A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 396 Spirit Realm Era

The announcement of the career system has indeed given many people hope.

The road to spiritual practice is too difficult. A generation of people who want to create their own path will have a narrow escape. Tomorrow will now master a large number of technologies and crack countless spiritual genes, but there is still no guarantee that the chance of advancing to the spiritual realm is more than 10%.

In the past, when there was no Nine Lives Magic, the chance of death could even reach over 99%. It was just gambling on luck, and one wrong step would result in physical collapse.

Originally, there were few resources and could not support many spiritual realms. There were only a thousand places, which was enough for the Tomorrow Society. But now that the Tomorrow Society has established a country and occupies a huge amount of territory, there are endless resources to utilize.

At this time, it is not enough to measure the quota in thousands. Even if the number of quotas rises to tens of thousands after the response surges, it is still not enough compared with the huge population. Reform is imperative.

After the reform of the career system, hundreds of thousands of talents with the best talent and temperament were qualified to change careers on the spot. They were surprised and delighted. Some people directly pulled out the career tree, found the column of original law, and looked at the column of original law. However, after deducing the annotation, many people burst into tears, and immediately lost control of their emotions and started yelling.

"Spiritual Realm! Millions of spiritual realms! A new era is coming!"

People with lofty ideals have given this judgment.

The original method, as a necessary method for stepping from the mortal realm to the spiritual realm, is naturally the focus of the entire career tree system.

The three main branches of spiritual law, divine law, and physical law, and countless branches and twelve groups are all set up with extremely detailed original laws, which are suitable for all monks with single spiritual roots. Only the second and third levels of attributes will appear somewhat imperfect.

In the final analysis, a monk with a single spiritual root only needs to advance through one of the five elements' original methods, and there are not many unique extreme spirits corresponding to each attribute. They have already been explored and recorded by the monks of the Tomorrow Society.

In this case, no matter in the past or now, the only thing that hinders the mass birth of spiritual realms is the complete cracking of the genetic mysteries.

Before the mystery of spiritual genes is thoroughly understood, the effects of the same method on different people vary greatly. It is a good result to barely survive, let alone truly cultivate a spiritual body and advance to the spiritual realm.

Therefore, if you want to advance to the spiritual realm 100%, you can only rely on systematic deduction.

The system deduction is based on Taoist rules, which has an effect similar to the Heavenly Road. It can find the correct answer among countless results and advance to the spiritual realm 100%.

Most of the spiritual monks in the Tomorrow Society have advanced through the merit system, and only a few rely on luck and bloodline.

In the past, there were less than 1,000 places, but a large number of places were difficult to reach the full level, and a large number of places were used to deduce other technologies.

In this case, the possibility of advancing to the spiritual realm can reach 10%!

Nowadays, it is foreseeable that millions of professionals will emerge in the Kingdom of Tomorrow, and most of them will deduce the original law that suits them. Such a massive amount of data, even if it cannot cover the genetic data of the entire Red Sky Realm, is definitely enough to cover the entire Kingdom of Tomorrow. Genetic data!

The original law will be completely cracked, and most of the genetic mysteries, at least the most basic ones, will only allow people to reluctantly advance to the spiritual realm without any hindrance!

This is the spiritual era!

Even the royal family of the Luo Dynasty could hardly imagine the mass production of spiritual realm eras!

The civilization level jump of Tomorrow Society is about to begin!

"Tomorrow comes tomorrow!"

"Form liberation!"

Countless red streamers spread, covering the Gate of Tomorrow and the entire City of Tomorrow.

The whole city is on fire!

Yun Ye held the red cloud flag and slammed the ground. The light of his heart covered tens of millions of citizens present. This time, Yun Ye didn't feel any difficulty at all.

The repercussions have gone far beyond the past. Today's tomorrow is a national-level Taoist weapon that is enough to interfere in the whole country. Now it is just a small town and is naturally not worth mentioning!

Everyone fell into a recollection of the founding history of the country, returned to their own lives, and asked about their own wishes.

The answers they get may not be the way of tomorrow.

But at this moment, everyone was immersed in it.

The brilliance of Taoist tools.

It also rises.

Tian Jialun, who failed to awaken the Taoist weapon five years ago, finally awakened the Taoist weapon this time after experiencing the bad news of his father's death in battle and the death of a large number of family members.

He opened his eyes, and a silver round mirror appeared in front of him, as if asking him to see himself clearly, showing a large number of pictures from his past.

Taoist tool: See my heart in the mirror.

True name: The platform for seeing my heart: The mirror is the platform for my heart, which can help me understand myself.

"Can my Taoist tool allow people to understand themselves? Self...self..."

Tian Jialun smiled mockingly.

It seems that he is too different from other Taoist users. Most of the other Taoist users' real names are to strengthen one's own side and weaken the enemy's power.

It seems that he is doing this to strengthen the mood of his companions, but in fact, he is trying to influence his enemies.

Things like self have no direction at all. He wants to awaken the self of his enemies, which may only make their souls more terrifying.

Eventually, this artifact will deviate from his ideas and fail to influence the enemy.

But what is gratifying is that because of this Taoist tool, he can already identify the self of "people". What kind of self he is, he can see through it at a glance.

For example, above the sun and moon gate, there are chiefs, multiple figures, and agents.

"The self in the four seats of Yuexin makes me feel tired just by looking at it? There are cracks in my soul, but it seems to be anchored by something. It is strong and does not collapse. Fortunately, the color is pure. Although there is not much light, it is still There is no darkness…”

"Zhuo Qilian's Seven Seats... a number that is difficult to evaluate, the only monk who has become a number without a Taoist weapon. Is her self highly unified? She is not affected by the outside world at all, and tends to be white and gray. Change In other words, if possible, the Seven Seats of Zhuo Qi Lian would also like to have order instead of doing whatever they want based on their own selfish desires?"

After Tian Jingzhan's death, Tian Jialun was angry and in pain for several years, and could not let go. Until today, after the Taoist weapon was awakened, his character grew, and he was finally relieved.

In the past, he was actually right, but his perspective was different. After all, it was possible for Zhuo Qilian to block the two Xuanjing for a while and hold on until Yun Ye arrived.

From the perspective of hindsight, Zhuo Qilian did not take action, which naturally made people extremely angry. That was his biological father, the chief respected by countless people...

Tian Jing died in battle, which made Tian Jialun so angry at the seventh seat that he almost wanted to assassinate him.

However, even before Tian Jing died in the battle, he did not force Zhuo Qilian to take action, and Yun Ye also made the judgment that Zhuo Qilian could not be punished.

He trusted these two people and finally endured it, only to improve himself crazily in the past few years...

Even at that time, he knew that his enemy was the Pure World Holy Land, the Luo Dynasty, the ruler of this world, not Zhuo Qilian, and he was just venting his anger.

Awakening the Taoist tool made him re-examine himself, and as a result, his perspective changed. He began to look at the problem from the perspective of the Taoist user, the senior leaders of the Tomorrow Society, and even ordinary people.

In the end, he reluctantly approved of the seventh seat.

The contribution of the Seven Seats was too great. After he reached the top, he understood that the early stage of the Tomorrow Club was almost entirely supported by the Seven Seats. The Seven Seats did not owe anything to the Tomorrow Club. Before Tian Jing died in the battle, she was only a member of the Tomorrow Club. Collaborators never said they would sacrifice everything for tomorrow.

She provides protection for Tomorrow Society, and Tomorrow Society assists her in various researches. This is a mutually beneficial cooperation. When she didn't know that Yun Ye could "save the world", Zhuo Qilian faced the mysterious realm of two pure world holy places. Choosing to avoid it is a perfectly normal choice.

It wasn't until Tian Jing died in battle that the Tomorrow Society had two of the strongest men, Yue Xin and Yun Ye. The gap in strength was reversed, and the Tomorrow Society no longer needed Zhuo Qilian's protection. Only then did Yun Ye, as the chief, fully confirm a principle with Zhuo Qilian. .

That is, citizens have an obligation to fight to protect the country, and this is even more true when joining the Seventh Seat of the Tomorrow Council.

The meaning is also very clear. In the past, everyone had no problem, but now that the country of tomorrow is strong, the rules should also change. Everything starts from now on.

Now the Kingdom of Tomorrow provides more excellent knowledge and a better environment. Zhuo Qilian can only exist as a part of the Kingdom of Tomorrow, not as a collaborator, and has the obligation to fight to the death.

Zhuo Qilian accepted this condition.

"Then there is Weiyang..."

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