A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 392 Dafa·Second Transformation

Yun Ye exhaled a breath of white air, and the life force in his body boiled.


The white color spreads like a substantial star ring, rushing out from the secluded place, spreading for dozens of miles, swallowing up all the spiritual energy in the place it touches, and directly converting it into life force.

"This is?"

"The Chief has advanced to the Dharma Realm!"

Many people looked over with astonishment.

Above the palace, I saw spiritual energy cloud pillars standing one after another. Although they were not as good as the twelve formations of Yuntian, they were still a manifestation of the high concentration of spiritual energy.

These cloud pillars were shrouded by star rings, and a large amount of cloud-like spiritual energy turned into long dragons, which were extracted by the star rings. The spiritual energy inside the star rings quickly filled up, and finally returned to the palace on the ground.


The astonishing aura covered dozens of miles. Although no one was seen, all the monks guarding near the palace felt as if they were in the wilderness, witnessing the unrivaled roar of the beast.

They couldn't help but take a few steps back, and had to use their spiritual skills to fight against this terrifying momentum.

"Chief is getting stronger and stronger. Just the momentum alone has made me lose my fighting spirit!"

A monk smiled bitterly.

"This is the Chief. If he is not strong, how can he maintain the peace of the Kingdom of Tomorrow under the attack of the Luo Dynasty? I am really looking forward to the day when the Chief's three methods are completed. With the Chief's talent and ability, that is enough Four hundred years of peace!”

Another monk said with a smile.

Most people nodded with the same feeling. The stronger the chief, the better. In the country of tomorrow, there is no such thing as strength.

They know very well that the order of tomorrow will be built by these strong people sacrificing their own interests. They can only worship these people. If the subject is replaced by themselves, it will be impossible even if they think about it!


A young man opened his eyes with Ha Qie, and a pair of U-shaped spiritual pupils swept across everyone. He put his hands behind his head and leaned against the tree, saying: "Do your job well, this is one of the areas with the most abundant spiritual energy in Yuntian Lingdi. One, you don’t think you are really asked to protect the chief, do you?”

"...Um, that's right. The chief probably doesn't need us to protect him." Everyone smiled and stopped chatting. Half of them continued to guard and the other half practiced spiritual methods.

Yongfa looked at the star rings that appeared in the sky from time to time. The pressure in his heart was getting bigger and bigger. He couldn't help but mutter to himself: "In the realm of body law, you are one step ahead of me again. It seems that my mother is right. If you want to surpass Ming Weiyang, you can only Now that I can evolve my physique, I still don’t have the conditions to obtain magic medicine and magic weapons tomorrow.”

The Tomorrow Society has naturally seized a lot of magic weapons and medicines, but these are things from the old era and are completely incompatible with the Tomorrow Society.

The exercises of the Tomorrow Society are all extremely spiritual, but the magic medicines and magic weapons of the two sects basically do not exist.

If it is re-refined, the magic weapon needs to be refined by a monk in the Dharma Realm, and it must have the corresponding spiritual roots, otherwise its power will be greatly reduced.

It's impossible for just anyone to come and let Yue Xin use the power of freedom to simulate the various zodiac signs, right?

As the core force that protects the safety of the Tomorrow Society, it is impossible to use it like this.

Therefore, the Tomorrow Society can only follow the old path of the two sects, that is, let some people use ordinary magic medicines and magic weapons to advance, and then they will refine the corresponding high-level magic weapons. This cycle continues to improve the quality little by little from generation to generation.

Since all knowledge will be made public tomorrow, the number of cycles will be much less than that of the two sects, but the first batch of monks will definitely have flaws.

Fortunately, these monks are all masters of weapon refining and do not pay attention to combat effectiveness. It is okay to advance to the ordinary level. It is just that it is difficult to advance to the profound realm later.

And the mysterious realm...

Yun Ye may not be successful if he wants to advance, and the hope of the others is even slimmer. It is impossible for Tomorrow Club to waste resources on this in the early stage.

“This is what the Nine Transformations of Dafa feels like?!”

Yun Ye looked inside his body, and the void in his body opened up in his abdomen. The ancient clock with red lines spreading outside the void suppressed the void.

In the dark void, a long red river of life mana flowed, surrounding the entire void.

Yun Ye used the life force transformed from the star ring to flow into the void. After integrating into the long river, the life force continued to be compressed and optimized with the flow of the long river, and was eventually assimilated into higher quality mana. This long red river was growing all the time, and gradually Fill the entire void.

Starting from the Dharma Realm, monks are basically not afraid of the loss of spiritual energy and life span, and their own physique has undergone rapid evolution.

From this stage onwards, the monk obtains a complete spirit body, which can freely transform spiritual energy into power, and is completely separated from the mortal world.

The body in the Dharma Realm is flawless and can survive by swallowing spiritual energy, and has undergone qualitative changes in all aspects.

Originally, there was a barrier to controlling spiritual roots, life force, and spiritual consciousness, but after the Dharma Realm, the physique is transparent, the spirit and flesh are united, and the spirit and spirit are united, there is no obstacle.

A few days later, Yun Ye opened his eyes.

Although the life force is endless as long as there is spiritual energy, it is not easy to transform higher-level magic power.

His Nine Turns Foundation is already very good, but it will take at least nine days to fill up a full body of mana. This is when there is plenty of spiritual energy. If there is not enough spiritual energy, it will take even longer.

No wonder the magic realms in Baishi Town are timid and don't want to use all their strength. For small local magic realms like them, their strength will be at a trough for a long time after their magic power is used up, and the risk is too great.

On the other hand, Yuntian Lingzong has various magic weapons, spiritual pills, talismans, and seals, and there are many methods. It does not rely entirely on mana, and the spiritual energy is also abundant, so it does not pay special attention to mana consumption. It is only needed after advancing to the mysterious realm and the spiritual energy requirements increase sharply. Rely on spiritual veins to fight.

"Currently, my core physical skills are only the move of killing one's life, which is the nine-turn technique. It is indeed very difficult to cultivate to the nine-turn state..."

Yun Ye circulated the Great Life Body Technique, and the long red river in the void inside his body flowed rapidly, suddenly turning into a red ring, blooming with astonishing brilliance in the void.


The void in the body was torn apart, and the void where the red river was located became the outer layer. A new inner void was born, like a millstone. The two voids continued to rotate like gears, further compressing the mana in the gap.

"Second transformation of Dafa!"

Yun Ye completed the advancement.

The core of the Dharma Realm method is the nine turns of the Dafa. When the Dafa completes the nine rounds of rotation, it can increase the quality of its own mana to 256 times that of the first turn.

However, the amount of mana at one turn is still the same at nine turns, and the total amount has not changed.

When using the powerful nine-turn method, monks often need to consider whether their own magic power can support it.

The amount of mana at the beginning is determined by the quality of the magic medicine and the entrustment. Yun Ye has already advanced to the second level before he has fully cultivated his mana. It can be imagined how superior the perfect advancement is. It is very difficult for ordinary monks to break through. , and the mana is insufficient, but it is not a problem for Yun Ye.

Yun Ye continued to retreat to accumulate mana.

The outer void was gradually filled with mana, and the dark void was completely dyed red. From an inside perspective, it looked like a red ring.

This is the Dharma Realm Star Ring. Each one contains the Great Life Funeral Body Technique, which will greatly enhance the moves. If you practice to the ninth level, you will have nine.

"After the mana is overflowing, it is necessary to continue to expand the nine-turn foundation. To continue practicing, you must have the method of the law, otherwise it will be too unstable."

Yun Ye said to himself.

He completed the second turn because of his profound accumulation. The first few turns will be relatively easy, but the difficulty will increase dramatically in the subsequent steps. Otherwise, those geniuses would not have taken decades or even centuries to complete the ninth turn and reach the peak of the Dharma Realm.

Jiuzhuan is like a building. It must have a stable structure. If it is built randomly, it will inevitably collapse one day.

The Great Ming Funeral is the original magic that Yun Ye obtained after he advanced to the Dharma Realm. It is a method that is integrated with the spirit body and intertwined with the mysteries of the heart.

The great funeral procession is the cornerstone of Dafa, but with the sublimation from spiritual law to Dafa, the content of the great life funeral process has also changed slightly.

It's not a change in power, but in form.

The Nine Transformations of Dafa are not just a simple superposition of power, but are essentially a step-by-step sublimation of form to enter a higher level.

If you can’t do that…

The road to the mysterious realm is cut off!

Therefore, before Yun Ye completes the ninth revolution of the Dafa, he needs to explore a method that is enough to ascend to Xuantian. Otherwise, if he practices casually, the road to the ninth revolution may become a dead end, let alone advance to the profound realm.

For this part, Yun Ye read through two ancient books and used the Nine Life Divine Laws as a reference. He already had a clear idea. He just needed to verify whether it was feasible and then perfect it.

"What a great event! The Chief has advanced to the Dharma Realm. Doesn't this mean that the Dharma Realm will no longer be an obstacle?!"

"Stop it. The difficulties in the spiritual realm have not been completely overcome. It is still too early in the legal realm. However... this is indeed a great event. Even if it cannot be popularized, there will always be a few geniuses who can overcome it. The situation is opening up!"

"The Tomorrow Club is really capable of countless people, and they have been able to complete the perfect advancement required by the chief so quickly!"

"No, I heard that the chief accidentally obtained a suitable magical medicine when he was hunting monsters. This gave him the opportunity to advance perfectly. Tomorrow's internal research on the magical medicine still doesn't seem to have made much progress!"

"Hahaha, no matter what, the chief advanced to the Dharma Realm, but he has a lifespan of four hundred years, that is the most important thing!"

Yun Ye's advancement into the Dharma Realm was announced to the whole country, and the people were in jubilation.

What they care about most is not strength, but increased lifespan.

Even if Yun Ye decays, it will take at least one or two hundred years, right? For ordinary people like them, this is a lifetime!

As long as they think that they can live peacefully in an environment like the Land of Tomorrow for a hundred years, even if they cannot live forever, they are satisfied!

How can this not be considered a happy event?

However, it is just the ordinary people who are more happy than worried. The middle and upper classes of the Tomorrow Society basically know that the situation in the Country of Tomorrow is actually not good.

This achievement alone, relying on chance, will not change anything at all. If they cannot mass-produce spiritual realms and make the average cultivation level leap, then the Luo Dynasty will always be a big threat that can overthrow the Kingdom of Tomorrow.

Many people even think that even if spiritual realms can be produced in batches, they are too optimistic. Can formations really make up for the gap in individual power?

All the monks who had seen the battle in the Xuan Realm were silent.

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