A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 399 Physical Evolution Method·Evil King Transformation!

Yongfa's eyes are actually a lock, locking up all his energy and potential.

Therefore, as long as he has these eyes, Yongfa can hardly use most of the magic and can only use his power roughly.

However, once these eyes were released, Yongfa's accumulated power was enough to shock everyone. Yongfa showed his new form just by clenching his fists, and a hurricane broke out, accompanied by lightning and thunder, and terrifying visions of heaven and earth descended.

It was a ferocious and cold python and dragon, as real as a living creature. The whole world was filled with pythons and dragons, constantly squirming and entangled.

"Physical Phenomenon: Falling into Snake Hell!"

A large number of pythons and dragons bit Yun Ye at such a fast speed that Yun Ye almost couldn't react in his spiritual root sublimation state. He immediately activated the Time Divine Art: Streaming Light Speed, and then he caught up with the speed.

Boom boom boom!

Yun Ye punched, a red star ring appeared, and with one punch, life was withered, and he kept blasting the incoming pythons and dragons.

These pythons and dragons are extremely real and even have energy and blood.

This is the physical method.

It is also within the reach of the power to control concepts such as "yang", "life" and "front", and turn mana into real life to attack.

After entering the Dharma Realm, Yongfa, who automatically gained the ability to fly, stood in the sky with white air floating all over his body, like an immortal. However, the pure white vertical pupils that appeared and disappeared in the white mist made people feel frightened. He had just stepped into the Dharma Realm. His power was not fully under control yet. As the white mist gradually calmed down and disappeared from his body, he initially gained control of his own power.

"Evil King-Goku Shiki!"

A large number of spiritual patterns burned into the genes are floating, similar to physical strength and spiritual eyes. Yongfa does not need any control to launch this move. He just needs a thought and this move will appear.


Indescribable destructive power erupted from Yongfa's arm and went straight to Yun Ye's true body. It didn't take even a moment along the way and penetrated ten thousand meters of space in an instant.

Numerous possibilities emerged in Yun Ye's mind.

He saw that he had activated the ethereal magic to leave, but the python dragon formed a space blockade. Although it could not stop him, it was enough to delay him for a moment. He was hit by the extreme style on the spot and was driven into the ground. Although he was physically strong, he burst out with protective power on his own. , but still vomiting blood.

"One thought of Bing Tian!"

Yunye cultivated both body and spirit, and had enough time to make a judgment. He used all his strength to increase his physical body by using the body method, and at the same time activated the extremely spiritual method - Yi Nian Bingtian.

All attacking pythons and dragons were directly frozen at this moment, much faster than the silence of all things, and it took effect directly.

Yi Nian Bingtian is an extremely spiritual ice that combines earth and water. It can directly control the water molecules in the air to freeze. It is different from the silence of all things that expands a little at night. There is no delay in activation.

Being able to activate Yi Nian Bingtian in a short time is also Yun Ye's achievement over the years. He has undergone considerable training in all moves, his methods have grown a lot, and his combat skills have become more proficient.

With a thought, Bingtian sealed the attacking energy life so that Yun Ye would not be blocked. He then activated the ethereal method and disappeared in place.


The polar style blasted through the mountain and evaporated a spiritual peak. This meant that this was a wide training area and no one lived there, otherwise it would be too destructive.

This is the spiritual mountain of Yuntian Lingdi. It is protected by the power formed spontaneously. The extreme form can be evaporated with one strike, and its power has surpassed that of the second level extreme spirit.

"Did you escape?"

Yongfa was not surprised. He had initially mastered the power and did not increase the activation speed to the extreme. It was not surprising that he was dodged. When he was hit in the face from close range, he was able to dodge it, which would be the real power.


Yongfa disappeared, approaching the end of Yun Ye's space travel. The evil king's form was almost that of a demon, and his intuition was quite amazing, enough to sense space.

Space shuttle can’t fool Yongfa!


As soon as Yun Ye appeared, he saw his fist enlarged in front of him. He also punched, and the three rings were superimposed, "Death!"

The power of white and red exploded.

Yun Ye was pushed back by the aftermath of the power. His body was shaking violently. He looked surprised and looked at his cracked arm...

In a competition at the same level, he is at an absolute disadvantage?

This is so rare.

Although Yun Ye's talent was very low at the beginning, and it stands to reason that anyone could step on him a few times, the fusion of the extremely spiritual method and the zodiac sign was quickly closing the gap.

And in this life, his talent level has reached its peak. Not to mention all kinds of accumulation, it is so powerful that it is unimaginable. Under such circumstances, there are geniuses of the same realm or even the same age who can crush him?

"I can only say that it is indeed a new path for the Seven Seats to lead to the Mysterious Realm. Even if it does not succeed, is it still necessary to completely surpass the Mysterious Realm in terms of combat power?"

"Even want to escape from the human lifespan limit?"

Yun Ye opened his mouth to praise.

"I don't know what my mother is thinking, maybe, but I just need to gain strength. You can't be the only sun in tomorrow's meeting."

Yongfa shook his hand. There was no problem with his arm, and his physical strength was much higher than that of Yun Ye.

"Really? If you can't awaken the Taoist weapon, is it because of this?"

Yun Ye said.

Yongfa paused and looked at Yun Ye with his vertical pupils: "What's the basis for this?"

"There is a magical method called the resurrection of the dead, which can resurrect corpses and allow humans to retain their memories and transform into the dead." Yun Ye did not answer directly, but mentioned a magical method.

"So? Why do you want to transform into the dead?" Yongfa asked.

"You can gain a long lifespan. Human beings can only live one hundred, two hundred, four hundred years, and so on. But after you transform into the dead, this restriction will disappear, because you become a monster and are not subject to certain rules. At the same time, the Taoist weapon of the Taoist will disappear, and the Taoist weapon that originally belonged to the human being will be transformed into the demonic Taoist weapon," Yun Ye said.

"You think the evil king is also a demon bloodline, so the Taoist weapon doesn't recognize me?" Yongfa said.

"Maybe, you are the first, who knows, maybe your ideas are not recognized by Taoist tools." Yun Ye said.

Zhuo Qilian deliberately exerted influence on Yongfa, making Yongfa's position somewhat vague and uncertain. If you want to say that you want to meet tomorrow, that is 100% true, but if you want to accept the way of tomorrow... there are a total of Taoist weapon evaluation levels. At level 10, Yongfa is only at level 3. He does not completely agree with the current way of tomorrow, but he does agree with most of it.

It sounds contradictory, but it is actually quite common in Tomorrowland. Most people are the same as Yongfa.

After thinking for a moment, Yongfa raised his fist again.

"Forget it, it's useless to think about it. If you can't awaken the Taoist weapon, you can't be the number 1. But if I'm just a sharp blade, it doesn't matter for the time being."

This is an undoubted lie.

But Yun Ye took a deep breath, roared, and a massive amount of spiritual energy surged in. He ignored these things and started fighting with Yongfa.

He also mastered the extremely spiritual method. Yun Ye was not good at the physical method, but Yongfa was the second evolution of the physical method. He was fighting Yongfa with something he was not good at. After knowing that the physical method was no match, Yun Ye turned to use Spiritual magic and divine magic, countless moves erupted in an instant, turning the area into darkness.

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