A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 398 The true meaning of regional echo

"Reverse recovery!"

Yun Ye reversed the effect of Da Ming's spiritual method from the power to destroy matter to the power to repair matter, allowing himself to heal himself.

Although time was stopped before his vitals were destroyed, he would still die if he hadn't left it alone.

The vitality of the body method is very strong, but it also has the fatal weakness of the brain.

Red power surged throughout his body, trying to revive his body.

It failed.

The previously controlled power was interfering and did not allow Yun Ye to simply revive his body.



A red sword light slashed towards Yun Ye, killing this power from a conceptual level.

But unlike in the past, when he was killed in an instant, today's bad news came one after another. It actually took several seconds to complete the killing, and Yun Ye's body quickly recovered.

Until he was out of danger, Yun Ye had time to ask Tomorrow and want to know the reason.

"Tomorrow...are you going back to red?"

Yun Ye was stunned.

"This is outside the Barren State. My strength has been greatly weakened. I am not a Taoist weapon of the Luo Sheng Clan and can travel through the three states."

The flames entangled her long hair, and the red tomorrow spread her hands, making a helpless look.


Yun Ye jumped back to Huangzhou first, and at this moment, Tomorrow immediately changed from red clothes to blue clothes.

"Weiyang, what will happen tomorrow?"

Yue Xin doesn't care about Yun Ye's defeat. This is inevitable and he can continue to grow in the future. But if there is a problem with the original Taoist weapon, it will be a big shock to the entire Kingdom of Tomorrow.

"have no idea."

Yun Ye shook his head. He looked at Tomorrow and couldn't understand why Tomorrow's power would be weakened so much just by leaving the border. Even if he returned to the red form, it was impossible for Tomorrow, who was already a national Taoist weapon, to have only this power!

"Master, you have forgotten a very important issue - "Regional Echo"."

Tomorrow told the answer.

As soon as these four words came out, Yun Ye thought of something, and his face couldn't help but look a lot darker, and he immediately asked: "Tomorrow, you don't mean to say that regional echo means that it can only play a role locally, right?"

"That's right. There are many reasons for the Luo Dynasty to entrust various places, and collecting regional echoes can be one of them. The echoes obtained by Taoist artifacts are not due to the regional nature. Once the power of Huangzhou is If the Taoist weapon is brought into the other two states, the effect will be greatly weakened because the areas are different." Tomorrow said calmly.

Why is the Luo Dynasty the orthodox and in control, while the other forces can only cling to it?

This innate difference also determines the situation.

The Holy Land of Purification is constantly attacking. In addition to the true immortal method and the new way, it is also related to the final moment of reincarnation. They collect the echoes of Huangzhou to gain greater influence. This is important for them to kill the royal family of the Luo Dynasty in the end. significance.

"Without the power of Taoist tools, the situation becomes even more difficult."

Yun Ye and Yue Xin looked at each other.

The Tomorrow Sword can kill real people. Although it cannot pose a threat to real people who have Taoist weapons, it can also prevent them from being harmed by Taoist weapons.

Now that the power of the Tomorrow Sword has dropped significantly after leaving Huangzhou, they are at a huge disadvantage in terms of Dao weapons, and I am afraid it will be difficult to make up for it with the two-point cut power.

"After all, you have to strengthen yourself. After completing the Transformation to Yin Yongji, the situation of being beaten passively will be improved."

The current situation of the Tomorrow Society makes most members believe that long-range attack weapons should be developed as soon as possible, and they can no longer continue to be beaten passively.

The investment in Zhuan Yin Yongji continues to increase, expanding the scale at any cost, and using the number of people to speed up time.

At the same time, the spiritual realm of Tomorrow Society is also increasing explosively.

In the first year, it exceeded 10,000.

In the fifth year, it reached 250,000.

After the mystery of the original method is cracked, it is a method that can accelerate infinitely as long as the aura is lush and green.

As for the professional system deduction of the Tomorrow Society, coupled with the Heavenly Road deduction and the Nine-Star True Heavenly Instrument deduction, the triple deduction effect is driving the explosive increase in the effect of the Origin Method.

It has only been a few years, and the Huang-level original method no longer exists in the Tomorrow Society, and they have all entered the Xuan-level era.

There are also quite a few monks who have overcome the difficulties on the Heavenly Road and reached the eleventh level of the Heavenly Road.

Following Yun Ye's instructions, they all chose to reveal their bloodline factors and choose a standard spiritual pattern contained in their own skills to be engraved on the heavenly road.

In just five years, the enhancement intensity of commonly used standard spiritual patterns has skyrocketed to more than 1,000%. The highest intensity increase of standard spiritual patterns currently recorded is almost 1,400%, which means that 140 people have inscribed it as a step-up method.

In the future, it can be expected that the maximum increase intensity will become 10,000%, 100,000%, and this only requires a thousand or ten thousand people...

Although it is currently extremely difficult to climb the Heavenly Road, Yun Ye believes that with the level of strength of the monks from the Tomorrow Society, the final pass rate will not be low!

As time goes by, there are more and more monks in the Tomorrow Society on the Pilgrim Road, and it should become easier to climb the steps on the Pilgrim Road...

At the same time, the chances of a disciple from an aristocratic family encountering a monk from the Tomorrow Society on the Heavenly Road will also increase dramatically.

Tianlu has always been controlled by the history of the family. Now Yunye has completed the change of the sky. Although it has not been completely successful, it will definitely be recorded by Tianlu and become the latest training ground for the disciples of the family.

In the battle of destruction between the two sects and the Tomorrow Society, the chance of successful suppression can be said to be very slim. Even if it is advanced, Yin Yuekong, the mastermind behind it, will help Yun Ye gain strength in advance, and the final result will not be much different.

For the time being, it is impossible to face Yun Ye in the spiritual and legal realms, but Yun Ye in the mysterious realm is 100% sure that if they climb the heavenly road in the near future, they will definitely face Yun Ye.

Who gives "current affairs" the highest weight?

Yun Ye is also gradually understanding Hong Tian's logic.


The spiritual clouds were tumbling, the wind was howling, and the vast amount of spiritual energy was swallowed up. The majestic aura gradually reached its peak. As the clouds and mist dispersed, a young man appeared in the sky, but he was Yongfa who had matured a lot.

"Yongfa, congratulations on breaking through the realm of law."

"It's so slow, what's there to congratulate? Rather than congratulating me, you probably want to know the power of mother's research more, right?"

Yongfa shook his head.

"You represent a new path, which really makes people care. Has your lifespan... gone back to more than two hundred years? It seems that the Seven Seats have finally solved this flaw, and your lifespan should not decrease in the future."

Yun Ye's voice came.

In the past five years, in addition to the mass births of the spiritual realm, more than ten people were born in the legal realm in the early stage, all of them were civil monks. They opened up the way forward for the Tomorrow Society. Now they are preparing to complete some of them, and Yongfa has gained the opportunity to advance.

Perhaps ten years from now, the Dharma Realm of Tomorrow Society will also see a surge in growth.

"Speaking of which, I haven't fought you for a long time. Your injuries should have healed over the past few years, right? How about a fight?"

Yongfa stretched out his right hand to hook Yun Ye.

"It's almost healed after two years of training. Well, actually taking a beating is indeed easier than talking about it."

"Let's give it a try, Yongfa——"

"Spiritual root sublimation!"

Yun Ye's spiritual patterns spread all over his body, his aura became solid, and a pair of five-color rainbow pupils opened. He attached great importance to this battle and showed his best.

Yongfa looked at this scene, his U-shaped pupils were suddenly opened like a keyhole, white air spread from his pupils, filling the world.

As he clenched his fist, the power of changing the color of heaven and earth seemed to appear.

"The evil king changes!"

Similar to the fourth-level spiritual root secret technique, true appearance, Yongfa tapped the potential of his body and directly sublimated it to awaken the ancient genes. His body, which had originally transformed into the realm of magic, transformed again, and a white horn appeared on Yongfa's forehead. , his pupils also turned into vertical pupils, revealing a chilling coldness.

The result of Zhuo Qilian’s decades of research and exploration of the path to the mysterious realm——

Physical Evolution Method·Evil King Transformation!

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