A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 389: The sky is missing a corner, I can make up for it. ——Daitian Xingzhen

Xingyun Zhenlong opened his pupils.

It sensed danger, so it revived. Although it was far away, it directly locked onto Yun Ye. As it opened its mouth, infinite blue light gathered.


A straight line was wiped out, and the amazing water cannon destroyed everything along the way, directly hitting the mountain where Yun Ye was.

As a result, this tall mountain disappeared.

Yun Ye gathered the power of the eight meridians and forcibly fought against the water cannon. He stood motionless in the sky and did not move at all because of the water cannon.

The eight Taoists, this lineup is much stronger than the eight Dharma Realm Peerless, and can make up for Yun Ye's cultivation gap to a certain extent.

"The full-power Dai Tianxing Formation is really powerful and extraordinary, and it can even fight against the troubled times of extraordinary level."

Yun Ye said to himself, the eight Taoist masters turned into eight rays of light, intertwined and turned into a feather coat and crown, and all his powers were increasing crazily.

Yuyi blesses himself, and the crown connects the world. Normally, Yun Ye should have another orb that can rewrite the world, but that is something that can only be born after connecting to Xuantian, and Yun Ye cannot obtain it now.

Yun Ye stared at Xingyun True Dragon, and the ethereal magic covered this area, turning this area into his home field.

Demons are actually far stronger than humans, and their heritage has never been cut off. Some races are destined to become exceptional-level demons.

Among humans, the extraordinary level can be understood as a genius and peerless one. It can fight and win against monks at a higher level. It is the nightmare of many high-level monks.

This race of the True Cloud Dragon is obviously extremely powerful. Its body is dozens of kilometers long, and a swing of its tail can shake the earth for thousands of miles, just like a meteorite hitting the planet.

What's more, this is an existence with extremely strong demon power. Its every move is amplified by the demon power, and it has power that ordinary monks cannot understand.


"The Formation of Eternal Silence!"

The moment Yun Ye set up the formation, he activated Eternal Silence. A large number of talismans and seals cooperated with his surge in power to set up a large formation, and the dark power strangled the Xingyun True Dragon.


The Xingyun True Dragon completely woke up, and cloud wings connected to the sky appeared, and in the next second they turned into the sharpest water jets and cut them.

Even the spatial oscillation caused by eternal silence was not enough to see in front of this water jet, and was cut open abruptly.

Although it is not an instant cut, it is enough to show how extraordinary this water jet is.

"Some kind of natural spiritual water?"

The natural spiritual water is comparable to the extremely spiritual attributes, and some are even stronger than the extremely spiritual attributes. Yun Ye gave up the forced confrontation with the Xingyun True Dragon and disappeared without a trace.

"Daitian Array - Eight Meridians Circulation!"

When he appeared again, he had turned the eight-color feather coat into a spear of light and stabbed the Xingyun True Dragon.


A big explosion suddenly occurred.

Water vapor diffuses.

Yun Ye's pupils shrank for a moment. The blow he had just made was resolved by the barrier formed by the water vapor. The opponent's size had extraordinary demon power, and the demon was good at defense and had extremely powerful vitality. However, one blow was simply not enough. Break through its defenses.


The Xingyun True Dragon roared angrily, and the huge demonic power formed a spherical barrier and erupted, clearing Yun Ye from his body.

Yun Ye tried to activate the ethereal method.

But he was surprised to find that he was still "blown" away. No, to be precise, it should be carried away by the "flow".

The spiritual water of Xingyun True Dragon seems to have some downstream power, which can make everything flow, even space. Although this cannot hurt Yun Ye, it can change the position of Yun Ye in the space, making Yun Ye unable to directly approach Xing Yun Ye. The body of Yun Zhenlong.

Yun Ye thought for a while, then waved his hand and a piece of feather fabric appeared.

The name of this feather fabric is Tianyi.

It was originally a mysterious treasure temporarily lent to Xing Qingluo for use by a certain Taoist master of Yuntian Lingzong for the sake of safety. Not only did it have extremely strong defensive power, but it could also temporarily increase the power of spiritual magic.

After Yun Ye made Xing Qingluo into a puppet, he also obtained this mysterious treasure. He had used this mysterious treasure to break through many large barriers and knew its power very well.

Yuzhi was draped on his body and integrated with the chief's cloak. Yun Ye immediately activated the heavenly cloak, letting its power flow and blessing the eight-color light spear.

Immediately afterwards, the eight-color light spear was dyed black, and all of them were transformed into the power of eternal silence.


Yun Ye threw it directly, and the space was shattered by the impact. It penetrated directly through the Xingyun True Dragon, and large areas of crystal jade-colored blood dripped.

"hold head high!!"

Xingyun True Dragon screamed in pain, and a huge penetrating wound appeared on his body, which was difficult to repair even if the water evaporated.

Its violent energy was suddenly aroused, and countless blue water cannons were spit out by it, smashing the area to pieces. The more it attacked, the more powerful it became, causing the clouds in the sky to spread, heavy rain pouring, and lightning and thunder.

Countless thunderbolts fell from the sky, almost fleetingly, completely unavoidable, and hit Yun Ye one after another.

However, Yun Ye activated the ethereal method and forcibly offset the Xuan method.

However, he found that even with the Sky Spirit Technique, he could not move forward. As expected, without the Tomorrow Sword, his power still lacked decisiveness.

"Master, this is also because the Xingyun True Dragon is much stronger than the two sect masters. It is beyond the level of the two sect masters."

"If it were an ordinary Taoist, using the power of Tianxing Formation, I'm afraid it would have been defeated long ago."

"There's no need to worry now. When the Yin Yin Eternal Silence Arms is completed, the master will definitely gain power that surpasses that of a real person and is enough to protect the country of tomorrow."

Tomorrow reminded from the side.

"That's right... let's use your power, Tomorrow. I already have a rough understanding of my own power, and I don't have so much time to deal with it."

Yun Ye raised his hand.

A large number of water ribbons spread from Mingri's body and wrapped around him. He was covered with water-patterned Taoist clothes, long blue hair was flying, and the Taoist sword was also held by Yun Ye.

"Two points of power - liberation of form."

After acquiring the national Taoist weapon, Tomorrow's power further increased, and he obtained a Taoist garment similar to the one that brought disaster to the body and reversed the form of liberation.

This Taoist robe always maintains the power of the true name of the two-point cutting power, canceling out all damage.

Basically, only real people with national-level Taoist weapons can break through the protection of the Taoist robes and hurt Yun Ye, which is overkill for dealing with troubled times.


The thunder spread, dyeing the sky blue, and the clouds and nights were completely shrouded in it, but the Taoist robes gave off a faint light and were invulnerable to all means.

"...The physical strength is evaporating rapidly."

Yun Ye felt it for a while and found that the biggest shortcoming of Tao Yi was not its power, but the physical consumption.

Now the reverberation of the Taoist weapon has reached 4.3 million, and both the power of the real name and the physical consumption have been greatly reduced.

However, Dao Yi and Dao Sword were different. The consumption was too high. Withstanding the attacks of the chaotic world, he felt that his physical strength was rapidly depleted.

If it were a real-person level attack, I'm afraid he wouldn't be able to last long even if his physical, spiritual, and physical realms were perfect.

——Although this is quite Versailles, tomorrow's Taoist weapons have reached the point where even if a mortal holds them, they can easily kill the Mysterious Realm and ignore the Dharma Realm attacks.

With today's concept of tomorrow's Dao weapon, the scale of killing is no longer necessary to capture the target with both eyes. With one strike of the sword, as long as it is within the Dao domain, it will basically be dead.


The blue light shot out and spread to the entire Xingyun True Dragon. The body of the Xingyun True Dragon, which was still showing its power, froze. After roaring unwillingly, its breath quickly collapsed, but it did not die completely, but spit out a A dragon ball travels through space trying to escape.

Yun Ye stretched out his hand, and eight rays of light fell, sealing the space. The dragon ball was forcibly locked, with nowhere to escape.

Another blue light fell, obliterating the will in the dragon ball.

Finally, everything calmed down.

Immediately afterwards, Yun Ye used the ethereal method to bundle the dragon's body into a space cube, and then broke through the air and returned to Tomorrow City.

His return made all the scientific research teams in Tomorrow City excited.

"This is a real dragon, with treasures all over its body. The dragon's blood is enough to evolve one's physique. The dragon's meat is a great tonic for physique monks. The dragon's sinew is a top material for refining weapons. The dragon's bones can be used for refining medicine and weapons. Its dragon eyes It can strengthen the true heavenly instrument, and the dragon horn can be made into a treasure that moves clouds and rains, or even a mysterious treasure..."

"Great goodness! Great goodness! With this true dragon, we don't know how much we can advance our research, and we only need to use a very small amount to make elixirs, so that the talents of the new generation of monks can be taken to the next level!"

Many big bosses have hot eyes.

A dragon body dozens of kilometers long, what kind of treasure is this?

If replaced by two sects, it would probably be enough to consume a few profound realm experts, but in the Kingdom of Tomorrow, it would be enough to allow the entire new generation of the Kingdom of Tomorrow to ascend!

The utilization rate is different, and the utilization method is also different!

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