefts and robberies and announced to the political system.

If the political system does not implement it, it will be implemented by Taoism.

In the laws of the Land of Tomorrow, there is no need to consider the cost of law enforcement, nor does it need to consider that criminal laws are too harsh, resulting in criminals having no scruples.

Normal countries on Earth impose the death penalty for murder. Surrendering yourself may reduce the punishment. Although it is not necessary to reduce the sentence, there is indeed hope.

There are two reasons for this setting.

First, it costs money to catch criminals. Surrendering can reduce the consumption of human resources and allow the police to handle more cases.

The second point is that if killing is bound to result in death, then it doesn’t matter if you kill a few more, which may cause the criminal to cause greater casualties.

Probably these are the two reasons.

Ordinary world laws require people to enforce them, so compromises are necessary.

But tomorrow's Taoist tools do not require people to execute them. They directly activate the rules for trial.

There are enough reverberations now that many crimes can directly trigger erasure. Even those that cannot be erased can be marked so that the criminals have nowhere to escape.

In this case, the punishment intensity of the criminal law has been greatly increased, and it can simply and straightforwardly deter all criminals, and there is no such thing as a fluke.

Thanks to this, the internal environment of the Tomorrow Society is unbelievably good, because as long as it is written into the law, it has its own way of judging right and wrong. This has greatly enhanced the trust between people, and many meaningless things have been eliminated. Internal friction has naturally resolved in the Land of Tomorrow.

For half a year, although Yun Ye has been leading troops to clean up the remaining forces of the two sects, the national Taoist weapon has already taken effect. Although it is not as powerful as after the founding of the People's Republic of China, it is really changing tomorrow's society.

In the past, within the Tomorrow Society, some people formed a small group of their own. They dared to set up a formation and send people to contact Yun Ye, hoping to influence Yun Ye.

Although they may not violate the laws of the Tomorrow Society, this is the beginning of corruption. If left unchecked, it will inevitably destroy the stability of the Tomorrow Society.

Now these problems are self-defeating and there is no place for survival.

The purpose of forming a group is to obtain more benefits. Now even if a group is formed, there is no room for maneuver, and it will be completely recorded by the Taoist tools.

If we continue at the current pace, as long as we get tens of millions or even billions of responses, all laws will be guaranteed to be enforceable.

Fairness in a certain sense may really come, although it is only possible...

Yun Ye waved his hand.

Figures walked out of the secret realm one by one, and they were the eight Taoist masters of the two sects.

After seizing the inheritance of the two sects, although a lot of information was indeed lost due to resistance, some people were afraid of death after all. Their surrender allowed many inheritances to be completely preserved. Some of the key parts were even Zhuo Qilian. He took action and forcibly burned the inheritance through divine magic.

Yun Ye is naturally most concerned about the inheritance of Shuang Clan. Lan Wuyuan's Dai Tianxing Formation is invincible. If he can obtain his combat power, he will completely elevate it to the Mysterious Realm.

Then something surprising happened to Yun Ye. He discovered that many of Lan Wuyuan's puppets were not dead and were still living according to their own trajectories...


They just had their power taken out and then re-implanted with power, but they didn't die.

Even if Lan Wuyuan died, it would not affect them in a short time.

Taking the frost branch veins, there were seven veins in total, and six Dharma Realms were peerless. These Dharma Realm Peerless remained in the two sects' important places, and cooperated with many powerful Tao masters to control the formations, and were eventually sacrificed.

But as Shuang's backup, there was no gap in the relationship between these six peerless people. They joined forces and finally sent away two of them.

After Yun Ye found out, he spent a lot of effort to find one of them and defeated him, and then handed it over to Zhuo Qilian to read the memory.

There is no doubt that the six peerless masters all master the frost-taking Daitian Formation, otherwise they would not be able to cooperate with Lan Wuyuan without being manipulated.

In this way, Yun Ye obtained the secret of the Daitian Marching Formation. With his learning ability, it was quite laborious to learn this formation. He had to rely on skill points to learn it forcibly, and it directly reached the level where it can be used.


Eight Taoist masters with different zodiac signs stood around Yun Ye, power emerged, and the powerful magic gradually engulfed them, and then...

The sky is falling!

Shining across the entire sky, eight rays of light that penetrated heaven and earth suddenly erupted!

Unlike Lan Wuyuan's use of this move, Yun Ye's Dai Tian Xing Formation lacks a very important point. Although it is very powerful, there is no close-up.

Yun Ye knew that it was something related to Xuantian, and it was impossible for him to be involved at the moment. He couldn't borrow Xuantian's power.

"The sky is missing a corner, let me make up for it!"

"Array on behalf of the sky!"


The dragon's eyes opened, and their vertical pupils were like the sun.

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