A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 408 The Emperor’s Secret Palace

Yun Ye circulated his life force and water spirit power throughout his body, completely repairing his injuries, and walked towards the battlefield step by step on the water.

In this Tianlu, he possessed five zodiac signs of water, earth, and fire, which were exactly the same as his own.

This should be the result of Tianlu's deliberate choice.

It's just that the talent of this body is a little worse than that of the original body, and the talents of the five zodiac signs are not evenly distributed. Yun Ye tried many times before he could use the ethereal method at the beginning.

This ethereal method is very unstable, and it takes time for this body to adapt, and step by step to improve the spiritual control to the middle stage of the fourth level.

"Currently it is the third level perfection, barely the early stage of the fourth level..."

Yun Ye rushed into the battlefield, and his figure flashed behind the enemy in an instant. He punched out and directly blew up the head of a spiritual realm cultivator.

After killing the spiritual realm, Yun Ye's internal strength suddenly increased, even including luck.

He roared, stepped on the water surface, and crisscrossed dozens of kilometers, killing several fronts.

For a time, dozens of spiritual realm cultivators were killed by him.

His cultivation base grew wildly, and his luck was like a rainbow. There seemed to be a sacrificial ceremony here, and killing enemies could make him stronger!

Finally, when Yun Ye's physical method reached the perfect state, a loud shout rang out.


A Dharma Realm noticed Yun Ye, and the water dragon surged from Yun Ye's feet, swallowing Yun Ye and biting into the inside. The majestic magic power crushed Yun Ye, showing a corrosive power far beyond the Dharma Realm, and even the ethereal method could be destroyed bit by bit.


Yun Ye burst out with a great life funeral, wiped out the spirituality of the water dragon, and killed it into the sky.

At this moment, Yun Ye was under great pressure. The ocean seemed to have some kind of gravity, making it difficult for him to step on the air and rush into the sky.

But this did not hinder Yun Ye. The wings of wind extended out, taking Yun Ye to offset the gravity and soaring into the sky.

"Wind Spirit Method!"

This Dharma Realm showed a look of surprise. No wonder he could kill dozens or hundreds of Spirit Realms in a row, and he actually mastered the second-level spiritual method!

He sacrificed the Water Bead Magical Weapon, unleashing its power. Water dragons roared up and rushed towards Yun Ye, so fast that even the Wind Spiritual Method could not catch up!

Compared to the power of the Dharma Realm, this water dragon is very small, only 20 meters long, but its destructive power is completely beyond Yun Ye's imagination. With one bite, it can actually bite the "Ethereal Method·Opening the Door", which is the method that isolates Yun Ye in the alien space!

"Geographical advantage, this sea is very special!"

Yun Ye suddenly turned around and stopped rushing towards the sky. The distance was enough. He closed his hands and drew a huge amount of spiritual power from him——

"One thought of ice sky!"

In an instant.

The whole sky was frozen!

The expression of the Dharma Realm was frozen, only the power was boiling, and he was still resisting the power of One Thought of Ice Sky.

But this is the second-level spiritual method of the Extreme Spirit, with the fourth-level control power to perform, even the Dharma Realm is difficult to resist. Yun Ye increased the output, the ice layer expanded, and the ice spikes penetrated the Dharma Realm body from the inside.


The overwhelming power poured into his body, and Yun Ye's physique was sublimated in all directions. No matter how many times he experienced this speed of strengthening, he felt it was outrageous.

Even if he killed enemies in the professional system, he couldn't grow so fast. Is this the battlefield of the double emperor? !

"The spiritual method is almost there..."

Yun Ye calculated the time accurately, killed in one direction, and killed all the blockers along the way. His strength was still increasing because of the fighting.

During this period, Yun Ye almost didn't use the ethereal method. It was too difficult to shuttle through this space. It required a huge amount of spiritual energy. Even if Yun Ye drained all the spiritual energy around him, it wouldn't work. At least he needed to be at the peak of the realm of law to convert a large amount of spiritual energy into mana.


An inexplicable roar sounded.

Yun Ye turned back suddenly, and saw a huge sun bursting in the distance, with an inestimable diameter. He felt that everything in front of him was occupied by light and heat. The terrifying energy spread, directly expanding the sea to form a huge hole.

A huge wave of ten thousand feet, just shot it!


Yun Ye was far enough away, but he still felt like a floating duckweed, too small.

"Zhang Guang! How dare you do this!!"

"To win, you should do whatever it takes."

"Good! Very good! I will decide the outcome with you today. I want you to live for the rest of your life for three hundred years... forever in hell!"

With the roar, a water sword emerged in the sky, and the terrifying aura swept across the eight wastelands, directly colliding with the terrible scorching sun.


The huge waves were all broken, and the unparalleled shock wave blew Yun Ye away.

With just this blow, Yun Ye's body felt severe pain, and cracks spread rapidly and continued to repair.

He was like this, not to mention the spiritual realm on the battlefield. Thousands of cultivators were swallowed by the sea water and shock waves, and died innocently.

This was a battle between peerless powers. Yun Ye's current body practiced the three methods that were too rubbish. He couldn't do the spiritual realm to defeat the mysterious realm, let alone the peerless world. Just the aftermath of the battle between the two would bury him.


Riding the shock wave, Yun Ye escaped and completely recovered his body.

After several failed exits, Yun Ye had almost figured out the situation. He activated the Wind Spirit Method and continued to speed up to leave this area.

A large number of Dharma Realm cultivators made the same decision as Yun Ye, which became the general trend. Therefore, the rules covering this world did not take effect!

Yun Ye once directly killed the outside world, but he did escape. However, when he finished escaping, the Daoqi rule that he could not escape from the battlefield took effect and directly wiped him out.

Later, he tried again, trying to wake up Tomorrow to resist, but the moment he was summoned, he flew into ashes and died faster than before.

When the Taoist tools of the two supreme emperors enveloped the world, awakening the new Taoist tools, the death was indeed not unjust, but a bit stupid...

Skimming the boundless sea, almost all areas are ordinary scenery.

It stretches as far as the eye can see, with no boundaries in sight.

It is also difficult to go deep into this ocean. If you dive a few tens of meters at most, you will feel unbearable pressure. If you continue to use all three methods, you will self-destruct.

During the escape process, Yun Ye was constantly attacked, and he gradually practiced all the techniques to perfection.

Finally, he stopped in a body of water and closed his eyes. With a thought, he sensed a certain existence...


Amidst the inexplicable noise, the scene in front of him suddenly changed, and it was suddenly replaced by a palace.

This palace is very majestic, it is a whole palace complex. Yun Ye walked in from the main entrance and opened the door of the main hall, and countless spiritual lights suddenly bloomed.

There are a large number of secret treasures and elixirs lined up here, and the endless spiritual light is intertwined. I feel like I am in heaven before I can actually get it.

"The Emperor's Secret Palace!"

One of the two emperors, the emperor's secret treasure palace. All those who have achieved merit can come to this palace to receive rewards.

There is almost everything here, including all the treasures in the world. Only the Lord of the Red Heaven Realm can collect such a terrifying number and such a complete variety of treasures in the world.

Yun Ye didn't waste time, spent all his achievements, got the spiritual method advancement materials, and left directly - although the time here is completely different from the outside world, about ten thousand days is equal to one day in the outside world, but the soul will be physically worn out, and the body will be worn out if you stay for a long time. Before death, the soul is already dead.

Last time, Yun Ye stayed here for a few years, trying to get stuck, but he almost finished the game when he exited the Heavenly Road. He used divine magic to recover from a mental breakdown at the cost of falling back a small level.

If he stays for ten, twenty or even a hundred years, he will eventually suffer a spiritual collapse that even gods may not be able to save.

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