A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 397 Holy Son of Pure Water

"The weight of the twenty-seven newly promoted Taoist envoys has indeed changed since the founding of the People's Republic of China. In the past, there were at most three or five."

"Not nearly enough."


Yue Xin and Yun Ye stood at the border of Huangzhou, looking in the direction of Shuizhou. At the end of their sight, three figures looked across the mountain from the two of them.

The young man at the head was wearing a gorgeous Taoist robe, with long translucent blue hair shawl, and a pair of swirling pupils that seemed like the world was spinning. With the wanton smile on his face, he felt indescribably domineering.

Holy Son of Pure Water!

Since the founding of the People's Republic of China, the Pure World Holy Land has sent this heir to perform diversionary tasks, constantly releasing avatars at the border and entering the barren state to attack Tomorrow City, so much so that Yue Xin had to stop him many times.

The heir to a great force, the current City of Tomorrow cannot resist, and can only use energy to continuously consume the power of freedom.

Yue Xin also thought about using all her strength to rush into Shuizhou and put this person to death.

However, as soon as she crossed the border, Yue Xin's expression changed, and the mark on her left hand immediately rioted, revealing the corrupt Ying Yuetian.

If she hadn't stopped using the power of freedom instantly, it would have been corroded, exploded, or turned into a weird and inhuman life form.

After that, Yue Xin said to Yun Ye: "Weiyang, outside the Huangzhou, never use the power of freedom! The Dharma Realm is already a semi-energy body and can absorb spiritual energy and even other energy in the world to survive, while the Xuan Realm is completely non-human , is part of Xuantian, and the same applies to the other two days.”

"As an energy body, once it is deflected for three days, the body will lose its support and will either explode or degenerate on the spot!"

The heart of the moon is only a legal realm, not a mysterious realm. Most of the body is made of flesh and blood, so it can forcibly interrupt the degeneration of the power of freedom.

But if you use the power of freedom in the Xuan realm, once you step out of the wilderness, your own existence will be denied and you will be finished in an instant.

Yun Ye's power is far stronger than hers, and he may come into contact with Xuantian in advance. The danger is much greater than hers, and he must not try to step out of Huangzhou.


A deadlock has formed.

Yue Xin is trapped and needs to constantly use her power to fight against the invasion of the Luo Sheng Clan and the Pure World Holy Land. If she can spare some time to do research, she already has great supernatural powers. All matters related to the Kingdom of Tomorrow can only be left to Yun Ye.

To a certain extent, to solve this problem, all hopes are placed on Yun Ye's advancement to a higher realm.

As long as Yun Ye can defeat the two major forces without using the power of freedom, the problem will be solved.

This is difficult, but you must try. The power of freedom cannot withstand this kind of consumption.

Likewise, it is for this reason that Dongbaicao devotes all his energy to researching the transformation of Yin to Eternal Silence. This is an urgent problem that the Kingdom of Tomorrow must solve.

Mass production of spiritual realm?

Even if it succeeds, what if there are tens of thousands of spiritual realms and hundreds of thousands of spiritual realms?

There is also a maximum number of people in the formation. There is not so much spiritual energy to draw, and it is impossible to expand the range infinitely. The spiritual energy will be exhausted halfway!

Otherwise, why would the two sects’ sphere of influence be limited to Dahuang Lingze?

The super spiritual veins are not yet in the Great Wilderness Lingze, but the further outside it is, the more difficult it is to intervene, the cost is too high, and it cannot be maintained for a long time.

This is just a war in the mysterious realm!

Both major forces have real people, and even the super formation cannot fight against real people across most of the deserted state.

Hundreds of thousands of spiritual realms cannot have a decisive impact on the battle situation. Even if the spiritual energy is dispersed and extracted from a huge area, the final gathered power cannot be stronger than the super formation.

"Weiyang, do you want to try to break through the legal realm? I remember that you were able to fight against the mysterious realm in the past."

Yue Xin said.

"Although you can try, you are doomed to fail. The opponent is too strong and is peerless in the Xuan realm."

Yun Ye shook his head and said that he had seen the battle between Yue Xin and Pure Water Holy Son. It was beyond the reach of the normal profound realm and was already comparable to Lan Wuyuan.

Moreover, it was Lan Wuyuan who was in the seventh formation or even the eighth formation.

According to his judgment, the masters of Yuntian Lingzong and Mengze Lingsect cannot even be called the Prodigy of the Mysterious Realm. Lan Wuyuan is already not inferior to the masters of the two sects in his normal state, and after using seven formations, he can even penetrate the super formation. , gaining combat power comparable to that of a real person.

If the Dharma Realm wants to defeat the Xuan Realm, it is no longer enough to be a genius; it needs to be a peerless person.

However, it is too difficult to defeat a real person in the Xuan Realm. The gap between realms is constantly widening. It takes a long time to accumulate the heavenly path and bloodline to give birth to a peerless person who can truly defeat a real person in the Xuan Realm.

The Holy Land of Pure World undoubtedly gave birth to a figure of this level. The Holy Son of Pure Water can compete with the real-person Yue Xin. Unless Yue Xin ascends to the venerable level, it will be impossible to kill the Holy Son of Pure Water...

However, once Yuexin inspires such power, Pure Water Saint Son will immediately give up the fight and escape through space with the power of the super formation.

The complete Yizhou super formation was much more powerful than the two sects barely working together, and it was difficult for Yue Xin to intercept it.

He has just broken through the Dharma Realm, and is still the least skilled at the Physical Dharma Realm. Although his combat effectiveness has been greatly improved, the gap between him and the real person realm is still too far, and his winning rate is basically zero.

"Do you have any ideas? I can seal the time-stopping backhand for you. He can't kill you." Yue Xin just asked.

"Yes. After the completion of the career system, I have temporarily completed the transition to eternal silence. Maybe I can give it a try." Yun Ye glanced at his skill list.

Zhuan Yin Yongji is listed impressively, and the achievement is marked as "Proficiency/Dacheng". The former is his personal level, and the latter is the result of launching it with the help of Taoist tools and Zhentianyi. Even without the unique weapon, the Dacheng achievement will be downgraded to Xiaocheng is also extremely powerful and has exceeded the original idea of ​​using the only weapon to increase stability.

"seal up!"

Yue Xin nodded and wrote a text on Yun Ye's chest. It was the unique rune of Yingyue Tianmen, and it was the power of the power of freedom.

The power of time was sealed into Yun Ye's chest, and even the highest position could stop it. It was more than enough to save Yun Ye from the hands of the Pure Water Saint.

It's a pity that this move can only be used for defense. The Holy Son of Pure Water seems to be able to summon the power of water from heaven and earth. In his domain, the whole world is helping him. Once the power beyond his ability is about to explode, he will immediately aware.

After all, Yuexin is not a genuine honorary position. It is just borrowing the power of Yingyue Tianmen. The quantity is infinite, but the quality is too low.

Even with only one ten thousandth of the power of Zun Wei, he could kill the Holy Son of Pure Water without any room for reaction, but Yue Xin could not. Her speed of thinking and the speed of activating power were completely different from Zun Wei. It seems to have the power of the throne, but in fact it is impossible to defeat the weakest throne.

The individual power of this world is, after all, explosively enhanced in all directions. If any part is missing, it will manifest itself in the sky and on the earth.


Yun Ye saw that the power of time was sealed, but he actually had no real sense of it. His realm was too weak and he couldn't sense the strength of this power at all.

With blood boiling, Yun Ye walked step by step towards the outside of Huangzhou.

Tomorrow appeared, and she came to help fight.

With tomorrow coming, Yun Ye couldn't help but smile slightly, and an indescribable sense of peace slowly spread in his heart.

"Holy Son of Pure Water..."

Yun Ye looked into the distance with his silver pupils, and the four colors gradually spread.

Black, blue, red and brown.

After a moment, under the fierce conflict, the fifth color gradually appeared, which was white.

At this point, Yun Ye finally completed the final form of his own rainbow pupil, the five-color rainbow pupil. After this battle, he should step into the eleventh level of the Heavenly Road and find the True Immortal Queen Mother to obtain the qualification to use the True Immortal Technique again!


Yun Ye breathed again, and this time the white air spread and turned into red, and the spiritual lines on his forehead showed a separate yellow-brown texture.

Immediately afterwards, three white star rings emerged, and his power was sublimated to the extreme.

The yellow-brown spiritual lines spread from Yun Ye's shoulders, arms, torso, legs and feet, almost everywhere in his body. This power intertwined with the white star rings, and the white star rings eventually turned into crimson, containing some kind of vitality. The ultimate destructive power.

The only great method and great destiny is funeral!

It was originally a common method of funeral, but it was finally deduced by Yun Ye into the only method. His nine-turn method was to build up step by step the ordinary method of funeral, the ultimate funeral of Jiling, and then the only method!

The reason why he didn't do it in one step is also very simple. The only magic power is too strong and must be downgraded. Otherwise, Yun Ye won't be able to activate it even if he has the third-level late life attainment.

The reason why Dafa exists is to solve problems.

A method that is permanently fixed in the body and can be activated as long as mana is injected into it. Is the purpose of its existence just to speed up the casting of spells?

of course not.

With the birth of mana, the power of various spells has increased dramatically, and the corresponding difficulty of control has also increased dramatically.

Although many newly born double-spirited families have managed to advance to the realm of magic, they are unable to use their magic power to cast the second-level spiritual method due to insufficient control.

The Nine Turns of Dafa burns Dafa into the void within the body, which can solve the problem of insufficient control and difficulty in activating multiple spiritual techniques.

Although Yun Ye's Dafa is still in the ordinary stage of funeral, its power is close to that of Ji Ling. It is definitely not a technique that ordinary monks can use.

"Third turn, great fate!"

The crimson star rings rotated on the left and right wrists respectively, showing an extremely unstable state, while the last one was suspended behind Yun Ye, with an unknown purpose.

As the star rings on his left and right hands rotated, Yun Ye's fists were wrapped in red power. At the next moment, Yun Ye activated the time magic, Streaming Light Speed.

The world stopped infinitely, and Yun Ye's figure disappeared in an instant. He crossed the boundary line on white clouds and faced the Holy Son of Pure Water.

From the title of this Holy Son, you can understand that this is a monk who is good at water spirit magic, and his earth zodiac sign is just right, let alone the double zodiac sign.

It's impossible to defeat, but with a few moves, you should be fine.

Yun Ye thought so.

Then the moment he approached the Holy Son of Pure Water, his whole flesh and blood decomposed instantly, leaving almost only a skeleton...

what happened?

Yun Ye couldn't understand it at all. The great power of funeral in his arms was extinguished without any warning. Then the two star rings were shattered. The third star ring as a back-up man barely shined in an attempt to resist, but there was no surprise. Shattered and unstoppable for a second.


The power of time stopping erupted, stopping everything in front of him. The Holy Son of Pure Water disappeared with his two men with a wave of his hand. After he disappeared, the power of time stopping spread to the place where he stood, stopping all particles, even light. Impenetrable, it became completely black, as if it had been erased from the world.

"Divine magic?"

Yun Ye regained consciousness and felt severe pain all over his body, but he was able to ignore this pain and could still think calmly.

The three star rings were shattered and he was directly seriously injured, and then his flesh and blood were drained...

This is the power of death.

Did his own power bite him back?

There is only one explanation. Holy Son of Pure Water used divine magic to interfere with all this, but he was unable to resist and was defeated in an instant.

Pure water saint?

Are you sure there's nothing wrong with this title?

There is no one chatting in the group, and I feel like I can’t raise funds to write a book. Fellow Taoists and brothers, come on, come on~~~

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