A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 393 Research Progress

Institute, a group of districts.

Dongbaicao, who had obtained a large amount of materials, kept calculating various data, accumulating a sense of energy in his heart. He always tried his best to complete the research.

Dong Baicao, who is now in his seventies, is already very old, but he does not use spiritual methods to adjust back to his youthful state, but insists on letting his body age naturally.

Natural aging does not mean that diseases cannot be treated, it just means that aging is not treated as a disease.

As a mortal who has not advanced to the spiritual realm, he only has a lifespan of a hundred years at most. In the final analysis, he only has the last thirty years.

This is too short-lived for this world. In this case, adjusting his body back to a young state will only make him forget the urgency of time, and as time goes by, his desire to fight for tomorrow will also disintegrate.

Aging is man's natural enemy. Being young is so good that tomorrow most people will be studying the "original method" in the hope of breaking through the spiritual realm!

This is the general trend and Dongbaicao can't control it. He can only restrain himself and hope to research more results before his death.

"The God of Water and Fire, three unique spiritualities, first merge with water and fire, and then merge with God..."

"What is this subtle difference? The fusion of water and fire burns space. This is controllable, but after adding divine magic, it becomes uncontrollable..."

"Did space collapse too quickly?"

"I see, if it's in this direction, maybe..."

Dong Baicao's eyes showed excitement.

After more than three years, he finally found a breakthrough!

meeting room.

Dong Baicao sat at the front, facing the major researchers. He didn't speak quickly, so he directly activated his magic to convey his meaning:

"Everyone, we need to reorganize Zhuanyin Eternal Silence! The only one that does not extinguish the fire burns the space, the only one that follows the current to expand the scope of the impact, and then uses the uniqueness of divine law to strengthen the power of the space. The combination of these three forces has formed the most powerful force today. A large spiritual combination can increase the destructive power to one million points!"

"The reason why this combination is the strongest is because uniqueness will disintegrate space and cause damage by the collapse of space. In other words, the transformation of Yin and Eternal Silence can cause a devastating blow to any real material, and it normalizes uniqueness attacks. Very few examples!”

"This is indeed unparalleledly powerful, but this power has always hindered our research. We have been researching for nearly four years, but we still can't solve the situation where the power of Yin Yin Eternal Silence explodes so fast that even the controller cannot control it! "

"So, how about we change our thinking? Since the essence of this move is that space collapses too fast, then we delay the collapse. Why do we have to pursue this move as quickly as possible? This is completely unnecessary!"

"The fusion steps deduced by the chief are water and fire fusion first, and divine magic fusion later. This is a strategy to weaken the activation speed and enhance stability! It should be an expected strategy for us to weaken again... Why has no one thought of it? You know, as long as the destructive power of Yi Zhuan Yin Eternal Silence can be used, the final decision will be made! Does it matter how fast it is activated? "

Dongbaicao was very confident in his idea, but someone immediately refuted it. A middle-aged man stood up:

"Team leader, I don't agree. The combat data of the Mysterious Realm is already very obvious. If it is activated too slowly, so what if it won't lose control? It's impossible for this kind of thing to hit the target! What's more, our target is just the Mysterious Realm now. ? No, our target is a real person. If the power cannot be maximized, can we really deal with the strongest individual who doesn’t even understand the nature of his power? "

"The deputy team leader is right. After being weakened once, Zhuan Yin Yongji is no longer in its strongest state. If it continues to be weakened, it is hard to imagine that this move can still be effective! If there is such a gap on the battlefield, There is no regret in defeat. We should do our best!"

Most of the researchers present agreed with the middle-aged man's point of view. They believed that continuing to weaken the Yin Yin Eternal Silence was completely making fun of the entire Land of Tomorrow!

The step-by-step fusion provided by the chief can be solved with the only weapon, but if it continues to be weakened, what else will be used to solve it?

Many people thought about it carefully, but couldn't think of a solution in a short time, so they turned their attention to Dongbaicao, wanting to see what the team leader who proposed the idea could say.

If it is reasonable, they also trust this number 2 to lead them to completion.

"It's very simple. Expand the true heavenly instrument and use the professional system to support the activation of the Yin Transformation and Eternal Silence. It's not necessary. People must be responsible for the calculations."

Dongbaicao said calmly.

"Career system? What is that?"

"Something sounds familiar, is it something that the twelve groups are studying?"

"Twelve groups, the other group leaders are also paying attention? What is this so-called career system?"

Most of the researchers reacted with confusion. Only some of them had heard of the career system, but they only knew about it and did not understand it.

There are so many research groups on the Land of Tomorrow today that they can’t even look at them. They will only spend time and energy to understand the research that has been published and certified. The career system of the twelve groups is still far from complete. At that time, they naturally didn’t know.

But not everyone knew it. As the deputy team leader, Zhang Zhongling suddenly understood what Dongbaicao meant. He vaguely grasped Dongbaicao's train of thought, but not completely. He slammed the table:

"Team leader, if you have any ideas, just say it directly. If it works, I will definitely support you. Don't hang in the middle and make people uncomfortable!"

"Be calm, Zhong Ling, how old are you and still be so reckless?" Dong Baicao said.

"Hiss~" Zhang Zhongling took a breath of air, doing this again?

He didn't want to argue with Dongbaicao, so he quickly changed the subject, "Team leader, don't mention me, just talk about you. Everyone is waiting for the team leader's opinion."


Dong Baicao pondered for a moment, thinking about where he should start. He tapped his fingers on the table and quickly said:

"Let's talk about the career system first. This is a revised version of the merit system. It will probably be announced at this year's Taoist weapon awakening ceremony. Its specific function is to subdivide various fields so that civilian work can also be assisted by the merit system."

"My idea comes from the Taoist database. Taoist can collect the data of each deduction and reduce the consumption of merit and creation points. The more deductions, the more detailed the data, the less the consumption of merit and creation points. And this kind of Ability, I think it can support the Chief’s use of Transforming Yin to Eternal Silence.”

"In the final analysis, the biggest problem with the triple spiritual method is that fusion requires extremely high control. When we humans use the triple spiritual method, we can only fuse it within the body, because this is the area where we have the strongest control. The other methods, even the mysteries, It is also impossible to use the triple spiritual method from a distance."

"If you want to hit the Xuan Realm and the True Realm, short-distance control is indeed not possible, I don't deny it. But what I want to accomplish is feasible long-distance control."

"If we let the rules of true heavenly instruments and Taoist tools control our spiritual power on our behalf, release the mana, and then perform spiritual fusion the moment it hits the target, wouldn't it be possible to perfectly avoid the shortcomings of uncontrollable power?"

"The purpose of our formation of the only weapon is to stabilize the control of abilities. It is far inferior to directly creating a device to assist calculations and control it from a distance!"

"What do you think?"

Everyone was in an uproar.

"Is there still such a practice?"

"This is too crooked. Who would have thought of using Taoist tools to assist?!"

"As expected of the team leader, it seems that he has found a truly feasible path, and it can be realized immediately. The Taoist weapon awakening ceremony will be held in three months!"

This idea is naturally feasible. Taoist weapons and even cultivation can be improved out of thin air. The distance auxiliary calculation is nothing more than a matter of consumption!

So, the whole group of researchers cheered, they saw the dawn of victory.

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