A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 390 Merit System·Professionalization

The plan to utilize the true dragon's body was quickly discussed, and it was full of prospects visible to the naked eye.

This is a large-scale research project led by several figures, and it is in urgent need of manpower. Fortunately, half a year ago, colleges across the country began to expand and train talents.

Twenty million people, young and old, can all learn the art of nourishing Qi, unlock the three methods, and further develop their own abilities and knowledge.

Although the Land of Tomorrow has a big gap in high-end combat power, its basic resources are endless.

The researched spiritual rice has an astonishing yield and can easily feed tens of millions of people.

Various basic resources, with the blessing of spiritual methods, can basically be produced in unlimited quantities. It is really not difficult at all to cultivate basic monks.

With this kind of resource rationing, in half a year, young people have basically activated the three methods, which means that the old people's Qi and blood have declined, and the progress has slowed down a lot, but they are also making steady progress.

As for those who are unwilling to practice hard or study hard, there is no mandatory order in the Land of Tomorrow. It is ultimately a personal choice. After becoming extremely materially wealthy, there will always be people who think this is fine. This on the contrary shows that the living conditions in the Land of Tomorrow have become extremely extreme. alright.

After all, if you can't even solve the basic problem of food and clothing, you won't be able to sleep peacefully.

All the citizens trained in the past six months have given the country of tomorrow a great surprise. Countless geniuses have emerged. Even ordinary people will always have outstanding talents after the base is large, in cultivation, research, and combat. There are a large number of talents that far exceed the previous average of tomorrow's society.

They poured into the nine major departments and became the mainstay, greatly accelerating the construction of the Kingdom of Tomorrow. After the announcement, the urgently needed manpower in the research department was also filled with people and was quickly replenished.

Although these people have only just scratched the surface, their ability to stand out under the same conditions is enough to prove their personal efforts and talents, and they will obviously not be stingy in their subsequent training for the country of tomorrow.

Today's Kingdom of Tomorrow has too much room for development. Tomorrow City only occupies the original address of Yuntian Lingzong, which is the area with the most amazing spiritual energy. However, there are also the ruins of Mengze Lingzong and even a large number of other areas.

Even a population of 20 million would be a drop in the bucket in such a vast area, so there is no need to worry about stagnant development within a hundred years.

When there are more people, there are more needs, and various researches flourish.

Among the countless research topics of Ling Ling Zong Zong, Yun Ye is most concerned about only one.

"Merit System·Professionalization"

This is a topic provided by Yun Ye and led by Tang Si and Yang Yu.

From the beginning of making the upgrade system, Yun Ye thought of professionalization, but it was limited by the scope and quota and could not expand.

Nowadays, the echo of the Taoist artifact has reached 4.3 million, and the basic Tao domain alone has a diameter of 4,300 kilometers, which is completely enough.

After the National Dao Weapon, because of the large amount of feedback invested in the merit panel, the number of places also increased explosively, from a thousand people to tens of thousands.

Tens of thousands of people are actually not many compared to a population of tens of millions, but this is based on a "complete" merit panel.

With a complete merit panel, the level cap is two hundred, the upgrade difficulty is smooth, and the skill points are also increasing step by step. In this case, there are only tens of thousands of places.

If the panel is weakened, the number of places will increase explosively immediately.

"The rules of Taoist tools need to comply with the rules, which will increase the effectiveness and reduce the required response."

"First, the rules of Taoist weapons must be as fair as possible."

"Second, it is best for rules to have preconditions, not to make them out of nothing."

"Third, even if you have enough recognition, you'd better take responsibility."

"Chief Dao chose to hunt demons to achieve these three points, but that was many years ago. Now it is no longer the best choice, and changes need to be made."

"In the Land of Tomorrow, bachelors and monks are now advancing hand in hand. To a certain extent, bachelors are more important. However, bachelors cannot obtain the merit system and cannot use the system to accelerate growth. At the same time, everyone in the military profession cannot use the system freely and needs to cooperate. Required for strategic deduction in the meeting.”

"This is unreasonable, misplaced and needs to be revised!"

Yang Yu was giving a speech, and the audience was full of new bachelors who knew nothing about the research direction of her group.

"Team leader, how to modify it?"

Someone raised their hand to ask a question.

"This is the research direction of our twelve groups. What we have achieved so far is to clarify various systems and let everyone wake up the corresponding panels. For example, monks who are good at weapon refining can only use the ability to deduce weapon refining. The panel, the fire spirit root monk, awakens the panel that can only deduce the fire spirit method."

"In this way, due to limitations, the required strength is greatly reduced. The original quota can now be divided into five quotas, or even ten quotas. And if the upper limit of virtue (level upper limit) is further restricted, then it can be further Increase the number of places.”

Yang Yu replied.

"...Team leader, what do you mean, let better people obtain a higher 'moral ceiling'?"

Someone's expression changed below.

Although they may not have the strength and energy to push their moral level to the full level, it is really hard to accept being chopped down like this.

"It can be understood that members who are more capable and more willing to act will obtain a higher moral ceiling, forming a competition mechanism."

Yang Yu didn't shy away from it, she just believed that only by establishing this mechanism could we make the best use of everything!

These are the rules for judging Taoist weapons, and there is no possibility of human manipulation at all. Even later, she will propose to cancel the qualifications of the Taoist tools to award the merit system, and directly use the rules of Taoist tools to judge and award the merit system. For the country of tomorrow, That's fairer!

Even if the number of places a Taoist wielder has is small, it is still a privilege, and she thinks there is no need to exist.

"Isn't this destroying fairness?"

Some people couldn't help but say.

"It is only fair to dismantle the merit system to more people. You can question it, but in contrast, a better plan needs to be come up with."

Yang Yu said lightly that although she was young, as a monk, her knowledge accumulation and physical wisdom were extremely high, which was beyond the reach of ordinary people. Therefore, she did not want to waste time arguing with ordinary people.

Either prove that there is a better solution, or integrate the system according to her plan!

What she said made me chatter to death.

Most of the people in the audience have just joined the job and have no understanding of the three principles of Taoism. How can they immediately come up with an alternative plan?

Seeing that no one continued to ask, Yang Yu waved his hand and a large number of pictures appeared in the air: "This is a system that has been integrated so far. You need to learn the logic and then study it."

"Due to the split of each system, we call the new merit system the career system, and the virtues are called "career levels." At the same time, the acquisition of "virtue" also bids farewell to the single era."

"From now on, professions will be divided into military and civilian professions. Military professions will continue to increase their professional levels by hunting monsters, while civilian professions will increase their professional levels by studying and researching."

"Learning is a prerequisite, and research is the responsibility of civilians. At the same time, civilians will obtain the career system in the form of exams and points, so it also takes into account 'fairness', which is no different from hunting monsters with martial arts."

To upgrade the martial arts, killing monsters is a prerequisite. The merit system obtains energy through the dead monsters, and then deduce various skills.

The responsibilities of the military position are also very clear. Killing monsters can protect people from threats, but fighting monsters is full of dangers.

Compared with military positions, civilian positions are obviously much more difficult to understand and need to be viewed in combination with panel splitting.

Learning is a prerequisite for upgrading to civil service.

In other words, civil servants first accumulate knowledge and then learn it directly through the career system.

The difference between knowledge and skills should be relatively easy to understand. It is probably the difference between knowing mathematical formulas and actually applying mathematical formulas.

Or the difference between the fantasy in the mind and the actual proficiency.

Civilians do not have demons as their energy source, but due to the split panel, civilians can only learn "knowledge skills", so it can be supported by relying solely on Taoist rules. If it is not possible, just make some true heavenly instruments separately to add computing power. Substitution is also possible.

True Heavenly Instrument can replace learning and become a prerequisite for "upgrading". It is not a matter of improving skill attainments out of thin air.

"Currently we need a profession to be born, so we have completed the arrangement. This is what you need to focus on learning next."

"Array Master!"

Yang Yu clicked on the three core words "Array Master" and then drew a circle around them.

Array Master is surrounded by professions that have a lot of progress but are not completely completed.

They are: Alchemist, Weapon Refiner, Talisman Maker.

All are civilian.

Of course, because the current highest combat power is Yun Ye and Yue Xin, which are not pursued by martial arts. The current Tomorrow Society does not need martial arts.

However, there are not no military professions. Some of them have been determined, and some are not yet fully formed and are still in the conceptual stage.

There are three formed ones: spiritual magicians, divine magicians, and physical magicians.

You can obtain multiple occupation panels, but you need to be better than others in talent and temperament. You can obtain multiple occupations at the beginning, or you can obtain them slowly in the future. It is not completely certain.

What has not yet been formed are some advancements of the three basic professions: Talisman Master, Double Spirit Magician, Yin Transformation Spirit Magician... All of these are "titles to be determined" and "contents to be determined", and have not been determined at all. Also have to brainstorm ideas (hint hint).

According to Yun Ye and Yang Yu's ideas, basically every profession will be continuously refined until it is inseparable or there is no need to separate it.

In this way, the quota can be increased to millions. Although it still cannot benefit everyone, compared with the original scale of 10,000 people, this obviously greatly expands the utilization rate.

Yun Ye attaches far more importance to this subject than other subjects. Once these career plans are sorted out, they can directly lead to a qualitative change in tomorrow's society, and it is an infinite positive cycle!

To get a response, you need to fully agree with the concept and have an extremely strong will.

Obtaining the panel directly can obviously greatly increase the recognition. The more people use it, the faster the response increases, and the faster the quota increases, forming an infinite positive cycle!

Yun Ye has only one comment: The future is promising!

After observing the research progress of the twelve groups, Yun Ye silently left Tomorrow City and continued his hunting path.

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