The waterfall from the sky solidified, drawing an eternal river in the sky.

The curved half-moon hangs on the dome. If you can see through the sky, you can see the four broken pieces, showing the shape of falling. Spanning countless years, this old moon is still solidified here, becoming a wonder in this area.

Under the old moon is a floating place that also defies logic.

Buildings, mountains, swamps, lakes.

A large number of fragments fell here, solidified in this space and time, and have not moved at all for tens of millions of years.

Because there is an ocean that floats countless objects, it gradually got a clear name. ——The Sea of ​​Immortality.

This is a super forbidden area in the Red Sky Realm, which has existed since I don’t know when.

In this immutable sea, all movement of time and space has stopped, and everything entering it will gradually lose time and freeze.

There was even a Supreme Emperor who stepped into this forbidden land, never to return, and disappeared into this dead sea. This incident shocked the entire Red Heaven Realm, and was eventually determined to be a super forbidden land related to true immortals. Perhaps there had been a real The immortal power was trapped here, causing a strange situation in which the Emperor's City fell.

And in the deepest part of this world that has stopped turning, an ancient palace stands.

The three terrifying beings are either meditating, contemplating, or looking up at the sky.

Its figure is infinitely large, and it is difficult to see its full picture. It is so majestic that it seems to accommodate the entire world, even the heaven and earth are trampled under its feet.

It seems infinitely small, and seems to disappear from sight from time to time. It is so erratic that it is difficult to measure it with ordinary eyes.

Behind these three terrifying beings.

A young man crossed his hands and put them on his chest, floating like this. His long hair reached to his waist and spread out in all directions. He was inexplicably connected to the existence of the three statues, and it seemed that powerful power was being transmitted.

His eyes were closed steadily, sleeping peacefully, frozen with this piece of time and space.

"Tongming Qiong, you are watching, right?"

The young man opened his eyes, and an indescribably huge fragment of the future flashed through his eyes, orderly and natural.

He saw an endless future.

"The... historical fragment of Pilgrim? It's hard to believe, but if I don't save him, I will fail. With my current strength, I can't kill anyone."

"You can't leave here, you will be seen by them."

Tongmingqiong turned his sight slightly.

It fell on the three figures.

He couldn't let the efforts of these three people go in vain. No matter what, he would realize their long-cherished wish, no matter what the price!


An invisible part of the Sea of ​​Immortality collapsed, and the collapse of this part turned into power and was transmitted to the core battlefield of the Two Emperors.

This part is enough to get that person through the crisis, and everything will still develop according to the original plan.

The 160,000-year wait is coming to an end.

He absorbs the endless power of time from the Immortal Sea, grows one year old every ten thousand years, and reshapes his foundation every ten thousand years, reaching the extreme.

Now the future of the world is in his hands, and the perfect method suitable for him has been completely completed.

As long as the battle between the two emperors is over, the echo of the Taoist weapon will reach the limit of immortality.

It was time for him to be born.

He was born for this time and this moment.

The three supreme emperors sacrificed themselves to extend their lives, at the expense of downgrading the Tao code, in order to upgrade his innate future divine law.

Everything is just to see clearly the moment of immortality in this world, and no mistakes are allowed.

Yun Ye was extremely happy with the help of his natural magic. He took shortcuts and killed randomly, but there was no danger and he gained the maximum benefit.

He constantly enters the Emperor's Secret Palace to obtain knowledge and secret treasures, and then improves his strength.

The secret treasures are all for advanced cultivation, and the knowledge is all basic concepts. As long as it involves three days, don't use it if it may fail.

As a result, Yun Ye acquired many secret techniques that were completely unknown to Tomorrow Kingdom...

But it is a pity that most of the secret techniques are very common, and even the Emperor's Secret Palace cannot put its own inherited techniques on it.

Generally speaking, truly powerful methods are the spoils of war after the demise of various forces, and in order to maximize their value, they usually disappear after being redeemed by someone, so as to avoid the spread of knowledge and the decline in the effectiveness of the Heavenly Road.

In this case, the top inheritance may have been taken away long ago, and it is impossible to leave it to Yun Ye, a miscellaneous fish who has just advanced to the legal realm.

Yun Ye was also satisfied. Originally, his goal was to pass the 21st level of heaven, and knowledge was secondary.

About half a month later, the battle belonging to Yun Ye finally ended. He survived and passed the test.

White mist spreads.

Yun Ye saw Hong Tian again.

This time she wore a golden and red phoenix skirt and sat on the throne, looking more gorgeous than majestic.

Standing in the palace, Yun Ye couldn't help but show some confusion.

New scene?

"It's rare to understand the beginning and end of the battle between the two emperors."

After Hong Tian said these words, he also passed the final third will of heaven to Yun Ye.

A large number of historical fragments based on her burst out.

The three providences are united.

Yun Ye saw the past in extremely detail, from beginning to end, and therefore knew what the weapon of immortality was called.

"Tianmian Dao Tool!"

Gathering the prayers of countless generations of the human race, and arranging super rituals for the entire Red Sky Realm, this is the origin of Taoist tools.

The red sky corrects all phenomena of heaven and earth with three crowns.

For the first time, power descended from heaven and created the red hydrangea, a Taoist weapon. With this as the center, the destiny of the human race was gathered, and power was obtained that could rewrite everything.

The second time power descended from heaven, she used the Heavenly Crown Taoist Artifact to give herself invincible power, so she swept across the world, expelled ten thousand demons and four gods, and established a prosperous era for the human race.

The third time power descended from heaven, she created a heavenly road, gathered all human wisdom, and made human beings the eternal masters of the world. They should not be afraid even if the world gods return.

When the fourth echo reached enough to become an immortal, Hongtian chose to train fellow travelers.

Ten thousand years is too long.

Even the most powerful monks grow old and die.

Become an immortal but be able to preserve your own immortality forever, completely transcending this world...

Moreover, Hongtian knows very well that she is not strong. She believes that every immortal in the future will be stronger than her and more suitable to fight against the gods of the world.

If there is a second immortal, there will be a third and fourth. With the human race's response accumulation speed, it is much easier to become an immortal than to become a god.

Even if the world gods of the entire multiverse return, humans will not be afraid.


Hong Tian was indeed right about one thing.

That is, the subsequent immortals will indeed be stronger and more capable than her, so it is only the third true immortal, and Hongtian was defeated.

She was sealed forever by the blue sky and entered the heavenly road. Although she could not stop her from watching the world, she could not do anything but watch the passage of time, step by step towards the end of mankind.

The era of blue sky has arrived!

At this moment, Yun Ye finally understood what the Great Sacrifice was...

That is the return of the World God.

That's the devil's...


Human beings cannot defeat the true immortals no matter what, but the ancient protagonist is the supreme being of the demons who controls the rules, the World God.

They can.

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