A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 405 The only armed giant facility·Dark Night and Dawn

To feed war with war and seize the opportunity to win is the only possibility for the Kingdom of Tomorrow at present.

The spiritual towns of the Luo Dynasty have a heritage that far exceeds that of Huangzhou. The Taoist tools obtained by the sixteen spiritual towns have a total of half a million echoes.

With the injection of such a large number of echoes, professional quotas have once again experienced significant growth, exceeding the sum of the past ten years.

However, the situation in Tomorrow Country has become increasingly difficult.

The Luo Sheng clan dispatched two real men and more than thirty powerful men to forcefully wear away the power of freedom.

In order to hold on, the Kingdom of Tomorrow had to ask many monks to sacrifice themselves and use Taoist weapons to kill the enemy. After killing seven powerful men in a row, the Luo Sheng clan gave up and invaded Huangzhou in one go and began to carry out harassment operations.

After all, only one monk, Yue Xin, could resist the two major forces in the entire Huangzhou. Originally, the two major forces did not want to fight to the death. The battle line has been maintained at the border line, steadily consuming the power of freedom.

But as the Kingdom of Tomorrow took the lead in provoking the war, the Luo Sheng Clan seemed to have awakened from a dream, and was finally willing to force the top combat forces to take action.

They have too many Taoist-level powers that can stretch the battle line in all directions. In this case, the power consumed by traveling through space is too terrifying. The Kingdom of Tomorrow is completely defeated and has to retreat to the Great Wilderness Lingze.

Within the scope of the Great Wilderness Lingze, Yue Xin could rely on the nascent super formation to travel through space, reduce the loss of the power of freedom, and barely survive.

A year later, due to the rapid development of spiritual technology during the war, the giant ritual facility for the Transformation of Shadows and Eternal Silence was completed ahead of schedule.

this day.

The whole country rejoiced, and countless scholars raised their fists and shouted, hugged each other and cried bitterly.

The pressure is too great. Thousands of people may die every night. It has only been a year since the war started, and a full 300,000 people have been killed...

What a terrifying number is this?

Every researcher is burdened with a huge amount of pressure and dare not stop at all. If you are in the spiritual realm, it is normal for you to not rest for several months!

Just to complete the only weapon of turning to Yin and Eternal Silence in advance, and to complete this giant facility in advance!

On this day, many high-level officials surrounded this facility, feeling indescribably excited.

As the chief, Yun Ye named this facility "Night of Dawn" under the spotlight and officially opened the facility to deal with the Luo Sheng clan!

Since Tomorrow City has always been protected by the Nine-Star True Celestial Instrument and Taoist artifacts, the internal information is kept extremely tight, and the Yin Eternal Silence is also a separate project. Although the Luo Sheng Clan can read history, they have never been aware of this facility. The presence.

They continued their attack as usual.

This "ordinary" attack involved the participation of a real person and the assistance of fifteen Taoist masters, who carried out destruction from six locations.

After a year of fighting, these real Taoist masters will be familiar with them here tomorrow.

The real person participating this time is called the real person Que Yu. He has mastered the real method of Que Yu. He can fly thousands of miles and destroy the sky and the earth by flapping his wings.

He is an existence who has reached the realm of real people in the field of wind and spirit law, and has reached the perfection of the mysterious realm in both divine and physical law.

Under his leadership, everyone comes and goes like the wind, and the connection realm can be penetrated at will.

If it hadn't been for tomorrow's Dao domain, it would have exceeded 5,000 kilometers. Even if you stick to the Great Wilderness Lingze, it is difficult, because even if you know that it is coming, it is difficult to have time to react. The difference between the reaction of the Dharma Realm and the real person is so big that it is almost the same as standing still.

But this time, Master Queyu, as usual, buried the power of his true method in the bodies of many Taoist masters, and then raided from one position alone, while the other fifteen Taoist masters formed a team of three and joined forces to attack from five The direction is to enter the Great Wilderness Lingze.

They destroyed everything they could see.

By consuming these resources, the development of Tomorrow Kingdom will slow down. And based on the cultivation level of their Taoist masters, each move can easily cover dozens of miles. The three of them can cause a devastating blow, let alone a full five group, and a real person who completely surpasses the Taoist Master?

Unsurprisingly, the power of freedom exploded, and Yue Xin tried to stop it, but the real person existed for this and took action to stop Yue Xin.

The others wreak havoc, but they are always careful and never get close to a certain being!

Yun Ye appeared and attacked the first team, but the three Taoist masters retreated directly, not daring to fight head-on.

The seven Tao masters they died last time have fully demonstrated the power that the monks of the Kingdom of Tomorrow can unleash when they are desperate for their lives. Their Taoist tools were split open with just one sword, making them completely unstoppable.

"As much damage as you can destroy, if someone sacrifices it, it will inspire the power to leave."

A Taoist master said so.

Their power has blocked this area, and there is no question of whether to lose face or not. Saving their lives is more important to them.

Naturally, Yun Ye couldn't catch up with them. After all, if he caught up, there would be no chance.

He came out just to say there was no trap.

"The calculation begins..."

"Strength composition..."

"Target locked..."

"Activate the Nine-Life Divine Method and Heavenly Principle Preset—activation completed."

"Start Dark Night Dawn... Prepare 10%... Prepare 20%... Prepare 50%... Prepare 100%!"



The Dao domain has become substantial, covering the vast wilderness of Lingze.

Several Taoist masters raised their heads, and the next second, the black cavity erupted in front of them without any warning, like a huge mouth of the abyss, swallowing them whole.

The terrifying space-shattering force crushed the power of the mysterious realm, and all Taoist masters were instantly severely injured. They immediately roared and burned their treasured weapons.

Even, Xuan Bao!

The majestic power forms a unique domain, forcibly resisting the power of destruction that turns to eternal silence.

This move was too sudden. They didn't have time to show their strongest state. They suffered a big loss and watched their own strength burn out. However, Heiqiang had no intention of ending.

The next second, a sword light flashed. A Taoist master held his chest and looked at the Tao sword that penetrated him and entangled the water. His eyes were splitting: "Ming Weiyang!!!"


He was annihilated into ashes and was completely wiped out by the concept.

The other two Taoist masters were shocked and angry. Although this space smash was powerful, it was not enough to bury them under normal circumstances.

But if there is this man holding tomorrow's Taoist weapon, the result will be completely different. The space blocks their connection with other Taoist masters, causing the power of their Taoist tools to drop significantly at this moment!

Otherwise, under normal circumstances, it would be impossible to kill one of them with one sword!

The two Taoist masters roared and borrowed the power of the Luo Sheng Clan's strongest Taoist weapon, forcibly sublimating it to the national level. They simply burned the lifespan, temporarily tore apart the Yin and eternal silence, and at the same time inspired the real person Que Yu. With the power of the true seal, the two of them turned into the breeze and disappeared.

This breeze could not even stop the space from shattering, and it actually escaped. However, Yun Ye had already prepared, with eight Xuanjing puppets standing beside him——

The sky is falling!

"The sky is missing a corner, let me make up for it!"

"Array on behalf of the sky!"

In the desperate eyes of the two avenue masters, the huge power blocked everything, and combined with the power of turning Yin and Eternal Silence, blocked them. Then a sword was swung, and their power quickly disintegrated under the concept of killing, and they both fell.

Three consecutive huge spiritual energy rains covered the Great Wilderness Lingze.

The destroyed mountains and rivers were quickly restored, and everything revived!

remaining positions.

All the Taoist masters were swallowed by the black cavity, and due to the preset blessing of heavenly principles, the attacks hit without warning. They all consumed a lot of strength to fight and were unable to escape. They could only use the seal with the power of a real person in advance. Exit.

But the Kingdom of Tomorrow has long been prepared. Countless monks have taken action to intercept, either with Taoist tools, sacrifices, or top-notch unique weapons, trying to stop it at all costs.

For a time, many more Taoist masters died.

In the land where the light shines, Master Queyu was also swallowed up by the black cavity, but his power was too powerful, and the turning Yin Yongji that dispersed the power could not help him.

His face didn't look good either.

The power that exploded this time was different from the past, and he could feel the difference.

This is not something created by the power of freedom, but a means of artificial realization by the people of tomorrow. It is strong enough to threaten real people!

The speed of the improvement of spiritual arts in the Kingdom of Tomorrow almost made him tremble. He doubted whether the power of the two sides would be reversed in a hundred years!


Master Queyu was distracted, but Yue Xin seized the opportunity, suppressed him with a punch, and buried him into the deep black hole of space.

Master Queyu also knew that he was not willing to fight. As soon as his wings moved, he used his great power to smash the Zhuanyin Eternal Silence and disappeared into the sky.

The real person escapes and the battle is almost over.

Of the fifteen Taoist masters, eight were killed on the spot, and the other seven were all injured and barely escaped. I am afraid they will not be able to fight.

It can be said that the results are remarkable...

"Remarkable results? It's not enough at all! Shouldn't Night Dawn only have this little power, and even the Tao Master can't kill it instantly?"

Yun Yeluo returns to the capital to review the overall situation.

"Chief, although Night and Dawn can theoretically amplify the power of spiritual power a million times, in reality this is difficult to achieve."

"Dark Night and Dawn is just a large-scale facility that reduces the difficulty of activating the transformation into eternal silence. A large amount of spiritual power will be lost."

"Theoretically, without the assistance of the super formation, the power of Night Dawn can only kill Xuanjing Perfection at most, and it cannot even threaten Xuanjing Tianjiao."

Dongbaicao Road.

"How much of the super formation has been completed now?"

Yun Ye suddenly asked.

"...about 1.1%."

Dongbaicao pondered for a moment before answering.

To be honest, if the other party doesn't know the ins and outs, he really can't say this number. 1.1% completion rate?

This number simply means that they are all useless and have done nothing for twenty years.

But as the chief, it was obviously impossible for Yun Ye not to know about such a big plan, so Dong Baicao answered.

"1.1%? I will send puppets to help you mine resources. Hurry up, time will not wait for me."

Yun Ye naturally knew the situation of the super formation.

With millions of professional quotas, restoring the super formation is no longer a problem. However, it is not enough to restore the super formation that has lost too much of its foundation, so some researchers have proposed the idea of ​​a spiritual power transmission pipeline.

In the past, they relied on formations to achieve spiritual power transmission without actual physical connection, which resulted in a huge loss of spiritual power.

For this reason, they came up with the idea of ​​making a physical spiritual power transmission pipeline and transporting it to a designated location before using the spiritual power. Wouldn't this greatly reduce losses and increase the power of the array?

This idea was confirmed to be feasible, so the restoration of the super formation was slowed down, and a new plan began to be implemented to create a spiritual power transmission line connecting the Great Wilderness Lingze.

The reason why it is a line is mainly because after thinking about it, I found that the pipeline consumes too many resources, so I can only settle for the next best thing.

But now the 1.1% super formation actually has more than 10% effect in the past. What limits completion is just a matter of resources.

Yun Yedu said that he would send puppets to assist, and the construction should be greatly accelerated in the future.

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