A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 395 Universal Identity System

"Hahaha, I can directly transfer to the second-level profession. Oh, is this the effect of the merit panel? Just after being promoted to a level, memories are constantly emerging!"

"Indeed, the effect is amazing, and everyone has an identity system. In the future, even the identity verification step will be omitted. If it is true as many people think, we will continue to strengthen the rules and let us directly use the identity system to pay and chat... …Oh my god, just think about it, this is a mess!”

"The only pity is that the career system cannot grant it to everyone... Alas, our Kingdom of Tomorrow is still too weak."

"No need to worry, Taoist weapons will become more and more powerful in the future, and they will definitely become popular!"

All citizens have received an identity system. This feeling of actually becoming a part of the country of tomorrow is a precious joy.

Many people can't wait to study the identity system, which is as novel to them as becoming a practitioner.

Yun Ye and the others had anticipated this situation a long time ago. They did not rush to push forward the follow-up issues. Instead, they explained the various rules of the career system and even the research and development process in a leisurely manner. They especially praised the twelve groups of teams. efforts, and announced that the career system will become one of the most important topics in Tomorrowland every year, and talents from across the country will be summoned to improve it.

In this way, people all over the country listened to the explanation for dozens of minutes. In order to take care of the understanding of the elderly or ordinary people, Yun Ye's explanation was not directly transmitted with spiritual consciousness, but only expanded the sound recognition through spiritual consciousness. For those who For ordinary people, Yun Ye is telling them sentence by sentence, and even the senses hear the sound, rather than directly ringing from the bottom of the heart...

The more they listened, the more surprised they became.

Because the identity system is not just for verifying identity, it can also check the knowledge and skills you possess. By clicking in, you can even clearly see your mastery of every part of the knowledge.

Just for learning, the identity system also plays a great role. There is a progress bar, which really doubles the motivation.

Yun Ye and other high-level officials also emphasized that hard work will have an effect, because the skill data is written clearly on the panel. Unless you can deceive the weapon, your strength will be clear, and the possibility of being buried is greatly reduced.

The best thing is that in addition to the identity system, there is also a talent system, where you can directly see most of your talents.

The main ones are spiritual methods, divine methods, physical methods, alchemy and weapon refining, formations, talismans and seals, as well as talents such as learning ability and memory ability.

The rest, such as music, painting, and sculpture, can only show broad categories of talent initially, and only after learning, will the detailed categories be displayed.

For example, whether you are good at singing or composing music, what style it is, these subdivided parts can only be displayed after learning.

While discussing the rules for talent detection of Taoist tools, a small episode occurred among everyone in the tomorrow meeting.

That is, is it a bit too much to discourage some people by showing the talent gap so nakedly? Maybe they should raise the talent announcement age to sixteen to protect them from these darknesses.

As soon as this question was raised, it immediately attracted countless speechless looks.

The entire Land of Tomorrow is on the verge of collapse, but do you still have the heart to take care of those children who are frustrated because their talents are not good enough?

According to this, during the war period, Yuntian Lingzong should also consider not allowing children under the age of sixteen to participate in the war?

This world is nakedly cruel. The better the early protection, the more violent the collapse will be when the truth is revealed. Don’t you understand this?

In an environment where their country of tomorrow is constantly attacked by two major forces, if ordinary people don't work hard early, how can they wait until the country is destroyed and then ask the two major forces not to massacre them?

"According to this brain circuit, it may not be to ask the two major forces not to engage in massacre, but to ask the two sects not to look down on them because of their low talent."


The episode ended in laughter.

No one knew what the person who proposed this idea was thinking about, and everyone just laughed and ignored it.

The identity system and talent system are just the beginning, and you can also change jobs if you meet the conditions.

There is no doubt that the current career system can only be enjoyed by a few people.

But because responsibilities and rights are equal, this huge opportunity only makes countless people crazy and full of hope for the future, but there is no reason to blame others.

The Taoist rules have stipulated the development direction of the career system: when increasing the level limit and the quota of high-level occupations, the basic occupations must be expanded accordingly, and increasing the quota of basic occupations has a higher priority.

To simply understand, the response used to increase the quota of high-level professions cannot be more than the response used to expand the quota of basic professions.

The same response can only increase one high-level quota, but can increase the basic occupation quota hundreds or even thousands of times.

If we continue on this path, basic occupations will inevitably become popular.

"It seems that the biggest difference in job transfer is the career tree. Do you plan to fully pursue a mass manufacturing strategy?"

Yongfa suddenly said after fiddling with the panel.

"This is the most effective strategy. Even if the career system can check talents, there are too many people. We cannot cover everything. We can only plan the career tree in advance and let them advance step by step."

Yang Yu directly characterized his strategy, "The biggest difference between the professional level upgrade from the first level to the second level is the 'career tree'. Every profession has its own advancement route for its own profession! These are twelve groups and After a lot of discussion among the monks, we have planned a route and upgraded along this path. Not only will we become a top talent, but at least we will not go the wrong way!”

"Of course... it's not necessarily impossible to use the first-level profession all the time, but very important functions like the career tree cannot be unlocked."

And the further you go, the harder it is to increase the level cap.

There are too many spots in the comprehensive panel, and you need to have a great contribution, a strong talent, and a strong support for the Way of Tomorrow at the same time, so that the Taoist tool will allow it to break through the level limit.

Yun Ye, the chief, simply changed his job and had no intention of entering the difficult mode, let alone an ordinary person?

"If the second zodiac sign is detected, the Yang spirit method can be obtained, and a third-level career can be obtained. Those who have the second zodiac sign physical method will be buried with great fate."

"The triple zodiac spiritual method was detected, and a third-level profession was obtained. The triple zodiac spiritual method is the spiritual method of turning Yin and emptiness."

◇Career Panel◇

Citizen: Ming Weiyang

Occupation: Spiritualist (First-Level Occupation)

Career level: Level 20/Level 20. (If conditions are met, level breakthrough can be achieved)

Cultivation realm: spiritual realm is perfect.

Professional knowledge: slightly.

Vocational skills: slightly.

Career tree: Qi nourishing technique, awakening technique, ultimate spirituality, elementary spiritual pattern...

Skill points: 0.

Experience value: 0. (The experience value of martial arts is shared, and experience can be freely distributed to improve the professional level)

◇Career Panel◇

Citizen: Ming Weiyang

Occupation: Triple zodiac spiritual magician·Yin-turning ethereal magician (third-level profession)

Career level: Level 20/Level 20. (If conditions are met, level breakthrough can be achieved)

Cultivation realm: spiritual realm is perfect.

Professional knowledge: slightly.

Vocational skills: slightly.

Career tree: fourth-level spirituality, the only spirituality·inextinguishable fire, the only spirituality·downstream, the only divinity·space, advanced spiritual pattern, advanced formation...

Skill points: 0.

Experience value: 0. (The experience value of martial arts is shared, and experience can be freely distributed to improve the professional level)

Yun Ye took a look and found that the professional spiritual magician broke through the upper limit of level 20, which requires spiritual talent to reach the D level of the Kingdom of Tomorrow and cultivation to reach the perfection of the mortal realm.

As for those who are professional triple zodiac spiritual magicians, their spiritual magic talent needs to reach level A, divine magic talent must reach level B, and their cultivation to reach the spiritual realm in order to break through the level upper limit.

As for contributions, recognition levels of the Way of Tomorrow, etc., Yun Ye naturally couldn't have any problems, so he didn't pay too much attention to them.

For ordinary people, these are very important, and may get stuck for many people.

Each level is a leap forward in functionality. No matter how many people are stuck, it will be impossible for some people to take over tomorrow.

When the level limit is exceeded, the professional level will also be increased by one level, and the effect of skill points will be greatly increased.

For example, in the professional system's evaluation of the professional system, the ability to transform into eternal silence is a skill that spans the third, fourth, and fifth levels.

The entry level is the third level, the proficiency level is the fourth level, and the minor achievements and great achievements have reached the fifth level.

Without a level breakthrough, it is impossible to learn how to turn to eternal silence.

At the same time, the effect of a single skill point has increased after the reform. One skill point is enough for ordinary skills to be upgraded. However, the five levels of Yin Yongji require multiple skill points, which is extremely expensive. Only high-level professions can support this kind of upgrade. Level moves.

This is just learning. If you are studying the follow-up path to Yin Yongji, you will need more skill points, and you must have a lot of echoes to strengthen the career system before you can continue to move forward.

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