A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 407 The Battle of Two Emperors

"Then start the production immediately. After completing the plan, you can ask the Fourth Seat and the Seventh Seat to take action. In this case, it should be no problem to refine the treasure."

"Let's get ready immediately!"

Yun Ye allocated a lot of resources to establish a new research group. Originally, there were people who specialized in studying time magic, so many of them are talents transferred from other departments. It should be no problem to get started in a short time.

A few months later.

The overall plan is completed.

The leader of the research is Liu Youmei, who is also a super genius who has become famous in recent years. He has already become the team leader at the age of twenty.

Although the team leader is not necessarily number 2, it is an independent team under the research department of Organization No. 7, and the entire tomorrow will only be sixteen teams.

In other words, Liu Youmei has the wisdom and research ability of one of the top 100 people in the country, and is definitely the most anticipated candidate of the new generation.

"The three chaotic times of dusk can form a closed-loop space-time. The chief's request is that the time can be traced back together with the living matter..."

Liu Youmei is a beautiful girl with slightly wavy black hair, delicate appearance and capable temperament. She completed the speech easily and explained the research topic clearly to everyone in the group and to observers outside the group.

"Team leader, according to this, we are going to challenge the fusion of yin and yang this time? If we want divine magic to be able to trace back life, we must add physical magic, right?"

Someone asked, looking troubled.

Who doesn't know that the fusion of yin and yang is an insurmountable cliff? It has been decades, and there is no sign of achieving the fusion of yin and yang!

If this project were to challenge the fusion of yin and yang, they would have no confidence at all!

This is so difficult!

"We must complete it even if it is impossible, this is our mission!"

However, Liu Youmei on the stage only had these decisive words. There was no wavering on her face, only determination to overcome the difficulties.

Facts have proven that a determined leader can bring qualitative changes to the team.

With just one word from her, most people were able to change their minds.

Perhaps the fusion of yin and yang is not impossible?

How will you know if you don’t try!

Liu Youmei acted resolutely and led the entire team to study the fusion of yin and yang.

Divine magic can indeed resurrect the dead, but this resurrection is false, just a puppet, just a demon.

But it's completely different if you add physical methods. Physical methods are the secret of life and can inject life into everything, and corpses are no exception. If it can be combined with divine methods, it will be possible to truly reverse life and death.


It's too difficult, it's just too difficult.

Even though Yun Ye has gone through training to perfect the control of divine, physical, and mental arts to the third level, and has forcibly advanced to the fourth level through the professional system, mastering the true meaning of yin and yang spirituality, he still cannot achieve the fusion of yin and yang!

After countless experiments, Yun Ye came to a conclusion.

There is a difference between yin and yang spirituality, some are very weak, and some have extremely high upper limits. The fusion of yin and yang he wants to achieve is of a type with extremely high upper limits, so it is impossible to achieve it no matter what.

To understand it simply, even the weakest magical spirit is equal to the second zodiac sign, and as powerful as the time divine law, it can even reach the height of the third zodiac sign and the fourth zodiac sign.

If the fusion is carried out, it is equivalent to trying to fuse the four zodiac signs or even the six zodiac signs. The difficulty is so high that it is naturally impossible to achieve it.

For this reason, Yun Ye specially spent time trying some relatively simple fusions of yin and yang, and successfully completed the fusion.

But it may be that the method is wrong, or for other reasons, the integration is too difficult and has no practical value.

Yun Ye naturally gave all these experiences to Liu Youmei, so the purpose of her research was not to find methods, but to reduce the difficulty.

With the assistance of the career system, this is not a foolish dream, so she is indeed confident to complete it.

——Even if she can't, as a leader, she won't show any hesitation. It will only reduce the efficiency of the team, and it has no meaning other than that.

Research begins.

It will last for about three years, and it will be terminated forcibly after that.

Theoretically, the sooner it is completed, the better, but if there is not enough time, it is not impossible to directly make the dusk weapon, but it is less efficient.

Yun Ye believes in these new generation super geniuses. After all, 20 million out of the 40 million people are the new generation. Most of their parents are in good health. Naturally, the children's talents cannot be bad, and the chance of becoming a genius is far away. More than any time in the past.

The super geniuses who have emerged from 20 million people have completely driven the huge machine of Tomorrowland. All they lack is time!


Yun Ye closed his eyes, and his mind sank into consciousness. His vision changed with each breath, the white jade sky path emerged, and he was already standing in the sky.

He has challenged the 21st level Heavenly Road many times and all ended in failure, but this time he must succeed!

There isn't much time left!

White mist spreads.

Yun Ye's consciousness gradually dimmed, and the previous physical sensation disappeared and weakened, replaced by a brand new body.

Ice cold.

The chill was astonishing.

"Tick tock!"

Water drips.


Yun Ye suddenly raised his hand, and the black hole spread, but he activated the ethereal method, and water splashed in front of him, and a sword light penetrated.

The ethereal method that was activated in advance just swallowed up this sword light and disappeared without a trace.


Another sword light came one after another. Its owner was a male monk who had revived the spiritual pattern. He had a ferocious expression and controlled the flying sword to strike out a killing sword light.

Kill kill kill!

Only by killing can he survive, make further progress, and gain life span by overcoming the gap between talent and status!

A mere dying man just became his achievement!


The sword light merged into one, forming a huge sword that reached the sky, which was hundreds of meters tall. From a human perspective, this was a height that was shocking enough to look up at.

Yun Ye pressed his chest, and the bloody hole quickly recovered. He reached out at will...


The giant sword broke and turned into a large number of fragments.

The monk looked horrified and turned to run away, but a fragment had penetrated him and shot him dead on the spot.

"Twenty-first Level of the Heavenly Road·The Battle of the Two Emperors: A calamity that will last ten thousand years. Under the throne are all ants. The sky is full of chaos and murderous intent. All we can do is sit back and watch the sky fall." In this rare time in tens of thousands of years, when the twin emperors come to the world, perhaps only the true immortals are aloof and untainted by the fireworks of the world. 』

"The purpose of the trial: survive." 』

A clear goal appeared at the 21st level of Tianlu. Although it was still very general from all aspects, it was much clearer than before.

"Tick tock..."

Yun Ye wiped his clothes, and all the blood and dirt fell into the water.

He raised his head and looked up, and the endless sea came into view. The sea was as clear as bottom, with almost no color, only the extremely strong Taoist rhyme.

as well as……

Countless floating corpses.

The male monk Yun Ye obliterated was one of these countless corpses. When he was submerged in the water, all his spiritual power had been taken away.

And within a distance visible to the naked eye, countless monks were fighting and killing, and the transparent ocean was dyed red with blood, but the color sank to the bottom of the sea, forming a layer of coral-like background, which was incredibly beautiful.

In this world, Yun Ye is only in the spiritual realm, a being smaller than an ant, and just the fuel for this war.

To decide the final winner of the battle between the two emperors, and to burn it as firewood.

"Ten thousand years ago, the war launched by the two Supreme Emperors for the supreme position spread to the entire Red Sky Realm. The intensity could be described as endless, and countless Dao lineages were destroyed as a result. This war lasted for a full thousand years, and was ultimately won by the future Dao Lord. The end, known as the Battle of the Two Emperors!"

"However, something is very wrong. Something went wrong..."

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