The decision to start a protracted war was announced to the whole country.

The higher-ups knew the nature of this war. They were willing to die to clear their quotas, but no matter how generous they were, they couldn't say it out loud.

Therefore, this war was defined as a protracted war, intended to equally consume the strength of the Luo Dynasty.

In terms of grassroots strength, the two major forces cannot compare with the Kingdom of Tomorrow.

Everyone masters the ultimate spiritual method. Although it is difficult to cross a realm, it is easy to get started and defeat Dacheng. If you master the second-level spiritual method, crossing the border is not a problem at all.

Currently, there are about four million souls registered in the Tomorrow Society. Most of the rest are stuck in the mortal realm just because of their original magic. They can advance as soon as there is an opportunity.

Tomorrow Society has already broken through the mystery of the original method, which can actually allow everyone to advance to the spiritual realm and upgrade their civilization as a whole.

But the problem is that this does not have many benefits for the Kingdom of Tomorrow. Although it can improve the physical level, greatly increase personal abilities, and increase both life span and thinking... However, these require time to develop, and what the Kingdom of Tomorrow lacks most is time.

Compared with the intelligence of ordinary people using the true heavenly instrument and professional system of top talents, it is really about zero and cannot play any role.

To achieve great development, resources must be concentrated and the labor force of the people at the bottom must be squeezed...

If you don't do this, everyone will die together.

Therefore, one Taoist envoy led the army into Luozhou and regarded death as home.

They were all wavering Taoist users and could not bear this choice, so they had no choice but to fight together and sacrifice together.

Yongfa participated in the war as the commander-in-chief, and he will become the absolute main force in this war, making this war truly fought instead of simply sending death.

Although it's not much different.

"We will only go to war against the Luo Dynasty and clean up all Lingzhen. Lingcheng will be ignored... That is not what we can defeat now."

"Now that the secrets are in chaos, as long as we avoid the detection of spiritual consciousness and Taoist weapons, there is a possibility of fighting."

The space ring in Yongfa's hand flashed, and a black orb fell into his hand, "We need to divide the battlefield and make the forces outside the battlefield blind. This is an advantage for us. We can mass-produce forbidden orbs. Form a closed barrier.”

"But for this reason, after the forbidden orbs are used up, we must not rush in!"

"Set off!"

Orders from the Kingdom of Tomorrow are pouring out like snowflakes, and they are trying their best to make spiritual magic weapons, talismans, and seal elixirs to increase their winning rate.

The supplies stored for more than ten years are actually enough to last for several years. But if you are prepared, you don't have to worry about too much, only too little.

All objects in the Tomorrow Society have the participation of Jilingfa technology, which has also allowed the products of the Tomorrow Society to begin to develop towards large-scale and modular development.

Ji Ling gave up some of its functions in exchange for powerful power. This is indeed powerful individually, but when it comes to military facilities and large war machines, it is no longer useful. It is difficult to fully realize all functions, so multiple pieces of Ji Ling must be used. Module combinations make up for each other's shortcomings.

The spiritual weapons of the Kingdom of Tomorrow are no longer in the form of single pieces. They are basically in the form of full-body armor or even mechas to maximize combat power.

As for the shortcoming of intense spiritual energy consumption, it is not a shortcoming as long as you kill the enemy first.

If it can't be killed, there's no point in prolonging it.

At the same time, all Ji Ling weapons are equipped with various authentication locks. As long as one part is blown up, it will be completely ineffective to avoid being stolen by the Luo Dynasty.

In this way, the well-prepared troops dispersed into the Luo Dynasty. They launched a secret formation and quietly attacked the major spiritual towns.

In a wartime state, the major spiritual towns are naturally heavily guarded, but it is impossible to say that Xuanjing is stationed in every area.

Xuanjing is like the Supreme Emperor, who is difficult to instruct, and most of them will stay in their own territory.

They have been taking turns to attack and consume Yuexin's self-power. This is the most frequent time they have contributed in the past thousand years, and there can be no more.

The same is true for real people. They have been in high positions for a long time, and it is impossible for them to act at will. It is also extremely difficult to fight bloody battles with others. Basically, they will not show up until the end. Once Yun Ye was only in the spiritual realm, Zhenren because of the power of freedom Just retreat and try to solve the problem easily through consumption.

Cherish life, face, trouble...

These all determine that the most powerful individual will not be easily dispatched.

If a true monk patrols Luozhou for a long time, it will be difficult to hide it even if there is a secret formation, but unfortunately they will not.


The first spiritual town was destroyed.

The tenth spiritual town was destroyed.

It wasn't until the seventeenth Ling Town that a mysterious power resurrected from the ground tore apart the barrier and exploded with astonishing power to call for rescue from the Luo Dynasty, and the covert operation was finally revealed.

Even in the next second, a Taoist weapon wielder wielded his sword, and the dark storm that destroyed the space wiped out everything and directly engulfed this mysterious person. The result of the exposure could not be reversed. The army directly deployed the space magic weapon and retreated, giving up all gains. It is even less possible to continue fighting.

With Tomorrow Society's space teleportation technology, even the Mysterious Realm cannot intercept it, giving them plenty of time to leave.

However, something unexpected happened.

In the center of Lingzhen.

The giant obelisk that was originally destroyed reappeared, flickering like an unstable holographic projection. On top of the obelisk, a young man sat on the top with his legs crossed, overlooking everyone.

His figure was erratic at first, but as the frequency decreased, he seemed to come out of the image and take on his true form.

"Why are you leaving now that you're here? You don't respect me?"

With just one sentence, he stopped thousands of soldiers. Like puppets, they turned stiffly and could not control their own actions.

Then, everyone knelt down: "See... Lord Luo!"

"Don't... kneel!" The leader's Dao weapon master bit his teeth to pieces, his leg bones cracked, and his Dao weapon materialized, trying to offset this terrible divine power.


In response, the young man snorted in confusion, and the leader's Dao weapon master exploded on the spot, and the light that was originally shining from the Dao weapon quickly disappeared.

All the soldiers were furious, and they were furious because of this scene, but even so, no one could get rid of control.


Everyone was struggling to resist and wanted to mobilize their own strength, but the result was dead silence, and there was no response at all.

Everyone was desperate.

They knew that this boy was definitely not someone they could compete with, and there was a qualitative gap in strength!

But they were mentally prepared for this situation. Most of them looked at the boy angrily, but their souls and spirits were burning.

They issued the last order.

"Since we can't win, there's nothing to hesitate about. Even if we die, we can't leave anything behind!"

"Go die with us!!!"

The light rises!

With a flash of thought, almost everyone's extreme spiritual weapons burst into light and exploded directly.

Boom boom boom!

The extreme spiritual weapons were destroyed and exploded, and it was a scale of thousands of people!

Regardless of whether there were monks who didn't detonate, under the chain reaction, there was no way they could escape. The terrible shock wave instantly flattened the area of ​​dozens of miles, overturned the entire earth, and presented a mushroom cloud of astonishing scale...

Everyone was controlled by the divine law and couldn't move at all. All they could do was commit suicide. Suicide was completed through the extreme spiritual weapons and the Nine Stars True Heaven Instrument. Their own inability to move would not affect it at all!

"It's interesting. Are you not afraid of death at all? No wonder the new way can develop to this day. There are still some means."

The young man laughed and stood in the center of the explosion without caring at all. All the power swept over him, but it didn't cause any harm at all.

He waved his hand, and several people emerged.

It was he who manipulated the space and forcibly rescued several people. These people wanted to live, so they did not detonate the Extreme Spirit Armor and were extremely excited to join the army.

However, the young man stretched out his hand and the souls of the two people were extracted.

『Memory Reading』!

But then, an inexplicable force erupted.

The souls of the two people were destroyed, and no information was left.

"Dao weapon? The method has been passed on to ordinary people. Do we still need to use Dao weapons to defend against us? Haha, Dao weapons alone are useless."

The young man waved his hand, and an Extreme Spirit Armor fell into his hand. He activated a very mysterious divine method, and the entire weapon was scanned and read.

Its history, its forging process, and everything he had seen were all emerging rapidly.

At first, he wanted to read it, but there was interference.

There was an amazing power in the dark that blocked everything, which subconsciously surprised him for a moment, but soon he found that this power was not used well at all...

"Just a coincidence?"

Lord Luo frowned and flipped through the history of the Extreme Spirit Armor.

Extreme Spirit Method?

Zodiac Fusion Rules?

Modular Forging?

All are clear at a glance!

This is the power of the divine law!

This is the strongest power he possesses as the lord of the Luo Dynasty.

When the reading was finished, the smile of the Lord Luo completely disappeared. He crushed the weapon in his hand and was silent for a long time.

"Did you give too much time? Unknowingly, a mere new way has developed a force that can threaten the Luo Dynasty?"

"Extreme Spiritual Law, a mortal can actually create such a terrible method... It's a pity, it's really a pity that I can't use it."

"Although the step-up method can be adjusted, the premise is that the theory is exactly the same. Otherwise, how can the power left by the fire monk be blessed on the water monk? This method is only known to my clan. As long as my clan is given enough time, the Luo Dynasty? The imperial dynasty is also possible..."

"It's really a big surprise for me. Give the order, and do your best to defeat the Tomorrow Kingdom. I want them to die cleanly."


Many figures emerged.

True people, respect and obey, and dare not disobey.

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